Founder, Magnetic Money®
Miriam Castilla
Let’s go beyond trying to ‘manifest more money’ & help you create a state of abundance that yes, includes more money in the bank – but also helps you enjoy a state of internal abundance & peace.
I help people:
✔️ consistently attract more money & abundance
✔️ have that money stick around for them to enjoy (rather than disappearing as quickly as it arrived)
✔️ ‘make money babies’ – putting your money to work for you to reduce debt, grow your savings & achieve financial security
Because when you start to TRUST that there will always be more than enough, you can RELAX, knowing you’re safe and start to ENJOY your life.
(And if you’re a business owner or entrepreneur with irregular cashflow, I have something super special for you, because I will show you how to SMOOTH that cashflow & get off that emotional rollercoaster!)
Founder, Magnetic Money®
Miriam Castilla
Attract more money, keep more money & ‘make money babies’
Ready to clear your money blocks and revolutionise your relationship with money?
I’m Miriam
I’m here to help you get a handle on your money stuff – so you can stop stressing & start LIVING!
Manifesting more money is one part of the equation .
But my plan for you involves much more than that!
I want you to create a state of both external and INTERNAL abundance!!!
It’s about attracting more abundance, yes. But it’s also about taking loving take care of your money and transforming your relationship with it from one of fear & uncertainty to one of deep trust and respect.
I’m Miriam
I’m here to help you get a handle on your money stuff – so you can stop stressing & start LIVING!
Manifesting more money is one part of the equation .
But my plan for you involves much more than that!
I want you to create a state of both external and INTERNAL abundance!!!
It’s about attracting more abundance, yes. But it’s also about taking loving take care of your money and transforming your relationship with it from one of fear & uncertainty to one of deep trust and respect.
So what does this look like for you?
It means no more tapping away like a crazed woodpecker or reciting affirmations until you’re blue in the face,
hoping that will magically unblock the flow of money in your business.
It means no more wrestling a bunch of spreadsheets – only to ditch them in frustration a week later!
It means no more downloading the latest money app only to find it’s just as inflexible and fiddly as the last 5 you never used!
✔️ No more money struggles.
✔️ No more money fear & silent shame.
✔️ No more self-sabotage.
I’m here to show you how simple & easy it can be to ATTRACT more money,
KEEP more money
and set your money up to GROW & MULTIPLY for you.
Why Me?
I started my career as an engineer working in corporate development. Like many, I climbed that corporate ladder because it was put in front of me. And I was “supposed to” carve out a career with a good income and zip from one “success” to another (completely forgetting to think about who I am, what I want, and what lights me up!)
So I ended up leaving the corporate world knowing I couldn’t bear working in a way that didn’t allow me to express who I really am.
A few years later, while I was a stay-at-home mum with two children under 5, my marriage blew up!
So suddenly I was a broke, stressed out single mum with no career and no income!
I went from confident corporate career woman to frazzled mum on welfare, seemingly overnight.
I hadn’t ever imagined this could happen – and I was completely unprepared for it.
During those years, I lived in constant fear around money – and it was EXHAUSTING!!
One day at the supermarket, I realized I’d gone over my weekly grocery budget by $10. I literally burst into tears as I handed some items back. The worst part was that I actually had the money – but was too afraid to spend it in case I wouldn’t have enough the following week!
This was a massive turning point.
In that moment I made a decision to take charge of my life and never be a victim again.
Over the next 3 years, I completely changed my life. I studied Law of Attraction and the power of the mind. I went to every seminar, read every book and I started to believe in myself again.
I got a job working for a finance company and eventually started my own finance business
I knew NOTHING about finance back then!
The business did GREAT. I won national awards, created a healthy 6-figure leveraged income and I bought 3 properties.
But you know what? I had a dirty little secret….
I was STILL stressed about money, and my clients were stressed about money – no matter how much they were making! And money would often disappear as quickly as it arrived.
That’s when I had a MAJOR epiphany!!
Yes – we want more money & we need to know how to make it grow & multiply… but…
Our patterns & feelings around money won’t shift until WE shift at a deeper level.
There was more work for me to do.
So I studied more & working with Mike Dooley (of ‘The Secret’ and ‘Notes from the Universe’) to become an Infinite Possibilities trainer.
I also became certified in Hypnosis, NLP and Timeline Therapy.
By marrying the magical with the practical, I created the Magnetic Money® Code – a system that helps you attract more money, keep more money & know how to make it grow & multiply.
It’s all about changing the way you THINK about money, the way you FEEL about money and what you DO with your money.
I’m passionate about helping entrepreneurial women & business owners transform their relationship with money and create a life of joy & abundance…
Because you cannot kick serious arse with your business and make a meaningful impact with your work while you’re stuck in survival mode, stressing & worrying about money.
In fact, I want money to be the LAST thing on your mind!
It’s time to embrace your unlimited potential – and it starts right here, gorgeous!
What sort of life do you want?
Want to know a secret?
It’s not really about the money!
Money is simply a symbol of success in our society, and we tend to measure our self-worth by our net worth.
When we start working on our money stuff, we’re actually unravelling and shifting a whole lot of issues too. We start to believe in ourselves, our abilities and our worthiness again.
THAT is when abundance starts to flow and we get to release the fear and actually enjoy and trust that flow.
Success is whatever it means to you.
If that means a multimillion-dollar beach house and a Tesla in the driveway – great!
For many of my clients, it means peace of mind, spending more quality time with their family, making a meaningful impact through their work, and no more financial stress.
If you’re ready to simplify & ORGANIZE YOUR FINANCES , then take this free workshop:
Click here to join:
If your entire relationship with money needs a do-over, then start with the ULTIMATE MONEY MASTERCLASS
Grab your seat:
And if you’d love to join me for a LIVE, HANDS-ON WORKSHOP so you can start practising some transformative skills
and experience what it’s like to work with me, then jump on board here:
Client Love

Professional Biography
Miriam Castilla is an award-winning business owner, finance professional, mindset expert, money coach, bestselling author and keynote speaker.
She has appeared as a keynote speaker and trainer at conferences around Australia and in the USA and is a regular speaker at Mike Dooley’s Infinite Possibilities Trainer Conferences.
She has been featured in several publications including Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, and Good Health Magazine.
Miriam’s leads an active community of 7,000 like-minded entrepreneurial women. Her signature programme Magnetic Money® supports entrepreneurs & business owners all over the world as they create more abundant and joyful lives for themselves & their families.
To have Miriam speak at your next event or enquire about workshops & training sessions for your team, simply email []