Are you an Accumulator? Here’s your money strengths & weaknesses

Are you an Accumulator? Here’s your money strengths & weaknesses

If you’re an Accumulator Money Habit Archetype, it means that you always manage to put a little bit of money aside. Your general pattern is that more money comes in than money flows out. 

To be honest… other people get pretty jealous of that. They envy it.

People who are not Accumulators see that as the holy grail, being able to always hold on to some of your money and have it grow and multiply.

The thing is, even though that’s the pattern and that’s very desirable, it’s not always coming from a really healthy place and doesn’t always feel good for you.

A lot of Accumulators are actually driven by fear and lack.

So what happens is, it’s never enough and it never feels like you’re done. It never feels like you’re safe. It always feels like you’ve got to go accumulate more, you’ve got to keep going, you’ve got to keep saving, keep scrimping… JUST – IN – CASE.

I know all about it, because I was raised by an Accumulator.





My mum is an amazing, amazing Accumulator who can make a dollar stretch a mile. It’s absolutely incredible. I watched that, and I saw that pattern, and the thing is that was very much a pattern driven and motivated by fear. 

In fact, my mum, after my parents split up, went through a really rough time where she had to work for an hourly rate of $5 in a really tough job, and even though that wouldn’t be enough for most people to live off, what she managed to do is: buy a little unit, pay it off, and then buy another much nicer townhouse and pay that off as well!

She’s an amazing Accumulator, and unfortunately it was very much driven from a sense of fear and a place of lack. It wasn’t just that after she went through the break-up with my dad that she suddenly became an Accumulator, it had always been her pattern and when they were together, she’s the one who kept us with a roof over our heads because my dad was certainly NOT an Accumulator!

So, let’s talk about what the strengths and weaknesses of the Accumulator are:

First of all, you know how to save money to actually achieve your long term goals. 

Things actually get accomplished because you’re good at planning for the future and knowing what to do in the now, and that’s fantastic.

The second thing that’s a really big strength of being an Accumulator is that you’re a good money manager, not just in terms of planning for the future, but in terms of managing what needs to be dealt with right now. This means your bills always get paid on time, every dollar is accounted for, you know what your money’s doing and you’re on top of it all.

The third thing that’s very beneficial of being an Accumulator is that you can really help your partner, especially if they’re not an Accumulator and they’re not very good with money. It tends to really balance things out and keep the family on track.

The Accumulator also does have some potential weaknesses.

If you’re coming from a place of fear and lack, which a lot of Accumulators are, they’ve got an underlying story and a limiting belief that it’s never enough. So then it is never enough and so you tend to delay gratification. 

You tend to delay taking care of yourself. 

You delay treating yourself to something, delay having that massage, buying that new outfit, or going on that holiday. Whatever it is you tend to always put it off because, you know… you better just put a little bit more money aside, maybe pay off the mortgage a bit more, accumulate some more in savings, because you don’t want to “waste it” on you, so you delay gratification and sometimes (often) it never comes!

The second weakness that comes with being an Accumulator is that you tend to obsess and stress about money, even when it’s coming in!

You don’t actually get to enjoy the fruits of your labor. 

You don’t get to enjoy or really celebrate that money that’s coming in because the feeling you’ve got underneath, is that it’s still not enough and there’s a worry that, “What if it doesn’t last? What if something bad happens?” That’s what I’m talking about, that is that underlying story of fear and lack that’s actually driving that accumulating style behavior.

So you never feel good about the money – even though it’s coming in and other people are looking at you and going, “I wish I could be like you.” 

Meanwhile you’re actually sitting in a pool of stress and worry and you’re not having a very good time. 

The third weakness is, as far as your family and maybe your partner are concerned sometimes you’re seen as Uncle or Auntie Scrooge. You can be seen as a bit of a killjoy because you’re the one who says, “No no no, we’re not going to splurge on that expensive holiday or that expensive restaurant. Let’s just go to this one, they’ve got a two for one special, or this one where kids eat free, or this resort where kids stay for free.” 

You tend to kind of downgrade your life all the time because you’re trying to be sensible and you’re trying to preserve as much money as possible. And the rest of the family who are not wired like you are will be saying, “But can’t we just have some fun with our money???” 

That can cause a lot of stress and disharmony in families and relationships as well.

So there are some of the pros and cons that come with being an Accumulator.

Now, ideally, the Accumulator habit pattern itself is obviously where everybody wants to be. We want to be accumulating money so that it can grow and multiply – so that we can set ourselves up for financial stability, set up our financial future, and achieve that level of financial freedom that we’re looking for. 

However, if it’s coming from that underlying place of fear and lack, then that’s not a good healthy thing. 

You need to find a way to strike a balance between the two, and the easiest way to do that is to actually look at what that underlying story is and start to shift it.

What I recommend you do is jump on my quiz which will confirm that you are an Accumulator.

(To be honest a lot of Accumulators don’t think they are one, because they feel like they still haven’t got enough money in the bank to qualify as one 🙂 )

So, do the quiz. It’ll confirm for you that you are indeed an Accumulator Money Habit Archetype, that that’s your pattern.

And then I’ll send you a series of emails from there that will help you dive deeper into what is driving that pattern, so that you can find that beautiful sense of balance where lots of money’s coming in, plenty of it stays around for you and you actually enjoy it and get to relax about it, which is what we all want at the end of the day… to have our cake, eat it, and love it, right?

So hop to it, you know what to do!


Take the Money Habit Archetype Quiz so you can clear your biggest money block.

Being an Accumulator can slow your business success.

Being an Accumulator can slow your business success.

If you’re the Accumulator money habit archetype then you’re usually the envy of your friends because it means you have a pattern of more money flowing in than money flowing out. 

You always have some left over and you save some for a rainy day. You have savings put aside and usually they’re growing.

Most people envy that because that’s what they’re all aiming for.

The thing is, depending on what underlying story you’ve got driving that pattern, it’s not always a good thing!

Sometimes you’re driven and motivated by fear, and a feeling of it never being enough. So even though you’re accumulating money and you’re putting money aside, you’re feeling stress free around money. In fact, even though you’ve got savings, you’re still afraid and you want to accumulate even more “just in case.”

Let’s talk about how that can be holding you back in business in particular, and what to do about it.





So if you’re an Accumulator driven by fear and lack, then what tends to happen is you hold back in business. You’re holding back from spending money on things that can help your business grow, and on the things that help you get support in your business. That can lead to burn-out, slow growth, and frustration because you’re penny pinching and trying to run everything on a shoestring. 

That is totally smart in the beginning, but you tend to overdo it. There does come a time where you need to invest a little bit more so that you can grow and expand and so you can be supported. 

You tend to delay that as much as possible, and sometimes never ever do it, and so you do end up getting burnt out, disheartened, and going, “You know what, this is all way too hard,” and your business doesn’t grow as quickly as it could have if you had put that little bit of extra money into being supported and allowing it to grow. 

That’s a very, very serious outcome of how the Accumulator money habit archetype is directly affecting your business’ success and income.

Now, the second thing is that, as an Accumulator money habit archetype, even when you’re successful in business, it usually doesn’t feel like it’s enough – ever!

It never feels like it’s enough, because it’s never enough, and it’s never good enough, so you don’t actually feel successful. 

You don’t allow yourself to feel proud and accomplished because it’s still like, “Ah, I’m not quite there yet. I’m not quite there, there’s the next goal, and the next goal, and the next goal,” and you never feel like you can stop to smell the roses and celebrate what you’ve accomplished because it still doesn’t seem enough. You’ve got to get to that next level of income. Maybe you’ve hit the 6-figures, and you go, “Well, no. I still don’t feel safe and secure as I want to feel, so I’ve gotta keep pushing, I’ve gotta keep going.” 

You never actually get to sit back and celebrate your accomplishments, and that’s really, really sad.

The other thing is that this vibration of “lack,” of “it’s never enough,” –  it actually slows you down!

You’re accumulating money, yes, but you’re doing it very much from a place of fear and a place of hard work, rather than from a place of being in alignment with abundance and being open and in the flow of it and just allowing it to come to you. 

You’re hustling, you’re working hard, and the fear is constantly there, driving you and pushing you forward. That dampens your abundance vibe and you’re working a hell of a lot harder than you need to be.

These are some of the key ways that being an Accumulator is really slowing you down in terms of your business and your business growth.

The solution is that you need to start shifting that fear and that story of lack that’s motivating you. You can keep all the helpful accumulating habit patterns going, that’s cool, but you need to look at the underlying story and start to shift it, so you can start to enjoy your business, so you can stay in alignment with abundance and so you can let it grow and flow.

The easiest and quickest way to do that is to jump on my Money Habit Archetype quiz, which will:

Number one: confirm that you are indeed an Accumulator. 

Most Accumulators don’t think they are one because they feel like, “If I was a TRUE Accumulator I’d have a lot more money.” It’s very indicative of an Accumulator to think you’re not one 😊

And number two: much more importantly, I will then send you a series of emails to help you drill down from that Accumulator pattern and into the story that’s sitting beneath it. The one that’s pushing and driving it so that you can start to change and shift that story and transform it into a much more empowering story. 

We want you to enjoy your business and allow it to grow as quickly and as joyfully as possible.

So, off you go, the link is in the description for you, and until I see you next, make sure you keep embracing that beautiful and unlimited potential of yours.



Take the Money Habit Archetype Quiz so you can clear your biggest money block.

Are you an Overextender? Here’s 5 steps to turn that around.

Are you an Overextender? Here’s 5 steps to turn that around.

If you’re an Overextender Money Habit Archetype, then you know the pattern.

There’s always more money flowing out than there’s money coming in. Say you win money or have some windfall.. you usually manage to put that money into something but still have to borrow more money to get the ‘something’… maybe new car, a holiday, something like that. 

I know all about it because I was raised by an Overextender. My father was the typical example of an Overextender and so I know that pattern really, really well, and I know how frustrating and stressful it can be. 

Now, if you’re an Overextender you also know that you’ve tried to budget in the past, and it just doesn’t work. In fact, every time you try to budget, things get worse! You have these massive budget blowouts and you actually go backwards even faster than when you were just doing your normal thing.

The thing with Overextenders is generally they’re also caught in the thinking that, “The quick win will fix everything.” My dad was the perfect example. He’d talk about how he’d win cross lotto and always look for things that would be the magic bullet, “We’ll buy this house. We’ll renovate it (even though we’ve never done that before and don’t know anything about it), and in one year’s time we’ll have made $30,000 or $60,000,” which was totally unrealistic. Or he wanted to import duty free cars from Europe and sell them.

He’d always have some scheme. Savings were not on the agenda – it was always something else that would give him the quick BIG amounts of money. 

Unfortunately, it just never actually happened and that tends to be the pattern for most Overextenders. 

It is a pattern and money has very little to do with it.





It’s a pattern where what comes in is never enough and, in fact, you have to borrow or go into debt to get to where you want to get to. The expenses increase faster than your income. That’s super stressful, because you’re constantly going backward. Even though you’re making more money 10 years down the track, you actually feel like you’re in a worse position. So it’s a pattern, and it’s not helpful.

Let’s talk about 5 steps to turn that around as quickly and easily as possible.

The first and most important step is you need to start changing the story sitting beneath that pattern that is fueling and creating the pattern. The story at the unconscious level that makes you do these things and behave in this way, and attract circumstances to you that keep recreating this pattern over and over and over again. 

The quickest and easiest way to change the story, is by recognizing the pattern, and then using it to find your way down. The pattern is kind of like the tip of the iceberg poking up above the surface and you go, “Okay, cool. I’m an Overextender,” but that’s not what this is all about – that is just the start. 

You then use that knowledge to drill down and find your way down beneath that surface pattern to the truth of what’s going on – which is that old story, those limiting beliefs around money, what you (at the unconscious level) have been programmed to believe about life that is constantly creating this reality, these kinds of circumstances, where you’re always going backwards even further.

Start with that, do my Money Habit Archetype Quiz (I’ve put the link the description for you). That will help you to uncover and start to shift the limiting belief that’s been creating this pattern within you. Once you complete the quiz, I’ll send you a series of emails to help you uncover the underlying story and start to transform it into a much more empowering story. 

That’s a very important step number one, but there are five in total!

The second step is making sure you’ve got a really big, “Why.”

The thing with Overextenders is they tend to be very short term focused, and the long term is like, “Meh, that’s future you’s problem, but current you wants to have some fun.” 

You really need to make sure that you have a really big “why” – something that’s so exciting that really lights you up, that’s going to absolutely be worth it. 

If it’s something monetary, say you want to buy a house, you want to go on a certain holiday, there’s something there that is really calling you, break it down and figure what it actually takes. 

If you want to buy this house in two, or three years time or whenever, how much do you need, what does that break down to? Break it down into the smallest amounts possible, ideally weekly amounts. Get really excited, and really into why that is so important, and then figure out in terms of dollars what it will actually take. If you break it down into little amounts, weekly amounts, it’s never as big as you think, and that helps you kind of shift that point of view of, “Oh I have fun now, and that’s future me and future me will work that out,” and start to merge the two and bring them together and help future YOU step into here and go, “Honey, you’re the one that’s gonna help me be the future me that you wanna be, so let’s work together.”

That’s why it’s really important to have that “why,” find the big exciting goal, and break it down into little baby steps so you know what it is you’re actually looking at… how much money you want to accumulate. 

Whatever the goal is, break it down into little chunks – that is step number two.

Step number three:

You really need to remove the temptation to give into that habit of overextending. So cut up your credit cards or reduce the limits on them. if you’ve got a credit card with a $10,000 limit and you owe $4,000 on it, reduce the limit down to $4,500 and start paying it off. You need to remove the temptation so that you can’t keep perpetuating that pattern.

I know it’s going to freak you out at first, but it will be okay and you will totally normalize to it. You absolutely will get totally used to it.

Now, the fourth step is you need to really eliminate the sense of deprivation, because that’s why whenever you’ve tried to budget before it’s backfired in a big way and you’ve had the biggest blowouts ever. 

That’s the rebellion, “I don’t wanna budget. I don’t wanna deprive myself. I wanna have a good time and enjoy my money, and future me will sort that stuff out.” Make sure you eliminate that sense of deprivation by having a really good, realistic amount of money set aside for you to have fun with every single month and week.

You say, “This is a good amount of money. I know I can manage it, in fact I’ve probably been blowing more than that because I haven’t been paying attention, but this let’s me know that I’m having a good time and I’m not at all feeling deprived.” 

The problem with budgets is that they make you feel restricted. 

They make you feel like you’re being deprived and you’re being punished. 

I don’t like the word “budget,” I like to think about you managing your money wisely. 

So you decide how much “fun money” you should have, and then have fun with it! You have fun with it and you really enjoy. When you spend it you go, “This is my fun money, and I get to choose what I want to do with it!” By being much more conscious and mindful of it, you’re actually going to enjoy it a whole lot more.

And then the fifth step is REWARDS, because Overextenders are all about the rewards. 

Set up some sort of reward system for yourself. 

Set that goal of the money that you’ll be putting aside for the long term goal, the fun money that you’re going to stick with that is a generous and reasonable amount so that you don’t feel deprived, and then go, “Okay, every three months or so I’m going to have this other pool of money and when I’ve stuck with my system for three months in a row, I get to have this extra bonus money and have the big fun!” That might be a weekend away, or something like that. Something that is a reward for you being such a great custodian of your money.

So those are five really powerful steps.

I want to make sure you start with step one, which is doing the quiz. 

When you do the quiz, and follow the guidance and steps I give you in the emails that you’ll receive afterwards, what you’re actually doing is you’re starting to drain the fuel out of the engine that’s been creating this pattern. 

So the energy goes out of it and then the pattern weakens, which means that all the other stuff we’ve just talked about in steps two, three, four, and five becomes really, really easy.

So number one, the first step is doing the quiz and starting to change that money story. It’s like you’re letting air out of the balloon and then it becomes so, so easy from there.

Make sure that you approach all of this from the point of view of starting to see the fun of being in charge of your money. 

Make it a game, have those reward systems, have those parameters in place, have that long term plan and make it a game. 

You’re heading towards that, you’re setting the scene, you’re the general in charge of all the pieces of the puzzle moving, you’ve got your little reward system in place.

Have loads of fun with that and start really appreciating the joy of being in charge of your money. 

That is how you start turning that Overextender archetype pattern around so that you can start to thrive and grow in financial abundance and move towards the financial freedom and stability you’ve been looking for.

Don’t forget to do the quiz! The link is the description.

I’d really like to hear your feedback as you move through the steps, so maybe pop the link to this in your calendar and report back in a month to let me know how it’s going.

Until then, keep on embracing your beautiful and unlimited potential.


Take the Money Habit Archetype Quiz so you can clear your biggest money block.

Are you a Spender Money Habit Archetype?

Are you a Spender Money Habit Archetype?

Hey beautiful!

Okay, so you’re a SPENDER when it comes to Money Habit Archetypes, which means the money that flows in…  all manages to flow out again! I know at the face of it, a lot of people think, “Well, that’s not really ideal,” but there are some positives to that. There are also some negatives. So we’re going to talk about all of that.

Now, if you’re not 100% sure that you are a Spender money habit archetype, then do my money habit archetype quiz (the link is in the description), but just stick around first because I’m going to talk about how to get a lot more out of that quiz than just confirming that that is your archetype. I’ll tell you how to actually use the information you get from it to help you create a really beautiful empowering pattern that helps you make the money grow and multiply and become magnetic to a whole lot more.

So let’s talk about this pattern. This pattern of “The money comes, the money goes”. It’s kind of a hand-to-mouth deal where you’re always back at square one – and even though maybe you’re making a lot more money and bringing a lot more in than you used to – there’s still really nothing left to show for it (other than maybe some more expensive shoes and some more expensive meals and so on). 

But you don’t feel any richer for it and there certainly isn’t spare money lying around to show how far you’ve grown.

What’s actually informing that pattern is an underlying story. A story at the unconscious level that says in effect that, “Whatever comes in, has to go out.” That is basically the conclusion of the story that is running in the basement of your unconscious mind.

We’re programmed with these stories as young children and sometimes they’re ancestral, and they are what drive your unconscious patterns of behaviour – the way you think, speak, act, and even feel about money. You keep creating the same outcome over and over again, this money habit archetype, “Spender” pattern.

This spender pattern is your clue to figuring out what’s going on at the deeper level. We’ll talk about that more in a moment, but let’s talk about what are the positive and negatives that come from this “spender” money habit archetype pattern.

Let’s talk about the positives first…





Particularly when it comes to business, you’re used to a fluctuation of money, coming and going, coming and going. This means that you don’t freak out as easily when there is a fluctuation in your income, or how much money is lying around – you’re kind of used to it and so your vibration, the way you FEEL about money and the way you feel about the money in your life, doesn’t tend to be so susceptible to these fluctuations. You’re a bit more stable in your vibration than other people who don’t live like this all the time. You’re used to it and so you don’t freak out. That’s actually a positive because it means you get to retain your abundance vibration and remain more stable.

The next thing that’s good about it is that you’re okay with spending money to make money. You’re okay with money flowing out, so that more money can flow in. You’re kind of used to living in this flow of money comes & money goes, money comes & money goes. This means you’re not averse to spending money to make money, because sometimes you have to, particularly in business you have to invest in it to grow and put systems in place and all the rest of it. So you’re okay with that, which is a really big help.

The last positive that I want to mention that really is a big deal: 

You know how to have FUN with your money. 

You actually know how to use your money and really appreciate what it is you can do with it – to do cool stuff with it, to go on great trips, to enjoy yourself, to have nice things that make you feel good. You’re actually quite good at that, much more so than any other archetype.

So now let’s talk about the negatives, some of the weaknesses that the spender money habit archetype has.

This pattern of money coming and money going, it’s a pattern that continues even when there should be plenty of surplus. This means that even though your income grows, you still can’t seem to get ahead! You feel like you’re just stuck. You’re stuck in the same old place. The numbers are bigger, but you haven’t really moved, and that’s really frustrating.

The other thing is that you tend to overspend much more than you need to on your business (and other things), because Parkinson’s Law kicks in. 

Parkinson’s Law says that the amount of a resource required to complete a given task is the amount of resource available. 

This means that when you’ve got a big amount of money available to do something, you’ll use all of it, especially when you’re a “spender,” because the pattern is, all the money that’s available HAS got to go!

You are the personification of Parkinson’s Law.

That means that even when you can get the job done with a lot less spending, you’ll definitely find a way to spend a lot more than you need to, so that you can be back at that “spender” break-even point that you’re used to living at. That’s something to really watch out for.

Another one is that because you’re so in the habit of spending money continually as it comes in and getting back to zero again, it means that you’re really good at spending money on lots of little things, which makes it very hard to achieve the bigger, longer term goals. 

The money is going to all these little things along the way, and so it’s not going towards the bigger things. Even though the bigger thing might be something like a holiday or something really luxurious and indulgent that you want, often you can’t even get to those things because money’s just disappearing along the way. It’s like there’s a hole in your bucket and by the time you get to the kitchen there’s no water left in it, and you’ve got to go back to the well and start all over again.

These are the weaknesses and minuses that come with spender money habit archetype.

So we want to balance all of that. 

We want to use what’s positive and helpful about this spender pattern: the stability of your vibration, being okay with money flowing out, not freaking out straight away, knowing how to have fun with your money and enjoying it. We want to retain those things but we want to balance them up and shift the whole thing to a more healthy “accumulator” type pattern where money’s actually sticking around so it can grow and multiply… so you can achieve your long term goals and so you can start to feel relaxed about money and know that money is now taking care of you.

In order to do that, you need to shift that underlying money story. 

The one that says, “All the money that comes in, has got to go.” To change that story, we use the money habit archetype, and that’s kind of like your little tip of the iceberg poking out at the conscious level – the habit pattern that you can see. We identify that, and then we use that to work our way down, find the story that’s driving it, the story that’s pushing that iceberg up to appear in your world, and THEN you get to work unraveling that old story, weakening it, changing it, and transforming it into a much more empowering, much more helpful, positive money story.

To do that, I recommend you jump on my quiz, confirm that you are a “spender” money habit archetype, and then I’ll send you a series of emails that will help you dive down into the story that is driving this habit archetype so that you can start to shift and transform it.

You want to have your money, have a great time with it, and have plenty left over to help you for all the future goals you’ve got in place, and help you get to that place where you feel financially comfortable and safe.

So, off you go! 

The link is in the description, and until I see you next, make sure you keep on embracing your beautiful and unlimited potential.


Take the Money Habit Archetype Quiz so you can clear your biggest money block.

Do you feel guilty spending money?

Do you feel guilty spending money?

Hi, this is Miriam Castilla and welcome to the Manifesting Playground where we apply Law of Attraction in practical and magical ways to transform your business and life – so you can enjoy more money, more time, and more alignment.

Do you feel guilty spending money on yourself? Let’s talk about that and let’s talk about why it stops more money from coming into your experience.

Maybe you’re in this habit of saying, “Ah, not yet. I won’t spend that money on myself just yet. First I need to hit a six-figure income,” or “When I have my first big month,” or “When my launch does this,” or “When I have this many clients,” or “When I put my price up to X number.”

The thing is that what you will notice if you’re really honest with yourself is that you keep moving the goalposts. You keep finding excuses and you keep skimping and putting yourself last, feeling too guilty to ever really spend that money on yourself.

So my question is: When will you feel ready?

When will you actually get to a place where you step into and claim your abundance?

On this journey, if you want to create an abundant business and life, it’s all about you actually getting to enjoy it, right? So if you’re constantly dangling the carrot on the stick and you keep moving forward and forward but the carrot never gets any closer, then it’ll never be enough, you’ll never get there, and you’ll never get to enjoy the beautiful rewards of your heart-centred business.

So what’s causing that?





Well, at the unconscious level, there is something within you that says, “You don’t deserve it. You haven’t done enough yet. You’re not good enough. You’re not qualified enough. You’re not worthy. You’re not deserving,”

But you ARE all those things, you were born deserving and worthy!

A part of you isn’t allowing you to have it, because it believes that you’re not ready because you haven’t done enough, not qualified enough, all those things.

It’s these old stories that are keeping you stuck.

What that means is that it’ll never be enough because the story doesn’t change with the dollar amount of income you’re making.

The story stays the same.

The story is what’s putting your abundance, your enjoyment of what you’re creating, on that stick. It’s keeping your carrot dangling in front of you and it’s keeping you working hard and just pushing yourself more and more and punishing yourself for still not having made it and gotten there, and it just never ends… unless you untangle and release that old story. When you notice a pattern like this, it’s really time to break free.

So… where the hell do you start?

Okay, the first thing that you need to do is to start to look into these old stories.

What’s creating them and how are they showing up? In my training with my students, I talk about these stories and I talk about how they’re just archetypal stories. They’re kind of the same theme, but just with different nuances and iterations. Now, those stories actually show up quite pronounced in your life through your habits and your behaviour. Your habits are really just an indication of what your beliefs are. And those stories? They create your beliefs. The stories that you were told growing up, the stories that you absorb by watching the world around you and listening to the people around you created your beliefs about life and how life works and what you deserve within it.

It all shows up in your habits. Your Money Habit Archetype is your predominant pattern around money. It kind of defines your relationship with money. That is your starting point because it’s that little sign at the surface, it’s the tip of the iceberg of what’s lying underneath. Once you find the tip of the iceberg, then you can start drilling your way down and getting to what’s actually created that to rise up and show up in this way for you.

If you don’t know what your Money Habit Archetype is so you can start uncovering and releasing these old stories that are keeping you stuck, then take my quiz!

It’s the Money Habit Archetype quiz. It will let you know what your money habit archetype is, and then you can start doing the work to release it – and I will support you with that as well.

So go on, jump on the quiz right now, the link is below!

Until I see you next, keep on embracing your beautiful and absolutely unlimited potential.



Take the new Quiz and find out what your Money habit Archetype is, so you can release and shift your old money patterns.

Click here to get started >>