Find the money to grow your business and stop doing everything yourself!

Find the money to grow your business and stop doing everything yourself!

Feel like you’re stuck doing everything yourself – and can’t find the money to grow your business?

Today’s episode will help you find the money you need to get help so your business can grow – and so YOU can get a break!

Just imagine…

WHAT IF … the money you need to grow your business is RIGHT right under your nose?


Scroll down to keep reading…






A while ago on my Facebook page I asked, “What would you do differently if you TRUSTED that the money will keep flowing into your business?”

And everyone basically said they would invest to get help in their business (without feeling guilty or fearful) – so they can stop having to do ALL THE THINGS.

When you’re in the earlier stages of business, it can feel like you’re stuck in a place where you’re doing everything yourself to keep the wheels turning – but you’re not making enough money to pay somebody so you can get to the next level and free yourself up.

If that’s going on for you, then I want to challenge you:

What if the money to grow your business is actually there?

And what if the thing that’s getting in the way of unlocking that money to grow your business is mostly your THINKING?

So let’s talk about how your Money Habit Archetype – the way you’re innately wired around money – can actually stop you from seeing that the money’s right there .. and how it can stop you from accessing it.

(We’ll also talk about what some of the deeper-seated fears and limiting beliefs might be, that could be the REAL cause of you feeling like there’s not enough money to grow your business)

Plus, we’ll cover some practical tips so you can put a strategy together for finding the money to grow your business. And I’ll tell you exactly what I actually did myself.

Wearing all the hats in your business is exhausting and there just aren’t enough hours in the day.

You’re trying to learn about SEO, building a website, a funnel, writing high converting emails, tinkering in Canva (but your graphics still come out looking a bit like Frankenstein..).

Then there’s Facebook Ads, Reels and all those endless glitches to deal with.

And while you’re trying to do all these things to grow your business, they leave you no time and energy to show up fully for your clients or to relax a bit and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

You end up having meals at your desk, staying up way too late, saying no to friends, watching a movie while working and missing the whole thing and basically not having a life.

It never ends. And when you’re in this state, you’re so tired and stressed that you can’t even think straight. All you can think about is getting back on that hamster wheel. And any time you step away from it and take a break, you end up feeling guilt and anxiety that you are not there, keeping the wheels turning.

It’s a very unhealthy pattern that creates a whole lot of stress & overwhelm and can end in total burnout.

So let’s look at your Money Habit Archetype and how it could be contributing to this situation.

There are 3 Money Habit Archetypes. The Accumulator, the Spender, and the Overextender. (If you’re unsure which one is yours or you’d like to find out more, just take this quiz)


Most of the Magnetic Money®️ Club members fall into this category. (And hilariously, they often think they don’t qualify to be an Accumulator because they haven’t accumulated enough yet!)

An accumulator is innately driven by the need to feel safe. They need that buffer, that safety net to know that all is okay.

But the problem is that when this comes from a place of fear of not having enough and not being safe – it’s never going to be enough!

They feel like they’re never quite in a place where they can risk some of their safety net for the purpose of growing their business.

They always feel like I need that money in reserve – just to be safe. And so if this is your thinking and your wiring, it means that even though the money might literally be right there, you may like it’s not available to you because you need it to stay safe.

It’s a really crappy thing to suffer. You have money but you’re still afraid. This is why I talk so much about creating a state of abundance that’s both internal & external.

Yes, we want the money in the bank. But we actually want to feel abundant and safe internally – and ideally, we want that feeling to be independent of the money in the bank.

So you resonate with being an Accumulator, time to be honest: 

Is the money actually there – BUT you’re afraid to risk it?



The spender’s pattern is basically that money comes in and … whoops! There it goes again.

It’s coming in, but it’s also flowing out at pretty much the same speed. And interestingly, how much money comes in doesn’t change this pattern.

(In fact, none of these patterns are changed by the AMOUNT of money. We’ll get back to this in a moment because it’s important to recognize.)

If you’re wired to be a Spender, then you are going to be looking for ways to spend money the moment it comes in.

Spenders often come from a background where they didn’t have much money growing up – or they’ve had a powerful poverty experience.

And so they get used to “spending it while they can” – because tomorrow it may not be there.

So it’s actually a fear of not having enough tomorrow that makes them spend it today.

What can happen in business if you’re wired as a Spender, is that although plenty of money comes in, you’re spending it on things that aren’t really the highest priority.

You invest in courses or new equipment without really looking at the bigger picture and overall best strategy so you can use your money to grow your business – rather than just RUN your business.

And there’s a HUGE difference between the two!



The Overextender is the type of person who, if they win $10,000, will put a down payment on a car and take out a car loan.

They may actually end up in a WORSE financial position than they were in before.

When running a business with an Overextender pattern, it often means getting way ahead of yourself. Trying to do too many things, playing like one of the big boys when you still need to put foundational steps in place.

So you end up being spread too thin, doing way too many things, and that results in a lack of income. Because there’s so much going on that you’re not actually able to properly show up in any one of those areas.

Nothing’s getting traction and you’re doing ALL the things but without enough income to get help.

And you know what? The truth is that you’re not READY for help because you actually need to pull back and focus on the 1 or 2 main areas that WILL move the needle forward.

You’ll start making more money faster by reigning things in – and THEN you’ll be able to pay someone to support you so you can grow.

So that’s how the 3 Money Habit Archetypes affect your ability to find the money to grow your business.

And more money won’t change those patterns!

The same pattern will show up for small amounts of income, moderate amounts of income and huge amounts of income.

What can actually happen, is that as things get bigger and there’s more money coming in, the problems start to feel bigger & bigger too!

So you need to create a STRATEGY that allows you to grow your business from where you’re at.

It’s time to talk about some practical things to help you find that money to help you grow to the next stage.  (and then the next and the next)

But first, let’s hit PAUSE & reflect before we move on:

Is this making sense? What’s coming up for you? Which Money Habit Archetype do you resonate with?

And most importantly are you starting to think that just maybe… you do actually have the money to grow your business – you’re just not using it properly, or not willing to spend it, or maybe your priorities are all over the place.

Are you starting to see that if you can change your pattern, you CAN get help to grow your business and stop having to do all the things yourself.

Let me know in the comments below!

OK, let’s get practical.

These tips will help no matter what your Money Habit Archetype is.

As is often the case, we’re going to start with a reframe.

See, most people think about getting help in their business in terms of a permanent commitment and a new ongoing cost.

And the reframe I want to invite you to make, is to think of breaking it down into STAGES.

So you want to ask, “Where do I need help in my business first? What’s the first (low value to you) task that you’d like to farm off to somebody else?

So number 1: Decide what that is.

(You know, instead of just randomly thinking “I’m snowed under. I need help!”

Get really clear on that very first priority.

THEN decide how you’re going to raise SOME money to get started.

For example: When I was building my finance business, I was burning the candle at both ends, working to grow the business around my 2 young children. I knew I needed help.

So I decided that I needed an assistant to do certain tasks so I could go out there and make more connections to grow my business.

I needed to GROW a little first, so I could then afford to pay someone ONGOING.

But initially, my target was to just have an assistant for 6 months so I could spend that time growing the business and have more clients coming in consistently.

Only then would we look at moving on to the next stage where she could become my permanent assistant.

At the time, I was convinced I could not afford to pay her that part-time salary. (Because I didn’t know what I know now so I was still doing everything the hard way)

But looking back, I know my business was making enough money. I was just spending it on all the wrong things.

So I actually took money out of my mortgage to fund those 6 months of salary.

I made it very clear that this was initially just a 6 month thing – the idea being that if everything worked out, she would end up having a fulltime job.

So that was our goal.

And so I want to encourage you to do the same – no matter how you fund this first stage.

Break it down & be really clear on the goal.

It makes it feel much more do-able and achievable.

Just set small goals and milestones you can reach, then move on to the next one.

It will stop feeling like a huge, scary commitment that you’re too afraid to step into.

It will save you time & money because rather than spending money on a course to learn a new skill – then having to spend the time to DO the course, become proficient at that skill AND do the actual work.

Instead of all that, you just get someone else to do it for you and it INSTANTLY frees you up!

Now, EVEN if you feel like the money’s just not there, you can STILL take the same approach.

Come up with a strategy to raise some funds – whether it’s having a special sale, making a special offer, or taking on a side gig.

Raise the funds, then use that money to pay somebody to free you from your business so you can achieve that first goal for growth.

When you think of it as this step by step process – rather than just trying to come up with a salary for somebody out of nowhere – it starts to feel so much more achievable.


If this is all making you feel uncomfortable – if fear is coming up, then you might suffer from ‘Fear of Success’

This is the fear of building a business monster. One where there are so many pieces of the puzzle and you’re locked in tighter than ever – with more people relying on you other than just your clients.

It’s the fear of having staff and contractors relying on you for their livelihood and that it’s asking more from you than you’re able or willing to give in the long term, but feeling trapped by the machine you’ve built.

That’s a real & valid fear! And it can absolutely happen. It happened recently to Vanessa Lau, a YouTube coach I follow. She built a multi-million dollar business in just a few short years, then realized that she had to walk away from it because it was burning her out and making her feel trapped.

In fact, I did a whole episode about it, which I encourage you to watch next (link below and here)

In that episode, we talk about the 5 key strategies and elements you need to ensure you’re not building a business monster.

It’ll help you ensure that Fear of Success isn’t unconsciously getting in your way, making you blind to all the opportunities for getting help so you can grow.

It’ll also help you create a building that feels aligned and sustainable so you love showing up for work and get to enjoy the satisfaction, fulfilment and FREEDOM you want.

So click on that next and I’ll see you over there!


Discover your Money Habit Archetype and use it to clear your biggest money block.



How to build a 7 figure online business you’ll love

How to build a 7 figure online business you’ll love

Imagine building a million dollar business – then deciding you need to walk away from it!

That’s what happened to Vanessa Lau. And if it can happen to her, it can happen to anyone!

Because knowing how to build a 7 figure online business is just ONE part of the equation.

But ensuring this business nourishes & sustains you, not just financially, but emotionally, physically, mentally & spiritually – is another thing altogether.


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If you don’t know who Vanessa Lau is, she’s a coach whose online business exploded to multiple 7 figures over the course of a few short years.

She seemingly had it all, even being featured in Forbes magazine and speaking at all the big events.

But just a few weeks ago, she announced her indefinite sabbatical! She closed her programs, cancelled all speaking engagements and scaled her team of 9 down to 1.


She felt like she was running on an unsustainable hamster wheel. And the joy she once felt about her business was no longer there. 

This story speaks directly to the ‘Fear of Success’ so many entrepreneurs hold. The fear of what happens if your business succeeds. What if it does so well you can no longer keep up?

For women, especially mothers or anyone who’s ever suffered corporate burnout, this is an especially frightening scenario.

Burnout is why I jumped off the fast track of my Engineering & Corporate Development career.

How about you? Do you fear burnout? Have you experienced it before? Let me know in the comments!

The great news is there are strategies you can implement to avoid business burnout.

Because you want a business that is financially successful, but also feels aligned AND sustainable – WITHOUT getting trapped on a hamster wheel.

One that nourishes you instead of depleting you.

So today, we’ll cover 5 principles that will help you create a sustainable & aligned business – and ensure you enjoy the journey along the way!

I’ll also share a hot tip to get you there faster along with the 2 questions that help you do so.

Let’s get into it!



Principle #1: Core Values

Your core values are what light you up most in life. They’re the reason certain things feel so great to you.

They connect you to your inner joy & sense of fulfilment – they’re what life is ultimately all about for you.

This is why core values are the very first thing I cover with my VIPs and my Aligned Business Mastermind.

Core values become your North Star, the guiding light that ensures your business lights you up, each & every day.

They should permeate every part of your business as well as HOW you do things, WHEN you do them, how OFTEN you do them, WHO WITH and WHO FOR. 

Designing your business AROUND your core values is essential to building a business that truly aligns with your soul so you can feel deeply fulfilled every step of the way.

If you’d like some help uncovering your core values and creating more life balance, then grab my book Today’s Woman – Life Balance Secrets. Just click here to have it posted to you.

A lack of alignment with my core values is what caused me to leave my Engineering career.

I felt like I was just going through the motions, showing up to collect a paycheck. It all felt very disconnected & meaningless with no sense of purpose.

When I quit, I had no idea what to do next – but I knew I had to get out.

I became desperately unhappy and felt like my soul was slowly being sucked out of my body.

It left such an imprint on my body, that for years later, I still felt anxiety whenever I drove past that office building.




Most people create their business strategy, then try to shove alignment into the gaps.

But that’s a recipe for disaster!

Instead, you want to design your business strategy AROUND your alignment strategy.


You need the way you operate your business to support the ways in which you nourish your soul.

It’s critical to take care of yourself as you take care of your business – and doing it BY DESIGN is the key to maintaining a sense of balance in life.


There’s a big difference between being effective, being productive and being efficient. 

Being productive is about getting lots done.
Being efficient is about getting it done fast.
But being EFFECTIVE is about doing what truly matters.

When you take it a step further and practise ALIGNED EFFECTIVENESS, you’re getting into alignment BEFORE you get to work on the most important things that move the needle in your business!

This allows you to tap into an unlimited supply of energy & enthusiasm that fuels you from within.

It means you’re being pulled along by inspiration, rather than needing to be pushed by motivation.


In my finance business which I started after my divorce, I still didn’t get this right.

I started that business from a place of desperately wanting to create financial stability for myself and my children. I wanted to be my own boss and have a financially successful business.

And I did it – but something was missing.

The business was running me instead of me running the business.


And before you know it, again felt like I was going through the motions. I had to force myself to go to work & everything felt heavy.

It started to feel just like my corporate job.

Yes, I loved the money and I loved helping my clients achieve their dreams.

But I didn’t enjoy the pressure & deadliness, the mindless nitpicking over details and being at the mercy of banks and credit managers on power trips.

I had used my business as a means to an end, rather than creating it to fulfil my needs along the way.


I was very blessed because I could hand it all over to my husband while I built a new business that truly lit me up, armed with everything I’d learnt along the way.

I not only got to do the work I wanted to do in the way I wanted to do it – I also got to FEEL the way I wanted to feel while I was doing it!

Leaving the finance business I’d worked so hard to create as a broke single mum was a scary thing to do. But I knew it was necessary if I wanted to avoid burning out again and ever feel truly fulfilled by my work. 


Principle #4: GOLDEN RULES

Enforcing your golden rules is essential to retaining a sense of balance and maintaining your energetic alignment.

The trick is to be clear on what they are and to make them non-negotiable.

This will ensure you’re building a business that suits YOU, not others.

So what are golden rules?

Golden rules are guidelines you set for yourself that will ensure your business remains in alignment with your values and your soul’s needs.



Here’s some examples:

  • no more than 2 client facing hours per day 
  • no more than 2 out of office meetings per week. 
  • NEVER work Fridays 
  • Meditate BEFORE checking messages in the morning

Your golden rules will be your own, but whatever they are, they should honour your core values and support your alignment strategy.




What’s a Golden Goose?

YOU are the Golden Goose, baby!


Your time and energy are precious & irreplaceable resources.

Which means that every player and process in your business should be supporting and protecting you so you can play your role.


Here are 2 principles that will help:
1. Know what’s urgent vs what’s IMPORTANT

  1. Less is more! 


You need to be willing to delete or delegate tasks and projects.


To help you decide what to delete or delegate, just ask these 2 questions:
1. Does this task need to be done at all?

  1. If so – can it be done by someone else?


This will go a long way towards simplifying your business so you can focus on the things that are truly important and actually move the needle.

It will help avoid you spinning your wheels & burning out on low level tasks that don’t need to be done at all – or make very little difference.

And if you’re reading this, thinking, “I really need help but feel like I can’t afford it!”, then be sure to catch the next episode! Because that is exactly what we’re going to cover for you.

In the meantime, remember you can grab my Life Balance Secrets book at the link below if you need help with that.

xx Miriam


Life Balance Pack



How to take control of your money in 5min a week! (A Simple Personal Finance System for Business Owners)

How to take control of your money in 5min a week! (A Simple Personal Finance System for Business Owners)

When I was a kid, I desperately wanted a horse.

And my parents desperately wanted me NOT to have a horse! Because they knew that a horse was a major commitment. It meant early mornings and expenses – and a major effect on our lifestyle and freedom.

In the end we settled on riding lessons – because we realized that what I really wanted was to RIDE a horse! (I didn’t really want to get up at 5am every morning to shovel poop)

And I think this is why a lot of people will avoid setting up a money system.

They think that in order to RIDE a horse, they need to OWN the horse – and commit to all that goes with it.

You want to take control of your money.

Because you want financial freedom and stability. You WANT to achieve your goals. You WANT not to worry about the bills all the time.

But you THINK that in order to achieve that, it has to be this restrictive thing, where you have to micro-manage every dollar and miss out on fun stuff.

But what if I told you that’s simply not true?


Scroll down to keep reading…






That a GREAT money system will give you all the freedom & financial stability you crave – WITHOUT missing out on anything or having to micro-manage your money?

In fact, with the Magnetic Money™ System, it takes me less than 5 minutes a week to manage ALL my money!

That’s less time than it takes me to make my oats in the morning!

Not only does it only take five minutes a week to know it’s all sorted – but it’s given our family the most amazing benefits, including:

        Being totally fine during a period of 6 months with NO income – because we had buffers and minimal debt as a result of implementing our money system. The drop in income didn’t affect our lifestyle at all!

        Paying off $70,000 worth of credit cards in just 7 months! This happened right after we committed to our money system!

        Buying a beachfront apartment that’s now an amazing source of income and a fabulous place to get away to for a few days.

As a business owner, knowing how to manage your finances is about more than just doing the books. It’s about knowing how to manage your business finances AND your personal money.

It’s about having a holistic system so your business is looked after and so YOU are looked after.

Before I developed the Magnetic Money™ system, my accountant would pat me on the back, telling me how well my business was doing. But meanwhile, I was stressed to the eyeballs because my personal finances were a mess!

I simply couldn’t find a system that covered both my personal and business money and allowed for irregular income and a business that was still finding its feet. So I created my own.

And I had one rule:

Managing my money can’t take longer than making my oats in the morning. (which is about 5 minutes)

So let me talk you through my ‘instant oats’ 5-minute income distribution process:


When I make my oats, I get all my ingredients and toppings out first. I gather everything I need.

And it’s the same with my money. The first thing I do is to get out my tools – my smartphone, my A5 notepad and a pen. And then I tally my income for the week.

So that’s the first step – getting everything together.


When I make my oatmeal, I like to sprinkle on seeds and throw in some blueberries. And these need to be proportionate to the amount of oats I have in the pan.

Now when it comes to managing your money, your income fluctuates. And that means your tax amount will be a little bit different each time. So the amount of tax money you set aside needs to be PROPORTIONATE to your income.

The easiest way to do that is by using a set percentage. Decide on a percentage by talking to your accountant or refer to your last tax return – then apply that to your weekly income.

That’s step number 2. Knowing how much tax to set aside.

Side Note:

A lot of people avoid organizing their money because of fluctuating income.They think, “Yeah, but what if I don’t make enough money next week – then what??”

But you need to understand that it’s only when you pay attention to your cash flow, that you can SMOOTH it.  And THAT is the secret to maintaining your lifestyle!

You will have irregular income. And to maintain your lifestyle you need CONSISTENT amounts of money available – so you can do what you want – no matter whether you’re having a big income week, or a smaller one.

The key to having that consistent amount of money available is to smooth your cash flow as much as possible. Even though it may arrive in irregular amounts, you put it through a process that averages it out, so you always have the money you want & need available.

So if you’re someone who’s been avoiding proactively managing your money because of irregular cashflow, it’s time to recognize that PROACTIVELY managing your money will actually ALLEVIATE that problem!

And THIS is when you get to enjoy peace of mind and a deeper knowing that it’s all sorted.

THIS is financial stability!

And this is what raises your vibration, makes you feel great about money and your business and magnetic to so much more! Which means you’ll have even MORE money to play with! 😊

And this is why after the 10 seconds it takes me to calculate my tax for the week, I have a quick look to see if I’m in shortfall.


Have I brought in less than I need to? If so, I note that down.

It’s the same as noticing that I’m running low on cinnamon or maple syrup. I write it on my shopping list so I don’t run out and can continue to enjoy my favorite breakfast every morning.

What’s your favorite breakfast? Let me know in the comments!

And by the way – how easy is this so far?

I actually think this takes LESS time than making my oats!


Ok, let’s move on to the final step:

Pull out your smartphone and make a couple of transfers.

Transfer that tax money into your tax account and pay yourself. That’s it!

You can do a couple of quick banking transfers. You do it all the time, right?

This is how EASY it is to keep your money system on track so that you get to enjoy financial stability and reap massive rewards – just like we did.

When you’ve got a great system in place, you can trust it.

All you need to do is show up each week & go through the 5-minute process.

Of course, you will need to know exactly what those amounts to transfer are.

And that’s why I recommend you read THIS EPISODE next, because it covers the 5 critical elements that will ensure you’ll achieve your financial goals WITHOUT feeling like you’re missing out on a damn thing. 😊

See you over there!

xx Miriam

The Limiting Belief Busting Toolkit™️ (Money Block Buster System)

Magnetic Money System Bootcamp Event Cover



3 TIPS: How To Start Saving Money As A Small Business Owner

3 TIPS: How To Start Saving Money As A Small Business Owner

Do you feel like you can’t save money because your business isn’t making enough?

The 3 steps in this episode will help you start saving money right away.

They’re not money saving tips – they’re tips on how to set up your money system so it  SUPPORTS in saving successfully!

So if you’ve been wondering how to start saving money as a small business owner, read on >>


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When I was going through my ‘broke single mum’ phase, I implemented these 3 things – and they helped me go from having no money to spare – to actually saving!

And if I was able to start saving at a time my income was basically zero, you can too!

What you’ll find is that as you start to consistently save even just a little, the gates will open and momentum will gather. A trickle will become a flow and then a flood.

And before you know it, you’ll be ticking off all those things on your financial goals list.

For me that was buying my dream house, buying an investment property, then another one, taking the kids on overseas holidays, Tick, tick, tick, tick!

All the things I used to dream about started coming true. And it happened a lot faster than I ever thought possible – because I dared to get started and allow the momentum to kick in.

And the same will happen for you! You just need to make a start.

So let’s talk about how to start saving money as a small business owner (especially if you feel like you’re not making enough money to save).

And while we’re here – are you clear on what you actually want? What are your  financial goals? What do you want those savings for? Start getting clear & be specific! It will make a massive difference to how fast you can achieve them.

The wonderful thing we have going for us as business owners is that we have the opportunity to bring in additional income.. and the amount that’s possible is basically unlimited. 

But the very FIRST step to help you start saving money is separating that business money from your personal money.

THAT’S STEP NUMBER 1: Your Business Pays You!

This will help you start recognizing and celebrating when your business is able to pay you. And that income from your business is money that can start going towards your savings.

Keeping your money separate from your business’ money is important because you’ll know that your business has enough to operate and your money is yours to spend.


Having designated spending money for fun stuff is important!

It helps you cultivate an abundance mindset and feel great about your finances.

The trick to spending money without guilt or worry is to keep it SEPARATE. 

By separating your fun money, you’ll protect the money needed to pay your bills – and the money designated for spending.

PLUS, you protect your ‘fun money’ so you can enjoy whatever you choose to spend it on – without worry or guilt.

This helps you feel abundant & raise your vibration, making you magnetic to more.

Your fun money can be as little as $10 a week! 

The amount is not important! It’s about the practice and the feeling.
Momentum will gather from there, bringing you more money to spend, have fun with AND save.

So separate discretionary spending from fixed expenses.

What’s the difference?


You can choose to spend it today, tomorrow, or not at all.
You also get to choose how much.

Let’s take haircuts as an example:
I could get a haircut today, next week or next year.
I can go to an expensive hairdresser or I can go to a much more affordable hairdresser.

It’s a discretionary expense. You choose when and how much.

FIXED EXPENSES are things you can’t avoid spending money on.

You also usually can’t avoid WHEN you have to spend it.

Rent, electricity, mobile phone and internet accounts and insurances are all examples of fixed expenses.

But the AMOUNT you spend on fixed expenses isn’t fixed either!

In fact, I highly recommend you review them and shop around for better deals. When our Magnetic Money™️ students go through this exercise, they literally reclaim THOUSANDS of dollars per year!

Most people tend to forget about and not review these ‘fixed expenses’ and end up wasting so much money.

That’s your money waiting to be reclaimed so you can put it towards those savings!
(in the video for this episode, I give you an inside peek at the Magnetic Money™️ Planner and show you how we lay out discretionary vs fixed expenses, so you may want to check that out)

Let me know in the comments:
Have you separated your discretionary spending from your fixed expenses?

Having this separation gives you the freedom to spend money guilt-free – without worrying that you’ll struggle to pay the power bill!  And that goes a very long way towards your peace of mind – which raises your vibration and helps you become magnetic to more money 😊

And if you’re thinking, “What fun money, Miriam? I don’t have any! It all goes on bills!” be sure to watch the linked episode below. It’ll help you understand why you need to implement this kind of system BEFORE you can start consistently saving.


Having a business or side hustle is awesome because you have the ability to bring in an unlimited amount of extra income.

But how much do you really need?

You need to be able to work that out. That’s why the Magnetic Money™️ Planner includes several handy calculators. One of them is literally titled: How much does my business need to make? (there’s a demo in the video of this episode)

You need to calculate your business GROSS income target so it can:

  1. cover its operating costs
  2. pay its taxes
  3. pay YOU what you need in order to pay your bills, have your fun money AND achieve your savings goals

If you feel like you’re not making enough money to be able to save money, this is what you need to do! You need to calculate that gap.

You need to know your target gross income.

Then you can make tweaks to your business strategy and make plans to ensure you achieve it.

(If you’re keen to get started on this, jump into the Magnetic Money™️ System Bootcamp! It’s where I walk you through the step-by-step process and help you set up a money system that gives every dollar a job to do and ensures you achieve your financial goals)

If you’d like to play with the income target calculator, get your copy here.

What will your first action step be? Let me know in the comments below.

See you in the next episode.

xx Miriam




How To Manage Finances In Business – The 3 Step Bucket System

How To Manage Finances In Business – The 3 Step Bucket System

Confused about how to manage your business bank account?
Feel like you’re making it up as you go?

You’re not alone!

Nobody tells us how to manage finances in business. So we mostly just have to figure it out for ourselves.

Over the years, I’ve spoken with hundreds of business owners who were stressed, confused & embarrassed because they had no idea if they were doing it right.

Often, their business and personal money was all mixed up – or they constantly had to top up their business account with personal money.

And if any of that’s been going on for you, today’s episode will definitely help!

We’ll talk about how to manage finances in business by implementing 3 simple rules for organizing your business bank account.


Scroll down to keep reading…






Applying these rules will help you gain so much peace of mind, because like most of us, you probably assume the worst when you’re not sure what’s happening. And that’s really stressful!


By implementing these 3 simple rules for organizing your business bank accounts, you’ll be able to relax, knowing everything is working and on track.


In the video version of this episode, I share my screen and show you the Magnetic Money™️ Bucket System – so you might want to check that out.

Ok, let’s get into these 3 basic rules for managing finances in business:

NUMBER 1: Separate Business And Personal

The first thing to do as a business owner is to separate your business and personal money.

And that means having separate business and personal bank accounts and being really clear on which is which.

Be sure your business accounts are in your business’ name and that they match the entity under which you operate your business (eg if you’re operating as a company, the business bank account should be owned by the company, not by you)

Your business is a separate entity to you – both legally & energetically, so this separation is important.

Plus, if the money’s all mixed up, you’ll have no idea what’s going on!

You’ll struggle to figure out if your business is even profitable. And like most of us, when you lack clarity, your confidence will drop and you’ll assume the worst.

NUMBER 2: Every Dollar Needs a Job To Do (and a place to do it)

Every dollar needs a job to do and a workplace where it fulfils that role.

This means you need to be clear on the PURPOSE of each bank account.
(Check out the video for this episode where I walk you through the Magnetic Money™️ bucket system, which will help everything make a lot more sense)

Let’s press pause so you can think about this for a moment…

Do you know exactly what the purpose of the money in each of your bank accounts is?
Are you clear on that? Have you named your accounts accordingly? Is it really obvious?

And if you still need to sort this out, let me know in the comments what your next action step is!


When you’re organizing your business bank accounts, you need to separate tax money.

I highly recommend having a separate business account that you top up every week or month to cover your tax bill.

Firstly, it’s good money management because when that tax bill comes, you’ll have the money ready to go!

Not only is it a wonderful feeling, you’re also energetically sending out a clear message that you expect to make profit. Because that’s what a tax bill is! It’s confirmation by the government that your business made a profit. 


So start looking at tax money as confirmation of your business’ success and profitability.

And isn’t that a total game changer to your mindset around tax?

Remember also that even though you’re putting that tax money aside, it’s still your money! Until you hand it over to pay your tax, it’s still available to you. You haven’t given it away or paid tax in advance. You’re simply preparing to cover your tax bill. This avoids any nasty surprises AND shows that you EXPECT to pay tax because you EXPECT to make profit.

Once you’ve implemented the above 3 rules, your business will be able to pay YOU.

And the money can then flow through from your ‘business bucket’ into your personal buckets, which include your BILLS bucket, your FUN MONEY bucket and your WEALTH CREATION bucket.


The Limiting Belief Busting Toolkit™️ (Money Block Buster System)

Magnetic Money System Bootcamp Event Cover