6 Steps to 6 Figures with Law of Attraction – keep it simple & easy!

6 Steps to 6 Figures with Law of Attraction – keep it simple & easy!

Want the recipe for the 6 steps to 6 figures with Law of Attraction?

Great! Because in this episode we’re going to break it all down for you.

But first, a FUN FACT:

Law of Attraction is always on!

Yep – it’s ALWAYS working.

And that means you had better get on board and consciously participate in this process.
.. If you want to attract, manifest and enjoy more of the good things in life. …






Helping you attract a 6-figure+ income in your business is my jam.

In my Magnetic Money program, we break it down into simple & easy, actionable steps that you can repeat over and over again.

Law of Attraction is always on – just like gravity.

You can’t switch it on or off, but you can learn how to work with it to achieve the results you want.
(or you can keep on battling against it and complaining that it’s not working for you)

A long time ago I was a broke single mom. I had left my engineering career, I had left my marriage and I was left with two beautiful little children under the age of five and no income, no job, no career.

It was then that I really dedicated myself to figuring this out and learning what it took to work with the power of Law of Attraction.

At the time 6-figure income was the Holy Grail. It’s all I wanted. I thought if I could just tip over that magical 6-figure mark, everything would be fine.

And I did it! I didn’t just tip over the first 6-figures, but I created a multiple 6-figure business in finance.

The more I learned to work with the power of Law of Attraction, the easier it got..

I just kept on implementing these simple, easy, repeatable steps.

And then did it again in another business (in this business actually) –  and it’s all been LEVERAGED income.
It’s income that I don’t have to get out of bed for every morning.

And this is what I help my students and clients achieve.

So are you ready? (does a bear poop in the woods?)

STEP 1: Set the intention.

You need to get really clear on what it is you actually want. 

This isn’t about beating the Universe over the head with your order, but about YOU actually knowing what you want.

Because many people will spend a whole lot of time constantly changing their mind.

And that comes from a lack of clarity – and from feeling of not being worthy of asking for that thing.

So you’ll keep giving the Universe an out by saying “OK, even if I can just have half of that, I’ll be happy too”.

You send out mixed signals, and the Universe gets confused because you’re confused. 

And it’ll always mirror back whatever you’re putting out.

So it’s not that you can’t have whatever you desire; it’s that you need to really own it.

STEP 2: Get vibrationally on board with the outcome.

If you want to attract a multiple 6-figure income, you need to start feeling like that “6-figure income business owner”, and start resonating at that level.

Look at how you are feeling right now about yourself, your income, your ability, your capability, and start shifting the way you FEEL so you’re more aligned with that 6-figure+ version of yourself.

Step 2 is about conditioning your body so this becomes your normal state of being.

STEP 3: Reprogram the mind.

We’re talking specifically about your unconscious mind, because you want to make that predominant picture in your mind, that vision of how you see your life, to be that 6-figure+ version.

Programming your mind is most easily done through visualization.

Visualization is simple, easy and fun.

And the more you keep it that way, the more powerful it becomes. By regularly visualizing and really enjoying the process, keeping it simple and doing it every day, you reprogram your mind at the unconscious level.

This is how you start to automatically and unconsciously create and behave like the person who absolutely expects that 6-figure+ income to come into their experience. You will unconsciously behave in ways that help you attract everything you need to fulfill that dream.

STEP 4  is critical!

By this stage, the gremlins usually come out.

That’s those old belief systems and stories that say “Whoa, where we’re going is not safe! It’s not what we’re used to. THIS is NOT normal!”

So the gremlins try to distract and pull you back into the old familiar zone.

But we don’t want to stay there. We want to grow. We want to expand.

So you need to make sure you’re vigilant – without being overly vigilant. But you definitely want to keep an eye out.

And if and when you notice fear and limiting beliefs coming up, do what you need to do to transform them.

This is what helps you clear the road ahead so you can keep moving forward, keep on expanding and continue transforming and normalize to that next level of abundance.

It’s a journey to a place where you’re naturally attracting your desires & feel totally cool with it –  because that’s just how life is.

STEP 5: Taking action.

This is critical for several reasons.

Firstly, the Universe needs to be able to find you.
So you need to put yourself out into the flow of life. That is when opportunities, ideas, inspiration and everything you need in order to create that 6-figure plus income you’re looking to create can cross your path at the perfect time & in the perfect place.

Another reason is that if you do NOT take action and just sit there waiting for the money to drop out of the sky as you’re sitting on the couch watching Netflix, what’s that saying?

It’s saying you’re in a place of fear – or of not really expecting it to happen.
It says that until the Universe shows up with the money you’re not going to bother doing your part.

And this creates a stalemate situation where your inaction shows that you don’t actually expect it happen. And so it doesn’t.

This is why taking action is really, really critical.

And now for my favorite step of all:

STEP 6: Surrendering to the Universe.

You’ve decided what you want, visualized it, are feeling in alignment with it, cleared the obstacles, and are taking action… awesome.

But… HOW it all comes together and exactly WHEN is not up to you.


Because the Universe has the bigger picture in mind and so you don’t need to micromanage or worry.

You don’t need to – and in fact you shouldn’t – insist that it happens in exactly the way that you visualized it… because there are a million magical ways in which exactly what you want – and even better – can happen.

You just need to be willing to get out of the way and allow it to unfold.

Surrendering to the Universe and knowing that it is always working – trusting that you are on track – while you keep showing up and doing your part is absolutely critical to being able to use the Law of Attraction to manifest anything you want. And especially when you’re wanting to create that 6-figure+ income in your business.

So that is step Number 6 – surrendering and letting The Universe take over from here.

Now, if there’s a voice in the back of your mind asking “How do I make sure I get the balance right, Miriam? That I don’t become obsessed with the gremlins, or maybe let them run the show and not even realize it’s happening? How do I make sure I surrender, but I’m not lazy and not doing what I’m meant to be doing? How do I optimally juggle all these things?”, then I invite you to watch my free Masterclass to help you simplify your manifesting money mindset.

The link to that is below, so jump on and watch it now.

Before you go! Let me know in the comments:
Which of these steps are your strengths – and which are your weaknesses?

Maybe you’ve been avoiding one or more, thinking that if you just keep doing this OTHER one, you might not actually have to worry about them?

The thing is, you do need to do them ALL – without becoming bogged down and obsessive about any one of them.

And that simply takes practise.

You are ready to embrace your unlimited potential – and this is your time!

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Attract More Money Into Your Life – Let Go of Money Worries

Attract More Money Into Your Life – Let Go of Money Worries

What if I told you that one of the most powerful ways for you to attract more money into your life is by letting go of the stress around it?

Today I want to help you make one of THE most powerful decisions of your life.

Most people think that they need to worry about money, especially when they feel like there’s not enough of it. They think if they don’t worry, the Universe might forget about them or that their order will be misplaced – but nothing could be further from the truth!

It’s really important to understand that RELEASING the worry is one of the best ways to attract more money into your life.

But first, a quick story:

One day my daughter borrowed my car. She came home and said “Mum.. I was driving along and the car felt a little sluggish but I didn’t think too much of it. So I just put my foot down a little bit harder on the accelerator.”

When she pulled up at the traffic lights, the people next to her pointed out the amount of smoke pouring out of the back of her car! She was afraid the car caught fire but it turned out to be the tyres smoking because she’d been driving with the handbrake on! And rather than releasing that resistance, she just put her foot down on the accelerator even harder to try and push through it.

And this is what people do, and what worrying about money does.






I see it all the time with my students. They’ll say things like, “I only seem to manifest money in fits and spurts, when I really need it.” 

When we break it down, they realize they’ve been driving with the handbrake on. They’ve been worrying about money which acts like an energetic handbrake.

When they make that one tweak and release their energetic handbrake, the money starts to flow.

They go from having $15,000 weeks, then nothing for six months, to consistently calling in over $20,000 per month. The money starts flowing consistently – not just when the pressure builds up to breaking point.

So, let’s talk about this in more detail:

How and why exactly is constant money worry holding you back.

Number 1:

Worry is energetically aligned with a vibration of ‘not enough’. When you’re in a state of worry, you’re resonating with lack.

‘There’s not enough’ – is the energetic message you’re putting out to the Universe. And guess what happens next? Law of Attraction brings you more of the same!

Number 2: 

Constant worry shows a lack of trust.  You don’t trust that it’s going to be OK, you don’t trust the Universe, you don’t trust your business and you don’t trust yourself. There is an underlying expectation and message that because money can’t be trusted to flow, you better work really, really hard. 

Usually when somebody is worrying about money, they’re also working really hard.
The two kind of go together, united by that underlying message of ‘I can’t trust that I’m okay. I don’t feel safe, so I’m going to work extra hard to try and make up for it’.

Does that ring a bell for you? Let me know in the comments.

Number 3:

Constantly worrying about money holds you back because it becomes like the background music in a shopping center: After a while you don’t even notice it anymore.

It’s taken control of your life, and is dictating the standard state you live in. You’ve become unconscious to it.

Living in a state of worry becomes normal. 

You’ve reprogrammed yourself at the unconscious level that spending your time worrying about money is just how life is – and that you have to worry because there’s not enough. And, of course, you also unconsciously act in ways that demonstrate that support this.

And so it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy where you keep creating more of the same.

So… that’s the first three. We’ve got two more to go, but first I want to know:

Based on what we’ve talked about so far, are you ready to make that decision yet? 

Can you see how constant stressing and worrying about money is actually getting in the way of money flowing to you?

If you’re ready to make the decision to put an end to it, then here is your chance!

Nothing is more powerful than a public declaration. It sends a powerful message to your unconscious mind that this is a turning point. 

This is your moment of change!

So if you’re ready to do this, take a moment to type in the comments:

“I’m ready to claim my freedom. I’m going to release my money, stress and worries”.

Just making that declaration will open up the way for you to figure out how.

OK, here are two more reasons you want to get out of this nasty little ‘money worry’ habit.

Number 4:

Constant worrying builds up negative momentum. Earlier we agreed that by worrying you’re resonating with lack. This vibration of lack builds momentum and attracts more lack to you: not enough money, too many bills, that kind of thing. 

It becomes stable. It has a lot of momentum, and if you try to change it, it’s very difficult. It’s like standing in front of a runaway train yelling “STOP! I want you going in the other direction”. 

You’ll probably end up hurt.

Number 5:
And the fifth, final and absolutely most important reason of all to get out of the habit of worrying about money is that you get used to it. 

And that’s a BIG problem because as you get used to living in this state of constant worry (and of constantly attracting more reasons to worry about money to you), it starts feeling like that’s just how life is.

And the absolute worst possible outcome of all is that you resign yourself to that!

One of the best ways to get out of the worry habit is by understanding where it comes from. 

Looking at your money patterns – both at the physical level and the way you think and feel about money, your belief system – is a great place to start.

With that awareness you can release the stress, negativity and worry about money, and change things around.

If you’re ready to better understand your patterns around money and what’s driving them, then take the Money Habit Archetype Quiz.

It will let you know what your predominant money pattern is, and then invite you to look deeper so you can explore what’s creating those patterns at the unconscious level.

You’ll find the link below.

Remember: it’s time to embrace your unlimited potential & starting where you are is the only option you have.

xx Miriam


Discover your Money Habit Archetype and use it to clear your biggest money block.


How to manage money wisely – so you attract more.

How to manage money wisely – so you attract more.

Did anyone ever teach you how to manage money wisely when you were growing up? 

And I mean, someone showing you how to manage your money so it actually goes to work for you. 

So it grows and multiplies.

Knowing how to manage money wisely is the key to developing money confidence – and that is what helps you attract plenty more!

So today, I’m going to share my top 3 tips to help you manage your money wisely – that also make you magnetic to more.







In my 13 years operating my finance business, I dealt with people from all walks of life and on all different levels of income.

And there was one really, really important thing I noticed. 

And that is that more money & more income did not change their money patterns one little bit!

People who were in the habit of spending every dollar would do that, whether they were on a 5-figure income or on a multiple 6-figure income.

They would do that when they had lump sums of money and inheritances come in – and when they didn’t.

On the other hand, people who were in the habit of always putting some money aside, they did it regardless of what income and bonus money came in.

This is a super important point to note:

More money does NOT change the pattern!

So the real work is to ensure your money patterns and habits are healthy ones that support you financially – that move you forward and help you reach and achieve your goals.

For most people, nobody showed us how to take care of our money. Personal money management isn’t taught in schools. And most of our parents have no idea either. They’re just winging it and making it up as they go along.

And so what that means is that we don’t have the confidence around money that comes from knowing that you’re on the right path.

And that creates MASSIVE vibrational wobbles. 

It creates a lack of certainty, fear and vibration of worry within you. And that is not at all conducive to attracting plenty more because when you’re worried that you won’t know what to do with your money when it comes – and you’re beating yourself up for having done all the wrong things in the past – that creates a vibrational block that doesn’t allow more to flow.

Plus, we’re passed down generational patterns and fears around money from our parents.

You know, all those silly things people say like, Oh, money, doesn’t grow on trees –  Who do you think I am, Rockefeller? or, I’m not made of money, you know!

My parents said those things too. They program us with those sayings, with those systemic belief systems. And so they’re passed down through the generations. 

We see our parents struggle – we see their money issues and all of that is passed down.

So if we want to break the cycle and break the pattern, we need to do it consciously.

We need to break the cycle and start by actually educating ourselves on how to take care of our money properly.

You need to learn how to manage money wisely.

Because once you build money confidence, and you get a money management system in place that actually works for you – one you’re really excited about because it’s helping you move forward and achieve your goals  – that makes you magnetic.

It gets you excited about bringing money into your life because you’ve got the system all set up to put it to work for you – and to help it grow and multiply  – so that you can keep moving forward in leaps and bounds. 

So the key to becoming more magnetic to money and breaking down a lot of the money blocks and the barriers, is to get confident about managing your money. You need to sit down and do the practical work and set up a money system that really works.

I’d love to know. Did anyone teach you how to manage money as you were growing up? And I’d love you to share with me in the comments what the best piece of money advice you’ve ever received is. 

Okay. It’s time for those top 3 tips to help you manage your money wisely so you become magnetic to more.

Are you ready? 

Tip #1: Make compound interest work for you, not against you. 

So compound interest was called the 8th wonder of the world by none other than Albert Einstein, because it has an incredibly powerful effect.

Compound interest is when you have interest earning interest and then the interest on the interest is earning interest. And then the interest on the interest on the interest is earning interest… and so on.

I have a term for that. I call it ‘Making money babies’, because it’s like a family tree. You start out with a few dollars and when you let that effect of compound interest build and grow, it’s like a family tree sprouting, growing and expanding.

So this is where your money is working for you to make more money. Pretty cool, huh?

See, there are two ways to make money, people working and money working. And that’s what compound interest is all about. 

So you want to make it work for you, not against you.

You probably have things like credit cards and other debts that have interest attached to them. If you’re not getting on top of that, then compound interest is working against you. You’re literally making debt babies (gah!!!).

So you need to turn the tide and get on top of that and switch that focus around to making compound interest work for you. You do that by investing in things that grow – things like shares and property – anything that has a return on your money that you can reinvest to get a return on the return.

That effect is really, really powerful. 

So tip number 1: Start thinking about compound interest and focus on turning the tide from having it working against you to having it working for you.

Tip #2: Give every dollar a job to do. 

Most people throw all their money into one big bucket.

Then they pay the bills… and oops, the kids need school shoes… and let’s get some groceries… let’s go out for dinner tonight… oh there’s another bill to pay.

And they don’t know what’s what. And so when it gets to the end of the month, they start to look at that pot of money and think, “Ooh, it’s not going to be enough!”

The problem is that you haven’t given those dollars their individual jobs to do. You’ve just thrown them all in there and started randomly pick at them, hoping that there’ll be enough money to cover everything.

When you give every dollar a job to do, assign different jobs to different pools of money and you give them their own workspace, which means you separate them.

And then you know that THIS is my fun money. This is the money for us to go out for dinner, to have a massage, for that new pair of earrings etc.

And THIS is the money whose job it is to pay the regular household bills.

And then THIS is the money whose job it is to work on that compound interest equation and turn the tide from having it working against me, to having it working for me. 

So every dollar gets a job to do and a place to do it. 

And that gives you peace of mind, knowing that you’re not robbing Peter to pay Paul. You don’t have to worry that at the end of the month, you’re suddenly going to be left short when a bill comes in.

So every dollar gets a job to do. That’s the very important tip number 2.

Tip #3: Always have ONE current financial priority.

At any stage in life, you should know what your number one financial priority is. And you should put as much focus on it as possible. 

This priority will be different for different people at different stages in life. It usually revolves around that wealth creation pool of money, where the compound interest equation is being swung from one side to the other.

So for example, you might be at a stage where your number one financial priority is to get rid of that credit card. So you want to focus on that and be really clear on that being your priority.
All spare money goes towards that.

This ensures you’re not spraying your spare money around, putting a little bit here and a little bit there –  because that gets you nowhere fast. When you know that your number one financial priority, every spare dollar goes there.

And guess what that creates? It creates focus. It creates momentum. It makes Law of Attraction kick in and send you even more money to put towards paying that one thing off or building that investment portfolio or your wealth buffer – whichever is your priority.

It allows you to attract more money towards that focus because it gets you excited about every dollar that comes in that you can put towards that priority.

The momentum builds, the energy builds, the excitement builds and Law of Attraction, and the Universe will keep sending you more and more money, which allows it to happen even faster.

That is how you quickly turn the tide from having compound interest working against you to having it working for you. 

So that is tip number 3. Always have one financial priority at a time and be crystal clear on what it is. 

There you have it. 

Those are my top three tips for managing your money wisely, so you become magnetic to more. 

Now don’t go just yet, because I want you to keep an eye out for a future video, where I will share  my five golden rules for setting up your money management system so it actually works for you (and so you actually use it)

In the meantime, be sure to jump on my free masterclass. The link is below.

In that masterclass, I show you how to completely transform your relationship with money and become magnetic to more.

Embracing your unlimited potential is all up to you, and it starts by taking confident control of your money. It’s a huge step on the journey.

Big hugs,

xx Miriam

Ready to go deeper?




Organize & Tidy Your Banking

‘Spark the joy’ of becoming magnetic – for women entrepreneurs.

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3 Top Tips For Raising Your Vibration

3 Top Tips For Raising Your Vibration

When we talk about ‘raising your vibration;, we’re talking about your feeling state – because feeling is how you interpret vibration.

Because when your feeling – or emotional state is a bit low, you’re not creative. You’re not intuitive. You can’t connect to big ideas and you can’t see yourself achieving the things you want to achieve. 

So that is why you need to lift your vibrational (feeling) state. 






So here’s my top tips for raising your vibration:

Number one: Start on a high vibration

This may seem stupid and obvious, but when you start in a high, good feeling place to begin with, you stand the best chance of staying there. So figure out how to wake up in the morning and get yourself into a good feeling place right away.

There’s a whole lot of ways you can do that and in the Magnetic Money program we take a step by step approach towards helping you wake up feeling great EVERY morning and making it your default state.

Number two: Work yourself up step by step. 

If you google the emotional scale, you’ll find a spiral diagram of emotions, where each is one step up from the previous one. It’s an emotional scale.

But you don’t really need a diagram to tell you what feels better than something else, because you feel it, right? So for example, revenge feels better than anger because it’s empowering. So if you’re in anger, do what you can to move to revenge. It’s not a great place to stay, but it’s a step up. Then once you’re in revenge, you can move on to blame. It’s ok – don’t be all weird about it – it’s just another step up. You just keep moving up until you can get to something more positive, like feeling hopeful or expectant. And from there, Law of Attraction and the Universe will help you motor things along so you start to feel better & better.

A hint: Don’t try to go straight to love and joy and peace and bliss. If you’re in anger or revenge, that’s a really long way to go! So moving up incrementally, whis a much easier & more sustainable way to go. 

Number three: Flip it!

The third way to raise your vibration is to flip it, which means that you look at where you’re at and go for a kind of vibrational judo move where you use the power of that emotion against itself.

So say someone’s really annoying. You’re blaming them for all your problems. (This never happens to me, by the way.. but I’ve heard of it, lol)

So you’re blaming it all on somebody else and you go: This sucks. It’s all their fault. They let me down. They always do this, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

So what you do is you state it as you see it (in blame and with all the emotion) and then you say, “Okay. If I didn’t feel this way, how would I feel instead?”

And you start reeling off all the positive emotions that come to mind and allow yourself to feel them. For example, “I would feel positive, empowered, hopeful, expectant …  etc”

You just feel each positive word as deeply as you can let the next one come. and it will gather momentum.

And what you’ll suddenly find is that you’ve actually disconnected from the negative emotions and connected into a positive upwards cycle.

So this is a great pattern interrupt that also helps you build positive momentum – which is why it’s called flipping the vibration.

What you’ll find is that depending on how much negative momentum you have, different things will work better at different times. So if flipping the vibration is too hard, go back to the step by step approach.

It’ll be a bit of trial and error which is a good thing because it will make you more self aware and allow you to become aware of shifts in your vibrational state before it slides down an abyss.

Having a range of tools is important as it will allow you to reach for a quick & simple solution that is perfect for each situation.

Speaking of quick & simple solutions. If you’d like to have a mindset mentor in your pocket to help you clear your limiting beliefs anytime, anywhere, then grab yourself the Money Block Buster System!

You can check it out here: www.miriamcastilla.com/mbbs

Until next time, remember that it’s time to embrace your unlimited potential

xx Miriam

Ready to go deeper?


Say goodbye to money blocks the quick & easy way:

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The most fun way to make more money

The most fun way to make more money

Do you know the most fun way to make more money?

It’s fun!

No, I don’t mean it’s a fun way to make more money – I mean that FUN is a great way to make more money!

So tell me: Are you having enough fun?

Are you having some fun right now? Are you having some fun today? Are you having some fun sometime this week – are you going to have any fun at all this month?

And I mean, fun, like fun where you laugh till your jaw is locked up and aching, fun where you laugh till your eyes are burning with mascara – or you think you’re going to have a little accident in your pants – THAT level of fun!

If you have not had that level of fun and it’s because you’re so busy trying to get everything done or trying to build your business and make more money and get on top of it all, then I’m here to tell you:

You need to have more fun for those very reasons, because more fun in your life will help you actually get more done in less time and is a way to make more money than you ever dreamt possible!

I know. Sounds crazy, right?





 Basically, when you cut to the core of it, it’s because when you’re bogged down and so busy doing and pushing and shoving and trying to force – you’re operating from fear and tiredness and stress and worry – that you shut down all your creativity.

You shut off that part of your brain that’s going to be the most helpful in those situations. The part of your brain that can see the bigger picture, that can help you make wise decisions – your unconscious, which already knows the answers to all your problems and the solutions to all your challenges.

You shut down your connection to the collective unconscious, the universal mind that your unconscious connects you to – where you can actually get insight, inspiration, intuition that’s going to help you move forward in miraculous, amazing ways.

So having more fun actually opens you up to all those amazing channels where you receive so much information and you download it really fast. And it all comes really easily because you’re actually open.

Because when you’re stressed and worried and pushing and shoving, you’re closed and you cannot receive new information. You’re actually holding on so tight that you can’t receive anything new.

So make a date with yourself and have some fun.

It’s an awesome way to make more money – AND it’s fun!


👇 Let me know in the comments below what you can do to ensure that this week, you’re going to do something fun – just for you. (and not to make something happen, but just to let go and have fun)

It’s really powerful stuff – and your business and your life will reap the rewards.

Now, if you want to join me for a whole lot of fun, then join me in my Facebook group, which is called the Manifesting Circle for soulful women in business

You can find it right here: https://miriamcastilla.com/group


Want to manifest more abundance in your business & life – CONSISTENTLY?

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How to manifest money fast by developing an abundance mindset
Click here: https://miriamcastilla.com/087-manifest-money-abundance-mindset/

The secret power of acting as if (it’s not what you think!)
Click here: https://miriamcastilla.com/091-power-of-acting-as-if/