Let’s talk about how you can hit six figures in your business EVEN if you have money blocks.

Yep – that’s right 😊

Okay, money blocks, let’s talk about them because they’re annoying little things, aren’t they? 

But here’s the thing, everybody has them. EVERYBODY!  Even Oprah has money blocks. 

But there is one key thing that determines whether or not they’re going to stop you, whether or not they’re going to get in your way and that is entirely up to you. 

The thing that determines whether or not those money blocks will stop you and get in your way, is your FOCUS.

Is your block what you choose to focus on?. 






You have a choice. You can either notice these money blocks – which usually show up as old money stories, limiting beliefs, little voices of doubt, in the back of your mind. You can choose whether to pay them attention, whether to start seeking help and support and guidance with them and dig deeper and deeper and deeper into them –  or whether to go ‘Yep, thanks very much’, brush them off and absolutely focus on what it is you DO want.

You can choose and you can overpower them – basically just override them. 

Because you can do that. You can absolutely override your money blocks, by focusing all your attention, all your focus and all your power on what it is you DO want – on the outcome you ARE looking to achieve and you can keep looking for all the evidence and all the reasons why it CAN happen and why you’re the PERFECT person for the job because that evidence is also there.

So the problem with money blocks and why they stop most people is that they become really enamoured with them. They love to look at them and reminisce about where that came from and talk about all the different ways it’s held them back and tell ALL the stories.

There is a real emotional drama hook in that, and it’s human nature to be hooked into the drama.It’s very addictive.

And you know, even though it doesn’t serve you, it can still feel so comfortable and warm and satisfying. 

Telling the story, you know, telling how it happened because of this, and that, and this person and the economy at the time, and the divorce and the separation and the bankruptcy. And these are all the ‘reasons’. yes, but the thing is that’s also what keeps you stuck, because you’re focusing on the money block. 

So remember that you can choose to override it. 

It’s a matter of making sure that you utilise that most powerful force you have available to you – your focus.

It comes down to you and your determination, your persistence and your just doggedly refusing to go there. These powerful forces can help you override your money blocks. 

And you have Law of Attraction at your back as well, right? So as you focus on what is working, what is going well, on the evidence – you can see that things are working out, get excited about what’s going well, and how much people appreciate what it is you do for them. You build momentum, because Law of Attraction will grab a hold of that, and help you establish really strong, powerful, vibrational stability in that space.

And as you manage that, as you master that, you start to attract to you more and more things that match that.

And the more you do that, the more those old money blocks just seem like a big old lie that you suddenly have all this evidence to the contrary of.

The other thing that really helps you override your money blocks is consistent action.

So Number One:
Consistency of alignment…  of looking for the things that help you feel the way you feel when you’re winning.

And Number Two:
Consistent action in alignment with that.
Consistent action that demonstrates that you ARE expecting a positive outcome, that you DO expect it to work, that it IS going to work and that you’re NOT stopping until you figure it out!

So continually taking action, and doing all you possibly can to make sure your focus, your energy, your awareness is on what is working, what you do want and all the reasons why it can happen will automatically cancel and clear any money blocks that are not in alignment with that.

How cool is that?

So it’s up to you.
It’s up to you to have the determination and the focus, it’s up to you to create that shift.

And you can do it simply by getting up each day and saying, “I’m going to do the best I possibly can today.”

Now if you’d like a little bit more support with that, I do have a really great, entirely free resource for you that can help you more with this – you can grab it now from the link near this video.

So click that now, help yourself and until I see you next, keep on embracing your amazing and unlimited potential.


Grab the free 3 Steps to Manifesting a 6-Figure Income Training here: