Do you keep running out of money?

There’s only three reasons that cause this.

So let’s cover them and talk about WHY it’s so important to have a simple money system that’s easy to use and you feel confident about.

Because when you take loving care of your money, your money will take great care of you.


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If you keep running out of money, it’s for one of these 3 reasons.

You’re simply not allocating enough money.

I work with a lot of people who make plenty of money and they find that month after month, they run out of spending money, or grocery money – or their bills account gets overdrawn.

And that’s simply because they’re being stingy with themselves. They’re not allocating enough.

So ask yourself – are you being realistic?

You need a money system that starts with an audit of what your expenses truly are. You need to know how much you need for fun money – how much you need to cover the bills – how much you want to save – pay towards debts – invest etc.

Most people are shocked at how much money they spend, when they do a proper audit.

We all tend to think we need less than we do.

When you’re more realistic about what your expenses are and how much money you do spend, you’ll stop short-changing yourself and feeling like ‘there’s not enough money’ – which makes you feel poor (even when you’re not!)

You’re spending too much without even realizing!

The second reason why people keep finding there’s not enough money is that they are simply spending too much money.

Not only do they spend more than they realize on the things they know about – they’re also spending money on things they’ve forgotten about! (s.a. subscriptions & plans)
This happened to me recently where I realized I’ve been on the highest-level plan for my membership platform and was paying for a bunch of features I’ve never used.

It happened because somebody else set it up for me and I wasn’t paying attention. For the past 5 years I’ve been paying more than I needed to for features I’ve never used. I could have saved sooooo much money!

It happens to all of us. That’s why we need to have a money system that helps us stay on top of things.

We need to be connected with our money. We need to be able to see where our money is going and assess where we’re spending more than we need to.

Most people spend money on things they don’t even need and rarely use – then wonder why they run out!

The third reason people feel like they keep running out of money is that they simply don’t have enough income.

This is the first conclusion most people jump to, but it’s really not the case! Because we just covered 2 other – much more common – reasons people run out of money.

But say you’ve looked at both of those & that’s not it. You’ve eliminated unnecessary expenses, money that was being wasted. You’ve reduced your expenses, especially your unnecessary expenses – the things that were giving you no joy and little benefit (like me with my membership)

And say you’ve done all that & decided that even if you live on the bones of your butt and just eat baked beans, you are simply not making enough money.

Well, that’s even MORE reason to sit down & put together a money system!

Because by documenting it all, getting familiar and intimate with it, you will know what your minimum expenses are and you will be able to determine how much income you need.

And then you can make a plan!

If you’re in a job, you might need to change jobs, get a second job, or negotiate a promotion or pay rise.

And if you’re in a business, fantastic! Because you can make changes in your business to start generating more income. You can start setting business targets and developing a business strategy that helps you achieve the level of income you need.

The above are the ONLY reasons people keep running out of money.

And most people who keep running out of money think they just need to bring in more. They think they just need to manifest, attract, or earn more money. But that won’t fix things! 

Because if you are only focusing on that, you’re not getting intimately familiar with what’s really going on with your money. You’re ignoring your money, you’re not taking great care of it. And your pattern –  whatever it is – will simply continue. Because you’re flying blind, hoping for the best.

When it comes to your finances, flying blind and hoping for the best is really not a smart strategy.

So have a look at which of those three things might apply to you – then start getting familiar and intimate with your money.

And if you’d like some help with that, I’ll pop the link for the Magnetic Money ®️ System Bootcamp below. It will help you set up a money system that’s tailored for you and is simple to manage so you can have money confidence that shifts your mindset and the way you feel about money.

Remember: Start taking loving care of your money and your money will start taking care of you.

Have a fabulous day!

xx Miriam