Why Actions Speak Louder Than Words

(prefer to watch the video or listen to the audio? Scroll down below!)
They say actions speak louder than words but do you know WHY your actions are so very powerful?

It’s not what you DO that is powerful, it’s what it MEANS that is powerful.

Your actions send a powerful message to the Universe. They are a total ‘tell’ as to how congruent you really are with that thing you say you want in your life.

Let’s make sure you’re sending out the right message:

In this Effectology Tip:

  • what your actions really are
  • why your actions will expose your deepest thoughts
  • an easy hack for breaking unhelpful patterns

In the video I talk about Money Manifestival, but I have something even better for you!

‘Become a Money Magnet in 7 Days’ is totally free and takes you through 7 powerful steps that help you become more magnetic to money – and anything else you want!

Register here to join the next round >> http://effectologymethod.com/7daymoneymagnet/

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Why actions speak louder than words

by Miriam Castilla