Let’s talk about 5 unexpected money habits that will make you richer.
But we won’t be talking about writing your goals, getting up early or even the importance of being frugal investing & saving.
Instead, we’ll cover 5 unexpected money habits that will shift your internal state which will translate to more money in the bank.
Because THIS is the real reason the rich get richer. It’s not because they’re already rich, but because they already FEEL and THINK that they’re rich.
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We’ll cover 5 habits that will make you richer inside and out. The 5th one is the most important one as it supercharges the rest.
I’ll also give you a super simple practical way you can check in with yourself to help fast-track your wealth.
Let’s start by asking:
- Why do you want the money?
- How much do you want?
- And how much is enough?
- What will you do with it?
- And why is that important to you?
As you dig into your reasons for wanting more money, you’ll end up realizing that what you ultimately want is a FEELING.
You want to feel abundant, rich, free to make choices, to be master of your universe.
Abundance is a feeling.
You can be rich in terms of assets and money in the bank – or you can be rich in terms of how you feel internally.
And the two don’t necessarily go together!
There are plenty of people who have loads of money and still don’t feel rich.
They still worry about & stress about money.
And this internal feeling of poverty makes them continue chasing more and more money externally. But unfortunately, it never feels like enough.
So we’re going to be talking about the OPPOSITE of that, because we want you to be rich inside and out.
Because feeling abundant is an inside job.
And the beautiful thing is that the more abundant and rich you feel internally, the more money and cool stuff you’ll end up having in your external life.
Because as you start to think and feel more abundant and like you are already rich – as you EXPECT to be rich – you’ll start to talk, walk and do things differently.
You’ll start acting like a rich person.
This is why the rich get richer!
The rich don’t get richer just because they already have money to leverage.
The rich get richer because they THINK like the rich, they EXPECT to be rich, they DO the things that rich people do.
They show up in ways that say, “I expect to be successful. I have plenty of money, I’m loving it and I expect to have plenty more.”
How cool is it to think that you can have what you REALLY want right now?
Because you can choose to start feeling abundant right here, right now.
And as you start to feel richer and more abundant internally, it’s going to change the way you show up. It’s going to change the way you think, the way you feel, the way you approach life. It’ll change the choices and decisions you make.
And that’s going to have a massive effect on the results you get.
And this in turn helps reinforce that feeling and thinking of, “Yes, of course. I have it sorted. I am rich, I am wealthy, I am abundant. Things always work out for me.”
And so it becomes this beautiful self-fulfilling prophecy that gathers its own momentum.
So let’s cover these 5 habits & then I’ll give you that practical tip.
No.1: Pay your bills with gratitude.
You can literally have a bill paying party. You can light candles, play music, whatever you like. But most importantly, when you pay your bills, make sure you’re in a really positive frame of mind.
Send gratitude for the services you received in exchange for those bills, for having the money to pay them and for the fact that these people know you’re abundant enough to pay.
When you sit down and you pay your bills from this space – rather than a place of begrudgingly handing over your money – it changes everything.
It reinforces to your unconscious mind that you do have the money and that you’re getting plenty of cool things in return for that money.
No.2: Spend with joy!
When you’re spending money, do it from a place of joy.
Be really grateful and happy about the things you’re buying. And have dedicated fun money that you can spend with gratitude – free of worry or guilt that something else is missing out.
Make sure you are really present, really conscious, and that you plan in advance what cool fun things you’re going to be doing with this money.
Again, it helps reinforce that you are this beautiful, abundant person who’s got plenty of money.
When you spend money with joy, feeling rich and abundant, loving what you’re getting in return, it uplevels your inner state of abundance.
And that makes you magnetic to more.
No.3: Celebrate the evidence!
When money comes in, celebrate it! Stop and acknowledge it and don’t discount it.
So many people will discount their money, thinking ‘it doesn’t count’ because they were expecting it or it was owed to them or because it’s not enough.
But when you do that, you’re telling your money that it’s not important and you downgrade your abundance vibe, rather than taking this amazing opportunity to say, “YES! There it is! Money flowing to me right here, right now! I’m so abundant!”
Whether it’s 1 cent, 10 cents or $10million dollars, it’s still the energy of money showing up in your life. And the more you acknowledge, celebrate and welcome it with open arms, treating it as EVIDENCE of your abundance, the more will flow.
Let’s press pause & check in:
Is this easy or what? Let me know in the comments below that you KNOW you can do this!
But the key is to get into the HABIT of doing these things!
A habit is something you keep doing over and over and over, until it’s totally second nature.
But you want to make sure you get into the RIGHT habits. And that’s why the fifth one we’re going to cover is by far the most important one.
But first, let’s talk about the fourth unexpected money habit that will help you get rich.
No.4: Say no from a place of empowerment!
When you say no to spending money, when you say no to expenses, when you say no to going out to another fancy dinner with your friends, or joining them on am expensive holiday – because YOU are busy focusing on another financial goal right now – do it from a place of empowerment!
Do it from a place of “I’ve got a plan and I’m sticking to it. I’m not going to anything derail me.”
This is when you can say no to spending money from a place that feels really good.
And this, of course, helps you feel richer, more in control of your money, more abundant and like you’ve got it all covered.
And that uplevels your mindset and energy, which makes you magnetic to more.
How cool is that?
Before we move onto No.5, let me reiterate what I hope you’ve picked up on by now.
These habits are about you learning to FEEL rich and abundant right now – rather than chasing the external money and abundance.
It’s about shifting your energy from desperately pulling at something and trying to get rich (which just reinforces the lack of it) to chilling out, enjoying where you are and being excited about more to come.
It’s about starting to allow yourself to feel rich and abundant right here, right now.
This completely changes your energy and helps you become magnetic to more. And THAT is what helps you get rich!
And this is why this 5th money habit to help you get rich is so important…
Because I bet you’ve been busily taking notes so that you can do these things to become richer.
Which means that you are still TRYING to get rich! You’re prepared to do the things we just talked about – but only because they’ll help you get richer.
But this is why the fifth money habit is the most critical one.
No.5: Decide that you’re ALREADY rich!
You don’t want to do anything to try and get rich (other than of course being smart with your business strategy and how you manage your money).
But in terms of the way you show up, don’t do it with an ulterior motive.
- Pay your bills with gratitude because you are grateful.
- Spend with joy because it is a joy to spend.
- Say no from a place of empowerment because you are empowered.
- Celebrate the evidence because it is evidence of your abundance.
Remember, the world on the outside of you is just a reflection of what’s going on inside of you.
The world is your mirror.
When you look in the mirror of the world around you, do you like what you see?
- Do you see an abundant version of you?
- Do you see a life that’s a reflection of your internal abundance?
Abundance is a State Of Being.
It’s not until we can BECOME a more abundant version of ourselves, until we can transform and uplevel our mindset, our energy, our habits, that we can have that more consistent level of physical abundance in our life.
(If that’s something you want to learn more about, then join my Ultimate Money Masterclass. You’ll find the link below)
Before you go, let me share a practical tip to help you accelerate and fast track your wealth.
Stop for a moment, put down your pen or anything in your hands, take a deep breath in and take a moment to check in with yourself.
How rich and abundant do you feel right here, right now? If you had to put a dollar figure on it, what number comes to mind?
And THAT tells you exactly how you’re doing!
Because if you’re feeling rich and abundant, right here, right now, THAT is what you’re in the process of creating and attracting!
And if you’re feeling like there’s not quite enough in the bank and there’s a sense of lack and limitation internally, THAT is what the world will mirror back to you.
It’s a quick way to get a little heads up so you can do something about it.
The better you get at checking in with yourself, knowing where you are at (and being honest with yourself), the more you’ll be able to fast track your wealth.
This is why the very first key we cover in Magnetic Money® is #NOTICE.
It’s all about self-awareness.
We notice the things we’re doing, how we’re feeling, what we’re saying, and the thoughts that are spinning through our minds.
And the more we become self-aware and practice using the tools at our disposal, the more we can uplevel our internal state to become a more abundant version of ourselves.
And this will be reflected back by our external world.
Now, if feeling rich and abundant – regardless of how much is in the bank right now – feels a little too challenging, then you probably have some old money stories & limiting beliefs going on.
This can keep you stuck in a Catch 22 where you can’t feel rich and abundant until there’s more money in the bank. And until you feel more abundant, the money can’t flow.
If that’s going on for you, then check out the episode linked below, because it will help you figure out what those old money story and limiting beliefs are.
See you there!
xx Miriam