Scarcity Mindset vs Abundance Mindset – and how they impact your income level / cashflow

Scarcity Mindset vs Abundance Mindset – and how they impact your income level / cashflow

Let’s talk about scarcity mindset versus abundance mindset and how they impact both your income level and your cash flow. 

Today we’re going to talk about:

  • What the BIG difference between the two is 
  • How they impact your income level & why
  • How to know which side of the equation you’re on

Before we talk about how they impact your income level, let’s talk about what they actually are and what the difference is. 






What is that unconscious program that’s running beneath the surface, that colours your world and determines the lens through which you see the world? 

There’s a really interesting thing about the mind. People think that the brain is like a video camera that captures the absolute truth and it can be relied upon. 

But what actually happens is that your mind deletes, distorts and generalises everything you observe to fit your model of reality. 

For example, two people might be in exactly the same situation or witnessing exactly the same event, but they’ll have two very different stories, depending on their programming. 

Each of their minds will delete, distort and generalise what they witness to fit their model of reality. That’s why you might get eyewitness accounts of an accident, and one person saw everybody who was taking advantage of the situation and snatched a lady’s purse, and somebody else would see all the helpful bystanders who came rushing to the aid of the people who needed it, and who were really loving and supportive. 

Two different people with different mindsets will see things completely differently. 

Maybe you’ve experienced that even in your own family or with your partner where you tell the story of something that you both experienced together, yet they’ve got a really different version of events than you do. 

It’s because you each have your own model of reality, your own mindset, your own belief system, in how the world operates and how it relates to you. And so that determines the filter through which you view the world and how you perceive every single thing that happens. 

So you can see that when it comes to scarcity mindset versus abundance mindset and how they impact your income level, this is massive. Because when you’re coming from a place of fear and lack, you’re going to show up and you’re going to feel like there’s not enough to go around. 

You’re going to be living in a state of fear. You’re going to think that there’s not enough, that maybe you’re not capable enough, that you haven’t learned all the right things or that you don’t have enough experience yet. 

Or maybe you’re going to think that the right people aren’t even there for you, that nobody wants what you’re offering or that nobody wants to support you in the process. 

Then the actions you take will follow that course as well. 

You’ll hold back, you’ll procrastinate, you won’t put yourself out there, you’ll be afraid and you won’t take action that actually helps you move your business and your income forward. 

Whereas if you have an abundance mindset, you’re going to feel really confident, positive and excited about the opportunities that are out there. You’re going to think, believe and know that there are plenty of opportunities and that there are gazillions of possibilities of how that thing that you want to create can come about, and you’re going to think that you’re capable of doing it. 

You’re going to think that if there’s something you don’t know yet that you need to know, then you’ll figure it out. 

And so you’re going to take action. You’re going to do things, you’re going to investigate, talk to people, ask questions and show up confidently. 

If you have a little knock back, it doesn’t matter. It’s not going to stop you, you’re going to keep on showing up. 

And of course, your mindset also determines the way you speak and act. 

So when you’re in a scarcity mindset, the way you talk about your business and what it is you’re looking to do will go something like this, “Yeah, but you know, it didn’t work last time. And I don’t know, it’s not really that good yet, and maybe nobody will show up.” 

Compare that to when you’re in an abundance mindset, and you’re saying things like, “I’m so excited about this! I know it’s not perfect yet, but I’m so willing to work on it. And I’m so excited to see what feedback I’m going to get from people that will help me make this even better.” 

And you will take totally different actions.

So the ultimate outcome of scarcity mindset versus abundance mindset:

It’s not just that it impacts your results, how you experience your every single day, how you experience the evolution of your business and what actually happens as a result. 

The ultimate outcome is that somebody in a scarcity mindset will keep themselves perpetually in a place of just enough or not quite enough, because the fundamental belief is that there isn’t enough and that they’re lucky just to scrape by. 

That will be their experience because their mindset will determine the way they feel, the way they think, and the way they act as well as the way they speak and the things they actually do. 

Somebody with an abundance mindset is going to experience a continuous growth in their business and in their abundance journey because they’re always going to be looking for more. They believe in infinite possibilities, they believe in no lack, they believe in abundance. 

So they’re going to experience abundance because they’re going to feel abundant and feel full of potential and possibilities. 

They’re going to think that everything is available and possible, so they will take those actions and speak accordingly. And that gives them feedback from the world and the people around them that matches it. 

So how do you know which one’s yours? 

Look at your results

Your results are always the outcome of the mindset that has brought you to this place. 

If you find that your results are that you’re consistently in a state of just enough or not quite enough, then your predominant programming is a scarcity mindset and you’ll just have to own it. 

If you don’t own it, then you can’t do anything about it. 

Whereas if you find that your results are that you’re continually growing and evolving, you feel good, you think positively and you’re taking positive action, then you have an abundance mindset. 

All you really need to do is keep it up, because the more you keep it up, the more you grow, and the more possibilities will open up for you. 

But if you find yourself in a scarcity mindset, then it’s time to make a change. 

The very first thing is to actually be aware. 

In everything that I teach and the very first lesson in my Magnetic Money program, is to start noticing. Start becoming more self-aware. 

What you need to do is just simply pay attention to: 

✔️How am I feeling about my income level? 

✔️How am I feeling about my potential to earn more money? 

✔️Am I coming from a place of fear or lack? 

✔️Or am I coming from a place of trust and plenty? 

✔️How am I thinking about life, about my business, about my potential? 

✔️Am I thinking thoughts of fear and lack? 

✔️Or am I thinking thoughts of trust and plenty? 

✔️What are my actions saying that I really believe, feel and think? 

Your actions are the outcome of all of that internal stuff. 

So if you’re not taking action, or if you’re only taking really cautious action, you’re coming from a place of fear and lack. 

Whereas if you’re taking action that sometimes is a leap of faith (without being silly about it), and it shows that you trust and believe in infinite possibilities and in your ability to make things happen and to make success of it, then you’re in an abundance mindset. 

So pay attention. 

✔️How are you feeling? 

✔️What are you thinking? 

✔️And what are you actually doing? 

That will let you know whether or not your predominant program is a scarcity mindset or an abundance mindset, and then you can do something about it. 

The easiest way to do something about it is just to make incremental little upgrades. 

Do something that makes you feel a little more abundant. 

Start switching your thoughts up, catching yourself in the process and reframing them to be something a little bit more positive, and start taking slightly more positive actions. 

This is a cycle that builds and builds on itself, and it builds beautiful momentum. 

It’s up to you to keep nudging it up a notch. Nudge each one of those up a notch. 

There are three cornerstones of the Magnetic Money trifecta. 

It’s a flywheel effect – the way you think, feel and do – and if you can continue, just nudge each one of those up a notch. Then you’re going to start gathering more positive momentum and move yourself from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset, which will have a massive impact on your income level. 

So there you have it. Scarcity mindset versus abundance mindset and how to know the difference.

👇🏻  Let me know in the comments below – which one has been your predominant mindset lately? 

Look at your results, and look at the way you think, feel and act most of the time. 

Then if you find that you need to do something about it, start nudging it up a notch!


Discover your Money Habit Archetype and use it to clear your biggest money block.

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Why you’re not attracting money – even though you want more money
Click here:

How to manifest money fast by developing an abundance mindset
Click here:

How to hypnotise yourself into abundance

How to hypnotise yourself into abundance

I’m wondering: have you hypnotised yourself to be poor?

So I’m a hypnotherapist and one of the first things I learned in my training is that we actually all hypnotise each other every single day.

Coca-Cola, KFC, McDonald’s know exactly how to hypnotise people into buying their “stuff.” Right?

They know the hypnotic effects of words, images, repetition and people just zoning out in front of the TV – which, by the way, is when your unconscious is completely open.

You’re actually in a trance when you’re watching TV, and that is why TV ads are so powerful.

But we all hypnotise ourselves – and each other – every single day.





Your parents hypnotised you when you were just a little kid which, again, is when the unconscious is completely open. The personality hasn’t fully formed yet. And until about age seven, you’re just open; there’s no filter and everything goes in.

Which is why my 1:1 work with clients usually goes back to things at age 7 or earlier. If they take me to an event that they say is the first time that a limiting belief occured after age 7, I always dig deeper.

Because most often, it happened before age 7 when they were totally susceptible to taking on messages without a rational filter that says, “That’s not really what that means and I’m going to choose to see it from a different perspective.”

They just take things at face value. YOU just took things at face value.

So, we all hypnotise each other.

Our parents are really good at it when we’re young.

And now you also hypnotise yourself every single day.

You do it with your words. Words are extremely powerful. They’re extremely hypnotic and when you repeat the same word over and over again that means you start to believe it.

And as you start to believe it, you repeat it more and more which means you believe it at an even deeper level. And because you know that what you believe at a deeper level is the truth, it means that the words that you are now speaking are you complete and utter truth.

What I just said doesn’t make much sense but it felt like it did, didn’t it?

Because I used hypnotic words. That is how powerful they are.

So, be aware of that.

Be aware of your words and that they are hypnotising you every single day.

Be aware that when you speak to other people, you are actually hypnotising yourself. Words are powerful. 95-98% of everything we do every single day is completely unconscious. So when you hypnotise yourself, what you’re actually doing is you’re programming your unconscious – which runs your life.

It’s like you’re programming the computer that runs the show.

And you want to be careful with how you’re programming it, right?

One thing you can practice is a simple pattern interrupt.

Basically just be aware and when you find yourself saying things that are negative around money like “Oh god, not another parking fine.” and “Oh my god, electricity just keeps getting more expensive.” etc, train yourself to throw in a little pattern interrupt.

Train yourself to say something that interrupts that old pattern firing in your nervous system because that alone will weaken that old pattern… and weaken that old belief system.

It will help you wire in a new belief system… a new pattern that serves you a whole lot better.

What sort of pattern interrupt?

Well, you can train yourself to go “BLAH” everytime you say something that shouldn’t come out of your mouth. But people might think that you’re a little bit weird….

So, how about something as simple as, “Lucky I’ve always got more money coming.” or “Lucky I’m rich!” or “Yeah, that’s right – I can afford this because I always make twice as much as I spend.” Or just anything. Anything at all that’s a pattern interrupt that’s out of the ordinary to what you would normally say.

And that alone is powerful.

This is important stuff, people.

Now, if you’re not quite sure where to begin on this journey to creating life on purpose, to getting in the driver seat and really upgrading your life no matter how good it already is you know it can be better, then take my quiz.

The link is in the description above. Jump on there and we’ll find out what your next step from here is.

I’ll see you next time.


Take the Money Habit Archetype Quiz so you can clear your biggest money block.

What’s stopping the money from flowing is never about money

What’s stopping the money from flowing is never about money

If you’ve been frustrated that money just isn’t flowing to you and you’re trying to work out what the hell is going on, then this is something really important for you to get your head around.

And that is that the thing that’s stopping the money from flowing, is never about the money. 

It is never about the money because money is just a symbol. Money is a symbol of all sorts of things in our society, but most importantly it is a symbol of value and worth. We literally say, “Do you know what she’s worth? Do you know what he’s worth?”

So we’ve managed to link money up to self-worth, our worthiness, our deservingness, our value. 

That is where the problem comes in, because when there are issues around feeling deserving, feeling valuable, feeling worthy of having lots of good things coming to you and being taken care of and knowing that it just keeps flowing and that everything’s totally fine, many people – you probably included – have some stuff going on at the unconscious level that’s just not a match to that.

It often comes back to benign seeming things in early childhood – or maybe not so benign – that created some sort of limiting belief.





Whether it was some decision made that, “Ah, I’m not good enough to have what I made,” or, “I’m not allowed to speak up because others will judge me,” or, “There’s never enough to go around and it’s greedy to ask for more than my share.” These kinds of limiting beliefs often come from seemingly innocent things in early childhood and usually just parents who are ignorant of the impact they’re making with their statements and their actions.

But then what happens is that you take it on and, literally, in your nervous system you start a little daisy chain of a pattern that reinforces that belief, that decision that was made somewhere back early on. Then every time something similar happens in your life and your experience, it reinforces it. It’s like, “See? It’s true! See? There’s something else! See? There’s MORE evidence!” 

And as you know, what you focus on, expands. If you’re starting to program your mind, your reticular activating system, to seeing the world through this lens, you will see more and more and more of it, and you will become more of a vibrational match to it, it’ll become wired deeper into your unconscious and so you will continue drawing more and more experiences that are a perfect match to it into your life. That’s why it’ll just escalate and escalate and escalate, but the thing that started it is often something pretty simple.

This is what we do in hypnotherapy and timeline therapy. It can seem a little bit big and overwhelming like, “Oh, shivers, where does this come from?” However, I just want to let you know that it’s never about the money and you really need to look at, 

“What does the money represent to me and how would having more money make that belief untrue?”

That’s where the problem comes in, right?

If the money comes in, and then that means that it doesn’t match that belief, well then we’ve got a mismatch, we’ve got a problem here. And so that’s why the money doesn’t come. So you do need to be able to change that limiting belief, that deeper unconscious thing that’s sitting there and once you resolve that, then the money can come, because the money is then no longer contrary to that belief that has been taken on.

So, a very simple way to start unravelling all of this is to simply ask, “What would I need to believe for this to keep happening? What is the match, and if I did have more money flowing in, what would that then no longer be a match to? Where would the disconnect be?”

So look at it in both ways, “What is keeping small here a match to? And if I went to the next level, what would that be incongruent with, what would that mean, and what would that no longer mean?”

These kind of deep and powerful questions are how you connect to your unconscious mind and start unravelling some of these threads.

Yes, you can do that in a 1:1 session with myself or another practitioner, but you can actually go a very long way on your own, simply by asking the right kind of questions and working with your unconscious.

The key thing to remember is that it’s never about the money.

It’s about what the money represents.

So I’d love to hear from you if you’re happy to share. Let me know what’s coming up for you as you read this and what “Ah-ha!” and lightbulb moments you’re having in the comments below.

Do make sure also to grab my free money training. The link is in the description.

And until I see you next, keep on embracing your gorgeous and totally unlimited potential.



Grab the free Manifesting Money Training here:

How to smash through an income plateau

How to smash through an income plateau

Do you want to know how to smash through an income plateau in your business? That’s what we’re about to talk about, right now!

So I’m going to give you an analogy: imagine that you are an Olympic athlete and you know that you want to beat the world record. So what are going to do? Are you going to show up at the Olympic games and just run your hardest and hope for the best? 

No. You’re going to train, right? 

You’re going to train really hard and make sure that you have a huge, huge advantage so when you get there, because you’re ALREADY that world record holder. You are already the person who can totally master that time, not somebody who’s going to attempt it because it’s a stretch for them, no no no. Your physiology, your muscles, your aerobic system, your mind, everything will already be at that level

It has to be, because that’s how you get to show up and just do it. Whereas if you show up and you’re not ready, and you’re not mentally or physically ready to break that barrier then you won’t be able to achieve it.

So this is no different. You need to think about, “I need a big run up. I don’t want to get to an income plateau or income barrier and get out my pickaxe and start smashing away at it.” No, no, no, you want to have such a huge run up and so much power and already be a match to what’s on the other side of it that when you cross it, it’s no big deal. That’s what you want it to be like!





So we talk about smashing through barriers and all of that, but that’s not really how it works because you have to do the work in advance and prepare, and then you can effortlessly cross the barrier…. because the barrier isn’t there for you anymore.


When you translate that to doing the work in your business, vibrationally, practically, at the unconscious level – all those points on the Magnetic Money Trifecta that allow you to attract the money, keep the money, and help the money grow and multiply – you need to get all of that in place before you worry about crossing the income threshold that you’re perceiving, because there is no threshold, it’s just the limit of what you’re currently capable of. 

So you need to go into training, and not worry about the income threshold because that’ll take care of itself as long as you train and become a vibrational match to the version of you on the other side.

As soon as you clear all the unconscious blocks and limiting beliefs that are not a match to the YOU on the other side of it…. as soon as you get all your practical money systems and everything in place that is perfectly ready and a match to the you on the other side of that threshold…. 

And the moment you do that, that threshold disintegrates, dissolves, and disappears and you go, “Yeah okay, this is me,” and it’s no longer a big deal because it IS you and it’s a perfect natural match and it can be no other way.

So that is how you smash through an income plateau: you do the training, you make sure you are perfectly prepared and already that world record-holding athlete on the other side of that perceived plateau, and then there is no more plateau.

It’s about doing the training in advance, and getting a massive run-up so that you kind of leap over it and it’s fun and joyful and very second nature.

Now, if you’d like to get a few more pointers on helping you grow in abundance and attract more money, make sure you grab my free training, the link is in the description.

Until I see you next, keep on embracing your beautiful and totally unlimited potential.



Grab the free Manifesting Money Training here:

How to generate and build abundance momentum

How to generate and build abundance momentum

Hello, it’s Miriam Castilla and welcome to the Manifesting Playground for Soulful Women in Business. The place where we practice the art and science of Effectology. Helping you marry the magical with the practical so you can have more money and more time the easy way, without all the hustle.

Today we’re going to talk about how to generate and build abundance momentum.

So we don’t just want drips and drabs of abundance and money coming to us, but we really want to get on a roll.

We want it to build and build and become more easy, more effortless, bigger and better.

Because that it was life is all about: It’s constant evolution. You will constantly want the next thing, and the next thing, and the next thing and that is a very good thing. Without progress, and without evolution you stagnate, you wither, you die.

This is how life operates. Everything is constantly growing and evolving and your desire will also do the same.

The bigger and more abundant you grow, the more you can spread your message, your service, and the more you can do good in the world.

So, I’m not going to try and talk you through the whole “all the things that come up,” although we are going to talk about it just a little bit in a second.




Now, the first thing you want to do, obviously, is become more magnetic to money. Make it so much easier for that money to flow into your experience. Yes, you’re going to run your business and do all the things that you do, but you want to do things the easier way.

So, what you need to first of all get really good at is aligning with the vibration that money is on – which is the vibration of abundance. So that takes awareness and it takes constant fine tuning, tweaking, and really playing with it and becoming better at noticing where you’re at and getting that feedback from your external world as to whether you’re right on it, or a little bit off it.

It’s kind of like you’re a radio receiver and you’re learning how to really tune yourself to the station that you want to be listening to, because the radio signals, the abundance, it’s all out there. It’s up to you to align with it and make it really easy for that signal to find you.

So that’s number one, but then as you start attracting that money, you want it to stay around, you want to keep that money around and not just have it bounce off.

That’s the second thing you need to really start looking at: “What is it that makes money not stick around so much, that makes it bounce off?” What it is, 99.999999% of the time, basically all the time, is that it is not a match to your current self image. Somewhere there in your unconscious it says “Nope, this is not me, I don’t deserve it, I’m not good enough, I don’t know enough,” whatever the thing is – and it’s a mismatch.

So you find ways to unconsciously get rid of the money. Whether it’s manifesting extra bills, screwing up and getting speeding fines, or just making a bad investment, you’re unconsciously finding ways to get back to what does match the current self image.

You also need to do the work on clearing all those old money blocks. Those old limiting beliefs that aren’t allowing the money to stick around. That is when you can attract the money, it sticks around, and you can start to snowball and rebuild that momentum.

That’s really all the law of attraction is: it is another word for momentum. One thing leads to another similar thing, leads to another similar thing, and it builds and builds and builds.

So, if you want abundance momentum, that actually means that you are just keeping yourself in that beautiful abundance state and allowing the momentum to gather… allowing the law of attraction to kick in and send you more things that match where you are already at, right?

So you want to align yourself with abundance and keep tweaking that and really getting on that vibration, you want to release the blocks that are holding you back, but the last thing you also want to do that’s really important and that a lot of people skip, is become a really confident custodian of that money.

When you are attracting money and it’s sticking around, you’re going to need to know what to do with it. If you lack confidence, if you’re not knowing what to do with it, if you don’t want to look at it, if you don’t want to deal with it, that’s actually a sign that you still have some money blocks and some limiting beliefs and it is a mismatch.

So it’s really important to get your act together and know what to do with your money on the practical level, so that you can build your confidence which increases your alignment and shifts your self image up to the next level and helps you continue to build that momentum.

So it is these three aspects that I call the Magnetic Money Trifecta:

  1. You want to attract more money
  2. You want to keep that money around by releasing the blocks that keep making it ricochet off
  3. You want to help your money grow and multiply by becoming really good at the practical stuff, at being the confident custodian of your money.

Now, where do you even start with all of that?

Well, if you’re not already in my Magnetic Money program, definitely check that out, because that is what we do and we do it in a beautiful and supportive and inspiring group of women.

But the very first step is to start becoming self aware of all three of those prongs on the trifecta. I’ve got a beautiful freebie for you which is my Magnetic Money Tracker. It helps you to start becoming aware of all of those things so that you can start making those adjustments, becoming more self aware, and start getting on a roll to that beautiful abundance momentum. So grab that from the link in the description, and I shall see you next time.

Keep on embracing your beautiful and unlimited potential.



Get your free Magnetic Money Tracker here & start building your abundance momentum: