We all love to hear manifesting money success stories, don’t we?

Why is that?

I think it’s because one of the most challenging things about Law of Attraction is that you can’t peek behind the curtain… you can’t see the magic at work until everything falls into place.

It requires faith – sometimes a LOT of faith…

So in today’s episode, I’m sharing some of my favorite stories of people manifesting money and success. 

Plus.. we’re taking a peek behind the curtain to see what they did that helped Law of Attraction do its magic.

I absolutely love it when students share their manifesting success stories.

That excitement, that enthusiasm, that realization that yes, it DOES all pay off – it IS happening – that’s absolutely priceless because this is when you recognize that you really are the creator of your life. It’s not the stuff of fairy tales. It’s real and it’s a wonderful moment of empowerment.

It’s so important to have a supportive community around you to help you celebrate your manifesting success stories –  the small ones and the big ones!

Because as you do that over and over, you complete one of the most important pieces of the puzzle:

Convincing YOURSELF that this stuff works!






… that you are the creator of your life, that your Thoughts do Become Things, that there is a benevolent Universe that has your back, and that all those thoughts and ideas and dreams and wishes you have are actual possibilities that are all lined up waiting to drop into your experience!

When you fully embrace that and move from hoping and wishing that it can be so to absolutely knowing it can be –  and taking the positive action that aligns with that –  THAT’s when those amazing manifestations start dropping in and suddenly you’ve turned the corner and are that ‘overnight success’ where everything just seems to flow so easily for you.

So let me share with you three awesome stories from real life people – just like you – who are students in my Magnetic Money program.

Just like you, these ladies had fears and worries – they hoped they’d made the right decision, that they were on the right track and that this wasn’t some wild goose chase.

Story 1

Karen had been desperate to go to Ireland for a really long time.

But between life and financial and family commitments and money being tight she couldn’t see how she could possibly ever go – how she would ever be able to save up enough to make this trip of a lifetime.

Karen joined us in a game we do in the warmup to Magnetic Money. It’s just a fun game where we raise our vibration, where we allow ourselves to dream and throw caution to the wind and really get into a state of what it feels like to be abundant.

Next thing you know, there was this amazing post from Karen saying “Oh my God! I have just received $16,000 that is totally unexpected, from a source I didn’t even know about. And it’s just free money – $16,000 of completely unexpected BONUS money!

And so off she went to Ireland on that trip of a lifetime she’d been dreaming about for decades – and she got to take her father with her as well!

So just like that, overnight, simply by raising her vibration and daring to align herself, the abundance could flow from a completely unexpected source and she was able to fulfill that amazing dream.

Story 2

Let me tell you about another student called Sophie (not her real name). Sophie ran a medical clinic with three doctors, two full time staff and really great income, but also big overheads, lots of work, long hours and all the rest of it.

After having a couple of children she decided she needed to change things. She sold that business and decided to start on her own – just herself and a part-time assistant, working only three days a week, because her family came first.

As she got started she realized that the money wasn’t flowing in the way she wanted it to, so we sat down and looked at what the limiting beliefs were that were holding her back.

They were: 

  • Not being able to do it on her own.
  • Thinking she needed lots of staff supporting her to be successful.
  • And thinking it takes long working hours to make good money.

So I helped her address those limiting beliefs, to release and transform them. And the very next month she had her first ever $30,000 month!

That’s the power of looking at the limiting beliefs that are getting in the way and of sitting down to address and transform them.

So I wonder if you can see yourself in either one of those stories?

Have you ever shifted your thinking around money and the money started to flow?

If you have a manifesting money success story of your own,  I’d love to hear it!
Feel welcome to share it with us in the comments.

Story 3

Now let me share Alexis’ story with you. 

Alexis is a mindset coach who helps people unpack their own unique manifesting process. She’s also an amazing manifestor herself! In her business, she would manifest $15,000 weeks and $20,000 months, but the problem was there were long stretches of NOTHING in between – it was a feast and famine rollercoaster.

Her total income for the previous year was okay, but she knew she was capable of so much more because that income had come in fits and spurts – in between there was a whole lot of stress and worry.

So first of all we unpacked a couple of limiting beliefs she hadn’t yet unearthed, and that helped. 

Then we went one step further and realized she felt anxious about managing her money. She didn’t know what the best thing to do with it was when it came in. 

So we made a plan for her money and made sure she was really clear on where it would go once it came in – to ensure it was being put to good use. She became the responsible and confident custodian of her money. 

And it completely unblocked her money flood gates!

In the next three months she made more money than she had the entire previous year!

She was able to release the resistance that was blocking the money from flowing in by feeling confident about what she would do with it once it arrived.

Okay… as you MIGHT have noticed, each of these stories had a different missing ingredient; a missing piece of the puzzle that needed to fall into place so the money could start to flow in.

But these 3 pieces are all you need!

And if you’d like to learn more about how to make your money manifesting easy and simple, I have a special FREE MASTER CLASS on that.

Just scroll down for the link.

Remember: It’s time to embrace your unlimited potential – and you’re absolutely ready to take the next step.

xx Miriam


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