I’m wondering: have you hypnotised yourself to be poor?

So I’m a hypnotherapist and one of the first things I learned in my training is that we actually all hypnotise each other every single day.

Coca-Cola, KFC, McDonald’s know exactly how to hypnotise people into buying their “stuff.” Right?

They know the hypnotic effects of words, images, repetition and people just zoning out in front of the TV – which, by the way, is when your unconscious is completely open.

You’re actually in a trance when you’re watching TV, and that is why TV ads are so powerful.

But we all hypnotise ourselves – and each other – every single day.





Your parents hypnotised you when you were just a little kid which, again, is when the unconscious is completely open. The personality hasn’t fully formed yet. And until about age seven, you’re just open; there’s no filter and everything goes in.

Which is why my 1:1 work with clients usually goes back to things at age 7 or earlier. If they take me to an event that they say is the first time that a limiting belief occured after age 7, I always dig deeper.

Because most often, it happened before age 7 when they were totally susceptible to taking on messages without a rational filter that says, “That’s not really what that means and I’m going to choose to see it from a different perspective.”

They just take things at face value. YOU just took things at face value.

So, we all hypnotise each other.

Our parents are really good at it when we’re young.

And now you also hypnotise yourself every single day.

You do it with your words. Words are extremely powerful. They’re extremely hypnotic and when you repeat the same word over and over again that means you start to believe it.

And as you start to believe it, you repeat it more and more which means you believe it at an even deeper level. And because you know that what you believe at a deeper level is the truth, it means that the words that you are now speaking are you complete and utter truth.

What I just said doesn’t make much sense but it felt like it did, didn’t it?

Because I used hypnotic words. That is how powerful they are.

So, be aware of that.

Be aware of your words and that they are hypnotising you every single day.

Be aware that when you speak to other people, you are actually hypnotising yourself. Words are powerful. 95-98% of everything we do every single day is completely unconscious. So when you hypnotise yourself, what you’re actually doing is you’re programming your unconscious – which runs your life.

It’s like you’re programming the computer that runs the show.

And you want to be careful with how you’re programming it, right?

One thing you can practice is a simple pattern interrupt.

Basically just be aware and when you find yourself saying things that are negative around money like “Oh god, not another parking fine.” and “Oh my god, electricity just keeps getting more expensive.” etc, train yourself to throw in a little pattern interrupt.

Train yourself to say something that interrupts that old pattern firing in your nervous system because that alone will weaken that old pattern… and weaken that old belief system.

It will help you wire in a new belief system… a new pattern that serves you a whole lot better.

What sort of pattern interrupt?

Well, you can train yourself to go “BLAH” everytime you say something that shouldn’t come out of your mouth. But people might think that you’re a little bit weird….

So, how about something as simple as, “Lucky I’ve always got more money coming.” or “Lucky I’m rich!” or “Yeah, that’s right – I can afford this because I always make twice as much as I spend.” Or just anything. Anything at all that’s a pattern interrupt that’s out of the ordinary to what you would normally say.

And that alone is powerful.

This is important stuff, people.

Now, if you’re not quite sure where to begin on this journey to creating life on purpose, to getting in the driver seat and really upgrading your life no matter how good it already is you know it can be better, then take my quiz.

The link is in the description above. Jump on there and we’ll find out what your next step from here is.

I’ll see you next time.


Take the Money Habit Archetype Quiz so you can clear your biggest money block.