Would you love a list of limiting beliefs about money that might be lurking in your unconscious?

Today I’m going to share with you a list of limiting beliefs about money that covers the top 6 nasties which could be stopping more money from flowing to you.

And I bet they’re not what you’d expect!

As a hypnotherapist and a money mentor for women in business, I’ve helped to clear a lot of limiting beliefs around money, and there is a definite pattern as to the most common ones.

Today I’m going to cover for you the top six limiting beliefs that I’ve helped hundreds of students and clients clear, which has helped them put an end to self-sabotage patterns and finally grow their income and their business.






But what’s more, I’m also going to give you an idea of how these tend to show up, because the thing is that the limiting belief is hiding in the unconscious and it does take a bit of work to uncover. 

But there are certain patterns that will show up as a result of this list of limiting beliefs about money. You can kind of think of them as what the logical outcome would be if that belief were actually true – because even though these limiting beliefs are actually NOT true, at the unconscious level, you believe they are, which makes them true for YOU.

You literally keep attracting and creating situations over and over and over again, that proves them to be true for you.

Let’s dive in and see which of these resonate with you so that we can help you clear the obstacles to your abundance:

Limiting belief number 1: “I’m not good enough”

This is the one that leads to patterns of undercharging, which means that you end up working way too hard for too little money. And it’s also the one that’s responsible for signing up for way too many courses and thinking that you need yet another qualification before you can finally be ‘good enough’.

Limiting belief number 2: “I’m not worthy”. 

This one sounds similar, but it’s very different. This is the one that leads to patterns of giving way too much away for free because you at the unconscious level, don’t feel like you’re worthy of keeping the money and having the good things.

So the patterns that show up as a result of a belief of “I’m not worthy” are things like giving everything away for free & having short discovery calls turn into hour and a half long full-blown sessions that you don’t even charge for. And it’s also the one that’s often responsible for a pattern of where money comes in – even good sums of money – and you finding really creative ways to get rid of it fast.

Limiting belief number 3: “I don’t deserve it”.

Again, sounds similar, but quite different. Each of these limiting beliefs is literally a separate daisy chain in your nervous system. And so it is really important to identify the one that is yours and not to knock out the neighbor by accident.

So “I don’t deserve it,” is the one that leads to patterns of blocking the abundance, of hitting upper limits, of working really, really hard. It’s when the same thing is working for everybody else and you’re using the same strategies, but the money just doesn’t seem to be coming to you, no matter how hard you work for it.

Limiting belief number 4: “It’s not good enough”

This is where whatever you do is not good enough.

This one leads to patterns of overworking, of over perfecting everything, of reworking everything, of giving those extra sessions, because you feel like you haven’t quite done a good enough job for your client. It’s the over-giving and the overworking pattern. That’s usually a sign that there’s a limiting belief that “It’s not good enough”.

Limiting belief number 5: “It’s not safe to shine / be successful”

This is a particular nasty and is the one that keeps you playing small. It’s when you refuse to put yourself out in the spotlight because you have this limiting belief that it’s not safe to shine.

This is the one that will have you avoiding doing Facebook lives, or showing up to do your marketing or following up leads. It’s also the one that creates sabotage when opportunities come up. For example, when you don’t meet the deadline, or you lose the person’s email address that offered to do this amazing joint venture with you.

It’s also the one that leads to patterns of you not closing the sale, and not following through to then step up and be the person who can do that amazing job for your client.

Now, you might be noticing a pattern here that these aren’t really that much about money. 

I’m going to talk about this in a minute and why that’s so critical to recognize, but first let’s talk about the sixth and final one of these top six nasties now.

Limiting belief number 6: “I’m not important.”

This one is the one that will lead to patterns of you putting everyone else first – of you over-giving and not asking for what you want. It basically says that ‘Everybody else’s needs are more important than mine,’ which means that you don’t get your needs met as you’re putting everybody else first.

Let me know in the comments below, which of these limiting beliefs and patterns can you relate to?

You’ll notice that most of the nasties in this list of limiting beliefs about money have pretty much nothing to do with money and everything to do with your self-belief and your self-worth. 

And that’s because it’s not really about the money. 

Money is just a symbol. It’s literally a demonstration of your self-worth,. Your pattern sabotage and blocking of abundance is simply playing out in response to that underlying belief system.

This is your money story. 

It’s the story you bought into at the unconscious level and it’s made up of the sum of all your limiting beliefs. 

If you want to transform that money story, so you can stop blocking abundance and stop making life more difficult than it needs to be, then you really have to start by uncovering your dominant money pattern.

That’s your Money Habit Archetype, and to help you uncover that, I’ve created a really simple quiz – the Money Habit Archetype Quiz, which you can take that right now at www.miriamcastilla.com/quiz

Just answer five simple questions and you’ll find out what your Money Habit Archetype is and how to use it to release your biggest money block.

Because it’s time for you to embrace your unlimited potential!

xx Miriam


Discover your Money Habit Archetype and use it to clear your biggest money block.