How To Attract Business Success

How To Attract Business Success

Most entrepreneurs are impatient. 

We want to attract business success. We want the clients, the leveraged income, the freedom and the lifestyle. And we want it all… yesterday.

So when things aren’t going as fast as we’d like, we often dig in and work longer & harder.

We create more funnels, new email sequences, new marketing strategies, more content and new offers. We do MORE, hoping that will accelerate our results.

In this episode, we’re going to discuss why that’s completely the WRONG approach if you want to attract business success – especially if you want to do it WITHOUT working harder.






When I first started my finance business, I was a broke, single mom. So naturally, I worked my butt off. I worked late nights, seven days a week. Whenever my kids didn’t need me, I worked.

And I built a wonderful, successful business. But I also got very, very tired.

When I started looking more deeply into the energetics of business success, I made some radical changes. This included deciding to only see clients during school hours and only at my office. My colleagues thought I was nuts! But guess what?

My business doubled!

I became more effective and started attracting higher quality clients who valued my time and service more. The biggest shift though was in my energy – and that made all the difference. 

And that’s what we’re going to talk about today.

First up, let’s discuss the smell of desperation… because nothing turns people off faster. (I mean, have you ever had someone be really keen to date you – but just you weren’t interested? The harder they tried, the more of a turn off it was, right?)

When we start working longer & harder to generate more business, we start giving off that energy of desperation.  And energetically it literally REPELS people.

So how do we know when you’re doing it? Let’s be honest – when you’re starting to FEEL more desperate! After all, that’s why you’re working harder, refusing to give yourself a break and trying more & MORE things.

On the other hand, what is sexy and attractive as hell is CONFIDENCE.

When you meet someone who’s totally grounded and confident – they know who they are and what they want – and they don’t give a flip what others think – that is a very magnetic quality. 

I’m not talking about arrogance. I’m talking about being confident in yourself, in what you stand for and who you are. Energetically that is very, very magnetic. And it all comes from knowing yourself, honoring yourself and loving yourself.

Here’s an easy way to get into that space:

Look at your testimonials and client feedback. Keep them all in a folder for easy reference – especially when you start to doubt yourself! When you read over those messages telling you how fantastic you are, how much you helped people, how much they appreciate you – that’s a powerful reminder of your value, the value of your service and how important what you do is.

I also invite you to spend some time getting really clear on what you stand for.. 

How do you stand out? How are you different? What does everybody else out there tell people to do? And where do you have a really strong differing opinion? What makes you ranty? What are your ‘soapbox’ statements?

For example:
For me, it’s that most people who teach Law of Attraction tell you “Do these X things and you will attract what you want”
And I call bullshit on that – because it’s not what you do that matters. Because this is a vibrational (feeling) Universe, it’s how you feel that matters and makes you more magnetic to money & abundance.

The Universe doesn’t care what you say or write. It doesn’t know if your desk is messy, what time you got up in the morning or what pictures you have on your vision board. The reason some of those things sometimes work for you is because they helped you feel abundant. And that’s what magnetizes you to more abundance!

See how that stands out from the “Do these X steps so you can attract Y?” message?

Mine is a totally different take. And you have the same in your business!

So spend some time getting clear on those soapbox statements. They will help you stand in a  whole new, much more confident energy. And that is sexy and magnetic as hell!

Next, let’s talk about what it means to be magnetic

Being magnetic, magnetizing yourself, to money, abundance, clients and opportunities actually means standing still and inviting those things to come INTO your space.

It’s not about hunting or fishing for more money, clients and abundance. It’s about standing in your power, being really clear in your energy and creating space to invite them in

How do you approach your business? Do you stand in your power, are you clear on your message and invite people into your world?

Or are you hunting them down, spraying ‘Eau de Desperation’ all over them? 😊

I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Now, let’s talk about the energetics of allowing people to come into your space:

If you spend all your time creating more content, new funnels, more offers and sending out emails and offers to work with you, you’re constantly pushing energy OUT. And that means you’re not allowing any energy to come back IN!

It’s the difference between fishing and hunting versus allowing yourself to become more magnetic.

That’s why it’s important to spend more time becoming grounded, clearer on your message and creating an energetic space that people can step into.

That means being willing to step back a little, taking a break, going away for the weekend (without your laptop and phone), meditating etc.. basically allowing some time & space for all that energy you’ve put out to come back in.

Remember – energy is a flow. If you’re constantly pushing it out, you’re not creating space for the flow IN.

Before I go, let me share my number 1 tip to help you become more magnetic to money and business success:

And that is to take excellent care of yourself & get lots of rest!

Because no amount of work will ever make up for a lack of alignment. When you feel tired, when you feel run down, when you’ve been working too hard, when you start resenting your business and not looking forward to sitting at your desk anymore, you’re completely in the wrong energy. And whatever you do is not going to be effective.

In fact, it’s more likely to be counterproductive. 

So always take care of yourself first. Pay attention to your energy, listen to those early signs and take a rest when you need to. When you come back into your business, feeling rested & refreshed, you will be aligned and inspired. And everything you do can turn to gold.

This is the very key to becoming more magnetic to money and business success as an entrepreneur.

Make it your mantra to always put YOU first. To take excellent care of yourself. Because when you combine great business strategy with the power of alignment, you will get incredible leverage and amazing results.

It all comes from you looking after yourself so you can be in alignment in the first place.
Now, one of the best ways to enjoy a little rest AND align with the vibration of abundance is with a hypnotic meditation I’ve specifically created just for this purpose.
You’ll find the link in the show notes below.

It’s time to embrace your unlimited potential, gorgeous

And you’re absolutely ready to rock your business through the power of alignment.


Download your FREE Self-Hypnosis Abundance Manifesting Meditation here:

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How to raise your vibration and manifest abundance in business

How to raise your vibration and manifest abundance in business

Have you ever tried to manifest abundance into your business & it totally bombed? Well today we’re going to talk about WHY that happened.

To manifest abundance, money, success, clients, ideas, inspiration & opportunities into your business, you need to know how to raise your vibration and become a vibrational match to the vibration of abundance.

That’s kind of all you need to know.  But it’s not that simple, right? Because HOW exactly do you do that?

In this episode, we’re going to talk about why WHAT you do actually doesn’t really matter and what DOES matter.






And today’s freebie is a simple 1-page cheat sheet that takes you through 5 simple tweaks most people need to make if they want to start manifesting more abundance, more success, more money, and prosperity into their business and life.

But first, let’s talk about what works – and what doesn’t work when it comes to knowing how to raise your vibration so you can manifest more abundance.

When I first came across the secret, I was a broke, single mum. I was pretty desperate and so I did EVERYTHING! \I made vision boards, I practiced visualization. I recited affirmations till I was blue in the face, I wrote my goals each day. I did it all. It sort of worked some of the time and a lot of the time I was just working hard. 

But then I dug a little deeper and discovered what the secret behind the secret is. And this little tweak that makes all the difference. That’s when my business exploded, I hit a multiple 6-figure leveraged income, bought properties, married the man of my dreams, moved into the house of my dreams and life changed quite drastically and also became a whole lot easier.

I also share this secret behind the secret with the students in my Magnetic Money program and as soon as they start to implement this one little tweak, their life starts to feel completely different. They suddenly feel abundant. They notice the abundance all around them and more abundance starts to flow.

So let’s talk about why some of those things you’ve done in the past worked and others didn’t. See, there’s a very simple reason. It’s because when you’re looking to manifest, you’re looking to communicate with the Universe.

And the Universe doesn’t actually hear what you say or what you do!

It doesn’t care what you put on your vision board, what affirmations you recite or what goals you write. It doesn’t hear or see any of those things. The language of the Universe is vibration. That’s how the law of attraction works. 

We have the law of vibration where all is the vibration and then the law resonance. And like attracts like. 

So it’s not what you did that made it ‘work’, but what you felt when you did it. Some of the things you did made you feel abundant and helped you match the vibration of abundance. And some of those things didn’t make you feel abundant. In fact, they probably made you feel like you’re working really hard, or just reminded you that it’s not working. And so you weren’t feeling abundant. You were doing the THING, but you weren’t FEELING the vibration. And that’s why some things worked and some didn’t work.

So I know your next question will be, “How do I know which things will help me feel abundance so the Universe hears me and brings me what I want?”

Well, I’m going to tell you that in a moment, but first I want to know:
What weird and crazy things have you done to try and manifest abundance?

I know I’ve done some really weird stuff, involving the moon, crystals, certain drinks – even the way I walk and what I eat.

So what’s something weird or crazy you’ve done in the past to try & attract more money & abundance? I’d love you to share with me in the comments below.

Okay. So back to that question, “What do I do to raise my vibration and feel more abundant, so I can attract more abundance, Miriam?”

Well, that’s surprisingly simple!

Just focus on building daily little habits that make you feel abundant.

See, Most people hold back on allowing themselves to feel abundant and enjoy where they’re at, because they’re afraid the Universe won’t deliver what they want if they seem too happy.

But that’s backwards. That is not how it works. The Universe will deliver you whatever you are a vibrational match to. So you’re allowed to feel good now. You’re allowed to feel abundant now. You’re allowed to enjoy your life right now. And the more you do, the more easily you will attract and manifest the abundance, the prosperity, the clients, the money, the opportunities, and all those good things.

So simply ask yourself, “What makes me feel really abundant? What makes me feel really prosperous that I already have and can do in my life right here right now?” 

And then go do it. Do as often and as much as possible. It will align you with the vibration of prosperity and abundance. It will automatically magnetize to you the money, abundance, the clients and all those awesome things you’re after.

I’m giving you permission right here right now to feel abundant NOW. To enjoy your life, to celebrate the magnificence of all that you have, and to do those things that really allow you to feel good and thoroughly enjoy the abundance that you already have in your life – right now.

Now I will just say that when it comes to the topic of money, things can get a little bit tricky.

Most people tend to get it backwards when they start focusing on money specifically. And that’s because we have a lot of baggage and there’s a lot at stake, right? 

That’s why I created the Manifesting Abundance Quick-Fix. It takes you through 5 simple tweaks and shifts that you can make straight away to ensure that you don’t get it backwards and accidentally start repelling rather than attracting money.

Just click below to access that for free right now.

Remember, it’s time to embrace your unlimited potential and you are absolutely ready to take the next step. I’ll see you next time. Have a beautiful day. Bye for now.

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Meditation for Manifesting Money – The Science of Law of Attraction

Meditation for Manifesting Money – The Science of Law of Attraction

How would you like a meditation for manifesting money?

It might sound too good to be true to manifest more money with your eyes shut but it’s totally possible. The trick is to not just use any kind of meditation. The best kind of meditation for manifesting money is a hypnotic meditation that is a meditation that will tune you to the vibration of abundance.

This is done by reprogramming your mind and reconditioning your body – energetically upgrading you to a new, more abundant version of you. A version of you who is a vibrational match to more money.

In this episode, I give you access to exactly that kind of meditation. But before you rush off to download it, let me explain how to use it for maximum effect and why it’s so powerful.






Both in my own journey going from broke, single mum to multiple 6-figure business owner, living an abundant life I adore … and in helping my clients do the same… there’s one thing that keeps cropping up over and over and over again. 

People think that it’s what they DO that will help them attract and manifest the money they want.

But it’s actually not what you do that matters. What matters is how you feel.

Because this is a vibrational Universe and Law of Attraction organizes all those vibrational frequencies and matches them up.

At the end of the day, the Universe isn’t listening to your desires. It’s not reading your daily manifestation lists or your journal or any of those things. It’s not listening to your affirmations. It’s not taking photos of your vision board and trying to find matches out there. It’s not doing any of that. All it does is respond to your vibration. It’s pure science, really.

It doesn’t judge and it doesn’t second-guess. 

It simply says, “This is what you’re putting out. I’m going to give you things that match it.”

So this takes me to the very first point:

When you do anything to manifest more money, it’s not about the act itself. 

It is about the shift inside of you that the act helps you achieve. 

Now there are two key things we want to shift here. 

The first one is we want to shift your neural pathways, the patterns in your brain that fire automatically over and over and over again.
And we want to shift those to be naturally tending towards more abundant thoughts. And as you do that, your brainwaves – which also emit a frequency – are going to be much more in alignment with abundance (which includes money). 

Money is just a subset of abundance. 

So that’s a really cool little hack. All we really need to do is match you up with the frequency of abundance.

So the very first way that meditation helps you do that is by shifting your neural pathways so that your brain starts automatically firing much more abundant thoughts.

Now, the second reason that a hypnotic meditation designed to create these unconscious shifts is so powerful and helps you manifest more money is that we can change your addiction to whatever mix of feelings is your current ‘normal’.

What do I mean by that? 

Well, we all have a normal, average way we feel. We have so much joy, so much frustration, so much worry, so much anxiety. There tends to be an average mix we’re used to that is our average. And when we go outside that natural mix, things start to feel uncomfortable – even if we’re starting to feel more abundant. 

That’s why when you grow, you usually hit what Bob Proctor used to call the terror barrier or what psychologists call cognitive dissonance or what I call perturbation or the wobbles.

As we start to grow and expand, it can get really uncomfortable because we’re starting to become a new version of ourselves.

You’re literally becoming a new version of you. 

There is a part of our brain, the cerebellum right near the brainstem, which is part of our ancient lizard brain. Its job is to go “Danger – Danger!! Warning – Warning!!” when we venture outside the norm.

It is literally trying to keep the caveman inside of us safe in the cave. Our biology is still wired that way.

That’s why sometimes when you want to grow and expand and do cool things in your business, you start self-sabotaging, things feel scary and you shrink back into the same old comfort zone. It’s not necessarily where you want to be, but it’s what you’re used to and therefore your body chemistry is comfortable with it and considers it ‘safe’.

So we literally have an addiction to a certain mix of body chemistry. And with a hypnotic meditation, we can recondition the body and slowly but surely start shifting that ‘normal’ to a more abundant mix. 

And as we do that – along with rewiring the thought patterns so they automatically start firing more abundant thoughts – we are shifting your vibration. 

We are shifting the signal you’re sending out into the Universe. 

Now, your signal is an electromagnetic signal. You are an electromagnetic being with electrical brain waves and magnetic heart energy. It all needs to be a match so your vibration is clear and clean. And then the Universe & Law of Attraction can say, “Now THAT is a match to more abundance, including this much more money!”

So that is how we can use meditation, especially a carefully and well-designed hypnotic meditation – to start manifesting more money.

You still need to show up during the day and put yourself out there, allow the opportunities to find you and be congruent in lots of other ways. 

But if you start by rewiring your brain and reconditioning your body then you’re shifting everything at the unconscious level first – and life gets a whole lot easier & more abundant as if by magic.

At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter much what you do on the outside of you. If you don’t first shift what’s going on inside of you, nothing else is going to work.

Remember, it’s not what you do that matters – it’s how you feel.

Because how you FEEL – that is your vibrational signature! That is the electromagnetic signal you’re sending out into the Universe, that the Universe will respond to and bring you matching things in return for. 

And with a hypnotic meditation that is designed to shift your ‘average normal’ state of feeling, you can become a more abundant vibrational being. And as you shift internally, your external reality will start to shift.

So here’s how to use this meditation. 

No.1: Download it (the link is below).

No. 2:
Listen to it frequently. Not 10 times a day, just once a day or maybe every second day – or maybe some weeks just once a week – that’s okay. Just keep using it regularly and enjoy it.

Enjoy it, and listen to it for the pure pleasure of diving deeper into feeling abundant. Allow yourself to be totally immersed in that vibration abundance so you continue normalizing yourself to it more and more.

You’ll find the link to this free meditation below. It’s called ‘The Vibration of Abundance”

Enjoy & remember, it’s time to embrace your unlimited potential and you are absolutely ready to do that – right here, right now!


Download your FREE Self-Hypnosis Abundance Manifesting Meditation here:

Manifesting Meditation Image


Train your brain to make more money in 30 days

Train your brain to make more money in 30 days

Can you train your brain to make more money? Absolutely YES!

That’s because the brain is plastic. It can be molded, reshaped, retrained and rewired.

So today let’s talk about the 3 key steps that will help you rewire your brain to naturally attract more money. 

If you focus on these 3 key steps for just 30 days, the difference will be massive.

These 3 steps are based on my Magnetic Money Code system, which helps my students reach a place where they naturally live in a state of abundance.

They expect it, and so it just happens.

It’s just how life is, and they feel confident in that state. And that’s what we’re going to cover for you because it’s worked for thousands of women before you. It’s worked for me and for them and it’s absolutely going to work for you.






Step 1: Change Your Focus.

Shift your focus from lack to abundance.

Make it your mission to notice all the abundance around you, and every time you catch yourself focusing on lack, drop it like a hot potato and look for either a distraction or something that shows how much abundance you actually have. 

This helps train your brain to attract more money. It reprograms the reticular activating system – aka RAS – which sits at the back of your brain, a filter that filters out unnecessary information between the conscious and the unconscious mind.

Your unconscious mind notices everything, yet your conscious mind can cope with only a small segment of that.

So your RAS is programmed to say ‘This is important – make sure you show me that stuff. This is not important – ignore it.’

Unfortunately, most people have programmed their RAS to notice all the things that are missing, that aren’t going well, the money that’s not there, the problems, and so on.

Often there are opportunities right in front of you and you don’t see them… yet…

But by simply changing your focus from lack to abundance, you reprogram your reticular activating system.

You direct your energy to the things you want to have more of. And where your energy goes your attention goes  and what you focus on expands.

As you focus on the abundance that’s all around you, you’ll keep seeing more of it, and therefore you continue to program your mind to search for and notice that abundance. 

And that becomes “how life is”.

By simply making the decision to change your focus to abundance and practicing that over and over and over again, you change your outlook and train your brain and shift your mindset so that your natural first instinct is to see the glass as half full, rather than half empty.

And that’s what an abundance mindset is about.

I created this episode here to help you get really clear on what the differences are between rich thinking and poor thinking. So be sure to check that out if you need a refresher.

Step 2: Use Visualization. 

Visualization is incredibly simple, easy, fun and super powerful because it taps into the way your brain naturally works.

It helps reprogram your mind and recondition the body so a more abundant state of seeing abundance everywhere, noticing all the opportunities and attracting more of them becomes a way of life.

To make the most of visualization, follow the Golden Rules:

  1. Do it every day
  2. Do it for only four minutes
  3. Make it fun.

It is NOT about trying to force the Universe to deliver you the goods. <Oh yeah.. I see you..! 😊 >

It’s about taking time to retrain your brain, to start seeing life naturally as an abundant and fun place to be, and making that your default position. And while you’re visualizing, use all your senses to make it really fun. Feel that future moment, what you will hear, taste, smell – enjoy all the sensations.

As you do that, you literally flood your body with the chemistry of being in that moment. And to your body, it’s real.

You also recondition your body to live in a better feeling state so your default vibration moves higher and higher, which resonates with and attracts ever increasing levels of abundance.

Visualization helps retrain your brain with vivid pictures and images – and that’s why you start seeing the world as an abundant place full of opportunities.

And it reconditions your body by getting you literally addicted to feeling happy and prosperous – and that’s the best addiction you’re ever going to have!

It’s a super cool way to reprogram limiting beliefs around money – without having to think about it!

Just for fun… if you want to look through a list of limiting beliefs around money and see which ones you’ve been programmed with, check out this episode.

And tell me in the comments below:
Have you practiced visualization in the past? How did it go? 

Did you love it, hate it? Did you find it hard to stick with? 

I’d love to hear about your experiences with visualization!

Step 3: Take Loving Care of Your Money

The third and final step you want to incorporate into the next 30 days so you really train your brain to make more money is to start taking loving care of your money.

Educate yourself and create changes in how you look after your money, because there’s an energy between you and money. Money itself is energy and you have a relationship with it.

If that relationship is uncomfortable, your brain will try to protect you by keeping money at bay.

You want your relationship with money to feel really good, confident and welcoming, so that you attract lots more into your experience.

Learning how to become the confident custodian of your money is often the final mindset block people need to get past. But once you move past it, you’re home and hosed.

If you incorporate this step along with the previous 2 into your next 30 days, you’ll experience a really beautiful, massive shift.

The bad news is: NOBODY is born being good with money!

And the GOOD NEWS IS: Nobody is born being good with money.

You have to learn it – and it’s quite a simple, easy skill. Check out this episode if you’d like some help getting started.

Also a quick reminder that if you haven’t watched my free Masterclass to help you simplify your money mindset and manifesting yet, then you can jump on it for instant access here

It’s time to embrace your unlimited potential, gorgeous.

I know you’re ready for the next step – and you know exactly what to do for the next 30 days!

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Ask Believe Receive – beware these traps in Law of Attraction!

Ask Believe Receive – beware these traps in Law of Attraction!

Ask. Believe. Receive. Seems like a simple enough formula, right?

If you loved ‘The Secret’, you’d be forgiven for thinking that’s all it takes to use Law of Attraction to manifest anything you want.

.. but there’s more to it than that!

And if you’ve tried implementing these steps, you’ve probably figured that out for yourself.

So let’s talk about those three steps: ASK – BELIEVE – RECEIVE

When I was a broke single mum,  I had two kids under five and a defunct engineering career.

Then I watched The Secret and applied everything within it.

But – like many – I quickly found that The Secret was just the headline.

Since then, I’ve created the life of my dreams, which includes things like getting to work with Mike Dooley, one of my favorite teachers in The Secret.

I’ve built two multiple six-figure businesses and married the man of my dreams, we live in the house of my dreams, we have a beachfront property, and life is really quite amazing.

But it was only when I learned what ask – believe – receive really means, that everything started to change.






Step 1 – ASK

Asking the Universe for what you want requires you to be clear, because the Universe can deliver anything that you want. It can, and it does. Most people mistake this step for… kind of… praying, begging, hoping, and are afraid of asking for too much.

Let me share an analogy:

You go to a fabulous restaurant with an amazing menu.

You simply need to decide what you want – then place the order with the waiter – all ingredients are available, and the chef knows what to do, so your order will shortly arrive, right?

But what most people do ,is they second guess everything and keep changing their order.

They confuse the waiter by saying “Oh, wow, I’d really love that lobster dish. That looks amazing. Give me one of those”. They then call the waiter back and say “Look, I know lobster’s asking for a lot. And you know, it’s hard to get really good quality, fresh lobster, and maybe, you know, it’s a lot of work for your chef. So I’ll just go with the prawns – prawns will be fine. If the lobster’s not available or if you don’t feel like preparing lobster, just bring me the prawns, the prawns will do…”

And the waiter goes “So you want prawns? Okay.”

And as he goes to the kitchen… you call him back and say “You know what? I really do want the lobster. Can we just make it the lobster? If it’s not an inconvenience I’ll go with the lobster.” So the waiter goes “Great! It’s a special – we’d love to serve you the lobster!”, and off he goes again.

If you’re constantly changing what you think you want – or what you think is possible, you also are constantly changing your order. You’re sending out mixed signals and the Universe can never get started on delivering you what you want – just as the waiter never gets to the kitchen to place your order for the chef to cook your meal and put it all together so it can be served to you. You’ll never get fed. 

Most people waste their time by confusing the waiter, changing their order over and over and not allowing the process to unfold. 

So this first step is about YOU getting clear on what you want and placing a clear order with the Universe.

Step 2 – BELIEVE

Believing is the step between asking and receiving.

If you get anxious and go back to step 1 because you feel like you need to ‘do something’… you become stuck in that step 1 revolving door – asking over and over again – confusing the waiter and not allowing yourself to ever get to step 3.

BELIEVE is also the part where you show that you fully EXPECT to move on to step three: RECEIVE.

You do this with your words and actions. It’s all about being congruent. You can’t say to the Universe “I’ll do something when the money shows up,” because that shows you have fear and doubt that it will happen – that you expect it to NOT show up.

You literally manifest your order not happening -rather than it happening.

So step 2, believe, is you walking the talk and staying the course.

Step 3 – RECEIVE

This might seem like a really easy one that has nothing to do with you, right?

Yet it’s ALL about you because it’s about your capacity and willingness to receive.

So let’s check in: Are you willing, and expecting, and setting yourself up to receive? 

This is the step where money blocks and limiting beliefs really come into play. When you asked, and believed, yet now are unable or unwilling to receive.

This is where the practical side of how you treat your money and whether or not you know how to take loving care of your money also comes into play.

If you don’t know what you’re going to do with it, you’re simply not ready to receive it yet.

So to recap, step 3 – RECEIVE – is about your capacity, readiness and willingness to receive. 

It’s about the mindset and the practical side. Sadly, most people get this completely wrong because they don’t address their limiting beliefs and money blocks, they don’t get their money systems in place or get organized to actually receive the money they’ve asked for.

One of the best indicators of your limiting beliefs is to look at your money patterns, what I call your Money Habit Archetype.

And there are only three of those: the Spender, the Overextender and the Accumulator.

I’ve created a quiz where you can find out which one is yours & help you use it to figure out what underlying limiting beliefs drive that money pattern.

The link for the quiz is below, so be sure to jump on that next!

It’s time to embrace your unlimited potential – and you’re absolutely ready to take the next step!


Discover your Money Habit Archetype and use it to clear your biggest money block.