Manifesting Money Success Stories – how to use Law of Attraction effectively

Manifesting Money Success Stories – how to use Law of Attraction effectively

We all love to hear manifesting money success stories, don’t we?

Why is that?

I think it’s because one of the most challenging things about Law of Attraction is that you can’t peek behind the curtain… you can’t see the magic at work until everything falls into place.

It requires faith – sometimes a LOT of faith…

So in today’s episode, I’m sharing some of my favorite stories of people manifesting money and success. 

Plus.. we’re taking a peek behind the curtain to see what they did that helped Law of Attraction do its magic.

I absolutely love it when students share their manifesting success stories.

That excitement, that enthusiasm, that realization that yes, it DOES all pay off – it IS happening – that’s absolutely priceless because this is when you recognize that you really are the creator of your life. It’s not the stuff of fairy tales. It’s real and it’s a wonderful moment of empowerment.

It’s so important to have a supportive community around you to help you celebrate your manifesting success stories –  the small ones and the big ones!

Because as you do that over and over, you complete one of the most important pieces of the puzzle:

Convincing YOURSELF that this stuff works!






… that you are the creator of your life, that your Thoughts do Become Things, that there is a benevolent Universe that has your back, and that all those thoughts and ideas and dreams and wishes you have are actual possibilities that are all lined up waiting to drop into your experience!

When you fully embrace that and move from hoping and wishing that it can be so to absolutely knowing it can be –  and taking the positive action that aligns with that –  THAT’s when those amazing manifestations start dropping in and suddenly you’ve turned the corner and are that ‘overnight success’ where everything just seems to flow so easily for you.

So let me share with you three awesome stories from real life people – just like you – who are students in my Magnetic Money program.

Just like you, these ladies had fears and worries – they hoped they’d made the right decision, that they were on the right track and that this wasn’t some wild goose chase.

Story 1

Karen had been desperate to go to Ireland for a really long time.

But between life and financial and family commitments and money being tight she couldn’t see how she could possibly ever go – how she would ever be able to save up enough to make this trip of a lifetime.

Karen joined us in a game we do in the warmup to Magnetic Money. It’s just a fun game where we raise our vibration, where we allow ourselves to dream and throw caution to the wind and really get into a state of what it feels like to be abundant.

Next thing you know, there was this amazing post from Karen saying “Oh my God! I have just received $16,000 that is totally unexpected, from a source I didn’t even know about. And it’s just free money – $16,000 of completely unexpected BONUS money!

And so off she went to Ireland on that trip of a lifetime she’d been dreaming about for decades – and she got to take her father with her as well!

So just like that, overnight, simply by raising her vibration and daring to align herself, the abundance could flow from a completely unexpected source and she was able to fulfill that amazing dream.

Story 2

Let me tell you about another student called Sophie (not her real name). Sophie ran a medical clinic with three doctors, two full time staff and really great income, but also big overheads, lots of work, long hours and all the rest of it.

After having a couple of children she decided she needed to change things. She sold that business and decided to start on her own – just herself and a part-time assistant, working only three days a week, because her family came first.

As she got started she realized that the money wasn’t flowing in the way she wanted it to, so we sat down and looked at what the limiting beliefs were that were holding her back.

They were: 

  • Not being able to do it on her own.
  • Thinking she needed lots of staff supporting her to be successful.
  • And thinking it takes long working hours to make good money.

So I helped her address those limiting beliefs, to release and transform them. And the very next month she had her first ever $30,000 month!

That’s the power of looking at the limiting beliefs that are getting in the way and of sitting down to address and transform them.

So I wonder if you can see yourself in either one of those stories?

Have you ever shifted your thinking around money and the money started to flow?

If you have a manifesting money success story of your own,  I’d love to hear it!
Feel welcome to share it with us in the comments.

Story 3

Now let me share Alexis’ story with you. 

Alexis is a mindset coach who helps people unpack their own unique manifesting process. She’s also an amazing manifestor herself! In her business, she would manifest $15,000 weeks and $20,000 months, but the problem was there were long stretches of NOTHING in between – it was a feast and famine rollercoaster.

Her total income for the previous year was okay, but she knew she was capable of so much more because that income had come in fits and spurts – in between there was a whole lot of stress and worry.

So first of all we unpacked a couple of limiting beliefs she hadn’t yet unearthed, and that helped. 

Then we went one step further and realized she felt anxious about managing her money. She didn’t know what the best thing to do with it was when it came in. 

So we made a plan for her money and made sure she was really clear on where it would go once it came in – to ensure it was being put to good use. She became the responsible and confident custodian of her money. 

And it completely unblocked her money flood gates!

In the next three months she made more money than she had the entire previous year!

She was able to release the resistance that was blocking the money from flowing in by feeling confident about what she would do with it once it arrived.

Okay… as you MIGHT have noticed, each of these stories had a different missing ingredient; a missing piece of the puzzle that needed to fall into place so the money could start to flow in.

But these 3 pieces are all you need!

And if you’d like to learn more about how to make your money manifesting easy and simple, I have a special FREE MASTER CLASS on that.

Just scroll down for the link.

Remember: It’s time to embrace your unlimited potential – and you’re absolutely ready to take the next step.

xx Miriam


Magnetic Money System Bootcamp Event Cover


Attract More Money Into Your Life – Let Go of Money Worries

Attract More Money Into Your Life – Let Go of Money Worries

What if I told you that one of the most powerful ways for you to attract more money into your life is by letting go of the stress around it?

Today I want to help you make one of THE most powerful decisions of your life.

Most people think that they need to worry about money, especially when they feel like there’s not enough of it. They think if they don’t worry, the Universe might forget about them or that their order will be misplaced – but nothing could be further from the truth!

It’s really important to understand that RELEASING the worry is one of the best ways to attract more money into your life.

But first, a quick story:

One day my daughter borrowed my car. She came home and said “Mum.. I was driving along and the car felt a little sluggish but I didn’t think too much of it. So I just put my foot down a little bit harder on the accelerator.”

When she pulled up at the traffic lights, the people next to her pointed out the amount of smoke pouring out of the back of her car! She was afraid the car caught fire but it turned out to be the tyres smoking because she’d been driving with the handbrake on! And rather than releasing that resistance, she just put her foot down on the accelerator even harder to try and push through it.

And this is what people do, and what worrying about money does.






I see it all the time with my students. They’ll say things like, “I only seem to manifest money in fits and spurts, when I really need it.” 

When we break it down, they realize they’ve been driving with the handbrake on. They’ve been worrying about money which acts like an energetic handbrake.

When they make that one tweak and release their energetic handbrake, the money starts to flow.

They go from having $15,000 weeks, then nothing for six months, to consistently calling in over $20,000 per month. The money starts flowing consistently – not just when the pressure builds up to breaking point.

So, let’s talk about this in more detail:

How and why exactly is constant money worry holding you back.

Number 1:

Worry is energetically aligned with a vibration of ‘not enough’. When you’re in a state of worry, you’re resonating with lack.

‘There’s not enough’ – is the energetic message you’re putting out to the Universe. And guess what happens next? Law of Attraction brings you more of the same!

Number 2: 

Constant worry shows a lack of trust.  You don’t trust that it’s going to be OK, you don’t trust the Universe, you don’t trust your business and you don’t trust yourself. There is an underlying expectation and message that because money can’t be trusted to flow, you better work really, really hard. 

Usually when somebody is worrying about money, they’re also working really hard.
The two kind of go together, united by that underlying message of ‘I can’t trust that I’m okay. I don’t feel safe, so I’m going to work extra hard to try and make up for it’.

Does that ring a bell for you? Let me know in the comments.

Number 3:

Constantly worrying about money holds you back because it becomes like the background music in a shopping center: After a while you don’t even notice it anymore.

It’s taken control of your life, and is dictating the standard state you live in. You’ve become unconscious to it.

Living in a state of worry becomes normal. 

You’ve reprogrammed yourself at the unconscious level that spending your time worrying about money is just how life is – and that you have to worry because there’s not enough. And, of course, you also unconsciously act in ways that demonstrate that support this.

And so it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy where you keep creating more of the same.

So… that’s the first three. We’ve got two more to go, but first I want to know:

Based on what we’ve talked about so far, are you ready to make that decision yet? 

Can you see how constant stressing and worrying about money is actually getting in the way of money flowing to you?

If you’re ready to make the decision to put an end to it, then here is your chance!

Nothing is more powerful than a public declaration. It sends a powerful message to your unconscious mind that this is a turning point. 

This is your moment of change!

So if you’re ready to do this, take a moment to type in the comments:

“I’m ready to claim my freedom. I’m going to release my money, stress and worries”.

Just making that declaration will open up the way for you to figure out how.

OK, here are two more reasons you want to get out of this nasty little ‘money worry’ habit.

Number 4:

Constant worrying builds up negative momentum. Earlier we agreed that by worrying you’re resonating with lack. This vibration of lack builds momentum and attracts more lack to you: not enough money, too many bills, that kind of thing. 

It becomes stable. It has a lot of momentum, and if you try to change it, it’s very difficult. It’s like standing in front of a runaway train yelling “STOP! I want you going in the other direction”. 

You’ll probably end up hurt.

Number 5:
And the fifth, final and absolutely most important reason of all to get out of the habit of worrying about money is that you get used to it. 

And that’s a BIG problem because as you get used to living in this state of constant worry (and of constantly attracting more reasons to worry about money to you), it starts feeling like that’s just how life is.

And the absolute worst possible outcome of all is that you resign yourself to that!

One of the best ways to get out of the worry habit is by understanding where it comes from. 

Looking at your money patterns – both at the physical level and the way you think and feel about money, your belief system – is a great place to start.

With that awareness you can release the stress, negativity and worry about money, and change things around.

If you’re ready to better understand your patterns around money and what’s driving them, then take the Money Habit Archetype Quiz.

It will let you know what your predominant money pattern is, and then invite you to look deeper so you can explore what’s creating those patterns at the unconscious level.

You’ll find the link below.

Remember: it’s time to embrace your unlimited potential & starting where you are is the only option you have.

xx Miriam


Discover your Money Habit Archetype and use it to clear your biggest money block.


How to manifest and attract more money with visualisation

How to manifest and attract more money with visualisation

Hi, this is Miriam Castilla and welcome to the Manifesting Playground where we apply Law of Attraction in practical and magical ways to get you in alignment both in business and life – so you can have more money in the bank and get a lot more done with ease!

Let’s talk about visualisation and why it’s so powerful in helping you attract more money!=

So you’ve probably heard lots of people – including mo -, tell you that you should be visualising every single day for about 4 minutes. Just sit there, with your eyes shut, and imagine cool stuff. I’m not going to get into the mechanics of how you should visualise (although that would be a good one for another day).

What I do want to talk about is WHY it’s so powerful, so that you bother to sit your butt down for 4 minutes a day – which is such a simple request and suggestion to make of you – that could potentially completely alter your life.

So let’s take a step back. What is visualisation all about and what does it actually do?

Well, you probably have an awareness that elite athletes and high performers have been using visualisation for decades. Now, the reason visualisation is so powerful is that your mind thinks in pictures and it doesn’t know the difference between what’s real and what’s imagined. So when you’re sitting there in your favourite chair at home with your eyes shut, imagining yourself sitting on the balcony of your multi-million dollar beachfront home with the wind blowing through your hair on a beautiful warm day while sipping cool champagne with the house perfectly clean because the housekeeper has just been… when you’re sitting there imagining all of that, feeling the breeze in your hair, tasting the champagne, feeling the warmth of the sun on your feet, smelling the ocean – your mind is there.

Your brain thinks that this is happening right now.

So why is that so powerful? Well, read on…





What you’re actually doing is you’re training your unconscious mind into this being part of your life, your reality. Your unconscious mind is going, “Oh okay, yep, I see how we live and how things are,”.

Then what it does is it starts to program that deeper and deeper into your unconscious and you start activating your reticular activating system, which is like a little switch between your conscious and unconscious mind, to start looking out for things that will allow you to have that, that will be a match.

So at the unconscious level, you start to believe that this is your life and that this is how things are, which means you start shifting and changing who you are in the way you speak, think, act, and show up in life as somebody who lives like that.

You less and less are someone who thinks that’s a really lovely pipe dream but you feel all awkward and uncomfortable about it, like it’s, “Oh my God! Look at where I am! This is so weird!” You start to actually get really comfortable with it and go, “Yeah, this is where I live,” like it’s just another day in paradise.

At the unconscious level you get used to it and that means that you start acting, behaving, thinking, and showing up in ways that match it… which then helps you, of course, be open to these opportunities.

And your reticular activating system, that little switch, is then programmed to look for ways that you can bring that about. To look for ways that you can have the opportunities, meet the right people, go to the open inspections.

You’ll start seeing the homes, you’ll start talking to people who have homes like that, you’ll start bumping into them, overhearing conversations, and they’ll tell you stuff like what it actually takes to have a home like that… or maybe if you want to build one yourself here’s an idea to do it that actually won’t cost you anywhere near as much money as you thought it might…. or here’s a really cool suburb or area that you hadn’t even considered that is much better priced… or here’s an amazing business opportunity and you can just have that waterfront house in Sydney, because people do, right?

The people who do have those amazing homes are the people who just accept that it’s totally part of their reality. They don’t think it’s something that is beyond them.

They think it’s something that’s achievable and normal.

Visualisation helps you start to shift your belief system and how you see yourself into that space where you just go, “Yeah, of course. This is my life.”

Just as your current life you feel really comfortable with and you don’t kind of feel grateful, but you feel like, “Yeah this is my life,” and you’re settled into it and you’re comfortable and aligned with it.

Whereas, somebody who lives in squalor, somebody who’s homeless or is living in a refugee camp would look at your life and go, “Oh my God, I can’t even imagine what it would be like to live like that.” To them, that’s the huge jump up.

If right now, living in that house that you dream of is this huge jump up and you energetically feel discomfort and mismatch with it, then that’s what visualisation will help you bridge.

It will help you bridge that gap.

And it’ll start opening you up to all the ways that it can be.

It’s a super, super powerful practice, that helps you actually become the person you need to be in order to have what it is you want to have.

Now, how to approach visualisation is, like I said, a whole other topic so we’re not going to get into that right here, but I will point you towards my very special visualisation meditation audio which is called Quantum Visualisation.

You will find that in my meditation library.

So go grab that for yourself. If you’re not a member yet, become a member! There’s 50-odd fantastic, hypnotic meditations in there that help you make the shift at the unconscious level to become who you need to be in order to have those things that you desire… because YOU have unlimited potential!

Until I see you next, keep on embracing that gorgeous and unlimited potential.

Bye, for now!


Start creating life on purpose with the Quantum Visualisation. You’ll find it in the Abundance section of my free library of hypnotic meditations.
Get access here >>

3 easy ways to raise your vibration

3 easy ways to raise your vibration

3 Easy Ways To Raise Your Vibration

(prefer to watch the video or listen to the audio? Scroll down below!)

What are some easy ways to raise your vibration?

We talk about raising your vibration but do you actually have some simple regular practises in place to help you do that?

Why is it important to have a regular practise of some easy ways to raise your vibration?

Well, first of all, if you’re feeling a bit low, a trip to Hawaii may not always be possible at short notice. You want to be able to do something easy, simple and quick that doesn’t cost you anything and doesn’t require you to go anywhere or see anyone.

You want to know that you have access to easy ways to raise your vibration – right here, right now.

That’s not the only time you want to use these tools though. The saying ‘prevention is the best cure’ applies here also!

Even if you’re feeling pretty fabulous and in a high-vibing place, using some simple, easy ways to raise your vibration each and every day will ensure you stay there and manage to get over any speed humps with ease and grace – rather than hitting them head on like a wall!

In this Effectology Tip:

  • why you want to be able to raise your vibration easily
  • 3 easy ways to raise your vibration
  • where to surround yourself with high-vibing people and ideasAfter you watch & Listen, why not join my FREE high-vibing Facebook Community ‘Women With Purpose & Soul’. You can find us at: