Techniques I use for manifesting money to grow my business

Techniques I use for manifesting money to grow my business

In this blog, I’m going to share with you my three favourite techniques that I use for manifesting money to grow my business.

I’m also going to share three critical tips to help you gather momentum so that manifesting money isn’t just something you do, but it’s somebody you become.






If you’ve been hanging out with me for a while, it’ll probably come as no surprise that with these techniques, we’re going to cover the entire magnetic money trifecta – the way you feel, the way you think, and the things you do. This trifecta determines what you manifest, what your mindset around money is, and how you manage your money. 

After all, this is the key to manifesting money, growing your business and getting to a point where you no longer worry about money.

1. Keep an abundance journal

This one is all about how I feel, which helps me with manifesting more money to grow my business. 

What I do here is I focus on the abundance that I do have. 

One of the most critical elements in this journey is that you learn to train your focus, because your focus trains your vibration. Where your attention goes, your energy flows and what you focus on expands. And whatever you focus on trains your vibration.

If I’m focused on what’s going really well in my life, I’m going to feel really good – my vibration will lift. 

If I focus on what’s going really badly in my life, I’m going to feel quite sad and upset – my vibration will drop. 

So focusing on the abundance I do have helps me attract and manifest more money.

It trains my vibration to match the vibration of abundance, and ‘Like Attracts Like’. That’s what Law of Attraction is all about. 

The way that I do this is that I keep an abundance journal. 

At the end of every day, I write in it all the abundance that I got to experience that day – all the abundance that flowed into my life. 

It includes the ideas, inspiration, clients, experiences and money that I had come to me that day. 

It helps me realise how abundant my day really was. As I focus on that, it trains my vibration, and that gathers momentum and makes me magnetic to more. 

I also make sure that I notice and write down the progress that I made and all the tasks that I completed and achieved so that I can feel really good about what I’m doing in my business and what I’m doing in my life. 

I write down all the things that made me feel abundant that day. Just little things like how I got to go for a walk, that I played a game with my daughter or that we went shopping together. 

All these things, all these little snippets of abundance, they all go in that journal. 

This helps me to feel really satisfied and abundant, and I let that dominate my vibration. I let it dominate the way I feel about myself, my life and my business. 

As you do this regularly, you’ll notice that you begin doing it naturally throughout the day. You feel abundant as things happen, you start to notice and celebrate all the little snippets of abundance that are constantly flowing into your life, and it starts to become your new normal.

2. Track your income

This one is all about making sure that I keep noticing my thinking when it comes to my business and income. 

It can be really tricky because apparently we have up to 80,000 thoughts a day. 

But I have a hack for you: All you need to do is track your income. 

The way this looks for me is that every single morning I sit down with my cup of tea and my special notebook, and I track my income. I count all the money that flowed into my bank accounts over the previous 24 hours. 

What this is guaranteed to do is, it’s going to flush up any limiting beliefs, fears and money worries, really damn fast. This will allow you to deal with them. 

Later on, I’ll just sit down and journal anything that pops up, or I’ll use my Money Blockbuster System™. Or any other processes that we use in the Magnetic Money program to shift blocks and limiting beliefs. 

The key is to do this every single day, no excuses because the excuses are money blocks showing up. 

For example, if you catch yourself thinking that you didn’t really make any money in the last 24 hours, and are thinking, ‘What’s the point in sitting down with a notebook?Write that down!

3. Give every single dollar a job to do!

This technique is all about taking care of my money and giving every single dollar a job to do. 

I already track my income daily, and then once a week I allocate my money, split it all up and move it into my various buckets. 

That’s the practice that we do in the Magnetic Money Program. 

Every bucket represents a purpose of money, and every single dollar gets a job to do. This helps you keep your wealth creation on track and ensures that you maintain financial stability. 

It also helps you feel in control and really connected to your money, and that builds confidence. 

Then the other thing that I do is that every couple of weeks, I’ll have a money date with Martin where we sit down, review our money goals and our strategy, and we celebrate our progress. 

I do other things too, but if I have to break it down, these are the three that really make a difference. As I mentioned, each of these represents one of the cornerstones of the magnetic money trifecta.

The key to ensuring you get traction and that you build momentum so you can be manifesting income to grow your business is: 

  • Don’t make this a once-off or ‘sometimes’ process, but an ongoing process. This ensures that you keep that wheel and trifecta spinning, and all the paths supporting one another so that you gather and build momentum. 
  • Know that this gets easier and much more natural over time until it just becomes your new normal. 
  • Make sure that you’re always checking in on all three cornerstones of the magnetic money trifecta. 

This is when manifesting money isn’t just something you do, but it is somebody that you become. 

This is when you become a whole new version of you – the abundant version of you. 

The version of you who knows there’s always plenty of money and is always attracting more money in because you’re consistently tapping into Law of Attraction to build momentum. This means that money can keep flowing in ever-increasing amounts. 

The version of you who clears their money blocks easily and routinely as you go, so that the journey is smooth and easy, and you stop pushing money away all the time. 

The version of you who feels confident and in control of your finances, so you never worry about money again. 

If you’re ready to take this journey with me as your money mentor, then come join us in the Magnetic Money program, because it’s time for you to take that next step and embrace your unlimited potential so you never worry about money again >

Never Worry About Money Again.

Master your money mindset, money management & money manifesting with the Magnetic Money Program:

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Ready to go deeper?


Say goodbye to money blocks the quick & easy way:

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How to align with more income so it manifests faster
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Become more magnetic to money with this practical tip
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How to uncover your money beliefs

How to uncover your money beliefs

Today I’m going to share with you one of the simplest ways to uncover your money beliefs that are stopping you from attracting the money you want.


Do you have a feeling that maybe there’s something going on under the hood that is causing money to be an issue in your life?

Have you already got money coming into your life but it seems to disappear again as quickly as it arrives, or money still feels like an issue – even though you actually have plenty?

Then you’re probably starting to realise that there’s some hidden money beliefs at the unconscious level that somehow somewhere there’s something sabotaging your relationship with money. 


The thing is that 98% of everything we think, do, feel and say, is pretty much unconscious.

It’s just automatic habit patterns that are running the show and you’re busy getting on with your day thinking you’re in charge, but really, you’re only consciously in charge of about 2% of what goes on in your life. 




So if those unconscious habit patterns of thought, of feeling, of relating to money, of the way you approach life and what you are actually open to seeing in terms of opportunities, and ideas are not helpful and in alignment with how you do want your money relationship to be, then it’s time to look under the hood.

It’s time to uncover your money beliefs.

Because all that stuff is going on at the unconscious level, that’s where we want to go to start figuring out what’s going on and to start changing it. There’s no point smashing away at the conscious level, if your unconscious is just busily getting on with the same old, same old – it’ll just wear you out and frustrate you. 

All you need to do is use your unconscious mind to help you because it already has the answers. 

It knows what it’s doing. It knows what’s going on. And here’s the thing about your unconscious mind, it’s kind of like Google on steroids. It loves being asked the question, so all you need to do is ask it a question and it will go away, search and find all the answers, catalogue them, put them all together for you in a nice little pretty bullet point format and put a little bow on top. 

And the moment that you are in the right frame of mind to receive that information, it’ll pop up. 

It will go to work for you and help you uncover your money beliefs – the good, the bad & the ugly.

What do I mean by being in the right frame of mind? Well, you know how sometimes you lose your car keys or you can’t remember where you put them and you try and try and try to remember but you can’t? 

Well you’re in the wrong frame of mind to receive the information because you’re focused on what’s not there…

You’re focused on the problem.

But then two hours later, you’re in the shower washing your hair, and suddenly you go, “That’s right, I put them in the kitchen in the cupboard when I was getting the tea out,” and you remember because you’re suddenly in the right frame of mind and open to receiving information so your unconscious says, “Oh finally, there’s a crack,” and pushes the information through. 

That’s all you need to do. 

Ask really good questions such as “I wonder what I would need to believe to be creating this situation over and over again. And I wonder where that belief came from?”


Ask those sorts of questions and you can uncover your money beliefs. 


And when the answers come, it actually allows you to start unravelling some of that old patterning and some of those old stories that you’re telling yourself. 

One of the easiest ways to get in the right frame of mind to receive the answers is to get on the vibration of abundance, where you’re no longer focusing on that money as an issue.

To help you do that, I have this really great abundance vibration audio. It’s a hypnotic meditation to get you in alignment with the vibration of abundance, which is a good thing no matter what you’re doing. And you can grab it for free just by following this link:

If you want to uncover your money beliefs that are creating money blocks and stopping you from fully tapping into Law of Attraction, then I highly recommend you check out my Money Block Buster System™ here:

So go grab yourself that, ask lots of good questions, and let’s uncover your money beliefs that are stopping you from having the relationship with money that you really deserve and want to have. 

And until I see you next time, keep embracing your unlimited potential.

Ready to go deeper?


Say goodbye to money blocks the quick & easy way:

Money Block Buster System image


Download your FREE Self-Hypnosis Abundance Manifesting Meditation here:

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How to hit 6-figures in your business image

5 mindset shift to help you attract a 6-figure income in your business.
Click here:

How to hit 6-figures in your business – even if you have money blocks
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What is an upper limit in your business anyway?

What is an upper limit in your business anyway?

If you’ve read Gay Hendricks’ book, The Big Leap, then you’d be familiar with the term “upper limit,” because he discusses it quite a bit in that book. It’s banded around a lot between women in business – particularly in the online entrepreneurial space.

You know, “Aw, I’ve hit an upper limit. Ugh, that’s my upper limit.”

So let’s talk about that. 

What is an “upper limit” in your business, anyway?

In the book where Gay Hendricks discusses the upper limits, what he’s actually referring to is not specific to business. He’s referring to how much “goodness,” or joy, or “things going well,” you’re currently able to allow yourself because it feels like your normal, and anything beyond that starts to make you uncomfortable, because things are suddenly not normal. So your biology goes on alert and says, “Ooh, there’s something out of wack here. This is unexpected. We’d better be on the lookout, because there must be trouble up ahead,” when there’s an alert of “something’s not quite within the normal known parameters”, then you go onto alert and you unconsciously do something to restore order, to restore the status quo, to restore the normal way of things.

He uses examples like: Everything’s going really well in business and life, you’re cruising along, and things are just getting almost too good to be true… see where that comes from? Things are getting almost too good to be true and so then suddenly you have this massive argument with your partner that comes totally out of nowhere. 

That’s that “restoring order” thing. You unconsciously pick a way to have an argument and that kind of brings the level of happiness and joy back to its normal standard average level.

So when it comes to your business, we usually talk about how well your business is performing in this upper limit conversation. We talk about how much you’re earning, what your gross income is, how much profit you’re making, all those kinds of things.

It’s the same thing, really. It’s the amount of ABUNDANCE you are currently comfortable with, and you’re used to. The edge of that is your upper limit.

The thing to recognize is that this is not about, “I’m growing and expanding and suddenly, BANG, I’ve hit my head on this upper limit and where did that come from?” 

What it means is you’ve grown and expanded faster than you’ve vibrationally kept up with.

Let me explain that a little bit deeper.





When I say you need to vibrationally keep up with it, you actually need to vibrationally be ahead of it a little bit. What I mean, is that you need to do the work, the inner work, that allows you to feel really comfortable and to actually feel that level of abundance BEFORE you perceive it and BEFORE you receive it on the physical level. 

So you need to already feel that amount of abundance on the inside, and then when it shows up for you in your external world, it’s a match and there is no upper limit. 

It is within the realm of your new normal.

So you need to do that vibrational work and that growing and expanding in your own feelings of abundance, in how much abundance is normal and natural and how much you perceive, and see, and allow yourself to have and feel as natural and normal, and you’re absolutely worthy and deserving of. You need to get all of that work done, because then as you do the practical actions that match that and your business starts to grow and your income continues to grow and multiply and expand, it’s all a match and there is no upper limit.

You don’t ever, ever, ever need to hit an upper limit in business, as long as you put the vibrationally work first, and you don’t try to outgrow your current comfort zone. Else it will always try to knock you back down and retain the status quo.

So that is what an upper limit in business is.

I just want you to really, really remember that there is no need for them, whatsoever. 

It is NOT a rite of passage. It is not something to be proud of and brag to your friends about. It is not normal or natural, in fact it’s telling you there’s a problem. Just as when there’s pain in your body, it’s letting you know there’s a problem and there’s something you need to address, this is a signal. An upper limit is a signal that you have not kept up vibrationally with where you’re trying to take your reality to and so you’re bouncing off the edge. 

It’s as simple as that.

OK, keep up the awesome work & make sure you grab my free training that is linked in the description to help you go a little bit deeper.

Until I see you next, keep embracing your gorgeous and totally unlimited potential.



Grab the free Manifesting Money Training here: