Contrary to popular belief, limiting beliefs are NOT difficult to identify!

In fact – that in itself is a limiting belief!

Limiting beliefs can cause you to procrastinate, self-sabotage, freeze up in fear and miss out on golden opportunities. They generally make life difficult.

But to IDENTIFY limiting beliefs is incredibly quick & easy!

In this episode, I’m going to show you exactly how easy and simple identifying your limiting beliefs is.
I’ll share the ONE simple question that helps you do it – and show you how to use it!



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Why is this process so simple? Because we deal with the issue at its source – your unconscious mind!

It’s your unconscious mind that CHOOSES which beliefs you take on. And it’s tapping into your unconscious mind by asking ONE simple question that helps you identify those beliefs.

And when it comes to later transforming and CHANGING those beliefs, it’s again quickest & most effective to work with your unconscious mind. But let’s worry about IDENTIFYING your limiting beliefs first!

This is actually the most important – and empowering – part of the process.

Because when you shine that light of consciousness, you are bringing that belief out of the unconscious and into your conscious awareness. And THAT is when you’re back in the driver’s seat and in a position of power.

To do that is really not that difficult. In fact, I’ve created an entire DIY system called the Limiting Belief Busting Process to help you identify and transform your limiting beliefs.

In a moment, I’ll take you through the first part of that process – to IDENTIFY YOUR LIMITING BELIEF.

We do this based on one simple principle: “Your Reasons Demonstrate Your Beliefs.”

Here’s how to apply this: Any time I ask you, “Why do you do that, say that or think that?” The REASON you give me basically tells me what you believe. It’s the beliefs you hold that inform your actions, words & thoughts.

I’m sure you’ve noticed this in your own life. Sometimes you will say something to another person and they make it mean something entirely different. That’s because they hold a belief that is coloring their perception. We all filter our experiences through this lens of our perception. And this lens is colored based on our belief system.

We don’t really experience the world as it is. We experience the world as we believe it to be.

Any time you experience negative emotions, it’s a sign that you have a limiting belief. So if you’re wondering where to begin, just look at your negative emotions. Because they indicate that you’re being triggered by a negative limiting belief. So your emotions are very helpful because they provide a signal and a clue that points you in the right direction.

So let’s demonstrate how easy it is to identify limiting beliefs. I’ll give you an example and you can play along at home with your own limiting belief.

We start with a negative emotion – identifying both the emotion and the situation it relates to.
(incidentally, if you watch the video for this episode, you’ll see me demonstrate this process using the Limiting Belief Busting Toolkit)

Let’s pretend it’s, “I feel really stressed out and scared about launching my new group program”

So we’ve identified the feeling and what it’s related to.

Now let’s use the principle I shared that our reasons demonstrate our beliefs.
We want to find out the reason for this emotion. How do we do that…? SIMPLE! We just ask!!

We literally ask, ”Why do I feel that way about this situation?

Why do you feel really stressed out and scared? 

You could feel any other way. You could feel excited and inspired, yet you choose to feel stressed out and scared. Why do you feel that way?

And your answer will show you the underlying belief.

Let’s pretend the answer is, “Because I still feel like I don’t know enough and people won’t buy it anyway.”

So what we actually have in this example, is something that happens a lot in real life. And that is that we’ve identified TWO limiting beliefs!

First we have, ‘I still don’t know enough’.

And that’s definitely a big limiting belief..  and also very common in the women business owners I work with. This is why they tend to keep enrolling in more courses, doing more marketing programs and hiring yet another new coach.… (ring any bells..?)

So ‘I still don’t know enough‘ is definitely a limiting belief that’s going to cause all sorts of trouble and hold you back.

But we’ve also identified a second limiting belief, ‘People won’t buy it anyway’.

This is a limiting belief that people won’t buy what you have to offer – that they don’t want it.

So by getting clear on the negative emotion and asking what the reason for that feeling is, we’ve identified not one, but TWO limiting beliefs!

If we were continuing to work through the Limiting Belief Busting Process, we would now release and replace these beliefs. And we would do that by focusing on one at a time. My recommendation is to start with the one that holds the most energy – the secondary one will usually fall away in the process.

So there you have it! It’s that quick and easy to identify your limiting beliefs. 


All we’ve basically done is ask one question, ‘Why do you feel this negative emotion?’

By identifying the belief, you’ve taken away its power and done the lion share of the work.

Remember, this was an unconscious limiting belief until now. By identifying it, you’ve brought it into your conscious awareness. You’re literally shining a light of consciousness on it and put yourself in a position of power.

So now you can ask yourself, “Do I really want this limiting belief to inform the way I show up, the way I run my business, the way I do life? Do I want to start looking at things differently? And in what ways can I start to do that?”

Everything changes once you’ve identified that limiting belief.

Tell me in the comments below: What’s your biggest takeaway from this episode?

PS: If you’d like support with identifying your limiting beliefs AND want to go the next step where you release and transform them, grab yourself the Limiting Belief Busting Toolkit. You get everything you need: worksheets, a tutorial and access to live workshops! PLUS, it includes HYPNOSIS to ensure that new empowering belief gets wired into your unconscious as quickly and deeply as possible.  Just click this link to get access now.

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