Ask Believe Receive – beware these traps in Law of Attraction!

Ask Believe Receive – beware these traps in Law of Attraction!

Ask. Believe. Receive. Seems like a simple enough formula, right?

If you loved ‘The Secret’, you’d be forgiven for thinking that’s all it takes to use Law of Attraction to manifest anything you want.

.. but there’s more to it than that!

And if you’ve tried implementing these steps, you’ve probably figured that out for yourself.

So let’s talk about those three steps: ASK – BELIEVE – RECEIVE

When I was a broke single mum,  I had two kids under five and a defunct engineering career.

Then I watched The Secret and applied everything within it.

But – like many – I quickly found that The Secret was just the headline.

Since then, I’ve created the life of my dreams, which includes things like getting to work with Mike Dooley, one of my favorite teachers in The Secret.

I’ve built two multiple six-figure businesses and married the man of my dreams, we live in the house of my dreams, we have a beachfront property, and life is really quite amazing.

But it was only when I learned what ask – believe – receive really means, that everything started to change.






Step 1 – ASK

Asking the Universe for what you want requires you to be clear, because the Universe can deliver anything that you want. It can, and it does. Most people mistake this step for… kind of… praying, begging, hoping, and are afraid of asking for too much.

Let me share an analogy:

You go to a fabulous restaurant with an amazing menu.

You simply need to decide what you want – then place the order with the waiter – all ingredients are available, and the chef knows what to do, so your order will shortly arrive, right?

But what most people do ,is they second guess everything and keep changing their order.

They confuse the waiter by saying “Oh, wow, I’d really love that lobster dish. That looks amazing. Give me one of those”. They then call the waiter back and say “Look, I know lobster’s asking for a lot. And you know, it’s hard to get really good quality, fresh lobster, and maybe, you know, it’s a lot of work for your chef. So I’ll just go with the prawns – prawns will be fine. If the lobster’s not available or if you don’t feel like preparing lobster, just bring me the prawns, the prawns will do…”

And the waiter goes “So you want prawns? Okay.”

And as he goes to the kitchen… you call him back and say “You know what? I really do want the lobster. Can we just make it the lobster? If it’s not an inconvenience I’ll go with the lobster.” So the waiter goes “Great! It’s a special – we’d love to serve you the lobster!”, and off he goes again.

If you’re constantly changing what you think you want – or what you think is possible, you also are constantly changing your order. You’re sending out mixed signals and the Universe can never get started on delivering you what you want – just as the waiter never gets to the kitchen to place your order for the chef to cook your meal and put it all together so it can be served to you. You’ll never get fed. 

Most people waste their time by confusing the waiter, changing their order over and over and not allowing the process to unfold. 

So this first step is about YOU getting clear on what you want and placing a clear order with the Universe.

Step 2 – BELIEVE

Believing is the step between asking and receiving.

If you get anxious and go back to step 1 because you feel like you need to ‘do something’… you become stuck in that step 1 revolving door – asking over and over again – confusing the waiter and not allowing yourself to ever get to step 3.

BELIEVE is also the part where you show that you fully EXPECT to move on to step three: RECEIVE.

You do this with your words and actions. It’s all about being congruent. You can’t say to the Universe “I’ll do something when the money shows up,” because that shows you have fear and doubt that it will happen – that you expect it to NOT show up.

You literally manifest your order not happening -rather than it happening.

So step 2, believe, is you walking the talk and staying the course.

Step 3 – RECEIVE

This might seem like a really easy one that has nothing to do with you, right?

Yet it’s ALL about you because it’s about your capacity and willingness to receive.

So let’s check in: Are you willing, and expecting, and setting yourself up to receive? 

This is the step where money blocks and limiting beliefs really come into play. When you asked, and believed, yet now are unable or unwilling to receive.

This is where the practical side of how you treat your money and whether or not you know how to take loving care of your money also comes into play.

If you don’t know what you’re going to do with it, you’re simply not ready to receive it yet.

So to recap, step 3 – RECEIVE – is about your capacity, readiness and willingness to receive. 

It’s about the mindset and the practical side. Sadly, most people get this completely wrong because they don’t address their limiting beliefs and money blocks, they don’t get their money systems in place or get organized to actually receive the money they’ve asked for.

One of the best indicators of your limiting beliefs is to look at your money patterns, what I call your Money Habit Archetype.

And there are only three of those: the Spender, the Overextender and the Accumulator.

I’ve created a quiz where you can find out which one is yours & help you use it to figure out what underlying limiting beliefs drive that money pattern.

The link for the quiz is below, so be sure to jump on that next!

It’s time to embrace your unlimited potential – and you’re absolutely ready to take the next step!


Discover your Money Habit Archetype and use it to clear your biggest money block.