What if I told you that one of the most powerful ways for you to attract more money into your life is by letting go of the stress around it?

Today I want to help you make one of THE most powerful decisions of your life.

Most people think that they need to worry about money, especially when they feel like there’s not enough of it. They think if they don’t worry, the Universe might forget about them or that their order will be misplaced – but nothing could be further from the truth!

It’s really important to understand that RELEASING the worry is one of the best ways to attract more money into your life.

But first, a quick story:

One day my daughter borrowed my car. She came home and said “Mum.. I was driving along and the car felt a little sluggish but I didn’t think too much of it. So I just put my foot down a little bit harder on the accelerator.”

When she pulled up at the traffic lights, the people next to her pointed out the amount of smoke pouring out of the back of her car! She was afraid the car caught fire but it turned out to be the tyres smoking because she’d been driving with the handbrake on! And rather than releasing that resistance, she just put her foot down on the accelerator even harder to try and push through it.

And this is what people do, and what worrying about money does.






I see it all the time with my students. They’ll say things like, “I only seem to manifest money in fits and spurts, when I really need it.” 

When we break it down, they realize they’ve been driving with the handbrake on. They’ve been worrying about money which acts like an energetic handbrake.

When they make that one tweak and release their energetic handbrake, the money starts to flow.

They go from having $15,000 weeks, then nothing for six months, to consistently calling in over $20,000 per month. The money starts flowing consistently – not just when the pressure builds up to breaking point.

So, let’s talk about this in more detail:

How and why exactly is constant money worry holding you back.

Number 1:

Worry is energetically aligned with a vibration of ‘not enough’. When you’re in a state of worry, you’re resonating with lack.

‘There’s not enough’ – is the energetic message you’re putting out to the Universe. And guess what happens next? Law of Attraction brings you more of the same!

Number 2: 

Constant worry shows a lack of trust.  You don’t trust that it’s going to be OK, you don’t trust the Universe, you don’t trust your business and you don’t trust yourself. There is an underlying expectation and message that because money can’t be trusted to flow, you better work really, really hard. 

Usually when somebody is worrying about money, they’re also working really hard.
The two kind of go together, united by that underlying message of ‘I can’t trust that I’m okay. I don’t feel safe, so I’m going to work extra hard to try and make up for it’.

Does that ring a bell for you? Let me know in the comments.

Number 3:

Constantly worrying about money holds you back because it becomes like the background music in a shopping center: After a while you don’t even notice it anymore.

It’s taken control of your life, and is dictating the standard state you live in. You’ve become unconscious to it.

Living in a state of worry becomes normal. 

You’ve reprogrammed yourself at the unconscious level that spending your time worrying about money is just how life is – and that you have to worry because there’s not enough. And, of course, you also unconsciously act in ways that demonstrate that support this.

And so it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy where you keep creating more of the same.

So… that’s the first three. We’ve got two more to go, but first I want to know:

Based on what we’ve talked about so far, are you ready to make that decision yet? 

Can you see how constant stressing and worrying about money is actually getting in the way of money flowing to you?

If you’re ready to make the decision to put an end to it, then here is your chance!

Nothing is more powerful than a public declaration. It sends a powerful message to your unconscious mind that this is a turning point. 

This is your moment of change!

So if you’re ready to do this, take a moment to type in the comments:

“I’m ready to claim my freedom. I’m going to release my money, stress and worries”.

Just making that declaration will open up the way for you to figure out how.

OK, here are two more reasons you want to get out of this nasty little ‘money worry’ habit.

Number 4:

Constant worrying builds up negative momentum. Earlier we agreed that by worrying you’re resonating with lack. This vibration of lack builds momentum and attracts more lack to you: not enough money, too many bills, that kind of thing. 

It becomes stable. It has a lot of momentum, and if you try to change it, it’s very difficult. It’s like standing in front of a runaway train yelling “STOP! I want you going in the other direction”. 

You’ll probably end up hurt.

Number 5:
And the fifth, final and absolutely most important reason of all to get out of the habit of worrying about money is that you get used to it. 

And that’s a BIG problem because as you get used to living in this state of constant worry (and of constantly attracting more reasons to worry about money to you), it starts feeling like that’s just how life is.

And the absolute worst possible outcome of all is that you resign yourself to that!

One of the best ways to get out of the worry habit is by understanding where it comes from. 

Looking at your money patterns – both at the physical level and the way you think and feel about money, your belief system – is a great place to start.

With that awareness you can release the stress, negativity and worry about money, and change things around.

If you’re ready to better understand your patterns around money and what’s driving them, then take the Money Habit Archetype Quiz.

It will let you know what your predominant money pattern is, and then invite you to look deeper so you can explore what’s creating those patterns at the unconscious level.

You’ll find the link below.

Remember: it’s time to embrace your unlimited potential & starting where you are is the only option you have.

xx Miriam


Discover your Money Habit Archetype and use it to clear your biggest money block.