Hi, this is Miriam Castilla and welcome to the Manifesting Playground where we apply Law of Attraction in practical and magical ways to get you in alignment both in business and in life – so you can have more money in the bank and get a lot more done with ease!

Let’s talk about 5 steps to take you from a 5-figure business to a 6-figure business.

I get asked this a lot. The thing is that, like everything else, it won’t surprise you that it really needs to start from the inside of you. Your external world is nothing but a reflection of your internal world because you, babycakes, are the creator of your life.

So the thing about a 5-figure business – versus a 6-figure business – is really a 5-figure business is more of a part time income. Usually, it’s a bit of a hobby and usually it’s not your main source of income. And if it is, you’re probably finding it a bit of a stretch money-wise every single week, month, and year. When you move to a 6-figure business, then you’re really looking at a full time income and a source of income that can sustain possibly your entire household or at least really make a difference to your lifestyle. Once you hit the 6-figure income, you can then start looking to leverage it, refine it further, and grow it to multiple 6-figures and even 7-figures.

Really, it’s up to you how far you want to go with it.

So there are a few key things that move you out of being stuck in that 5-figure business, part time, or hobby to 6-figures where you’re really serious and it’s a business that can continue to grow as far as you choose to go with it.

There are a few key things that will help you make that leap, so I’m just gonna get straight into it and share those with you.





Number ONE: You really need to get clear on WHY it’s worth bothering.

The thing is, in order to move from the 5-figure business which becomes a bit of a comfort zone – sometimes an uncomfortable comfort zone, but nevertheless it’s what you’re used to – to move out of that and into a 6-figure business space where you’re really having to step up as the CEO of your business, it’s going to require you to move out of that comfort zone, to do some things differently to how you have been doing them in the past so that you can get different results.

Nothing will motivate you more and inspire you more than knowing why it’s worth bothering. So spend some time sitting down and writing all that out.

What’s it actually all about?

Why is it worth doing whatever you’re going to need to do to take that leap, to move past that invisible ceiling and get to the other side?

You’re going to need inspiration rather than motivation, and inspiration comes from within.

Inspiration comes from being in alignment and feeling guided towards your higher purpose and higher expression of who you are. Stepping into all that you’re capable of rather than motivation which tends to be a bit of a push like, “Get on with it because you need to pay the bills and you’ll be much more comfortable.” All those kinds of more external motivators that will only get your so far. Inspiration will keep pulling you forward and I’ll let you know how to get some really inspiration at the end of this video, so stick around!

So that’s the first thing.

The SECOND thing you want to do is look at what you are getting out of staying stuck in this comfort zone of 5-figures.

What is your secondary gain?

So… what’s a secondary gain? A secondary gain is when you’re staying in a place you’re saying you don’t want to be, BUT you’re getting something out of it – even if it’s just at the unconscious level and you have no awareness – there’s something in it for you.

For example, if you’re somebody who has been injured and you’ve got time off work because you need to heal and you’re just not getting better, then you might look at things like, “Well, why am I unconsciously stopping myself from healing? Is it because I don’t want to go back in the rat race? I don’t want to start having to battle traffic again and worry about childcare or all of those things.”

So you may not like that fact that you’re in pain and you’re uncomfortable and you’re not working and you’re not feeling productive and you say you want to get better and get back to work, but the secondary gain is that there’s something still in it for you and that is why you’re unconsciously creating being stuck there.

That’s an example in the health space but you can look at that from your business point of view and go, “Okay, what is staying at this 5-figure level giving me? What am I getting out of it? What is the secondary gain?” Once you establish that, then you can look at ways of still meeting that need without needing to stay stuck at the 5-figure business level. So that’s the second one.

Let’s move on to the THIRD one.

That is having to look at what kind of things you’re  going to need to do to get from the 5-figure income to the 6-figure income.

How do I need to show up differently?

How do I need to do things in new ways that match the 6-figure business owner model? What are those things that I have to do?

So let’s just pretend we have a magic wand and fast forwarded the clock and there you are, you’re running your 6-figure, maybe multiple 6-figure, maybe 7-figure business. What are the things you’re doing on a daily basis that allow you to have that and sustain it?

Make a list because you know what, you already know what it takes. Make a list and get really clear on things you need to do.

Let’s move on to the FOURTH step, which is very important.

Look at that list of things you need to DO and work out who you need to BE in order to consistently do those things.

What you do and what shows up in terms of your actions is a reflection of who you are BEING, of your unconscious state, your personality basically.

Decide who you need to be.

Do you need to be somebody who is very disciplined? Do you need to be somebody who knows when you get worn out and tired and who has systems and processes and a structure in place to keep you in good health and energy? Are you going to need to be somebody who’s very open and honest with your family so that they support you? Do you need to be somebody who’s willing to ask for help with childcare or whatever it is or having your partner help out around the house more? Do you need to be more honest? Do you need to be more upfront? Do you need to be less of a perfectionist?

Who do you need to be in order to do those things in your business and your life that is going to allow yourself to move from 5-figures to 6-figures?

Last, but not least, having done all of the above, the FIFTH step that I’ve got for you to move you from a 5-figure business to a 6-figure business is to make a plan.

You already know what you need to be doing, you already know who you need to become, so what’s the plan to get you there? What’s the plan to help you get past the secondary gain that’s keeping you stuck here? What is the plan that’s going to help you tap into your “why” and really get in that inspiration from within that will keep you motivated to keep showing up.

What are the steps?

Look at that from both a mindset perspective, and a business strategy perspective, because there will be certain things you need to do in your business.

Maybe you need to make this year all about systemizing your business, investing in it, and setting yourself up so that you can next year have more reach, reach more people, convert them more easily, and have your structure in place so that that’s all manageable.

Maybe that’s what this year needs to be about so that it’s a plan to get you there.

Mindset wise what do you need? Do you really need to invest in some mentors, coaches, or programs to help you release some of your money blocks, release some of those old stories that are keeping you trapped in the hand-to-mouth kind of pattern? Do you need to, mindset-wise, start to actually allow yourself to be the person you need to be, stepping up, asking for what you want, asking for the sale, showing up as the expert in your field, is it that side of things?

Look at both mindset and strategy and make a plan. \

What do you need? Whose help do you need? What support systems do you need to put in place? What is the plan? Step it out, map it all out, and then get busy moving along it.

So that’s 5 steps to help you move from a 5-figure business to a 6-figure business.

Now remember, the FIRST step I gave you was connecting with your “why” really deeply at the unconscious level –  so that it gives you inspiration that pulls you forward, calls you forward even when you’re having a bad day or a bad week, rather than motivation which is really like somebody cracking the whip over you (we’ll only put up with that for so long before we tell them to nick off)

To do that, make sure you grab my free Core Values course. It’s a mini course that you can do in your own time that helps you uncover your core values and really connect to them at the deepest of levels…

And THAT will give you that fuel in the tank and connect you to your “why.”

So get busy with that and until I see you next, keep on embracing your beautiful and unlimited potential.



Get to know what truly drives you so you can use it to create that 6-figure business. Access the free Uncover Your Core Values course here: