When you don’t have the money to get to 6-figures, do this!

When you don’t have the money to get to 6-figures, do this!

So you want to get to 6-figures, but you feel like you don’t have the money to put into your business to help you get there. 

So frustrating and so… kind of comical – almost. You want to make more money, but you don’t have the money to do it. 

So what can you do about that?

Well, number one, you don’t need to have money to make money. That’s one of those limiting beliefs that you can just ditch. 

But you may be feeling that right now in your business – because you feel like you can’t possibly take your business to 6-figures unless you can afford to pay someone to support you or rebuild your website or pay for a new tool that allows you to leverage your time. Something like that. There’s some investment you feel you need to make that will allow you to grow, and that’s totally a part of doing business.

So here’s the secret to getting past that and to solving that perceived problem:





Most women in business that I see, they perceive it to be a case of, “I want to get from here to there. So I need to build a staircase.” 

So what they do is they make a list of all the things they need to build the staircase, you know, “I need the timber, the screws, the nails, the tools, maybe the people who actually build the staircase so that it doesn’t collapse on me.” 

They make that big list, and then they look at their current resources and they think, “Well I don’t have any of those things, or very few of those things, so I guess I can’t build the staircase… and I can’t reach that next level.”

So I ask you to just stop for a moment and step back and think about it differently, because we’re not building an actual physical staircase here, we’re building expansion in your business. That means that you don’t need to build the entire staircase in one hit to reach that next level of income, in fact all you need to be able to do is build the next step.

There are many, many ways that you can find the resources to just build that next step.

I’ll give you a couple of practical pointers with this:

Number one, you’ve established that you need this staircase and you already know all the things that are required to make it happen. Make sure you list them out really carefully, and then get really, really clear on which is your next step, and which one is the one after that. So not just knowing that this is all the things I need to reach the top, but what is it exactly that I need to build my next step. 

What is my next step? Then: What do I need to build it? 

You’ll find that that’s just a little baby step. You can break it down into really tiny little baby steps that are very achievable for you, and then if that requires funding, then all you need to do is look at where you’re currently spending money in your business, and re-allocate some of that money so that this step can be built.

So you might decide that this week you are going to distribute your newsletter yourself and your VA takes a week off, and you’re going to put that money into something else that helps you build this next step. Maybe you’ll get her to do a different job without increasing her hours. There are lots of creative ways you can re-allocate the money you’re already spending in your business.

Or you may decide that you’re going to raise these funds. 

So you may have a special offer, you may email your existing clients and say, “Hey, if you want to buy ahead, I’ve got a special package for you,” something like that, that helps you get a little bit of an influx of money just for this one step.

But I do really want to urge you to keep that very small, because the last thing I want you to do, is have some massive sale, be inundated, get the money in, but then be so bogged down in delivering those services that you don’t actually have any time to build that step, and I do see that happen a lot. 

Then you think, “Well I need to pay even more people to help me build the staircase because I can’t even hammer a nail in myself, I’m too busy.” At the same time, you’re totally getting worn out and you don’t even have time to think about building the staircase, or direct how that next step should be built and so it just never happens.
That’s something to be really mindful of. 

So, break it down into just, “Exactly what do I need to build this next step” and keep it there. It’s kind of the opposite to how most people think. They think, “Go build the whole staircase. I need all the materials, all the resources, ready to go and I’m doing it,” and I really urge you to do the OPPOSITE to that because it will be much more sustainable and easy for you. It will also stop you from burning yourself out and then unconsciously sabotaging yourself, because ‘business is way too much work’, right? 

You know what I’m talking about! 😊

So that is how you do it. Make sure you keep at it and grab my free training as well, to which there is a link in the description.

Until I see you next, keep on embracing your beautiful and unlimited potential.



Grab the free Manifesting Money Training here:

Who’s getting in the way of your 6-figure business?

Who’s getting in the way of your 6-figure business?

Do you feel like other people are getting in the way of your 6-figure business? 

Maybe your partner’s not very supportive, or maybe you’ve got family who keep doubting everything you do and keep telling you all the bad news of all the people that have gone bust before you – who dared to venture into business, or maybe you’re not feeling supported by your assistant and the other people you’re paying to help you reach that 6-figure income.

It’s frustrating, it’s demoralizing, and it’s just argh! 

Now, as much as it is all of that, I invite you to go a level higher, because that’s what we’re all about here. You are the creator of your world. You are the creator of your life. Everything that is happening on the outside of you – you know, even though you may momentarily choose to forget so you can get grumpy about it – those things on the outside of you are actually a reflection of what’s going on inside of you. 

You bring your filter, your beliefs, your perceptions, and your interpretation of everything that’s happening to every situation.

So, the way you perceive or see a situation will be different to the way I see it and perceive it and to the way somebody else sees it and perceives it. 

What’s showing up for you in your experience is also a direct and perfect match to your active vibration. So if you’ve got doubts, fears, worries, concerns, or feelings of not being supported going on within you and those are active vibrations, guess what you’ll be attracting? Guess what will keep showing up for you? That’s right, all the people who so kindly play that role and show you what is going on within you… so that you can transform it. 

It’s not so much a frustration as it is an INVITATION.





So when you feel yourself being frustrated by those things and thinking, “Ah! All this on the outside of me is getting in my way,” remember it’s actually just a reflection of what’s going on internally for you, and so it is actually an invitation for you to shift what’s going on within you. For you to look at, “Okay, where do I have fears, doubts, worries, concerns? Where do I not feel supported and so I keep attracting people who confirm that for me, and how can I shift those things?”

That is the work for you. 

It’s really quite miraculous how when you shift your point of view, your attitude, your vibration internally, and bring a different perception to a situation, people on the outside of you seem to miraculously change. 

I’ve seen this in my own life. In my personal relationships with even my own mother, where once I shifted my perception she literally changed, and it’s not that she LITERALLY changed, so much as that I literally started seeing her differently. I started seeing her from the angle of, “Hey she actually is a lot of fun, and she has lots of cool things to offer and she’s kind of quirky” and all of this, rather than, “Oh my God, she just shits all over everything I do,” which is how it used to be. I changed my perception and started seeing a different side of her. When I was no longer triggered by the offhanded remarks she would make and so on, it no longer bothered me.

I’ve seen this with my students as well, where they might have a partner who’s really pushing their buttons when it comes to their business, but what it’s actually doing is it’s just showing them there’s a wound there and they’re pressing on it, and the moment you heal the wound… it’s nothing, it’s totally different and it transforms and heals entire relationships.

So, who’s getting in the way of your 6-figure business? 

No one but you, babycakes, and when it seems like other people are getting in the way, that’s an invitation for you to create some really beautiful and transformative shifts.

So, look within. Where is it a match? Where am I feeling that way? What belief of mine is this confirming, and work on changing that. You have 100% power.

And remember that if you’re looking to crack 6-figures in your business, I’ve got a really cool training to help you with that. The link is in the description. 

Until I see you next, keep embracing your beautiful and totally unlimited potential.


Grab the free Manifesting Money Training here:

6-figure Income Secrets

6-figure Income Secrets

Hi, this is Miriam Castilla and welcome to the Manifesting Playground for Soulful in Business. This the place where we apply Law of Attraction in magical and practical ways so you can have more money in the bank and get more done – with ease!

Let’s talk about secrets… some 6-figure secrets!

Now, they’re not really secrets but what they are is 5 SHIFTS in perception that you need to make and 5 things you really need to keep in mind to help you move out of that mindset and point of view that’s keeping you stuck in the 5-figure realm and help you cross that 6-figure threshold and move into that area of business.

So let’s get into, shall we?





Number one: Your business is a real thing and when you start moving into 6-figures, you have to give it that respect. 

You have to treat it as a real, serious entity. You have to give it the time, the space, the support, the tools, and you have to feed, nourish, and nurture your business and give it everything it needs to thrive and treat it like a real serious separate entity to you. 

It’s no longer about you – it’s becoming its own thing. 

That’s a big mindset and shift that is necessary for you to move into the 6-figure realm.

Now, number two: When you start operating in the 6-figure territory as opposed to the 5-figure territory of income, it is a different version of you. 

So you need to start becoming that version of you who can operate that serious business, that’s a real thing I just talked about in the first point. 

You really need to look at who you need to become so that you can do the things you do to have the outcome you want to have, because it takes a different version of you. Maybe a more committed version of you. Maybe a more structured version of you. Maybe a more organized version of you. Maybe a version of you who follows through on things. Maybe a version of you who takes better care of herself so that she can think clearly. Maybe a version of you who’s willing to ask for help and be open-minded and listen to other people.

Really think about that, because it does take a different version of you, and I won’t get into all the reasons why right here on this blog, but it does take a different version of you and there’s quite a few reasons why, because 6-figures is a different ball game to 5-figures.

Now, secret number three is when you start moving into the 6-figure territory you need to really practice being the unemotional observer. 

You need to be strategic. You need to re-evaluate what’s worked, what hasn’t worked, what will you be doing next, and why are some things working while others are not. Make it a thing that is unemotional and has nothing to do with you, your value or your self-worth, because your business, remember, is a separate energetic entity to you. 

It is its own thing and you’re observing it and just fine-tuning and tweaking it.

It might help to think of it like a machine you’ve built that you know works and you know you can keep improving. How can you keep getting a better performance out of it? That’s what you’re looking at. How can it run more efficiently? How can it perform with bigger outcome? What else does it need? What parts might need replacing and upgrading that will help it perform better?

So you’ve got this machine you’ve built and then you’re just tweaking the parts of it, playing with all of that, and improving the result you get for the input you’re putting in. 

That’s it. It’s just a game.

So be unemotional and be really strategic.. (and make sure you keep notes on that stuff, please… just saying…)

Okay, number four is… if you haven’t figured it out yet, when you move into 6-figures, or for you to be able to move into 6-figures, you really need to make your mindset a number one priority. 

This means you have to give it the time, you have to dedicate the systems and the tools you’re going to use, you have to get really clear on, “What are my mindset practices? What are my mindset times? What commitment am I making to that?”

This is priority number one, because without your mindset being in the right space, nothing else is going to work.

So make your mindset your number one priority.

For example, for me personally, it takes a lot for me to skip my morning meditation practice. That is my number one mindset practice. It puts me in the right state of mind for the day. It helps me connect to my higher self. It makes me really calm and unemotional in my approach to my business. Without that daily mindset practice of sitting down to meditate for 20 minutes in the morning, and usually 20 minutes in the afternoon, I’m a different person. I am not the CEO of my 6-figure business that I need to be.

So making sure that your mindset is your number one priority, I’ve put down as number four – but it should really be number one to be quite honest.

And then the fifth secret to 6-figures is that it does take a team. 

You really need to have a good team around you. It doesn’t mean you need a million people, but you need a carefully selected team whom you can rely on and who you know are going to get you there.

Now, that means you have to be willing to ask for help, and it also means you have to be willing to listen. Choose carefully who you’re going to listen to. Make sure that they are already doing what you’re asking them to help you do, and then DO listen to them. 

Be open minded and open to experiment. If you don’t quite agree, learn to, again, be that unemotional observer running that experiment and measuring the results and you can say, “Okay look, I’m not convinced, but let’s try it your way for a month or a quarter and let’s see how it goes.” 

You really do have to be willing to listen, to try different things, and to experiment a little bit. 

You’re not always going to be getting instant results and… really this should be secret number six… that the results aren’t instant, that it is an incremental process, and you have to be okay with that. There’s not a magic thing you do. 

So you need that team who are going to help you get there, and you need to decide who the right people are. Who do you need from a business strategy perspective? Who do you need on your team and in your corner from a mindset perspective? Do you need anybody else? Do you need a team that helps you with your physical health, because you are somebody who needs that support so that you can function at your best?

So look at all those areas. Decide what the top priorities are. You’re better off having a smaller, higher quality team than a big team of people who do bits and pieces but who you can’t really rely on or who aren’t really fit for the job. 

Money is a factor that comes into this support team, so decide what is the number one thing you need help with, and if you can only invest in one thing then invest in that

Then get that up to a certain level so that maybe you can cut back a little bit on what you’re investing there and go into more of a maintenance kind of situation… and then you can bring in the next person to help you with the next thing on the list of priorities.

But it does take a team, you can’t do it on your own. 

No woman is an island.

So, there you have the five secrets that are the shifts in perspective that will help you get into the 6-figure territory.

And I’m talking not just 6-figures like, “Let’s make 110,000,” let’s make multiple 6-figures. 

6-figures is a big beautiful span and there’s a lot of playground in there waiting for you.

So let’s recap:

  • Number one, your business is a real thing. It is a separate energetic entity to you and you have to give it that respect.


  • Number two, you have to be a different version of you. Who do you need to be and what can you start doing to become that now?


  • Number three, become the unemotional observer. Be strategic and treat it all as an experiment where you are constantly adjusting and tweaking this beautiful machine that you’ve built.


  • Number four, make your mindset a top priority. Do what it takes. Surround yourself with the people that will help you get there, which is actually also number five. Look at who you need on your team. Now, mindset, there are certain people who help you stay in the right frame of mind, hang out with them more and hang out less with the people who don’t.


  • Number five, look at what is the team you need on a bigger level for your business, your health, your mindset, and make sure you’ve got those people in place.


Now, this is a process, so I highly recommend you jump into the meditation library and grab a meditation called “Trust in the Process.” 

You’ll find it in the “Create a Shift” section. It will really help you see this is as a process and help get you back to that place where you’re trusting the process, and you keep doing the little daily steps that ultimately make a very big difference. 

So go grab that now. 

If you’re not a member of the meditation library yet, it’s totally free. There are 50+ hypnotic meditations to help you create all sorts of amazing transformations in your life. So grab the link from the description!

Until I see you next, keep on embracing your unlimited potential.



Ready to trust in the process so you can allow your income to flow? This hypnosis meditation will help:

5 steps to manifesting a 6-figure business

5 steps to manifesting a 6-figure business

Hi, this is Miriam Castilla and welcome to the Manifesting Playground where we apply Law of Attraction in practical and magical ways to get you in alignment both in business and in life – so you can have more money in the bank and get a lot more done with ease!

Let’s talk about 5 steps to take you from a 5-figure business to a 6-figure business.

I get asked this a lot. The thing is that, like everything else, it won’t surprise you that it really needs to start from the inside of you. Your external world is nothing but a reflection of your internal world because you, babycakes, are the creator of your life.

So the thing about a 5-figure business – versus a 6-figure business – is really a 5-figure business is more of a part time income. Usually, it’s a bit of a hobby and usually it’s not your main source of income. And if it is, you’re probably finding it a bit of a stretch money-wise every single week, month, and year. When you move to a 6-figure business, then you’re really looking at a full time income and a source of income that can sustain possibly your entire household or at least really make a difference to your lifestyle. Once you hit the 6-figure income, you can then start looking to leverage it, refine it further, and grow it to multiple 6-figures and even 7-figures.

Really, it’s up to you how far you want to go with it.

So there are a few key things that move you out of being stuck in that 5-figure business, part time, or hobby to 6-figures where you’re really serious and it’s a business that can continue to grow as far as you choose to go with it.

There are a few key things that will help you make that leap, so I’m just gonna get straight into it and share those with you.





Number ONE: You really need to get clear on WHY it’s worth bothering.

The thing is, in order to move from the 5-figure business which becomes a bit of a comfort zone – sometimes an uncomfortable comfort zone, but nevertheless it’s what you’re used to – to move out of that and into a 6-figure business space where you’re really having to step up as the CEO of your business, it’s going to require you to move out of that comfort zone, to do some things differently to how you have been doing them in the past so that you can get different results.

Nothing will motivate you more and inspire you more than knowing why it’s worth bothering. So spend some time sitting down and writing all that out.

What’s it actually all about?

Why is it worth doing whatever you’re going to need to do to take that leap, to move past that invisible ceiling and get to the other side?

You’re going to need inspiration rather than motivation, and inspiration comes from within.

Inspiration comes from being in alignment and feeling guided towards your higher purpose and higher expression of who you are. Stepping into all that you’re capable of rather than motivation which tends to be a bit of a push like, “Get on with it because you need to pay the bills and you’ll be much more comfortable.” All those kinds of more external motivators that will only get your so far. Inspiration will keep pulling you forward and I’ll let you know how to get some really inspiration at the end of this video, so stick around!

So that’s the first thing.

The SECOND thing you want to do is look at what you are getting out of staying stuck in this comfort zone of 5-figures.

What is your secondary gain?

So… what’s a secondary gain? A secondary gain is when you’re staying in a place you’re saying you don’t want to be, BUT you’re getting something out of it – even if it’s just at the unconscious level and you have no awareness – there’s something in it for you.

For example, if you’re somebody who has been injured and you’ve got time off work because you need to heal and you’re just not getting better, then you might look at things like, “Well, why am I unconsciously stopping myself from healing? Is it because I don’t want to go back in the rat race? I don’t want to start having to battle traffic again and worry about childcare or all of those things.”

So you may not like that fact that you’re in pain and you’re uncomfortable and you’re not working and you’re not feeling productive and you say you want to get better and get back to work, but the secondary gain is that there’s something still in it for you and that is why you’re unconsciously creating being stuck there.

That’s an example in the health space but you can look at that from your business point of view and go, “Okay, what is staying at this 5-figure level giving me? What am I getting out of it? What is the secondary gain?” Once you establish that, then you can look at ways of still meeting that need without needing to stay stuck at the 5-figure business level. So that’s the second one.

Let’s move on to the THIRD one.

That is having to look at what kind of things you’re  going to need to do to get from the 5-figure income to the 6-figure income.

How do I need to show up differently?

How do I need to do things in new ways that match the 6-figure business owner model? What are those things that I have to do?

So let’s just pretend we have a magic wand and fast forwarded the clock and there you are, you’re running your 6-figure, maybe multiple 6-figure, maybe 7-figure business. What are the things you’re doing on a daily basis that allow you to have that and sustain it?

Make a list because you know what, you already know what it takes. Make a list and get really clear on things you need to do.

Let’s move on to the FOURTH step, which is very important.

Look at that list of things you need to DO and work out who you need to BE in order to consistently do those things.

What you do and what shows up in terms of your actions is a reflection of who you are BEING, of your unconscious state, your personality basically.

Decide who you need to be.

Do you need to be somebody who is very disciplined? Do you need to be somebody who knows when you get worn out and tired and who has systems and processes and a structure in place to keep you in good health and energy? Are you going to need to be somebody who’s very open and honest with your family so that they support you? Do you need to be somebody who’s willing to ask for help with childcare or whatever it is or having your partner help out around the house more? Do you need to be more honest? Do you need to be more upfront? Do you need to be less of a perfectionist?

Who do you need to be in order to do those things in your business and your life that is going to allow yourself to move from 5-figures to 6-figures?

Last, but not least, having done all of the above, the FIFTH step that I’ve got for you to move you from a 5-figure business to a 6-figure business is to make a plan.

You already know what you need to be doing, you already know who you need to become, so what’s the plan to get you there? What’s the plan to help you get past the secondary gain that’s keeping you stuck here? What is the plan that’s going to help you tap into your “why” and really get in that inspiration from within that will keep you motivated to keep showing up.

What are the steps?

Look at that from both a mindset perspective, and a business strategy perspective, because there will be certain things you need to do in your business.

Maybe you need to make this year all about systemizing your business, investing in it, and setting yourself up so that you can next year have more reach, reach more people, convert them more easily, and have your structure in place so that that’s all manageable.

Maybe that’s what this year needs to be about so that it’s a plan to get you there.

Mindset wise what do you need? Do you really need to invest in some mentors, coaches, or programs to help you release some of your money blocks, release some of those old stories that are keeping you trapped in the hand-to-mouth kind of pattern? Do you need to, mindset-wise, start to actually allow yourself to be the person you need to be, stepping up, asking for what you want, asking for the sale, showing up as the expert in your field, is it that side of things?

Look at both mindset and strategy and make a plan. \

What do you need? Whose help do you need? What support systems do you need to put in place? What is the plan? Step it out, map it all out, and then get busy moving along it.

So that’s 5 steps to help you move from a 5-figure business to a 6-figure business.

Now remember, the FIRST step I gave you was connecting with your “why” really deeply at the unconscious level –  so that it gives you inspiration that pulls you forward, calls you forward even when you’re having a bad day or a bad week, rather than motivation which is really like somebody cracking the whip over you (we’ll only put up with that for so long before we tell them to nick off)

To do that, make sure you grab my free Core Values course. It’s a mini course that you can do in your own time that helps you uncover your core values and really connect to them at the deepest of levels…

And THAT will give you that fuel in the tank and connect you to your “why.”

So get busy with that and until I see you next, keep on embracing your beautiful and unlimited potential.



Get to know what truly drives you so you can use it to create that 6-figure business. Access the free Uncover Your Core Values course here: