If you’ve been frustrated that money just isn’t flowing to you and you’re trying to work out what the hell is going on, then this is something really important for you to get your head around.

And that is that the thing that’s stopping the money from flowing, is never about the money. 

It is never about the money because money is just a symbol. Money is a symbol of all sorts of things in our society, but most importantly it is a symbol of value and worth. We literally say, “Do you know what she’s worth? Do you know what he’s worth?”

So we’ve managed to link money up to self-worth, our worthiness, our deservingness, our value. 

That is where the problem comes in, because when there are issues around feeling deserving, feeling valuable, feeling worthy of having lots of good things coming to you and being taken care of and knowing that it just keeps flowing and that everything’s totally fine, many people – you probably included – have some stuff going on at the unconscious level that’s just not a match to that.

It often comes back to benign seeming things in early childhood – or maybe not so benign – that created some sort of limiting belief.





Whether it was some decision made that, “Ah, I’m not good enough to have what I made,” or, “I’m not allowed to speak up because others will judge me,” or, “There’s never enough to go around and it’s greedy to ask for more than my share.” These kinds of limiting beliefs often come from seemingly innocent things in early childhood and usually just parents who are ignorant of the impact they’re making with their statements and their actions.

But then what happens is that you take it on and, literally, in your nervous system you start a little daisy chain of a pattern that reinforces that belief, that decision that was made somewhere back early on. Then every time something similar happens in your life and your experience, it reinforces it. It’s like, “See? It’s true! See? There’s something else! See? There’s MORE evidence!” 

And as you know, what you focus on, expands. If you’re starting to program your mind, your reticular activating system, to seeing the world through this lens, you will see more and more and more of it, and you will become more of a vibrational match to it, it’ll become wired deeper into your unconscious and so you will continue drawing more and more experiences that are a perfect match to it into your life. That’s why it’ll just escalate and escalate and escalate, but the thing that started it is often something pretty simple.

This is what we do in hypnotherapy and timeline therapy. It can seem a little bit big and overwhelming like, “Oh, shivers, where does this come from?” However, I just want to let you know that it’s never about the money and you really need to look at, 

“What does the money represent to me and how would having more money make that belief untrue?”

That’s where the problem comes in, right?

If the money comes in, and then that means that it doesn’t match that belief, well then we’ve got a mismatch, we’ve got a problem here. And so that’s why the money doesn’t come. So you do need to be able to change that limiting belief, that deeper unconscious thing that’s sitting there and once you resolve that, then the money can come, because the money is then no longer contrary to that belief that has been taken on.

So, a very simple way to start unravelling all of this is to simply ask, “What would I need to believe for this to keep happening? What is the match, and if I did have more money flowing in, what would that then no longer be a match to? Where would the disconnect be?”

So look at it in both ways, “What is keeping small here a match to? And if I went to the next level, what would that be incongruent with, what would that mean, and what would that no longer mean?”

These kind of deep and powerful questions are how you connect to your unconscious mind and start unravelling some of these threads.

Yes, you can do that in a 1:1 session with myself or another practitioner, but you can actually go a very long way on your own, simply by asking the right kind of questions and working with your unconscious.

The key thing to remember is that it’s never about the money.

It’s about what the money represents.

So I’d love to hear from you if you’re happy to share. Let me know what’s coming up for you as you read this and what “Ah-ha!” and lightbulb moments you’re having in the comments below.

Do make sure also to grab my free money training. The link is in the description.

And until I see you next, keep on embracing your gorgeous and totally unlimited potential.



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