What is an upper limit in your business anyway?

What is an upper limit in your business anyway?

If you’ve read Gay Hendricks’ book, The Big Leap, then you’d be familiar with the term “upper limit,” because he discusses it quite a bit in that book. It’s banded around a lot between women in business – particularly in the online entrepreneurial space.

You know, “Aw, I’ve hit an upper limit. Ugh, that’s my upper limit.”

So let’s talk about that. 

What is an “upper limit” in your business, anyway?

In the book where Gay Hendricks discusses the upper limits, what he’s actually referring to is not specific to business. He’s referring to how much “goodness,” or joy, or “things going well,” you’re currently able to allow yourself because it feels like your normal, and anything beyond that starts to make you uncomfortable, because things are suddenly not normal. So your biology goes on alert and says, “Ooh, there’s something out of wack here. This is unexpected. We’d better be on the lookout, because there must be trouble up ahead,” when there’s an alert of “something’s not quite within the normal known parameters”, then you go onto alert and you unconsciously do something to restore order, to restore the status quo, to restore the normal way of things.

He uses examples like: Everything’s going really well in business and life, you’re cruising along, and things are just getting almost too good to be true… see where that comes from? Things are getting almost too good to be true and so then suddenly you have this massive argument with your partner that comes totally out of nowhere. 

That’s that “restoring order” thing. You unconsciously pick a way to have an argument and that kind of brings the level of happiness and joy back to its normal standard average level.

So when it comes to your business, we usually talk about how well your business is performing in this upper limit conversation. We talk about how much you’re earning, what your gross income is, how much profit you’re making, all those kinds of things.

It’s the same thing, really. It’s the amount of ABUNDANCE you are currently comfortable with, and you’re used to. The edge of that is your upper limit.

The thing to recognize is that this is not about, “I’m growing and expanding and suddenly, BANG, I’ve hit my head on this upper limit and where did that come from?” 

What it means is you’ve grown and expanded faster than you’ve vibrationally kept up with.

Let me explain that a little bit deeper.





When I say you need to vibrationally keep up with it, you actually need to vibrationally be ahead of it a little bit. What I mean, is that you need to do the work, the inner work, that allows you to feel really comfortable and to actually feel that level of abundance BEFORE you perceive it and BEFORE you receive it on the physical level. 

So you need to already feel that amount of abundance on the inside, and then when it shows up for you in your external world, it’s a match and there is no upper limit. 

It is within the realm of your new normal.

So you need to do that vibrational work and that growing and expanding in your own feelings of abundance, in how much abundance is normal and natural and how much you perceive, and see, and allow yourself to have and feel as natural and normal, and you’re absolutely worthy and deserving of. You need to get all of that work done, because then as you do the practical actions that match that and your business starts to grow and your income continues to grow and multiply and expand, it’s all a match and there is no upper limit.

You don’t ever, ever, ever need to hit an upper limit in business, as long as you put the vibrationally work first, and you don’t try to outgrow your current comfort zone. Else it will always try to knock you back down and retain the status quo.

So that is what an upper limit in business is.

I just want you to really, really remember that there is no need for them, whatsoever. 

It is NOT a rite of passage. It is not something to be proud of and brag to your friends about. It is not normal or natural, in fact it’s telling you there’s a problem. Just as when there’s pain in your body, it’s letting you know there’s a problem and there’s something you need to address, this is a signal. An upper limit is a signal that you have not kept up vibrationally with where you’re trying to take your reality to and so you’re bouncing off the edge. 

It’s as simple as that.

OK, keep up the awesome work & make sure you grab my free training that is linked in the description to help you go a little bit deeper.

Until I see you next, keep embracing your gorgeous and totally unlimited potential.



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