​Has improving your money mindset been on your mind? (No pun intended.)

There’s a LOT of information out there on how to clear your money blocks and get more income flowing.
Some is really good, some is just awful & most of it is utterly confusing and way too complicated.

So today we’re going to focus on simple money mindset hacks to get your income flowing.

We’ll cover some easy strategies you can use any time, anywhere to improve your money mindset and get more money flowing.

And along the way I’m going to share with you 3 easy ways to clear your money blocks that are so simple, a ten-year-old can do them.

Are you ready? Let’s go!






I specialise in helping women entrepreneurs clear their money blocks and improve their money mindset so they can take confident control of their money and attract plenty more.

When we first start working together, most people are surprised by how simple some of the things are will really improve your money mindset.

That’s because we’re working with the unconscious mind.

And when you understand how it works, you can tap into that and make life easy for yourself because the unconscious is that part of you that does make life easy.

Its job is to take things off your plate and get them done without you needing to think about it. 

Basically it puts things on autopilot so you don’t have to think about them.

It makes sure that you keep breathing, and your heart keeps pumping. 

It also helps you make tying your shoelaces/driving a car/riding a pushbike so easy that you don’t have to think about that stuff anymore – once it’s been passed to your unconscious mind.

So simple mindset money hacks are also actually the ones that tend to be most effective… because they work WITH your unconscious rather than against it.

Today I’ve handpicked 3 really easy ways for you to clear your money blocks – that give you the biggest bang for your buck.

Because simple things are EASY TO REMEMBER, EASY TO PRACTICE and give you THE MOST PROGRESS – FAST!

Two things to understand before we go there:

NUMBER ONE: Have you heard the saying “cells that fire together wire together” or “cells out of sync fail to link”?

When you understand what those sayings really mean you can use them to your advantage, to really clear your money blocks, because those blocks are just recurring patterns of thought.

They’re beliefs that have become wired deeply into your unconscious; neural pathways firing automatically over and over and over again.

As you become aware of that, you can start to break those old patterns. And it’s simple to do.

Neural pathways strengthen if you keep using them. And when you stop using them, they weaken.

Here’s an analogy I like to use: Imagine there’s a path through the forest that connects two villages, and you’ve discovered this little path. It’s a handy shortcut so you keep using it. After a while some of your friends join you and the word gets out and more and more people use this shortcut. Eventually the Council gets wind of it and says, “Okay, we’re going to turn this into a proper foot path” and lays asphalt down. And eventually it actually becomes a road, perhaps even a four lane highway, because it keeps getting used.

Now imagine that something happens – for some reason that highway stops being used. The asphalt starts cracking. Plants and flowers start sprouting through, and over time everything breaks down and atrophies and reverts back to that beautiful forest it once was.

The same thing happens in your brain.

If you keep firing the same pathways they strengthen, they become the dominant thing that automatically fires without you thinking about it. And if you stop using those pathways, they start to atrophy – because the mind, the brain, the entire body is a really effective organism and it’s not going to keep nourishing and feeding and fueling and keeping something going that isn’t of any use to you.

So remembering that is really important in helping you understand why these three tips are so powerful.

The NUMBER TWO thing to understand is that you only have so much mental bandwidth on any given day.

There’s only so much your brain can focus on. You know this, because you get overwhelmed.

(This is why it’s important to turn off notifications on your phone and not look at it until you’ve done what you really need to do for yourself each morning).

We want to use that knowledge to create a “crowding-out effect”.

By crowding out the thing that’s NOT serving you with something that does serve you, you take advantage of the fact that there’s only so much of that resource to go around.

There’s only so much bandwidth.

And once you’ve taken it all up with something really positive and empowering there’s nothing left over for the negative unhelpful stuff.

So with these three tips, we’re going to take maximum advantage of both of these brain principles.


All you need to do is notice the evidence of abundance of all the money you do have in your life and shift your focus more and more towards that – because what you focus on expands. 

Where attention goes energy flows. Cells that fire together wire together, right?

By constantly focusing on and looking for what is working, the money that is there, the abundance that is flowing, everything that is always working out for you, there’s no space and time to focus on the other stuff.


In that moment where you’re noticing the evidence of abundance, the money’s rolled in, something wonderful happened, you want to punctuate it. Punctuate that abundance with what I call an “evidence mantra”.

Right in that moment where you’re noticing the evidence of abundance you’re going to punctuate it and amplify it by adding that evidence mantra, which can be something like “That’s right! And there’s plenty more where that came from!”

What this mantra does is it reinforces to yourself that money has arrived, that abundance is always there, that you expect more of it, and that this actually is a pattern you’re becoming aware of, a pattern that you’re starting to reinforce.

And this is how you hypnotize yourself into abundance rather than hypnotizing yourself into poverty.

Once you’ve put that evidence mantra out there, you might find that you want to keep going – and you totally can. You can say “…and this is only the beginning! This is just the tip of the iceberg. Money’s constantly flowing to me. I know that I always have money flowing to me. And yes, there are times when I worry about it, but then money just comes. Money is always continuing to flow to me.”

 And as you do that, you’re really getting into a kind of hypnotic rant where you’re reinforcing to yourself that abundance is a pattern that is actually dominant in your life.

These kinds of practices really help you move from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset.

So what will your evidence mantra be?

It can be anything from “That’s right, money’s always flowing to me,” or “Plenty more where that came from,” or “Money always magically shows up”. My students have many evidence mantras – and they all work, because they’re reinforcing what’s right in front of them, irrefutable proof, and it’s part of a pattern. 

TIP NUMBER THREE: Delay And Distract.

Clearing your money blocks is a process – and when you delay and distract it causes a pattern interrupt. 

It’s a way of starting to break down that old neural pathway by not going there just yet, and putting a little bit of a chink in that record.

So instead of directly going into an old pattern of thought, of action or activity, you catch yourself and notice that you’re about to do it. You just say “in a minute”. You basically delay, you say “not yet – in a minute”. And then you distract yourself for two minutes or more by doing something totally different. And this taps into the way your mind naturally works. It starts to break down those old neural pathways and really weaken that old pattern.

Have you noticed that none of these tips are about working directly on your money blocks?

That’s because if you go there, your tendency will be to reinforce them. And next thing, you will have inadvertently hypnotized yourself into believing that you have a really big problem that’s hard to overcome.

So going there and dealing with the money blocks themselves – you’re better off doing with the guidance of a professional.

But, in the meantime, a simple, easy and powerful way to really start making some progress and break down old patterns is to use those principles of crowding them out, of starting to atrophy the old pathways by using delay and distract, and reinforcing new patterns by giving them your focus, your energy, and amplifying them.

The reason your money mindset is such a big deal is ultimately it creates all these unconscious habits – it determines what you actually do with your money, what your money habits are.

Are you somebody who’s in the habit of always managing to save a little bit?

Or are you somebody who’s in the habit of always spending all their money, no matter how much comes in?

Or maybe you’re somebody who’s in the habit of always overextending themselves just a little bit (or a lot).

This is your Money Habit Archetype. It is your predominant habit pattern around money and it’s driven by an unconscious program.

So to help you discover what your money habit archetype is, and then to dive deeper and discover what’s driving your relationship with money and what that unconscious program actually is, I’ve created this really simple, handy quiz.

Find out what your money habit archetype is, then make sure you provide me with your email address because I will send you some really powerful questions specific to your money habit archetype that help you dive deeper and find out what those limiting beliefs are and the patterns that are driving it at the unconscious level.

The link is in today’s freebie section below, so go take that next & discover your Money Habit Archetype.

It’s time to embrace your unlimited potential, and it starts by taking the next step – discovering what those unconscious patterns are that are driving you.

And now you know exactly how to do that. 

See you next time, gorgeous!


Discover your Money Habit Archetype and use it to clear your biggest money block.