FINALLY! An Easy Way to Manage Your Money
.... even if you have irregular income!!
Say Bye Bye To:
❌ micro-managing every dollar
❌ not having money for fun stuff
❌ feeling afraid of overspending
❌ shuffling money in circles
❌ feeling like you're missing out
❌ wishing you were further ahead
❌ worrying you're doing it wrong
And 'OMG, where have you been all my life???' to:
✅ a simple method for managing money - that only takes 5 minutes a week
✅ being able to spend on FUN stuff - knowing your goals are on track
✅ feeling RELAXED about bills - because they're paid on autopilot
✅ the CONFIDENCE of knowing you're doing the right thing with your money - and feeling excited about it!
✅ having total CLARITY on where the money should go - with no micro-management required
✅ irregular income not being an issue - because your system smooths it all out
✅ setting it all up in 8 easy steps
The 5min Magnetic Money® Management Bootcamp
Designed FOR Busy People By Busy People!
Bootcamp helps you set up your 5-min Magnetic Money® System in 8 easy steps so you can:
✔️discover an easier way to manage money - that only takes 5 minutes a week!
✔️ create financial stability & freedom - as your system runs on autopilot
✔️ relax, knowing your net worth is growing - even if your income fluctuates!
✔️ spend money on fun stuff - knowing it's all part of the plan
When You Take Great Care Of Your Money,
Your Money Can Start Taking Great Care Of YOU!

Grab Bootcamp
& Get Your Money Working For You!Normally US$197. HURRY!! Sale Won't Last.
Join us for a ‘virtual live‘ experience.
This allows you to move through the workshops at your own pace, while still benefiting from the energy, input & questions of other participants.
Get everything set up as you follow along in simple, actionable steps.
With Lifetime Access you can review & revisit anytime.
PLUS, you’ll be invited to join periodic LIVE refresher & coaching calls for FREE!
The Magnetic Money® Management System is a tool that will continue to serve you through all stages of life.
As your wealth starts to grow, you’ll continue to use it to set & reach the next goal – and the next – and the next.

Grab Bootcamp
And Get Your Money Working For YouNormally US$197! Hurry!! Sale Won't Last.
This Bootcamp will guide you through the easy 8-step process and show you how to set up your own personalised Magnetic Money® Management System – tailored to YOUR unique goals & situation.
Grow in money confidence, create financial security & enjoy life along the way!
Best of all – with the Magnetic Money® Management System, it only takes 5 minutes a week to organise your finances!
You'll be guided through an easy 8-step process:
On-demand workshops walk you through each step
Customize your money system to YOUR unique needs & goals.
Bonus #1: Live FAQ Call Recording - answering your most common questions
Bonus #2: Income Distribution Tutorial - so you can run this system in just 5 minutes a week
You'll Also Get:
Lifetime access via our member portal - take your time & review as you need
Join LIVE training & refresher calls - at no extra charge!
Grab Bootcamp
And Get Your Money Working For YOuNormally US$197! Hurry!! Sale Won't Last.
Case Study 1
Alexis is a Mindset Coach who helps her clients explode in their businesses, but money & budgets always scared her.
She'd have massive income months - but nothing to show for it. And worse... end up with just a few dollars in the bank, literally worrying how to feed her daughter.
But when she started to understand how to organize her money, giving every dollar a job to do and systematically work towards her money goals - everything changed!
The way she felt about money shifted. She started having actual savings, watched her debts reduce before her eyes and best of all - she started attracting even MORE income into her business, making more in 1 month than the entire year before!!
Alexis’ story is a perfect example of the difference clarity and money confidence makes in shifting your money mindset & opening you up so you can receive even more.

Alexis Says
"I just made $75,000 IN SALES IN A MONTH – that’s more than I made all last year!
Money has always scared me & budgets have always scared me – but this program has helped me ENJOY my money.
The best part was having the support & guidance and being in a group with other people who are going through the same challenges. Miriam is amazing & super supportive.
Screwing it up was one of my biggest fears – but it’s EASY. Everything is handed to you.
If I can follow this system, anyone can. So just do it & dive in!"
- Alexis Jane


M - Map It Out
Let's get your banking sorted and create the right INFRASTRUCTURE so your money can flow & grow.
A - Adjust Course
It's time to plug the leaks so ALL your money is working for you.
G - Get Clear
There's no better feeling than knowing exactly WHAT you're working to achieve & HOW you'll get there.
N - New Target
It's time to program your new destination into your financial autopilot.
E - Make it EASY
Time to automate and press GO on that autopilot. Managing all your money will only take 5 minutes a week.
T - Track
Forget about tracking expenses. You will only be tracking PROGRESS!
I - Iterate
Each time you reach a milestone, it's 'rinse & repeat' as you punch the next destination into your autopilot.
C - Celebrate!!
Celebrating each milestone is the fun part & an important step in the Magnetic Money® Management System!
How will you celebrate your first big milestone?
Inside Bootcamp

Invitations to FREE live training & refresher calls, giving you access to personalized coaching & guidance!
Your money SORTED in 8 easy steps:
On-demand workshops walk you through each step
Your money system adapts to YOUR unique needs & goals.
Bonus #1: Live FAQ Call Recording - answering your most common questions
Bonus #2: Income Distribution Tutorial - so you can run this system in just 5 minutes a week
You'll also enjoy:
Lifetime access via our member portal - take your time & review as you need
Join LIVE training & refresher calls - at no extra charge!
Grab Bootcamp
And Get Your Money Working For YouCase Study 2
Anna helps people understand people & create better relationships - but her relationship with money was not a fun one.
She had a lack of mentality with no trust & confidence there would ever be enough.
She also believed she wasn't savvy with money.
But being given the tools to organize her money allowed her to feel empowered & in control of her finances.
One of the outcomes Anna treasures most is the connection she now has with her husband around money.
They’re now able to have comfortable, confident conversations about money - whereas before they'd find themselves at loggerheads.
Finding out what the actual gap in their finances was allowed them to quickly close that gap and have calm, open discussions about money.

What Anna Says
Life has really shifted for both myself and my family.
Both my husband and I carried quite a big lack mentality.
And that has really changed for us, meaning that we are becoming more abundant and we're enjoying life so much more.
We're not worrying about money, where it's coming from, how it's coming in, and we have that sense of control.”
What I love most about the Magnetic Money™ System is that it’s really simple and effective - and it works!
- Anna Mason
Grab Bootcamp
And Get Your Money Working For YouHi, I’m Miriam Castilla,
Creator of the Magnetic Money® Management System.
Once upon a time, I was a broke, single mum with 2 kids under 5.
I barely had enough to cover the rent - so life was pretty stressful.
Out of sheer necessity, I learnt how to make every dollar count.
Then I started my own business - in finance of all things! (yes, the irony...)
I created a beautiful 6-figure business & my money system continued to evolve.
It has allowed me to create a life of FREEDOM & CHOICES.
The freedom to travel 4 months a year.
And the option to step away from my business when my partner faced a health crisis.
Because my money management system helped me create financial STABILITY.
Sadly, most people have NO IDEA how to manage their everyday finances matter their income!
(I quickly came to realise that whilst running my finance business)
Know why ???
Because nobody showed us HOW!
No wonder there's so much silent money shame and everyone's trying to put on a brave face.
When we start our own business, it becomes even MORE challenging.
Because if you're not sure how to manage a regular paycheck, how the HECK are you supposed to manage irregular income from a business?
Life becomes a weekly juggle, with money flying all over the place between accounts, and you're just trying to stay on top of of it all.
My mission is simple:
To demystify money and help people feel empowered & in control of their finances so they can enjoy a healthy relationship with money - and create the life they’ve been dreaming of.
The Magnetic Money® Management System is designed to take you there!
It gives you the tools & the know-how to take control of your finances.
It allows you to take control your financial destiny.
And it gives you back your dignity and confidence!
I first created this system for myself.
Over the past 15 years, I've built 2x multiple 6-figure businesses and helped 100s of people from all walks of life sort out their finances.
Over that time, the system has been revised & refined to a super, simple and highly effective process ANYONE can implement!
And I personally STILL use it - in fact, I'd be lost without it!
Because the Magnetic Money® Management System grows with you!
This is NOT just a 1-size-fits-all app or software.
It's a PROCESS & a PHILOSOPHY you can tailor to YOUR unique goals & situation.
It’s SIMPLE to implement - EASY to understand - and it helps you manage your money in just 5 MINUTES A WEEK!
See why people love it so much? 😊
Ready to sort your finances so you can create wealth & financial stability?
join the Magnetic Money® MANAGEMENT Bootcamp today: