Do you want to know how to smash through an income plateau in your business? That’s what we’re about to talk about, right now!

So I’m going to give you an analogy: imagine that you are an Olympic athlete and you know that you want to beat the world record. So what are going to do? Are you going to show up at the Olympic games and just run your hardest and hope for the best? 

No. You’re going to train, right? 

You’re going to train really hard and make sure that you have a huge, huge advantage so when you get there, because you’re ALREADY that world record holder. You are already the person who can totally master that time, not somebody who’s going to attempt it because it’s a stretch for them, no no no. Your physiology, your muscles, your aerobic system, your mind, everything will already be at that level

It has to be, because that’s how you get to show up and just do it. Whereas if you show up and you’re not ready, and you’re not mentally or physically ready to break that barrier then you won’t be able to achieve it.

So this is no different. You need to think about, “I need a big run up. I don’t want to get to an income plateau or income barrier and get out my pickaxe and start smashing away at it.” No, no, no, you want to have such a huge run up and so much power and already be a match to what’s on the other side of it that when you cross it, it’s no big deal. That’s what you want it to be like!





So we talk about smashing through barriers and all of that, but that’s not really how it works because you have to do the work in advance and prepare, and then you can effortlessly cross the barrier…. because the barrier isn’t there for you anymore.


When you translate that to doing the work in your business, vibrationally, practically, at the unconscious level – all those points on the Magnetic Money Trifecta that allow you to attract the money, keep the money, and help the money grow and multiply – you need to get all of that in place before you worry about crossing the income threshold that you’re perceiving, because there is no threshold, it’s just the limit of what you’re currently capable of. 

So you need to go into training, and not worry about the income threshold because that’ll take care of itself as long as you train and become a vibrational match to the version of you on the other side.

As soon as you clear all the unconscious blocks and limiting beliefs that are not a match to the YOU on the other side of it…. as soon as you get all your practical money systems and everything in place that is perfectly ready and a match to the you on the other side of that threshold…. 

And the moment you do that, that threshold disintegrates, dissolves, and disappears and you go, “Yeah okay, this is me,” and it’s no longer a big deal because it IS you and it’s a perfect natural match and it can be no other way.

So that is how you smash through an income plateau: you do the training, you make sure you are perfectly prepared and already that world record-holding athlete on the other side of that perceived plateau, and then there is no more plateau.

It’s about doing the training in advance, and getting a massive run-up so that you kind of leap over it and it’s fun and joyful and very second nature.

Now, if you’d like to get a few more pointers on helping you grow in abundance and attract more money, make sure you grab my free training, the link is in the description.

Until I see you next, keep on embracing your beautiful and totally unlimited potential.



Grab the free Manifesting Money Training here: