When we talk about ‘raising your vibration;, we’re talking about your feeling state – because feeling is how you interpret vibration.

Because when your feeling – or emotional state is a bit low, you’re not creative. You’re not intuitive. You can’t connect to big ideas and you can’t see yourself achieving the things you want to achieve. 

So that is why you need to lift your vibrational (feeling) state. 






So here’s my top tips for raising your vibration:

Number one: Start on a high vibration

This may seem stupid and obvious, but when you start in a high, good feeling place to begin with, you stand the best chance of staying there. So figure out how to wake up in the morning and get yourself into a good feeling place right away.

There’s a whole lot of ways you can do that and in the Magnetic Money program we take a step by step approach towards helping you wake up feeling great EVERY morning and making it your default state.

Number two: Work yourself up step by step. 

If you google the emotional scale, you’ll find a spiral diagram of emotions, where each is one step up from the previous one. It’s an emotional scale.

But you don’t really need a diagram to tell you what feels better than something else, because you feel it, right? So for example, revenge feels better than anger because it’s empowering. So if you’re in anger, do what you can to move to revenge. It’s not a great place to stay, but it’s a step up. Then once you’re in revenge, you can move on to blame. It’s ok – don’t be all weird about it – it’s just another step up. You just keep moving up until you can get to something more positive, like feeling hopeful or expectant. And from there, Law of Attraction and the Universe will help you motor things along so you start to feel better & better.

A hint: Don’t try to go straight to love and joy and peace and bliss. If you’re in anger or revenge, that’s a really long way to go! So moving up incrementally, whis a much easier & more sustainable way to go. 

Number three: Flip it!

The third way to raise your vibration is to flip it, which means that you look at where you’re at and go for a kind of vibrational judo move where you use the power of that emotion against itself.

So say someone’s really annoying. You’re blaming them for all your problems. (This never happens to me, by the way.. but I’ve heard of it, lol)

So you’re blaming it all on somebody else and you go: This sucks. It’s all their fault. They let me down. They always do this, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

So what you do is you state it as you see it (in blame and with all the emotion) and then you say, “Okay. If I didn’t feel this way, how would I feel instead?”

And you start reeling off all the positive emotions that come to mind and allow yourself to feel them. For example, “I would feel positive, empowered, hopeful, expectant …  etc”

You just feel each positive word as deeply as you can let the next one come. and it will gather momentum.

And what you’ll suddenly find is that you’ve actually disconnected from the negative emotions and connected into a positive upwards cycle.

So this is a great pattern interrupt that also helps you build positive momentum – which is why it’s called flipping the vibration.

What you’ll find is that depending on how much negative momentum you have, different things will work better at different times. So if flipping the vibration is too hard, go back to the step by step approach.

It’ll be a bit of trial and error which is a good thing because it will make you more self aware and allow you to become aware of shifts in your vibrational state before it slides down an abyss.

Having a range of tools is important as it will allow you to reach for a quick & simple solution that is perfect for each situation.

Speaking of quick & simple solutions. If you’d like to have a mindset mentor in your pocket to help you clear your limiting beliefs anytime, anywhere, then grab yourself the Money Block Buster System!

You can check it out here: www.miriamcastilla.com/mbbs

Until next time, remember that it’s time to embrace your unlimited potential

xx Miriam

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