Meet our Certified Coaches:
Meet our Certified Coaches:
Our certified coaches are highly trained professionals who can:
– support you with the implementation of a personalised & easy to use money system
– give you ongoing accountability & support as you establish your new money habits
– suggest creative solutions to suit your unique situation, goals and needs
Most importantly, they’re dedicated to helping you achieve your financial goals & enjoy financial peace of mind
- support you with the implementation of a personalised & easy to use money system
- give you ongoing accountability & support as you establish your new money habits
- suggest creative solutions to suit your unique situation, goals and needs
Most importantly, they’re dedicated to helping you achieve your financial goals & enjoy financial peace of mind
(click to go straight to profile)
Jennifer Lang

Hi, I’m Jen!
I’m a Certified Magnetic Money® Coach based in Canada. I help people tune into and align with their inside voice so their outside voice can shine.
What does that mean?
It means I’m a gifted intuitive, healer, singer, and voice coach
with a strong grasp of the practical AND magical (energetic) challenges many people have around money.
It means I know the Magnetic Money program, tools, and trainings in detail, and I’m certified to support you with your questions about setting up your money system and managing your planner with all the exciting ups and downs that life has for you.
When your outside voice is stating that you want to earn X amount each month and your inside voice kind of crinkles inside at that declaration, it means that I can support you with the energetic (Akashic Records, ancestral patterns, etc) pieces around that, too.
I became a Magnetic Money® Coach because I truly believe that when we are supported in addressing our deepest fears, wounds, and ‘stuff’ around money, we come out stronger, wealthier, and more inspired (inspiring) than we ever thought possible.
If you want to find out more about how we can work together within the Magnetic Money Program, I’m inviting you to a free 30-Minute Curiosity Call.
Find a time here and let’s get to know each-other and see how I can support you with your Magnetic Money® Journey!
If you want to find out more about me and how I work, please visit me at https://jenlang.com/
Feel free to follow me or check out my content on these platforms:

Anna Mason

Hi, I’m Anna,
I’m a Certified Magnetic Money® and Clarity Coach.
I work with coaches and natural health practitioners, helping them move beyond the shame and guilt of not being satisfied with where their life is at to uncover what’s missing, what it is they really want and then help them make it happen.
I support my clients on their personal and professional development journeys by combining practical knowledge, tools and practices with mindset strategies and a dash of magic.
I am deeply passionate about empowering people to develop financial confidence and independence through supportive education so they can enjoy financial wellbeing.
With over 10 years’ experience as a coach, I’ve supported hundreds of people to gain clarity and live deeply satisfying and joyful lives.
When it came to becoming a Magnetic Money® Coach, the only answer could be yes!
I want to empower people not matter who they are or what their situation to experience financial independence. Being able to provide people with the knowledge and simple tools to manage their money so they can start to take control and enjoy financial wellbeing.
My desire to empower others through financial independence developed because:
- I’ve first hand experienced the relief the hope that comes from having your money sorted – no matter how much you do or don’t have . And I really want others to experience that too.
- For 9 out of 10 of my clients, money mindset challenges come up, no matter how successful they are! I want to be able to support them to work through this in a deeper way.
- Having worked in a bank, I saw people struggle daily with managing their money – even when they had plenty. I could understand their frustration and pain, and although I wanted to, at the time, I couldn’t do anything about it.
- The sheer number of people who say “no one showed me how to manage my money….”
I want to help change that!
How to work with me? Just reach out.
You can shoot me a DM on Insta @annamason_claritycoach or visit my website. Here are my links:

Jackie Lawson

Hi, I’m Jackie!
I am a happy grandmother of 3 who is known as Eema. I am very grateful to live in a beautiful part of Canada and love taking and sharing pictures of my wanderings, it is just one of my Happy Habits.
It has taken me some time to live a full life on my journey.
Now I find joy in helping others find the way to their purpose, passion, and fulfillment.
Sometimes, life hands us a twist that changes our way of being forever. Finding a new way can be a challenge, but, I prefer to look at it as a new journey or adventure.
Keeping a positive attitude (or at least trying to) could be your saving grace.
I recognize that some of you may be thinking that this mindset is harder to achieve than said.
At times, I would agree it absolutely is. Those are exactly the memories, moments, and situations that you should stay away from as they might have consumed your thoughts all too easily in the past.
I will be sharing information I find along the way that includes tricks and tips to gain and maintain a positive attitude. Learning to be kind to yourself and being grateful for the joys you have will almost always make you smile and are a nice way to start your joyful journey.
My life growing up was rich with fun experiences, travel, trauma, recovery, and resilience. It was not expected that my young adult life would repeat all of these things, but during that journey, I identified that my saving grace was the ability to remain positive. Over the last 4 decades, my history, perspective and uncanny knack for hearing between the lines opened the door to help others navigate their way, as the find joy and a positive mindset.
I’m a multi-passionate entrepreneur working with Emotional Intelligence and Idea Architecture. Combining my love of listening and space-holding, I assist clients as they feel their way toward the solution they seek. I have listened while clients speak about concerns, overwhelm, and lack of direction. My experience as an emotional intelligence advocate and Wisdomprenuer lets me hear your thoughts, provide ideas and potential direction to consider, and align with this newfound wisdom.
Becoming a Magnetic Money® Certified Coach put me in the position of sharing this amazing system with others while helping them along their journey.
I was that person who buried my head and hoped my money problems would just go away. Through the Magnetic Money® Club, Miriam’s guidance, and the support of the amazing community I have unearthed myself. I face limiting beliefs and recognize getting sorted comes and goes! Now, I systematically receive bills knowing I can handle them and not live in fear or reality of never having enough.
I have enough, I am enough and life is joyful!

Karen Conlon

Hi, I’m Karen!
I’m a Certified Magnetic Money® Coach, the founder & director of SumTotal Accounting & Business and a Certified Practising Accountant.
I’m based in Adelaide, South Australia.
My mission is to connect with my clients and inspire them towards prosperity.
I do this by utilising my Accounting skills and knowledge attained with more than 30 years in the industry and working with many different client models.
Money is a simply a resource to be managed.
At the end of the day you choose what to do with the resources you have available to you, whether they be large or small.
When people want to start a business, I tell them to be confident, not sweat the small stuff and remember that it does not need to be perfect.
Just get going!