“OMG – she’s gone mad!”


Get SELF-STUDY Access & Watch The Abundance Flow!

Magnetic Money Club Logo 4

✅ Attract Effortlessly
✅ Rewire Your Mindset to ‘Wealth’
✅ Get Your Money Working For You


It’s time to EVOLVE into most abundant version of you.

The one who:

– effortlessly attracts wealth & abundance 

– stands in their power, with unshakeable faith in themselves & their business

– and doesn’t even THINK about money

Magnetic Money® is the system that takes you there!

We marry the magical with the practical – and add in a secret sprinkle of Hypnosis – to completely shift your relationship with money and revolutionise your finances.

And with the exclusive VIP Waitlist ONLY SELF STUDY OFFERyou can now get started for just a tiny fraction of the usual investment!


You have to be on the VIP Waitlist to get access, because:



So join the waitlist now!

When doors open, you’ll get access to all of this:

ACCESS to Magnetic Money® for


than the standard investment

Plus: over US$500 worth of bonuses



Simply register in the FIRST HOUR

of doors opening and you’ll also get 

a BONUS 30min 1:1 Strategy Session!


This exclusive offer is not available anywhere else!

Only the VIP Waitlist will get the link when doors open.

So register now:

Magnetic Money Club Logo 4

✅ Attract Effortlessly
✅ Rewire Your Mindset to ‘Wealth’
✅ Get Your Money Working For You


It’s time to EVOLVE into most abundant version of you.

The one who:

– effortlessly attracts wealth & abundance 

– stands in their power, with unshakeable faith in themselves & their business

– and doesn’t even THINK about money


Magnetic Money® is the system that takes you there!

We marry the magical with the practical – and add in a secret sprinkle of Hypnosis – to completely shift your relationship with money and revolutionise your finances.

And with the exclusive VIP Waitlist ONLY SELF STUDY OFFERyou can get started for just a tiny fraction of the usual investment!


You have to be on the VIP Waitlist to get access, because:



So join the waitlist now!

When doors open, you’ll get access to all of this:


ACCESS to Magnetic Money® for


than the standard investment

Plus: over US$500 worth of bonuses 



Simply register in the FIRST HOUR

of doors opening and you’ll also get 

a BONUS 30min 1:1 Strategy Session!


This exclusive offer is not available anywhere else!

Only the VIP Waitlist will get the link when doors open.

So register now:

Magnetic Money Club Logo 4

✅ Attract Effortlessly
✅ Rewire Your Mindset to ‘Wealth’
✅ Get Your Money Working For You


It’s time to EVOLVE into most abundant version of you.

The one who:

– effortlessly attracts wealth & abundance 

– stands in their power, with unshakeable faith in themselves & their business

– and doesn’t even THINK about money

Magnetic Money® is the system that takes you there!

We marry the magical with the practical – and add in a secret sprinkle of Hypnosis – to completely shift your relationship with money and revolutionise your finances.

And with the exclusive VIP Waitlist ONLY SELF STUDY OFFER, you can now get started for just a tiny fraction of the usual investment!


You have to be on the VIP Waitlist to get access, because:



So join the waitlist now!

When doors open, you’ll get access to all of this: 


ACCESS to Magnetic Money® for


than the standard investment


Plus: over US$500 worth of bonuses  




Simply register in the FIRST HOUR

of doors opening and you’ll also get 

a BONUS 30min 1:1 Strategy Session!


This exclusive offer is not available anywhere else!

Only the VIP Waitlist will get the link when doors open.

So register now:

Raving testimonial about the transfomrationapowet of Magnetic Money by ViknesVari
Raving Testimonial about Magnetic Money by Caroline Power

Discover a HOLISTIC approach to money that helps you:

🎯 ATTRACT more money

🎯 KEEP more money


You will:

📌 Tap into the Science behind LAW OF ATTRACTION to become more MAGNETIC to money & abundance as you fully step into your power!

📌 Use HYPNOSIS to REWIRE your brain FASTER so you can release old fears & patterns and create a deep sense of security.

📌 Learn simple, PRACTICAL MONEY SKILLS and a SYSTEM that gives you the CONFIDENCE to build wealth & achieve your goals and dreams.

If nobody ever taught you how to MANAGE your money, how are you supposed to build WEALTH & financial SECURITY?

Sadly, most 6 and 7 figure business owners STILL feel like they’re winging it!

Because once you’re making the money, you feel even MORE pressure that you should ‘know’ what to do.

This silent money shame is REAL! 

It also takes major MINDSET UPGRADES to uplevel your business (especially if you’re a woman)!

Because we often wonder:

  • Will I have to work harder & lose my freedom?
  • Will my family miss out?
  • What about friends & relationships?
  • Will I have to give up the FUN parts of my business in order to grow?
  • Do I REALLY want the hassle of more to manage?

Stepping up takes GUTS – but it doesn’t have to be lonely … and it doesn’t have to be hard!

All it takes is the DESIRE to create something meaningful. And you already have that.

Magnetic Money® gives you access to powerful tools, including CUSTOM SELF HYPNOSIS AUDIOS that you won’t find anywhere else.

We help you:

–  uplevel your money mindset so it becomes EASY to achieve your goals.

– learn to align with abundance so you can be open to receiving MORE.

– get a simple but potent MONEY SYSTEM in place so your money really starts to work for you.

And all this helps you create a a truly RICH LIFE of options, choices & FREEDOM.

testimonial stating how this program really took away the stress around money

relationship with money:

💰Enjoying CONSISTENT CASHFLOW and getting OFF that income rollercoaster!

💰Being able to say a joyful ‘YES!!’ to what you want – rather than running every decision through the “Oh jeez, how are we going to afford that??” filter.

💰 Knowing you can RELY on your income and COMMIT to things you want (a new home, a beach house, travel, etc)

💰 Earning what you KNOW you’re worth & sticking to your BOUNDARIES, rather than over-working & under-earning.

💰 Celebrating those BIG INCOME MONTHS you’ve been working towards.

💰 Having positive, productive and inspiring MONEY CONVERSATIONS with your partner.

💰 Watching your WEALTH increase and still having plenty of FUN  MONEY to spend – guilt-free!

💰Enjoying PEACE OF MIND & financial security.

💰Having a deep KNOWING that there will always be MORE than enough.

💰 Feeling proudly in CONTROL of your finances as you CONFIDENTLY take care of your money.

💰 Having a wonderful RELATIONSHIP with money, healing old wounds & shifting old habits

Limited Time SELF STUDY Offer!

Get access to this life-changing program at just a tiny fraction of the regular price!


Then keep a close eye on your emails because this amazing offer will be available for less than 48 hours!

You will get:

✅ Instant Lifetime* Access to all 10 Training Modules

✅ Step by Step Tutorials & the Magnetic Money® Planner


    🎯 Disable Negative Thinking

    🎯 Become Immune to Negative People



Get the workshop library – FREE!

 Includes these practical workshops:

✅ Magnetic Pricing Secrets

✅ Creating Wealth with Irregular Income

✅ Diagnose Money Blocks

✅ Flip Negative Thinking

✅ 3 Steps for Managing Irregular Income 

  …. and more!!!


ACCESS to Magnetic Money® for


than the standard investment 

Plus: over US$500 worth of bonuses 



Simply register in the FIRST HOUR

of doors opening and you’ll also get 

a BONUS 30min 1:1 Strategy Session!


Over US$3,000 worth of value

Plus, the chance to get FREE live coaching!

All for just $297
(+GST in Australia)

There’s even an instalment plan available!!!



You’re a business owners not hitting the big financial goals you KNOW you’re capable of.

And you’ve clued on to the fact that it mostly has to do with what’s something going on up here* 

(*dramatically points at head)

you’ve tried it all – reciting affirmations, making vision board & writing out your goals 

… EFT tapped like a woodpecker on crack and you’ve healed your inner child

… tried every marketing strategy imaginable – and made up some new ones

… and worked really hard and really LOOOONG hours

… and you’ve tried every budgeting app and system out there …

… because you want to be smart with your money & grow your wealth BUT

…. between irregular income and unexpected expenses you just can’t seem to make any of them work!!

It all just feels TOO HARD & CONFUSING and you’ve secretly started worrying that maybe you’re not destined to succeed after all 😞


Because the truth is that uncovering and DISMANTLING money blocks and RE-WIRING your mind for abundance is so much EASIER than you think!

Because what if I told you that EVEN WITH IRREGULAR INCOME, you CAN take control of your money with a simple money system that really works (one you actually understand and that only takes 5 minutes a week!)

What if you could start to feel confident & PROUD of your finances? And create the WEALTH you desire!

… even if you think you’re ‘not good with money’ ?

What if I told you that the secret to finally getting it right is to COMBINE Science, Spirituality and Practical Money Management??

What if there are easy tools which incorporate ALL of the above as well as a secret sprinkle of HYPNOSIS to fast-track your progress and create lasting results?

And what if I told you this works even for people who have been to every seminar, read every book & tried everything else?!

This is the Magic of 

“Magnetic Money Code”


that is totally UNIQUE & highly EFFECTIVE.

It’s the KEY to creating an ECO-SYSTEM where you

HEAL and TRANSFORM your relationship with money.

It’s time to to create that ABUNDANT LIFE you’ve been dreaming of – where your business is making a MEANINGFUL IMPACT and you achieve FINANCIAL FREEDOM & SECURITY for yourself & your family.

This is the Magic of 

“Magnetic Money Code”


that’s totally UNIQUE & highly EFFECTIVE.

It’s the KEY to creating an ECO-SYSTEM where you

HEAL and TRANSFORM your relationship with money.

It’s time to to create that ABUNDANT LIFE you’ve been dreaming of – where your business is making a MEANINGFUL IMPACT and you achieve FINANCIAL FREEDOM & SECURITY for yourself & your family.

This is the Magic of 

“Magnetic Money Code”


It’s totally UNIQUE & highly EFFECTIVE.

It’s the KEY to creating an ECO-SYSTEM where you

HEAL and TRANSFORM your relationship with money.

It’s time to to create that ABUNDANT LIFE you’ve been dreaming of – where your business is making a MEANINGFUL IMPACT and you achieve FINANCIAL FREEDOM & SECURITY for yourself & your family.

Magnetic Money Code


Align with the vibration of abundance and engage Law of Attraction so you EXPAND your capacity to RECEIVE a more consistent FLOW of money.


Rewire your Unconscious Mind so you can start to HOLD ONTO more money, rather than pushing it away or sabotaging your results.


Get your money making money babies, by learning how to become a great custodian of your money & giving every dollar a job to do so your wealth grows and multiplies.

Limited Time SELF STUDY Offer!

Get access to this life-changing program at just a tiny fraction of the regular price!


Then keep a close eye on your emails because this amazing offer will be available for less than 48 hours!

You will get:

✅ Instant Lifetime* Access to all 10 Training Modules

✅ Step by Step Tutorials & the Magnetic Money® Planner


🎯 Disable Negative Thinking

    🎯 Become Immune to Negative People



Get the workshop library – FREE!

Includes these practical workshops:

✅ Magnetic Pricing Secrets

✅ Creating Wealth with Irregular Income

✅ Diagnose Money Blocks

✅ Flip Negative Thinking

✅ 3 Steps for Managing Irregular Income 

  …. and more!!!


ACCESS to Magnetic Money® for


than the standard investment 


Plus: over US$500 worth of bonuses  



Simply register in the FIRST HOUR

of doors opening and you’ll also get 

a BONUS 30min 1:1 Strategy Session!


Over US$3,000 worth of value

Plus, the chance to get FREE live coaching!

All for just $297
(+GST in Australia)

There’s even an instalment plan available!!!


“I’m making 10x more money and having $10,000 weeks!”

Magnetic Money has been  REVOLUTIONARY for me! It has transformed my relationship with money, helped me release my money shame and shift my biggest limiting beliefs.

I’m making 10x more money and even having $10,000 WEEKS – AND I’m still only working PART-TIME! 

Money is just not an issue anymore. And that certainty of knowing there’s always enough money is life changing.

Tori Crewes
Business Strategist & High End Sales Specialist

“From $2,000 months to $10,000 days!”

If you want to manifest the business and life of your dreams, you NEED to learn what’s inside Magnetic Money. 

Magnetic Money finally helped me move beyond my past blocks and helped me to finally COMMIT to building the crucial mindset to be able to make this kind of money… and make it LAST!

Orit Krug
Dance/Movement Therapist

If they can do it, so can YOU!

Your Life Before “Magnetic Money”

X  You feel embarrassed by your financial situation – especially when everyone else seems to think you have plenty of money

X  There is a constant flurry of worried thoughts about money swirling through your head – “where is that money going to come from / how are we going to afford that / what if this all falls apart?”

X  You keep bumping up against the same income ceiling even though you know you are capable of earning so much more

X  You always feel the need to offer discounts and freebies because you feel bad charging your full rates

X  Money seems to slip through your fingers and disappear as quickly as it arrives

X  You avoid looking at your numbers because you know you’re not going to like what you see

X  You want a practical money management system you will actually use – but you don’t know where to start

Your Life After “Magnetic Money”

  Money doesn’t even feel like an issue anymore

  You feel totally secure and certain that you will always have more than enough

  When you think about money, you’re filled with a sense of excitement, joy and infinite potential rather than fear and dread

  You stop suffering ‘upper limit syndrome’ and find that growing your business feels light & fun

  You powerfully claim the value of your work and charge accordingly, without hesitation

  You’ve become a smart steward of your money and have a financial plan in place to reduce your debt, grow your savings and still have plenty left over for all the fun stuff

  Money feels easy and fun and you love discovering new and exciting ways to create more of it

  You have a simple money system in place that you understand & actually implement & use making you feel confident and in control of your finances

Magnetic Money leads you through


to help you create a richer life,

growing your income, your self-belief AND your net worth!

Module 1 – AWAKENING

You can’t change what you can’t see!
These simple practices will lay a strong foundation to make your transformation so much easier…. and ensure you continue to grow & expand! 


Learn to align with the vibration of abundance and how to stabilise that connection so it lasts long after you get up from your meditation pillow. You’ll start to hone that sense of inner knowing, trust and certainty.

Module 3 – MONEY FLOW

Time to focus on tuning to the specific vibration of money so you attract more moolah with ease & grace. You’ll learn to recognise when your vibration is right on target, and how to quickly get back on track when it’s not!


Your unconscious mind is a powerful tool. In this module, we program it to stop pushing abundance away and open you up to receiving instead. 


Once you understand how to attract more money, we can add some rocket fuel. The Quantum Visualisation for Accelerated Manifesting™ moves you beyond being magnetic to money & abundance – to EMBODYING it.


In this module, we combine a deeper understanding of your Money Habit Archetype with the power of the Hypnotic Story Process™ to release your old money stories and ditch your limiting beliefs.


Once we’ve cleared those out-dated money stories and blocks, it’s time to set sail for your new destination and set the wheels in motion with inspired action. 


With more money beginning to flow, it’s time for some practical magic to ensure it’s well taken care of. In this module, you will start putting together your Magnetic Money Planner so your money can help you live the life you want.


Let’s get clear on exactly what your ideal financial situation looks like  – and program your money system to take you there. Tutorials and handy calculators will help you set up your debt elimination & wealth creation plan in system.

Module 10 – SAIL INTO THE SUNSET – on Autopilot!

Ultimate freedom comes not just from managing your money, but from GROWING YOUR WEALTH! In this module, you’ll set your wealth creation system on autopilot so that you only need to show up for a quick 5 minutes check-in each week – freeing up to grow your business and enjoy your life!

PLUS: get these 2 handy bonus modules

Bonus Module 1:

 Disable Your Negative Thinking

Even the best money practices can be derailed by those rogue negative thoughts that niggle away in the back of your mind. Learn the simple, yet powerful tools and tricks to disable negative thinking quickly and easily before those thoughts take hold and throw you off course. 

Valued at $197

Bonus Module 2:

 Get Immune to Negative People

It’s really hard when you’re trying to hold a high vibration, but the people around you seem determined to bring you down. Learn my tips and tricks to not just manage those people so their negativity no longer affects you, but how to actually turn those very people into some of your biggest assets for accelerating your manifesting journey.

Valued at $197


PLUS: you’ll get these 2 handy bonus modules

Bonus Module 1

 Disable Your Negative Thinking

Even the best money practices can be derailed by rogue negative thoughts, niggling away in the back of your mind. Learn simple, yet powerful tools and tricks to disable negative that thinking quickly and easily – before those thoughts can take hold and throw you off course! 

Valued at $197

Bonus Module 2

 Get Immune to Negative People

It’s challenging to hold a high vibration when negative people seem determined to bring you down. Learn handy & powerful tips and tricks that not only negates their influence, but also turns them into assets for accelerating your manifesting journey.  

Valued at $197

Limited Time SELF STUDY Offer!

Get access to this life-changing program at just a tiny fraction of the regular price!


Then keep a close eye on your emails because this amazing offer will be available for less than 48 hours!

You will get:

✅ Instant Lifetime* Access to all 10 Training Modules

✅ Step by Step Tutorials & the Magnetic Money® Planner


    🎯 Disable Negative Thinking

    🎯 Become Immune to Negative People



Get the workshop library – FREE!

Includes these practical workshops:

✅ Magnetic Pricing Secrets

✅ Creating Wealth with Irregular Income

✅ Diagnose Money Blocks

✅ Flip Negative Thinking

✅ 3 Steps for Managing Irregular Income 

  …. and more!!!


ACCESS to Magnetic Money® for


than the standard investment 


Plus: over US$500 worth of bonuses  



Simply register in the FIRST HOUR

of doors opening and you’ll also get 

a BONUS 30min 1:1 Strategy Session!


Over US$3,000 worth of value

Plus, the chance to get FREE live coaching!

All for just $297
(+GST in Australia)

There’s even an instalment plan available!!!


Close up business profile image of Natasha Corbin, Business Coach. Natasha is wearing large oval earrings & leaning in to the frame with a smile

“One of the best money courses I have ever done… and I’ve done a LOT!”

I have a new zero for my income and I don’t ever drop below that now – it’s just up and up and up..

Miriam provides a super supportive, highly engaged Facebook community and I really love the support that comes with this course.
I really do think that Magnetic Money is one of the best money courses I have ever done and I highly recommend it!

Tash Corbin
Online Business & Marketing Coach

“From wanting to give up to $10,000 weeks!”

No matter what I did, my bank balance just wasn’t matching the work I was putting in. It was soul-destroying and I was mentally exhausted.

Magnetic Money has been the best program I have ever invested in. All of a sudden, everything started to flow. I made $12,500 worth of bookings in 2 weeks. I got a speaking gig, an investor wanted me on her A-Team and huge projects started coming in! It was everything that I had dreamt of!

I’ve just hit a $10,000 week again and I’ve got a waiting list… it’s amazing!

Shonah Belvedere
Interior Designer, Stylist & Renovating Consultant

“From being down to my last $500 to CONSISTENT $6,000 months and all debts paid off!”

I was unbelievably surprised at how quickly things turned around and I kid you not, the next month in my business I had a $6,000 income month. And then each month after that I was consistently hitting $6,000.

Within 4 months all my debts were paid off. I really wish I’d done Magnetic Money earlier. It’s a really effective and fun way to change your whole money situation.

If you want to be a money magnet, you’ve GOT to work with Miriam!

Anna Siebert
Resilience, Stress & Wellbeing Educator

“$20,000 Scholarship, $3,000 in the bank plus $500 cash in my hand!”

Magnetic Money is an amazing investment. I’ve run several very successful businesses and I thought I had the money situation under control. But I noticed strange things were happening – any time money would come in, it felt like it would just disappear again.

Since I started Magnetic Money, I’ve manifested a $20,000 scholarship, $3000 just appeared in my bank account and I received $500 cash in my hand.

This program has been absolutely amazing on every level.

Sharlene Lynch
Business Mindset Coach

Alexis Jane Testimonial Pic

I just made $75,000 IN SALES IN A MONTH – that’s more than I made all last year!

Money has always scared me & budgets have always scared me – but this program has helped me ENJOY my money.

The best part was having the support & guidance and being in a group with other people who are going through the same challenges. Miriam is amazing & super supportive.

Screwing it up was one of my biggest fears – but it’s EASY. Everything is handed to you.

If I can follow this system, anyone can. So just do it & dive in!

Alexis Jane
Mindset Coach

Alexis Jane Testimonial Pic

Is “Magnetic Money” right for you?

“Magnetic Money” is right for you if...

 You’re ready to create a consistent flow of money into your life that keeps on growing

 You are spiritually minded, yet practically focused

 You’re ready to ditch your old money stories and create a loving, trusting and abundant relationship with money instead

 You want to be smart with your money and learn practical money management strategies so that you can make your dollars multiply!

You want tools that help you to grow as a person so you get results that last

“Magnetic Money” is NOT right for you if...

X  You’re looking for a “get rich quick” scheme that doesn’t require any effort

X You’re not open to leveraging the power of the Universe or hypnosis to help manifest the money you desire

X  You think there’s nothing to ‘fix’ about your money patterns

X You feel like putting a financial plan in place would just be a waste of time since it’s probably never going to happen anyway

X You have an “I know this already” mentality that prevents you from exploring how you could do things differently

Magnetic money testimonial image Judi Cranston

“Huge shifts and I haven’t even finished the program yet!”

Since doing Magnetic Money, I’ve experienced huge shifts in my money consciousness and how I look after my money. I’ve been able to detach from all the fears I used to feel when it came to dealing with money which has been really massive for me.

AND we just invoiced over $50,00 last month!


Magnetic Money is amazing and has definitely made big changes in my life.

Judi Cranston
Early Childhood Music Educator & Trainer

Magnetic Money testimonial image Emma Nally

“I’ve tripled my business!”

I’ve never done a program that’s been able to get so deep. It’s really become a way of life for me and it’s been profound.

I’ve been able to triple my business in the last year and I cannot recommend Magnetic Money highly enough.

Do yourself a favour and join…

It’s amazing!

Emma Nally
Graphic Designer & Photographer

Hi, I’m Miriam Castilla – Creator of Magnetic Money®


A Manifesting Mentor and Infinite Possibilities Trainer who has personally trained & worked with Mike Dooley (of ’Notes from the Universe’ & ‘The Secret’).

That means I can show you how to apply the Law of Attraction and leverage the power of the Universe so you become irresistibly magnetic to money.

A Hypnotherapist who will help you rewire your brain and clear the limiting beliefs that keep pushing money away so you can stop sabotaging yourself & worrying about money all the time

A former Finance Professional who has helped thousands of people take charge of their money. I will help you feel confident and in control of your money. Together, we’ll set up your very own Magnetic Money system – step by simple step – so your money starts to grow & multiply… on Autopilot!


Years ago, I was a broke, single mum with a defunct Engineering & Corporate Development career.

A horrifying moment at the supermarket where I burst into tears after falling $10 short on my grocery bill, led me to start dabbling with the Science & Psychology behind the Law of Attraction.

And it worked… to a degree. A few years later, I’d built a successful business as a finance professional. But secretly I still felt broke and I worried that it wouldn’t last!

Even though I had a GREAT income, I was still stressing about it! (sound familiar?)

Then I had an epiphany!

No matter how much money I attracted, I would ALWAYS feel broke if I didn’t shift my underlying fears & limiting beliefs!

I needed to transform my relationship with money and shift my negative money patterns.

That’s when I learnt how to master the Magnetic Money® Code… and hit the jackpot!

My business took off and hit MULTIPLE 6-figures – while my expenses & workload REDUCED, but the best feeling of all was no longer laying awake at night worrying about money.

But even better:
Several years later, when my husband was diagnosed with cancer, I’d been able to create enough wealth that we could BOTH afford to sit back and focus on his health and the things that matter most.

We spent a year and a half without having to worry about working to pay the bills.. and at the end of it all, we went on a 2-month holiday to Europe!!


And this is what the Magnetic Money® Code allows you to do. I’ve now helped thousands of people change their financial situation (and their lives) for the better by showing them how to master this simple formula.

Our students have stepped into their power,

claimed their abundance,

attracted tens of thousands of dollars in extra income – per month and PER DAY

and used this money wisely to give them more choices & FREEDOM!!

For many, it’s the first time in their lives that they’ve felt CONFIDENT about money & SURE of their worth.

The peace of mind this brings is truly PRICELESS.

My passion and mission is to help SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS JUST LIKE YOU create incredibly successful, abundant & fulfilling businesses and lives –  so you can live a truly rich life, have more options & choices, set an amazing example for others & change our world for the better.

So open those arms wide – ready to receive & let’s get started!


“There will ALWAYS be enough money”

I’ve had amazing results with Magnetic Money. You get such a good blend of the magical stuff like the law of attraction and deep mindset work, but you also get such fantastic practical advice on how to manage the money you attract.

I’ve been able to set up some automated systems for my money so that I can have total peace of mind that there will always be enough money for what I need.

I’ve done the program 3 times now because I love it so much.


Laura Dick
Systems Strategist & Project Manager