So you want to get to 6-figures, but you feel like you don’t have the money to put into your business to help you get there. 

So frustrating and so… kind of comical – almost. You want to make more money, but you don’t have the money to do it. 

So what can you do about that?

Well, number one, you don’t need to have money to make money. That’s one of those limiting beliefs that you can just ditch. 

But you may be feeling that right now in your business – because you feel like you can’t possibly take your business to 6-figures unless you can afford to pay someone to support you or rebuild your website or pay for a new tool that allows you to leverage your time. Something like that. There’s some investment you feel you need to make that will allow you to grow, and that’s totally a part of doing business.

So here’s the secret to getting past that and to solving that perceived problem:





Most women in business that I see, they perceive it to be a case of, “I want to get from here to there. So I need to build a staircase.” 

So what they do is they make a list of all the things they need to build the staircase, you know, “I need the timber, the screws, the nails, the tools, maybe the people who actually build the staircase so that it doesn’t collapse on me.” 

They make that big list, and then they look at their current resources and they think, “Well I don’t have any of those things, or very few of those things, so I guess I can’t build the staircase… and I can’t reach that next level.”

So I ask you to just stop for a moment and step back and think about it differently, because we’re not building an actual physical staircase here, we’re building expansion in your business. That means that you don’t need to build the entire staircase in one hit to reach that next level of income, in fact all you need to be able to do is build the next step.

There are many, many ways that you can find the resources to just build that next step.

I’ll give you a couple of practical pointers with this:

Number one, you’ve established that you need this staircase and you already know all the things that are required to make it happen. Make sure you list them out really carefully, and then get really, really clear on which is your next step, and which one is the one after that. So not just knowing that this is all the things I need to reach the top, but what is it exactly that I need to build my next step. 

What is my next step? Then: What do I need to build it? 

You’ll find that that’s just a little baby step. You can break it down into really tiny little baby steps that are very achievable for you, and then if that requires funding, then all you need to do is look at where you’re currently spending money in your business, and re-allocate some of that money so that this step can be built.

So you might decide that this week you are going to distribute your newsletter yourself and your VA takes a week off, and you’re going to put that money into something else that helps you build this next step. Maybe you’ll get her to do a different job without increasing her hours. There are lots of creative ways you can re-allocate the money you’re already spending in your business.

Or you may decide that you’re going to raise these funds. 

So you may have a special offer, you may email your existing clients and say, “Hey, if you want to buy ahead, I’ve got a special package for you,” something like that, that helps you get a little bit of an influx of money just for this one step.

But I do really want to urge you to keep that very small, because the last thing I want you to do, is have some massive sale, be inundated, get the money in, but then be so bogged down in delivering those services that you don’t actually have any time to build that step, and I do see that happen a lot. 

Then you think, “Well I need to pay even more people to help me build the staircase because I can’t even hammer a nail in myself, I’m too busy.” At the same time, you’re totally getting worn out and you don’t even have time to think about building the staircase, or direct how that next step should be built and so it just never happens.
That’s something to be really mindful of. 

So, break it down into just, “Exactly what do I need to build this next step” and keep it there. It’s kind of the opposite to how most people think. They think, “Go build the whole staircase. I need all the materials, all the resources, ready to go and I’m doing it,” and I really urge you to do the OPPOSITE to that because it will be much more sustainable and easy for you. It will also stop you from burning yourself out and then unconsciously sabotaging yourself, because ‘business is way too much work’, right? 

You know what I’m talking about! 😊

So that is how you do it. Make sure you keep at it and grab my free training as well, to which there is a link in the description.

Until I see you next, keep on embracing your beautiful and unlimited potential.



Grab the free Manifesting Money Training here: