Graphic with text life changing retreats

14-20 JUNE 2025


Life-Changing Retreats

Leaders Training

14-20 June 2025

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Al𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐮𝐧 𝐚 𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓…

…. 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐧𝐨 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭?

❓ How do you plan everything?

❓ How do you price it?

❓ How do you market & FILL your retreat?

❓ How do you protect yourself & your investment?

❓ How to you ENSURE a healthy 5-figure+ profit?

❓ What should your Terms & Conditions be?

❓ What are the key ingredients ensure a LIFE CHANGING experience?

❓ How do you organize all the details & add those memorable touches?

❓ What should your retreat schedule look like to create that perfect flow?



will show you how!

 You’ll learn from an experienced leader of sold out retreats.

Get to experience the magic of being a retreat attendee.

And then be given all the tools, training & coaching to do it for yourself!

Get Your Name on the 2025 Notification List Now!

You’ll receive all the details & will be the first to know when applications open

I bet you’d love to run your own, life-changing retreats.

Because you have so much to offer.

And a retreat format is the PERFECT way to go deeper with your clients.

And add another significant income stream to your business.


– you don’t know where to begin

– have no idea how much to charge 

– and the whole thing just feels HUGE (and a little scary…)

But if 
your soul is calling you to run retreats, then you need to listen!


Because there is a difference only YOU can make.

And creating a retreat should feel simple & easy

…  with a healthy 5-figure profit practically guaranteed.


That’s why I created the Retreat Leadership Training.

This training will give you:

✅ A life changing retreat experience you will remember forever,

      … that you can then model yours off.

✅ Time & space to connect with yourself and find your center,

      … so you can figure out what you want & clarify your retreat vision.

✅ Planners & tools to ensure you don’t miss a step,

      … so you retreat is a massive & joyful success.

✅ Calculators and checklists so you can price your retreats correctly,

      … and guarantee a healthy 5-figure profit

✅ LIVE coaching & accountability to help you launch & fill your next retreat!!

It all starts with a Magical & Life-Changing Retreat in Mama Bali.

You will be pampered and get a chance to enjoy deep rest & reflection.

In your very own PRIVATE traditional Balinese cottage.

You will leave feeling reborn, feeling calm & centred, connected to what truly gives you joy & knowing how to stay connected to that deep sense of peace.

We then move into 8 weeks of live coaching & training.

You’ll receive all the tools, training, calculators, planners & checklists you need. 

Along with live training, coaching & support – including 1:1 guidance

So you can bring your retreat vision to life in the easiest, fastest way.

Ensuring it becomes a beautiful, life changing & PROFITABLE reality.


SAVE THE DATE!  14-20 June 2025

Then get your name on the 2025 notification list!

You’ll receive all the details & be the first to know when applications open.

Get your name on the notification list here:



Miriam Castilla helps soulful business owners create rich & joyful lives.

She is an experienced leader of life changing retreats, having supported people through profound transformative retreat experiences since 2017

Miriam marries the magical with the practical – showing you how to combine powerful mindset principles and Law of Attraction with practical business and money management strategies so you can enjoy a more aligned, joyful business and life – one full of freedom & choices!

Miriam is an International Speaker, Bestselling Author, Trainer & Mentor to Small Business Owners, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Timeline Practitioner, Ho’oponopono Practitioner, Infinite Possibilities Trainer and an ex-Finance Professional, Petroleum Engineer & Corporate Analyst.

She also regularly works with Mike Dooley (Notes From the Universe) and the team at, sharing the message that we are powerful creators whose thoughts become things..

Miriam went from broke, single mum to award winning business owner by practising everything she teaches and now gets to live a rich & fulfilling life.

She travel 3-4 months a year, works when & where she wants and could choose to step right back from her business for over a year to support her husband through a health crisis,

She helps her students & clients create the same level of freedom and financial stability by passionately sharing her knowledge through simple, repeatable frameworks.

Miriam can help you gain clarity on what you truly desire, overcome internal obstacles with ease & grace and create an aligned business & life supported by financial stability & freedom.