What if everything you were told to do with money – is actually wrong?

We’re told to save, budget and tighten our belts…

But today I’m going to tell you why these things may actually be keeping you poor!


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See, you already know what your bad money habits are – overspending, using credit, and whatever your personal vices might be.

So we’re not going to talk about that obvious stuff. We’re going to go a level deeper and talk about the attitudinal habits that make it so difficult to change those surface level ‘bad habits’

Here we go:

5 (unexpected) money habits that will keep you poor:

And the underlying factor that permeates & drives ALL of them…

If you’ve been trying to change your bad money habits, you’ve probably been doing it backwards.

Most people try to use their willpower – but that doesn’t work!

(Anyone who’s ever tried to give up smoking will tell you that)

See, with willpower, you’re trying to use your conscious mind to override an unconscious program. And since up to 98% of everything you do think, say & feel is unconscious, that’s REALLY hard work!

It means you need to stay constantly vigilant – which gets tiring. And the moment you turn your back, those old unconscious patterns kick in again and you’re back to where you started.

That’s why using willpower is a losing battle.

Unconscious patterns are great because they make our life so much easier. They allow us to do things without having to think about them too much.

But when habits that aren’t serving us become unconscious, things can get difficult.

And so we really need to go deeper and override the program that’s driving those habits.

And the beautiful thing is that as you change the program, the habits miraculously change themselves!

Because your habits need to match your underlying, unconscious program – ALWAYS.

So let’s talk about these 5 habits that are reinforcing a program that’s not serving you – and how to shift them:


Surprised? I did say ‘unexpected’, right? 🙂

Thinking of yourself as a SAVER – rather than an INVESTOR – will keep you poor.

Saving is about being safe by squirreling your nuts away for winter.
Whole INVESTING is about achieving financial independence and growth.

When you save your money and put it in the bank, it’s actually shrinking, because standard interest rates won’t even keep up with inflation.

When you’re trying to save, coming from a mindset of ‘I have to hold onto this because I don’t want to end up poor’, it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Whereas with the mindset of an INVESTOR, you’re always looking to make your money grow and multiply.

You’re sending your money off to make MONEY BABIES.

Which is how you create financial independence and freedom.


Budgeting reinforces the message that ‘there’s not enough so I need to make every dollar count’.

When you’re budgeting, you’re looking to account for and stretch every dollar. It’s about ‘tighten your belt to save money’.

You’re trying to squirrel away the nuts for the winter.

But that mindset is based on lack and limitation. 

It comes from a place of restriction and constriction.

So we want to switch that up. We want to go from a mindset of budgeting to a mindset of having your money go to work for you by implementing a MONEY SYSTEM.

You want to give every dollar a job to do.

It’s the difference between safely tucking your money away in a drawer in case you need it one day, versus sending your money to work in a factory.

You want your money to be productive and make money babies – growing, multiplying and helping you reach all your financial goals. No idly sitting around doing nothing.


Most people don’t have a clear financial focus.

So when a sum of money comes in – especially a large or unexpected sum – they tend to put a little bit towards savings, a little bit towards debt and maybe some towards a holiday or something like that.

It comes from the belief that there may not be more coming in consistently so you can’t afford to just focus on 1 thing.

The problem is that a little further down the track, it feels like that money never even came. The money didn’t really make an impact, because it was spread out way too thin, trying to do everything at once – but achieving pretty much nothing.

A lack of focus leaves you going nowhere fast.

Let me know in the comments if that’s ever happened to you!?


When you don’t allow yourself enough spending money for fun stuff, it reinforces a lack mentality.

You feel like ‘there’s not enough, so I can’t afford to splurge on me.’  And in that process, you’re creating a deep sense of deprivation.

You’re reinforcing the belief that ‘there’s not enough’, and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

It causes you to resonate with an energy of lack – which will repel rather than attract money and abundance. That energy can translate into a ‘smell of desperation’ driving clients away, rather than attracting them.

By being too stingy with yourself, you’re creating a state that CONFIRMS you don’t have enough, which attracts more of ‘not enough’.

This creates situations like unexpected bills showing up and income that just doesn’t seem to want to land.

Being too stingy with yourself will also cause you to blow the budget, making you feel like you’re failing with money. And that will perpetuate the whole negative cycle even further.


Instant gratification usually hand in hand with using spending to mask deeper needs.

I ask Magnetic Money®️ members to check in whether a purchase is a NEED or a WANT.

Ask yourself, “Do I really need this? Or do I just want this and I’ve convinced myself that I need it?”

And if you do just want it, ask yourself, “WHY do I want it?”

Will it fulfill you, add joy to your life and help you feel consistently more abundant?

Or are you trying to mask something else?  Are you trying to mask a deeper pain – to fit in – feel loved – achieve some sort of status or acknowledgement?

What are you REALLY trying to buy?

A great indicator that a purchase was about something else entirely is when you experience buyer’s remorse.

That’s when you need to figure out what was going on at the deeper level.


We’ve covered 5 money habits that are keeping money at bay because they’re literally convincing you that there’s not enough, making you feel poor and creating more lack.

But there is an underlying factor that permeates all of them which needs to shift before these habits and attitudes can shift.

And this underlying factor is a very powerful limiting belief that there’s not enough money.

Wanting to save –  rather than thinking of yourself as an investor comes from a belief that ‘there’s not enough’.

“We have squirrel our nuts away for the winter”

The tendency to budget & carefully dividing up your money – rather than creating a SYSTEM that helps you grow your wealth – is based on a belief that ‘there’s not enough’.

“We have to budget and make it last”

A lack of focus comes from a belief that you cannot move forward financially by focusing on 1 thing at a time because ‘there’s not enough’. You don’t trust that more is coming, so:

“I have to make this stretch as far as possible.”

Seeking instant gratification and trying to fill deeper needs through spending comes from a belief that ‘there’s not enough’.

“I better grab it while I can!” 

Being stingy with yourself comes from a belief of ‘there’s not enough’

“It’s not okay to splurge on myself because there won’t be enough for more important things”

This underlying limiting belief acts like a systemic autopilot that reinforces these habits, keeping you poor and stuck in this mindset and belief that ‘there’s not enough’

The way to override an autopilot is to reprogram it, not fight it!

You want to be taken to a whole new destination where ‘there’s MORE than enough.’

The best way to program that new destination called ‘ABUNDANCE” is by focusing on and reinforcing the abundance that’s all around you.

You need to reprogram yourself with the belief that there’s plenty, by constantly proving it to yourself.

You don’t want to just stop being poor. You want to actually FEEL and BE rich.
You want to start developing & reinforcing habits that will make you richer.

That’s what the episode linked below is all about. So jump on that next.

And if you want the fast track to dissolving limiting beliefs, then grab the Limiting Belief Busting Toolkit HERE

xx Miriam

The Limiting Belief Busting Toolkit™️ (Money Block Buster System)

Magnetic Money System Bootcamp Event Cover