Most entrepreneurs are impatient. 

We want to attract business success. We want the clients, the leveraged income, the freedom and the lifestyle. And we want it all… yesterday.

So when things aren’t going as fast as we’d like, we often dig in and work longer & harder.

We create more funnels, new email sequences, new marketing strategies, more content and new offers. We do MORE, hoping that will accelerate our results.

In this episode, we’re going to discuss why that’s completely the WRONG approach if you want to attract business success – especially if you want to do it WITHOUT working harder.






When I first started my finance business, I was a broke, single mom. So naturally, I worked my butt off. I worked late nights, seven days a week. Whenever my kids didn’t need me, I worked.

And I built a wonderful, successful business. But I also got very, very tired.

When I started looking more deeply into the energetics of business success, I made some radical changes. This included deciding to only see clients during school hours and only at my office. My colleagues thought I was nuts! But guess what?

My business doubled!

I became more effective and started attracting higher quality clients who valued my time and service more. The biggest shift though was in my energy – and that made all the difference. 

And that’s what we’re going to talk about today.

First up, let’s discuss the smell of desperation… because nothing turns people off faster. (I mean, have you ever had someone be really keen to date you – but just you weren’t interested? The harder they tried, the more of a turn off it was, right?)

When we start working longer & harder to generate more business, we start giving off that energy of desperation.  And energetically it literally REPELS people.

So how do we know when you’re doing it? Let’s be honest – when you’re starting to FEEL more desperate! After all, that’s why you’re working harder, refusing to give yourself a break and trying more & MORE things.

On the other hand, what is sexy and attractive as hell is CONFIDENCE.

When you meet someone who’s totally grounded and confident – they know who they are and what they want – and they don’t give a flip what others think – that is a very magnetic quality. 

I’m not talking about arrogance. I’m talking about being confident in yourself, in what you stand for and who you are. Energetically that is very, very magnetic. And it all comes from knowing yourself, honoring yourself and loving yourself.

Here’s an easy way to get into that space:

Look at your testimonials and client feedback. Keep them all in a folder for easy reference – especially when you start to doubt yourself! When you read over those messages telling you how fantastic you are, how much you helped people, how much they appreciate you – that’s a powerful reminder of your value, the value of your service and how important what you do is.

I also invite you to spend some time getting really clear on what you stand for.. 

How do you stand out? How are you different? What does everybody else out there tell people to do? And where do you have a really strong differing opinion? What makes you ranty? What are your ‘soapbox’ statements?

For example:
For me, it’s that most people who teach Law of Attraction tell you “Do these X things and you will attract what you want”
And I call bullshit on that – because it’s not what you do that matters. Because this is a vibrational (feeling) Universe, it’s how you feel that matters and makes you more magnetic to money & abundance.

The Universe doesn’t care what you say or write. It doesn’t know if your desk is messy, what time you got up in the morning or what pictures you have on your vision board. The reason some of those things sometimes work for you is because they helped you feel abundant. And that’s what magnetizes you to more abundance!

See how that stands out from the “Do these X steps so you can attract Y?” message?

Mine is a totally different take. And you have the same in your business!

So spend some time getting clear on those soapbox statements. They will help you stand in a  whole new, much more confident energy. And that is sexy and magnetic as hell!

Next, let’s talk about what it means to be magnetic

Being magnetic, magnetizing yourself, to money, abundance, clients and opportunities actually means standing still and inviting those things to come INTO your space.

It’s not about hunting or fishing for more money, clients and abundance. It’s about standing in your power, being really clear in your energy and creating space to invite them in

How do you approach your business? Do you stand in your power, are you clear on your message and invite people into your world?

Or are you hunting them down, spraying ‘Eau de Desperation’ all over them? 😊

I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Now, let’s talk about the energetics of allowing people to come into your space:

If you spend all your time creating more content, new funnels, more offers and sending out emails and offers to work with you, you’re constantly pushing energy OUT. And that means you’re not allowing any energy to come back IN!

It’s the difference between fishing and hunting versus allowing yourself to become more magnetic.

That’s why it’s important to spend more time becoming grounded, clearer on your message and creating an energetic space that people can step into.

That means being willing to step back a little, taking a break, going away for the weekend (without your laptop and phone), meditating etc.. basically allowing some time & space for all that energy you’ve put out to come back in.

Remember – energy is a flow. If you’re constantly pushing it out, you’re not creating space for the flow IN.

Before I go, let me share my number 1 tip to help you become more magnetic to money and business success:

And that is to take excellent care of yourself & get lots of rest!

Because no amount of work will ever make up for a lack of alignment. When you feel tired, when you feel run down, when you’ve been working too hard, when you start resenting your business and not looking forward to sitting at your desk anymore, you’re completely in the wrong energy. And whatever you do is not going to be effective.

In fact, it’s more likely to be counterproductive. 

So always take care of yourself first. Pay attention to your energy, listen to those early signs and take a rest when you need to. When you come back into your business, feeling rested & refreshed, you will be aligned and inspired. And everything you do can turn to gold.

This is the very key to becoming more magnetic to money and business success as an entrepreneur.

Make it your mantra to always put YOU first. To take excellent care of yourself. Because when you combine great business strategy with the power of alignment, you will get incredible leverage and amazing results.

It all comes from you looking after yourself so you can be in alignment in the first place.
Now, one of the best ways to enjoy a little rest AND align with the vibration of abundance is with a hypnotic meditation I’ve specifically created just for this purpose.
You’ll find the link in the show notes below.

It’s time to embrace your unlimited potential, gorgeous

And you’re absolutely ready to rock your business through the power of alignment.


Download your FREE Self-Hypnosis Abundance Manifesting Meditation here:

Manifesting Meditation Image