Can you train your brain to make more money? Absolutely YES!

That’s because the brain is plastic. It can be molded, reshaped, retrained and rewired.

So today let’s talk about the 3 key steps that will help you rewire your brain to naturally attract more money. 

If you focus on these 3 key steps for just 30 days, the difference will be massive.

These 3 steps are based on my Magnetic Money Code system, which helps my students reach a place where they naturally live in a state of abundance.

They expect it, and so it just happens.

It’s just how life is, and they feel confident in that state. And that’s what we’re going to cover for you because it’s worked for thousands of women before you. It’s worked for me and for them and it’s absolutely going to work for you.






Step 1: Change Your Focus.

Shift your focus from lack to abundance.

Make it your mission to notice all the abundance around you, and every time you catch yourself focusing on lack, drop it like a hot potato and look for either a distraction or something that shows how much abundance you actually have. 

This helps train your brain to attract more money. It reprograms the reticular activating system – aka RAS – which sits at the back of your brain, a filter that filters out unnecessary information between the conscious and the unconscious mind.

Your unconscious mind notices everything, yet your conscious mind can cope with only a small segment of that.

So your RAS is programmed to say ‘This is important – make sure you show me that stuff. This is not important – ignore it.’

Unfortunately, most people have programmed their RAS to notice all the things that are missing, that aren’t going well, the money that’s not there, the problems, and so on.

Often there are opportunities right in front of you and you don’t see them… yet…

But by simply changing your focus from lack to abundance, you reprogram your reticular activating system.

You direct your energy to the things you want to have more of. And where your energy goes your attention goes  and what you focus on expands.

As you focus on the abundance that’s all around you, you’ll keep seeing more of it, and therefore you continue to program your mind to search for and notice that abundance. 

And that becomes “how life is”.

By simply making the decision to change your focus to abundance and practicing that over and over and over again, you change your outlook and train your brain and shift your mindset so that your natural first instinct is to see the glass as half full, rather than half empty.

And that’s what an abundance mindset is about.

I created this episode here to help you get really clear on what the differences are between rich thinking and poor thinking. So be sure to check that out if you need a refresher.

Step 2: Use Visualization. 

Visualization is incredibly simple, easy, fun and super powerful because it taps into the way your brain naturally works.

It helps reprogram your mind and recondition the body so a more abundant state of seeing abundance everywhere, noticing all the opportunities and attracting more of them becomes a way of life.

To make the most of visualization, follow the Golden Rules:

  1. Do it every day
  2. Do it for only four minutes
  3. Make it fun.

It is NOT about trying to force the Universe to deliver you the goods. <Oh yeah.. I see you..! 😊 >

It’s about taking time to retrain your brain, to start seeing life naturally as an abundant and fun place to be, and making that your default position. And while you’re visualizing, use all your senses to make it really fun. Feel that future moment, what you will hear, taste, smell – enjoy all the sensations.

As you do that, you literally flood your body with the chemistry of being in that moment. And to your body, it’s real.

You also recondition your body to live in a better feeling state so your default vibration moves higher and higher, which resonates with and attracts ever increasing levels of abundance.

Visualization helps retrain your brain with vivid pictures and images – and that’s why you start seeing the world as an abundant place full of opportunities.

And it reconditions your body by getting you literally addicted to feeling happy and prosperous – and that’s the best addiction you’re ever going to have!

It’s a super cool way to reprogram limiting beliefs around money – without having to think about it!

Just for fun… if you want to look through a list of limiting beliefs around money and see which ones you’ve been programmed with, check out this episode.

And tell me in the comments below:
Have you practiced visualization in the past? How did it go? 

Did you love it, hate it? Did you find it hard to stick with? 

I’d love to hear about your experiences with visualization!

Step 3: Take Loving Care of Your Money

The third and final step you want to incorporate into the next 30 days so you really train your brain to make more money is to start taking loving care of your money.

Educate yourself and create changes in how you look after your money, because there’s an energy between you and money. Money itself is energy and you have a relationship with it.

If that relationship is uncomfortable, your brain will try to protect you by keeping money at bay.

You want your relationship with money to feel really good, confident and welcoming, so that you attract lots more into your experience.

Learning how to become the confident custodian of your money is often the final mindset block people need to get past. But once you move past it, you’re home and hosed.

If you incorporate this step along with the previous 2 into your next 30 days, you’ll experience a really beautiful, massive shift.

The bad news is: NOBODY is born being good with money!

And the GOOD NEWS IS: Nobody is born being good with money.

You have to learn it – and it’s quite a simple, easy skill. Check out this episode if you’d like some help getting started.

Also a quick reminder that if you haven’t watched my free Masterclass to help you simplify your money mindset and manifesting yet, then you can jump on it for instant access here

It’s time to embrace your unlimited potential, gorgeous.

I know you’re ready for the next step – and you know exactly what to do for the next 30 days!

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