Law of Attraction Rules for Beginners – 5 things you need to know

Law of Attraction Rules for Beginners – 5 things you need to know

Do you wish you had a rule book on how to make Law of Attraction work?

In this episode, I share the 5 Law of Attraction rules you must know – if you want to make manifesting abundance easier & more consistent

When you understand how it works, how to tap into it and leverage it, life can take on an amazing magical flow where you make it look easy – and others wonder how you do it.. and how you got so ‘lucky’.

But luck has nothing to do with it!

So let’s break it down into really simple terms.

⭐ What makes Law of Attraction work? 

⭐How do you tap into it? 

⭐ How do you leverage it so you can live a more abundant life? 






When I first discovered The Secret, I did ALL – THE THINGS.
Affirmations, vision boards, writing out my goals – I did it all.

I had some good results… and I had some non-existent results. It was all over the place and I had no idea what was working & what wasn’t working.. or if maybe it was all just blind luck. 

Fast forward a few more years and I started working with one of my heroes and mentors, Mike Dooley. I became a trainer in his Infinite Possibilities program and I learned how Thoughts Become Things. I also studied hypnosis and NLP and studied the mind.

Through all of that, I realized one important thing: 

You don’t have to do all of that stuff! 

Essentially, manifesting becomes very, very simple – once you understand its basic rules.

The students in my Magnetic Money program love the feeling of relief when they realize that they don’t have to do a million things to become magnetic to more abundance.

And in this episode, I’m going to share the 5 basic rules of Law of Attraction with you so your manifesting can get easier too.

Number 1: Everything Is Energy

As you look around your world, everything you see is actually nothing but pure potential.

It’s all energy, particles vibrating at the speed of light. They’re actually NOT here more than they are here. So the world we see is an illusion, things are not really solid.

So without wanting to spin your brain out with quantum physics principles, the bottom line is that everything is energy and everything is vibration.

Everything is just little particles, packets of energy that are vibrating at different frequencies. 

And here comes the very important part of that: You are too! 

Number 2: Like Attracts Like

Within this vibrational Universe, things are magnetizes to one another that are on the same vibrational frequency. That’s the Law of Resonance.

So the interesting thing with that is that the more anything stays on a given frequency, the more it continues to attract and build momentum on that attraction power.

We call that Law of Attraction.

Like attracts like and if you hold that frequency for longer, more and more things start to be attracted and appearing in your reality that match that frequency. 

Number 3: You are Energy with Consciousness

You are energy that is aware of itself. You know who you are, that you exist and you can be aware of your vibration. You can be aware of your energy, and you also have control over it.

And you can change your vibration, you can adjust your frequency. You literally have your finger on the dial. 

Just stop for a moment and consider how powerful that is. Do you consider yourself the creator of your life? Pause for a moment and recognize your power and let me know in the comments below:  “Have you ever thought of yourself that way?” 

Number 4: Everything you want is on a higher vibration

The things you desire – more money, better relationships, better health, more fun in your life – all of those are good feeling things, right? Which is why you want them. 

All of those things are actually on a higher frequency. So given everything else we’ve just talked about, if you want to attract more of those things into your experience, then you need to get on that higher vibing frequency. 

I’ve linked another episode for you below with ideas and help on how to do that, so you can check that out next.

Number 5: Maintaining your Vibe is KEY

This is the big one. Raising your vibration is important because it matches you with the frequency of what you desire. But the key to having manifestations appear more easily is to MAINTAIN your vibration. 

Maintaining your vibration is key, which is why it’s so important that you become self aware and that you get better and better at not only raising your vibration and recognizing where your vibration is at, but at maintaining it there as steadily as you possibly can. 

It’s all about stability, because remember that stability allows Law of Attraction to keep on building momentum and bring you more ideas, more synchronicities, more perfect matches for the outcome that you desire. 

And if you’ve been trying to manifest what you want, but it’s just not happening, then look out for the episode because I’m going to cover that for you and help you do some troubleshooting if you need. 

Now, I bet one of the things that is at the top of the list of things you want to manifest more of is money –  cash – moolah.

The thing with money is that it brings with it a whole lot of other set of complications and challenges. This is why I run a whole group coaching program called Magnetic Money where I literally hold your hand and lead you through a step by step process that allows you to consistently attract more money and build your money confidence. 

But if you’re not yet in Magnetic Money, then I can still give you a little bit of a hand by helping you make some simple tweaks that allow you to align with that vibration of cold hard cash much more easily.

I’ve created a free training the Manifesting Abundance Quick-Fix, and you can grab that by clicking the link below. 

It’s time to embrace your unlimited potential, gorgeous, and you are absolutely ready to take that next step. 

I’ll see you in the next episode!

xx Miriam


Want to manifest more abundance in your business & life – CONSISTENTLY?

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The most fun way to make more money

The most fun way to make more money

Do you know the most fun way to make more money?

It’s fun!

No, I don’t mean it’s a fun way to make more money – I mean that FUN is a great way to make more money!

So tell me: Are you having enough fun?

Are you having some fun right now? Are you having some fun today? Are you having some fun sometime this week – are you going to have any fun at all this month?

And I mean, fun, like fun where you laugh till your jaw is locked up and aching, fun where you laugh till your eyes are burning with mascara – or you think you’re going to have a little accident in your pants – THAT level of fun!

If you have not had that level of fun and it’s because you’re so busy trying to get everything done or trying to build your business and make more money and get on top of it all, then I’m here to tell you:

You need to have more fun for those very reasons, because more fun in your life will help you actually get more done in less time and is a way to make more money than you ever dreamt possible!

I know. Sounds crazy, right?





 Basically, when you cut to the core of it, it’s because when you’re bogged down and so busy doing and pushing and shoving and trying to force – you’re operating from fear and tiredness and stress and worry – that you shut down all your creativity.

You shut off that part of your brain that’s going to be the most helpful in those situations. The part of your brain that can see the bigger picture, that can help you make wise decisions – your unconscious, which already knows the answers to all your problems and the solutions to all your challenges.

You shut down your connection to the collective unconscious, the universal mind that your unconscious connects you to – where you can actually get insight, inspiration, intuition that’s going to help you move forward in miraculous, amazing ways.

So having more fun actually opens you up to all those amazing channels where you receive so much information and you download it really fast. And it all comes really easily because you’re actually open.

Because when you’re stressed and worried and pushing and shoving, you’re closed and you cannot receive new information. You’re actually holding on so tight that you can’t receive anything new.

So make a date with yourself and have some fun.

It’s an awesome way to make more money – AND it’s fun!


👇 Let me know in the comments below what you can do to ensure that this week, you’re going to do something fun – just for you. (and not to make something happen, but just to let go and have fun)

It’s really powerful stuff – and your business and your life will reap the rewards.

Now, if you want to join me for a whole lot of fun, then join me in my Facebook group, which is called the Manifesting Circle for soulful women in business

You can find it right here:


Want to manifest more abundance in your business & life – CONSISTENTLY?

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How to manifest money fast by developing an abundance mindset
Click here:

The secret power of acting as if (it’s not what you think!)
Click here:

The secret power of acting as if (it’s not what you think!)

The secret power of acting as if (it’s not what you think!)

The power of acting as if is not faking it til you make it.

In fact – it’s kind of the opposite.

So I want to know:

  • Do you act as if you already are the person you hope to become? 
  • Do you act as if you already have some of those things you hope to have and plan to have? 
  • And do you act as if you’re already living that life that you desire? 

Cary Grant is quoted as saying, “I acted like Cary Grant for so long that I became him.”

(And if you don’t know who Cary Grant is, it’s because you’re a lot younger than me.) 

It’s genius advice because here’s the thing:
We all go on a journey in life. We start out in one place as a certain person, and then we aim to have the life of this new person that we want to become. 

This new life cannot be lived by the same person as the one who is at the beginning of the journey. 

This life can only be lived by the person who has created it. Who’s comfortable in it. 

So the trick – as with all things I teach – is to start from the inside out. 

You have to become that person.






You have to think, speak, feel and act like that person who has the life you desire. 

You have to tap into the power of acting as if.

And then the outside of you can start to fall into place and match that.

Acting as if isn’t about faking it until you make it. It’s not about being fake at all.

It’s actually about BECOMING REAL… becoming your new reality.

It’s about lining up your thoughts, feelings, words and actions, and having them all be congruent. This means that to your nervous system and to the quantum field to which you put out this constant signal, you’re sending a really clear congruent message of, “This is who I now am.” 

Then the outside of you can start to morph, and the pieces of the puzzle can fall together for you. Everything can come together for you to match what’s going on on the inside of you. 

But you need to start inside, and acting as if is a wonderful way of adding another layer to the work you’re already doing by managing: 

    • How you’re feeling
    • The thoughts you’re thinking
    • The words that you’re speaking
    • What you’re consuming in terms of media and the conversations you have 

Acting as if is very powerful because the way you act directly speaks to the way you think and what you truly believe about yourself. 

Just do any little token gestures, such as buying the more expensive cheese at the supermarket or walking up to somebody at a networking meeting, introducing yourself confidently and asking them about themself. 

Do something that you wouldn’t normally do, but that that person that you hope to become would totally do every single day. 

Pick something as an experiment for the next seven days and start acting as if. 

I challenge you to do it for seven days and I’d love to hear what shifts for you, how it helps you become more congruent and feel more congruent with where you’re going, and what happens. 

👇 Tell me below:
What’s one small way you can start acting as if today?


Discover your Money Habit Archetype and use it to clear your biggest money block.


087_how to manifest money image
089_uncover your money beliefs image

How to manifest money fast by developing an abundance mindset
Click here:

How to uncover your money beliefs
Click here:

Please.. stop complaining that your manifesting isn’t working

Please.. stop complaining that your manifesting isn’t working

Rant alert!

If you’ve been complaining that your manifesting isn’t working because the things that are showing up aren’t quite right or aren’t enough, then I’m going to give it to you straight. 

If you want to hear it, stick around.

I see lots of people complaining that their manifesting isn’t working.

They want to manifest a certain amount of income and they’re manifesting some money but it’s just not enough. Or the things they’re manifesting aren’t the “real” thing.

And they complain… but that’s what puts an instant stop on the whole manifesting process!





I’ll give you an example.

Somebody was saying that they wanted to manifest a contract for a certain dollar amount. I think it was a million dollars. And then they started trying to get into energetic alignment with that and doing all the things, and they came across and found a million dollar bill. You know., one of those mockup million dollar bills.

And they went, “Oh, yeah.. But that’s not real so that doesn’t count. Ha ha, Universe. Very funny.”

And so they totally dismissed it.

And then they got a phone call. They got an offer for that contract that they were looking to seal a deal for a million dollars for, and it was a much lower offer – just a percentage of what they really wanted.

And they went, “Well, that’s not what I want. I want a million dollar offer on this contract. I don’t want a $10,000 or $50,000 offer.” 

And they just got really annoyed and frustrated that it’s not working because “I want a million dollar contract and I’m being offered this low sum.” and “I want a million dollars in the bank not some fake million dollar bill.”

Now… that really gets up my nose because when you’re thinking like that, when you’re looking at these signs that the Universe is sending you and you’re deciding that, “No, it’s got to be instantly the result I’m looking for and this is not it and so it’s not good enough.”

What you’re actually doing is you’re completely shutting down the energy and you’re ignoring the fact that the thing you’ve got there it’s an amazing preview of what’s possible.

It’s the Universe starting to have some fun with you and showing you these fun little ways where it’s like, “See! There’s a phone call out of the blue of somebody offering you some money for that thing of yours. Yeah, it’s not the amount of money you want but they called you out of the blue. You didn’t even chase them up.” and “Here’s a million dollar bill for you.”

How cool is that?

Play with that. Have fun with that.

This lack of patience is really what shuts down the process of manifesting.

Because manifesting has a gestation period. Just like you get pregnant but you don’t have the baby the same day or the next day. There is a gestation period. 

It’s the same when you’re looking to manifest a certain outcome. (and whether or not you should even be doing that is a whole other story for another day)

But if the Universe is starting to show you previews… if it’s starting to show you little glimpses, little hints… that’s amazing!

It means that you need to keep going, that you are on the right track, that you should be using this to help you get really excited and go, “Oh my god, this is totally possible!” and “The Universe is having fun with me and I wonder what else would show up? I wonder what other cool stuff will happen and what else is possible?”

That’s the space you need to get yourself into.
That’s the frame of mind you need to get yourself into.

Because when you do that, then you’re joyfully along for the ride and you’re opening up to all the amazing ways that that specific outcome that you have in mind can actually come about.

And you’re enjoying all the little things that happen along the way and just loving every step. And when you do that, you get all these amazing bonuses. Even though you don’t get the million dollar contract, you might get all these lovely little side benefits that are absolutely amazing.

So remember that – that when the Universe is showing you previews it means you are totally on the right track. And you need to use that to your advantage. You need to use that to help you accelerate that momentum and get even more aligned with that vibration so that that thing that you’re desiring can come into your experience in full for real in due course – when the gestation period has ended.

And how long that takes is entirely up to you.

If you’re going to keep dismissing all the signs along the way, it could take literally forever.

But if you accept the signs and celebrate with the signs, you actually accelerate the gestation period. So remember that every little sign along the way is for you to use to celebrate and to get even more in alignment.

Now, I’ve got the perfect freebie/resource to help you get even better at this. I’ve linked it in the description for you today so make sure you grab that and get into it right away. It will help you really use everything that becomes available to you so that you can build the business of your dreams. So you can have the income you want and all the rest of it.

Until I see you next… keep on embracing your beautiful and unlimited potential.


Grab the free Manifesting Money Training here:

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When your manifestations keep missing the mark

When your manifestations keep missing the mark

If you keep finding that the people around you are manifesting the things that you wanted and it’s starting to drive you a little bit nuts, then this one’s for you. 

It‘s happened to most of us, right? There’s a car you really love that’s on your vision board and in your visualisations, and then your neighbour comes home with it!

Or maybe there’s a dream holiday that you’ve been wanting to go on FOREVER.

And again, it’s on YOUR vision board. It’s in YOUR visualisations. It’s been on YOUR list forever. And then your best friend announces, “Guess where I’m going on holiday?” And you think, “Really? Really? That’s mine!”

What the hell is going on? When you keep having these ‘close but no cigar’ moments and you think, “What am I doing wrong? Why is everyone around me getting my stuff and I can’t seem to get it?”

What I most importantly remind you of is that It’s actually a really good thing.

It’s a good thing because it’s a PREVIEW.





The Universe is giving you a preview. AND it couldn’t even be in your experience in the first place if there wasn’t some level of vibrational match.

So, when your best friend goes on your dream holiday or your neighbour comes home with your dream car, that’s the Universe giving you a little encouragement, “You’re getting there, kid!”

It’s a wink, right?

It’s letting you know that it’s within your realm of possibility.

In fact, it’s actually within your physical 3D experience. It’s right there!!!

And yes, it’s not in YOUR driveway yet.
And yes, YOU’RE not holding the ticket with YOUR name on it yet.

But it doesn’t matter.

Because remember, there is no lack. There is infinite abundance out there.

The thing that often happens when people see others around them starting to manifest the things they want for themselves is that a lack mentality can set in, where you think, “Well, if they’re getting it, that’s one less available for me.”

But that’s not how it works… and you know this….

So I’m just here to remind you that you’re not needing to buy into the lack mentality and instead, you need to remember that the things that are in your experience can only be there if there’s a certain level of VIBRATIONAL MATCH going on.

So, when you can see it…
when it shows up in YOUR Facebook newsfeed…
when it shows up in YOUR neighbour’s driveway…
when YOUR
friend is going on that dream holiday…

it’s the Universe telling you YOU are damn, DAMN close!!

Just keep going! It’s all good.

So remember that.

And then, when YOU go to that amazing holiday and your best friend turns around and says, “Oh! But I want to go there.” You just tell her, “Honey, the fact that I’m going and I’m your friend means that you’re next.”

This is how it works – there is no lack; there’s infinite abundance.

It can only be in your experience if there’s a level of a vibrational match going on already.

So if you want to keep fine-tuning your vibration so that when those things start coming closer you can keep heading towards them and accelerate towards it actually being in your hands… in your driveway… in your experience… then grab my free training!

I’ve given you the link in the description. It will help you make all those little fine-tunings, and ensure that you head towards the thing you want rather than inadvertently heading away from it.


Grab the free Manifesting Money Training here:

The Spiritual Path to Manifesting Wealth & Abundance

The Spiritual Path to Manifesting Wealth & Abundance

How can you let more wealth & abundance flow into your experience?

On this call, I spoke to Mike Dooley about the spiritual path to wealth & abundance.

We also answered YOUR questions about how to manifest a life filled with spiritual AND material wealth & abundance.

Join us to discover:

  • Is money spiritual or not – and is it ok to want it?
  • How you can align yourself with more abundance – immediately!
  • The true reason you want money and material wealth.
  • What it really takes to attract financial freedom & material wealth.

And so much more!




Grab the free Manifesting Money Training here: