3 easy ways to raise your vibration

3 easy ways to raise your vibration

3 Easy Ways To Raise Your Vibration

(prefer to watch the video or listen to the audio? Scroll down below!)

What are some easy ways to raise your vibration?

We talk about raising your vibration but do you actually have some simple regular practises in place to help you do that?

Why is it important to have a regular practise of some easy ways to raise your vibration?

Well, first of all, if you’re feeling a bit low, a trip to Hawaii may not always be possible at short notice. You want to be able to do something easy, simple and quick that doesn’t cost you anything and doesn’t require you to go anywhere or see anyone.

You want to know that you have access to easy ways to raise your vibration – right here, right now.

That’s not the only time you want to use these tools though. The saying ‘prevention is the best cure’ applies here also!

Even if you’re feeling pretty fabulous and in a high-vibing place, using some simple, easy ways to raise your vibration each and every day will ensure you stay there and manage to get over any speed humps with ease and grace – rather than hitting them head on like a wall!

In this Effectology Tip:

  • why you want to be able to raise your vibration easily
  • 3 easy ways to raise your vibration
  • where to surround yourself with high-vibing people and ideasAfter you watch & Listen, why not join my FREE high-vibing Facebook Community ‘Women With Purpose & Soul’. You can find us at: www.miriamcastilla.com/group