3 Hot Tips for Rewiring Your Brain With A New Money Story

3 Hot Tips for Rewiring Your Brain With A New Money Story

We all know that the unconscious mind is where all the hot action is, right?

Because everything that’s going on for you at the conscious level – 98% of that in fact – is completely driven by the unconscious mind.

The unconscious mind is brilliant. It takes over. It takes care of things for you.

It keeps your heart beating, your lungs inflating. It makes sure you don’t think about how to tie your shoelaces or get dressed in the morning, or how to walk for that matter. Remember trying to learn that? Yeah… me neither.

These things can be difficult in the beginning but once we master them, we become unconsciously competent. 

We just do them without even thinking about it.





So they get wired deep into our unconscious mind and they just kind of happen. They’re just on autopilot, which is fantastic for a huge number of things in life. Because I don’t know about you, but I’m a bit too busy to think about keeping my heart beating, and my lungs inflating.

However, what also happens is that sometimes we take on a story, a belief system, and we wire that into our unconscious mind.

Then everything we create, the way we unconsciously behave, the way we see the world and what we expect to get out of the world matches that unconscious belief. So we keep perpetuating this reality over and over and over again, and even though we may not like it, we kind of feel like we’re stuck with it… until we do something about it.

Doing something about it is all about starting to write and starting to live a new story.

When it comes to attracting money and abundance, growing your business, and all that good stuff, you’ve got an underlying old story that says, “This is how things roll.”

As you start to want to create a new story to replace it, you need to start talking about that story. You need to start acting in alignment with that story.

Now, the problem is that a lot of people go too fast, too hard.

They kind of stuff it up because what they inadvertently do is they wire in even more deeply the fact that there is a problem. By trying to fight it too quickly and go too hard too fast they’re actually being counter productive.

So that’s actually the first of the three tips I want to give you for writing a new money story:

Number one, don’t go too hard, too fast.

Go easy and realize that little incremental shifts that actually stick, are going to get you a whole lot further than you trying to make some ridiculous jump overnight that even when you’re saying it and thinking it, there’s a voice in the back of your mind that says, “What a load of bullshit.”

You want to NOT activate that voice that says, “This is bullshit.” That’s basically the aim of the game.

So go slowly and gently enough that you’re not activating that voice. Listen for it. If that voice pops up, back up a little bit and go a little gentler. You can do that over and over and over again and you are absolutely making progress.

The second tip I want to give you is that as you start talking about the way you do want things to be now, the way things are starting to become, you do exactly what I just did and you use “transitional language.”

“Starting to.”


“In the process of.”

And when you talk about the old pattern, put it in the past with your language.

Talk about what you used to do, and “In the past…”, and, “Back then this was an issue… but now I’m starting to see things differently. Now I’m starting to feel empowered about my money. Now I’m starting to notice that there’s opportunities everywhere. Now I’m starting to realize that the less I focus on and stress about money, the more money seems to flow, in fact I’m starting to think maybe that’s the secret to the whole thing, that I just focus on all the good stuff in my life, stop obsessing about money, and more money flows, because it happened again last week.

That little bit I added at the end there “because it happened again last week,” that’s the third tip I want to give you.

The third tip is to use what I call a “Universal Truth.”

Put in statements that you know to be true, and that you cannot argue with. Ones that voice that likes to yell out, “Bullshit,” from the back row cannot argue with.

I like to have a universal truth and yes, you can do it the way I just kind of gave you the example, where you state an actual thing that happened.

But a Universal Truth – even better – is like a mantra that you say right there and then as it’s happening. It’s you reinforcing that,”Yes, this is now starting to happen. This is now becoming my new reality. Yes, this is possible and these moments do happen. Look at that, I wasn’t even thinking about my business and people booked in and so it is true that I don’t have to be obsessing about it 24/7 to make money, in fact, sometimes, I’m doing nothing to do with my business and the money just flows.”

You want to reinforce it when it’s actually happening. Jump on that opportunity, pounce on it –  because this is your chance to really hammer it home, to really wire that into your unconscious mind.

So have a universal truth statement that you’ve got ready – because I’m pretty used to doing this and it kind of just flows – but in the beginning particularly, you want to have that universal truth statement ready.

It may sound something like, “But of course, there’s always plenty of money coming,” or, “But of course, everything always works itself out.” You want a statement that you cannot argue with, and that is a universal truth that you use in the moment that applies across the board.

Things like, “That’s right, the universe always has the bigger picture in mind,” and, “That’s right, the universe is always looking out for me,” and, “That’s right, everything’s always working out,” and, “That’s right, money always shows up,” or, “That’s right, the bills do always get paid.”

So you have that universal truth, you have that statement ready, and you throw it in there. And you want that to be very general, a very nice general statement. Something, like I said, that the voice from the back row has nothing to talk about.

So my favourite universal statement is, “Everything is always working out for me. It all works out.”

Mike Dooley mentioned one, I don’t know if it’s actually his that he uses regularly, but he says one and it was, “It’s always working”.Even though I can’t always see it, it’s always working.”

What that does, is you’re using it right there in that moment and it helps you really wire in that this is the new reality.

So remember that, number one, don’t go too hard too fast.

Number two, use transitional language.

And number three, use those statements of universal truth to keep reinforcing right then and there that everything is always working out for you because, baby, it totally is.

Now, as far as rewriting your money story goes, the number one place to start is the very tip of the iceberg. When you start at the tip of the iceberg, you make sure you don’t miss anything.

The tip of the iceberg is called your Money Habit Archetype. It is that big picture pattern of how money shows up for you in your life, over and over and over again. It encompasses all the little different situations. Once you become really aware of that and know how to use that, then you can use that information to rewrite that old money story, so the pattern that’s surfacing can shift.

So it starts with knowing your Money Habit Archetype and if you haven’t done it for a while – or if you’ve never done it – then make sure you jump on my Money Habit Archetype quiz, to which you will find the link in the description.

So hop to it, get started now!

Let’s transform that money story of yours, remember the three hot tips I gave you, and until I see you next, make sure you keep embracing your unlimited potential.


Take the Money Habit Archetype Quiz so you can clear your biggest money block.

What’s Your Money Habit Archetype?

What’s Your Money Habit Archetype?

Do you know what your Money Habit Archetype is?

Okay, so there are, three broad categories of “habit archetypes” that people fall into when it comes to money.

The thing with money is that we have these habit patterns and they don’t really change that much unless we do something major to shift them.

That’s because a habit is an unconscious pattern in the nervous system, which means that you’ll repeat it over and over and over again without giving it any conscious thought.

You’re unconscious to it.

It just happens automatically on autopilot and meanwhile you’re washing the dishes or on Facebook or whatever you’re doing, and you don’t realize what is going on.

We operate unconsciously about 98% of the time, so it’s not just you, it’s how the human mind works.

When it comes to money, like I said, there are three broad categories of Money Habit Archetype.





Now, they are:

Number one: The Accumulator.

The Accumulator is somebody who always seems to manage to put some money away. No matter what’s going on, they’ve always got a bit leftover and they tuck it aside. So that is the Accumulator.

Number two: The Spender.

This is the person who always kind of breaks even. Money comes in, money goes out. Really, they just spend everything that comes in, everything they earn, and every dollar has an important… or not so important job to do and there’s nothing left.

And the third: The Overextender.

The Overextender is the one that always seems to have not quite enough and is constantly going backwards. They’re constantly accumulating debt, because they spend more than they earn.

Now the really interesting thing about this is that it actually makes no difference as to how much money you make to what habit archetype you are.

The habit archetype has to do with the patterns that are running deep in your subconscious basement. They’re running the show, so the numbers are irrelevant.

You can be an Overextender who always goes into a bit of extra debt, earning $20,000 a year. You can be an Overextender, then as life progresses you’re making $60,000 a year, but still it’s not quite enough because you want that lovely car and you want to live in a nicer place than you can really afford. And then say you do build a business that becomes successful and you’re turning over a million or more, and you decide that you really do want the Ferrari, you want the Porsche as well, and you want to have those amazing holidays in the Maldives while they’re still above water level.

So, no matter how much you’re earning you’re still always just stretching yourself beyond your means, so it’s got nothing to do with how much money you make. That means that if you want to change that pattern, that end result, it’s not just about looking at how can I bring in more money, it’s actually about looking at, “Hm, this pattern… what’s going on with that and what’s that all about?”

So, an easy way to figure out which of those three you fall into, is to look back to your childhood. Think about what you were like as a kid with pocket money or with your first job and you’ll find that it’s actually still the same.

The interesting thing is that the people who are Accumulators, they always feel like, “Yeah I’m saving money but it’s just not enough, there was more to be saved so maybe I’m not an Accumulator, maybe I’m a Spender”. So if that’s how your brain is firing right now, just know that if you’re somebody who says, “Ugh, I only have $10,000 in the bank and it’s just not enough,” you’re an Accumulator.

So what I wanted to let you know is that, you need to figure out what you are and the easiest way to do is to go back to early childhood, because most likely it’s been that recurring pattern ever since.

Then figure out where that came from.
Why do I feel like it’s just never enough?

Most of us just think that if we just became an Accumulator everything would be great, but the interesting thing is, I know lots of Accumulators who are really unhappy about their financial situation, because the undercurrent is that, “It’s not enough, and I’m not safe. No matter how much is in the bank, I’m not safe.”

Or maybe you’re a Spender and you do spend every dollar that comes in, but you’re doing that from the point of view of, “I trust that all my needs are always being met. I trust that I’m able to generate any amount of money I need, and I trust that my bills are always paid, and I trust that I always find the opportunities to help me create more money, so spending isn’t a big deal, because there’s always more coming in.”

If you’re a Spender, and you’re always breaking even, and that is your mindset… that’s awesome! That’s actually fabulous, because the bottom line is that how much money is in the bank is irrelevant, it’s how you FEEL about it that is relevant.

So, if you don’t feel good about your financial situation and your Money Habit Archetype – the way that you operate around money right now – then you do need to go back and just ask the questions, “Where did I learn that? Where did I learn that that’s important or that’s the way things work?” Start to unravel some of those things.

Start to ask yourself those sorts of questions.

Questions are powerful, and on that note before I let you go, I encourage you to do my quiz. I’ve got this great quiz which actually lets you know what the next step is to creating a life of abundance & joy.

We don’t want to be rich and feel like crap and feel like it’s not enough. We want all of it.

So if you feel like that’s not quite humming for you please take my quiz, the link is in the description and it’ll help you work out what your next step from here is, so that you can create that abundant life for yourself.


Take the Money Habit Archetype Quiz so you can clear your biggest money block.

3 tips to help you build a savings buffer when you’re a Spender

3 tips to help you build a savings buffer when you’re a Spender

If you’re a Spender Money Habit Archetype, what that means is that all the money that tends to come into your life, quickly flows out again. 

You always end up back at square one. 

It’s always the feeling of living hand-to-mouth and it really has very little to do with the level of income that you have – it’s more to do with the PATTERN being that the money that comes in, all disappears again – it gets swallowed up by bills, unexpected expenses, all sorts of things.

Sometimes you’re not even quite sure exactly where it went except it seems to be gone!

So, when that’s happening it can be really hard for you to build up a savings buffer. That’s frustrating, and sometimes, scary.

The reason that it’s not happening, is because you building up and accumulating savings is not a match to the Spender Money Habit Archetype, and that pattern is being informed, fueled, and created by an underlying STORY, an underlying belief system that says, “Money can’t stick around here, it’s all got to go!” 

So what can you do about it so that you CAN start building up a savings buffer?

I’m going to give you three tips:





Number one: First point of call is to figure out what that underlying story is and start to shift it.

I want you to think about this Money Habit Archetype pattern that’s showing up in your physical 3D reality as a clue, as the tip of an iceberg. 

It helps you figure out where this iceberg is, and once you’ve located it, you can work your way down into the deeper levels of your mind and into your unconscious and figure out what that story is underneath that’s creating this effect at the reality, 3D, visible, tangible level. 

What do you hold to be true at the unconscious level.. whether it’s good or true or not.. what is your unconscious story that you’ve taken on that is playing out in this way?

One of the quickest and easiest ways to do that, like I said, is by uncovering the Money Habit Archetype, putting your finger on it, and then working your way down. 

I have a quiz to help you do exactly that, the link to that is in the description. 

So, jump on that, do the quiz, confirm you are a Spender Money Habit Archetype and then I will send you a sequence of emails to help you uncover that story at the unconscious level so that you can untangle, disconnect it, and transform it to a much more helpful and empowering story. That is step number one.

Now, the second step you want to do is, you’ve got this ingrained long-standing habit, and what you want to do is you want to outsource as much of that as possible to a SYSTEM that will take it away from the spender in you and do the right thing with your money.

So something as simple as setting up an automated transfer of savings every single week – the more frequently the better – even if you do a dollar a day to begin with that’s fine, you won’t miss it. 

It just becomes this thing that fades into the background, but the trick is, send it to another bank where you can’t see the money, where you kind of forget all about it. Then, you only look at it every 6 months, or maybe you set a calendar reminder that you can check up on it quarterly.

Outsourcing the habit of accumulating savings to a system, means that it’s not up to you to constantly look at all this money, juggle what’s in your hands, and then have to put some aside. 

That is not in your nature, and that is not what you’ve been conditioned to do. 

So OUTSOURCE that and make it as remote and removed from you as possible. Give the money to your mum if you must, whatever it takes!

The third tip that I want to give you, is you need to set up some rules and make it really hard for you to get at that money.

Rules like: there is no ATM card for that account and there is no easy internet access to access that account.

You want to take away the temptation of dipping into that money. 

You can do things like put a second signatory on the account, so someone else needs to sign for you to even get to that money, or even put it in someone else’s name… but if it’s going to be a significant amount of savings then be careful because if you want to then maybe use that as a deposit to buy a home, you could have trouble proving that’s your own savings, so just keep that in mind. 

Or make it even easier, just give someone else the password!

Get somebody else to have your internet password and change it – somebody you trust obviously – and then that means that if you need to look at that money or want to access that money, you’re going to need to give them a really good reason which you will set out for them beforehand.

For example, “If I come to you and this and this and this is what’s happening, then you give me the password so I can access the money. If I don’t give you a good enough reason, or you don’t quite believe my reason, then you don’t give me the password.” 

So you have to have a really good relationship with this person, but I know you have someone like this in your life. What you can do is ask them to just kind of check in with you, and give you those status updates and say, “Yep, it’s up to this amount,” so you don’t even have to go check how much money is in there.

So set up the rules and make it hard for you to get to it. 

As much out of sight out of mind as possible. Outsource the actual habit to the system and then remove yourself as much as possible so you can’t give in to temptation.

Before you know it, that will become a new habit and it’s just what’s going on. You won’t even think about it anymore.

So, shifting the habit pattern, this practical stuff I’m talking about, what it’s going to do for you is that, to your mind, to your unconscious mind, that’s actually a change to the old story. 

It’s actually proof that the old story may not be true, which helps you shift it. 

If at the same time you’re doing what I suggested, do the quiz and follow the guidelines I give you from there on to start to untangle and change that old story, then you’re coming at it from both angles.

Between the two, that is how you fast-track and how you start to really shift that pattern so that you can start building up that savings buffer even though your Money Habit Archetype is that of a Spender.

It does not need to mean you can’t do that for yourself.

So, make sure you start with the quiz & have an amazingly, wonderfully, transformative time with this. 

I’d love to hear your stories and how you’re going! Maybe bookmark this post and put it in your calendar for 12 months time and then come back and tell me how much money you’ve accumulated and let’s celebrate!

Until then, make sure you keep on embracing your beautiful and unlimited potential.


Take the Money Habit Archetype Quiz so you can clear your biggest money block.

Are you an Accumulator? Here’s your money strengths & weaknesses

Are you an Accumulator? Here’s your money strengths & weaknesses

If you’re an Accumulator Money Habit Archetype, it means that you always manage to put a little bit of money aside. Your general pattern is that more money comes in than money flows out. 

To be honest… other people get pretty jealous of that. They envy it.

People who are not Accumulators see that as the holy grail, being able to always hold on to some of your money and have it grow and multiply.

The thing is, even though that’s the pattern and that’s very desirable, it’s not always coming from a really healthy place and doesn’t always feel good for you.

A lot of Accumulators are actually driven by fear and lack.

So what happens is, it’s never enough and it never feels like you’re done. It never feels like you’re safe. It always feels like you’ve got to go accumulate more, you’ve got to keep going, you’ve got to keep saving, keep scrimping… JUST – IN – CASE.

I know all about it, because I was raised by an Accumulator.





My mum is an amazing, amazing Accumulator who can make a dollar stretch a mile. It’s absolutely incredible. I watched that, and I saw that pattern, and the thing is that was very much a pattern driven and motivated by fear. 

In fact, my mum, after my parents split up, went through a really rough time where she had to work for an hourly rate of $5 in a really tough job, and even though that wouldn’t be enough for most people to live off, what she managed to do is: buy a little unit, pay it off, and then buy another much nicer townhouse and pay that off as well!

She’s an amazing Accumulator, and unfortunately it was very much driven from a sense of fear and a place of lack. It wasn’t just that after she went through the break-up with my dad that she suddenly became an Accumulator, it had always been her pattern and when they were together, she’s the one who kept us with a roof over our heads because my dad was certainly NOT an Accumulator!

So, let’s talk about what the strengths and weaknesses of the Accumulator are:

First of all, you know how to save money to actually achieve your long term goals. 

Things actually get accomplished because you’re good at planning for the future and knowing what to do in the now, and that’s fantastic.

The second thing that’s a really big strength of being an Accumulator is that you’re a good money manager, not just in terms of planning for the future, but in terms of managing what needs to be dealt with right now. This means your bills always get paid on time, every dollar is accounted for, you know what your money’s doing and you’re on top of it all.

The third thing that’s very beneficial of being an Accumulator is that you can really help your partner, especially if they’re not an Accumulator and they’re not very good with money. It tends to really balance things out and keep the family on track.

The Accumulator also does have some potential weaknesses.

If you’re coming from a place of fear and lack, which a lot of Accumulators are, they’ve got an underlying story and a limiting belief that it’s never enough. So then it is never enough and so you tend to delay gratification. 

You tend to delay taking care of yourself. 

You delay treating yourself to something, delay having that massage, buying that new outfit, or going on that holiday. Whatever it is you tend to always put it off because, you know… you better just put a little bit more money aside, maybe pay off the mortgage a bit more, accumulate some more in savings, because you don’t want to “waste it” on you, so you delay gratification and sometimes (often) it never comes!

The second weakness that comes with being an Accumulator is that you tend to obsess and stress about money, even when it’s coming in!

You don’t actually get to enjoy the fruits of your labor. 

You don’t get to enjoy or really celebrate that money that’s coming in because the feeling you’ve got underneath, is that it’s still not enough and there’s a worry that, “What if it doesn’t last? What if something bad happens?” That’s what I’m talking about, that is that underlying story of fear and lack that’s actually driving that accumulating style behavior.

So you never feel good about the money – even though it’s coming in and other people are looking at you and going, “I wish I could be like you.” 

Meanwhile you’re actually sitting in a pool of stress and worry and you’re not having a very good time. 

The third weakness is, as far as your family and maybe your partner are concerned sometimes you’re seen as Uncle or Auntie Scrooge. You can be seen as a bit of a killjoy because you’re the one who says, “No no no, we’re not going to splurge on that expensive holiday or that expensive restaurant. Let’s just go to this one, they’ve got a two for one special, or this one where kids eat free, or this resort where kids stay for free.” 

You tend to kind of downgrade your life all the time because you’re trying to be sensible and you’re trying to preserve as much money as possible. And the rest of the family who are not wired like you are will be saying, “But can’t we just have some fun with our money???” 

That can cause a lot of stress and disharmony in families and relationships as well.

So there are some of the pros and cons that come with being an Accumulator.

Now, ideally, the Accumulator habit pattern itself is obviously where everybody wants to be. We want to be accumulating money so that it can grow and multiply – so that we can set ourselves up for financial stability, set up our financial future, and achieve that level of financial freedom that we’re looking for. 

However, if it’s coming from that underlying place of fear and lack, then that’s not a good healthy thing. 

You need to find a way to strike a balance between the two, and the easiest way to do that is to actually look at what that underlying story is and start to shift it.

What I recommend you do is jump on my quiz which will confirm that you are an Accumulator.

(To be honest a lot of Accumulators don’t think they are one, because they feel like they still haven’t got enough money in the bank to qualify as one 🙂 )

So, do the quiz. It’ll confirm for you that you are indeed an Accumulator Money Habit Archetype, that that’s your pattern.

And then I’ll send you a series of emails from there that will help you dive deeper into what is driving that pattern, so that you can find that beautiful sense of balance where lots of money’s coming in, plenty of it stays around for you and you actually enjoy it and get to relax about it, which is what we all want at the end of the day… to have our cake, eat it, and love it, right?

So hop to it, you know what to do!


Take the Money Habit Archetype Quiz so you can clear your biggest money block.

3 reasons Spenders do well in business.

3 reasons Spenders do well in business.

Let’s talk about the three reasons that SPENDERS do well in business!

If you’re a Spender Money Habit Archetype, then you’re probably aware that your pattern is that all the money that comes in disappears again – it all goes out. 

This can lead to a feeling of living hand-to-mouth and never really getting ahead… however, there are some things about being a Spender that are a real asset to you in your business, and I want to talk about those.

First of all, being a Spender means you’re comfortable with the ebb and flow of business.

That means that your vibe will stay high more consistently. You’ll stay more aligned to that high vibrational frequency – the vibration of abundance, and that helps you continue to attract money.

Now the pattern is that the money that comes in tends to all go out again – and we’ll talk about what to do about that in a minute – but the thing is that as a Spender you‘ve grown accustomed to the ebb and flow of business which is a natural phenomenon that will happen to some extent in your business – and you’re okay with it.





You’re not so easily fazed by it, and that means you can stay in alignment much more easily. And that is a HUGE asset for you.

The second reason why Spenders do well in business, is that you’re happy to invest in growth. 

You’re comfortable with spending money… with spending all the money that’s available, right? That’s your habit pattern. What that means is your business can grow faster and you get to enjoy time out a lot sooner, because you’re happy to invest in your business and help it grow when it most needs that investment.

The next thing is that because you’re naturally in flow with money, you’re naturally used to that continual flow of money flowing in and money flowing out.

You’re not stifling that flow – in fact you’re a completely open channel to that flow! What that actually does is it does keep it coming. 

Because you know that more money will come, that’s why you’re comfortable spending it, and that is a huge asset. 

It allows the money to keep coming at whatever level you’ve committed to investing into your business. So for you it’s: You invest in your business and you might take that up a notch – but you also know that the money will flow in… you know that you’ll spend most of it… but you know that it will come back to you and your business will thrive as a result.

So, these natural tendencies can be a really big asset and they’ve taught you many valuable things that will serve you really well going forward. 

In fact, they’ve trained you to live in that natural ebb and flow, to be comfortable with being a conduit for money flowing in and out, and to stay vibrationally stable amongst all of it. 

You’ve been really well trained for all of those things by being a Spender money habit archetype.

You just need to shift the underlying story so that some of that money can actually stay around to grow and multiply for you!

For that, you want to get some really practical things in place and I do have another blog you can search on here for it. It’s on how Spender’s can actually create a buffer and a savings account. 

That’s the practical tips, but the most important thing you need to do is shift that unconscious story that says, “All the money that comes in, has to disappear.” You want to change the story that’s keeping that pattern alive, and retain all the beautiful things that it’s taught you so far.

To change that underlying story, just jump on my quiz. I’ve linked it in the description.

Confirm you’re a Spender Money Habit Archetype, and then work your way through the sequence of emails I’m going to send you that will help you dive down deeper and uncover the story that has been fueling and driving and forming that pattern to occur.

Then you can shift, change and transform it into a much more empowering and helpful story so that your money can stick around, have lots of fun with you, and start to grow and multiply.

So I’d love to hear from you, and hear how that goes. Feel welcome to leave me some comments. Bookmark this page and put it in your calendar, and in a few months time come back and report back, I’d love to hear from you.

Until then, keep on embracing your unlimited potential.


Take the Money Habit Archetype Quiz so you can clear your biggest money block.