Sometimes you’re doing all the things on the ‘manifesting abundance checklist’ – yet Law of Attraction just doesn’t seem to be working. Why is that?

Well, it’s not that it’s NOT working. It’s just that it’s working against you.

You are literally manifesting the ABSENCE of the thing you want.

In this episode, we cover ‘7 Deadly Sins’ that appear to block Law of Attraction & stop you from manifesting abundance.

So that you’ll know what to stop doing that blocks the flow – and how to turn things around so that abundance tap opens up wide.






When I first learnt about Law of Attraction, I wasn’t even sure it was a real thing. But I have a science background and by the time I finished researching, I realized that not only was it a real thing – it’s a science!

And one of the things about science is that it doesn’t discriminate. This is one of the biggest mistakes people make. They think Law of Attraction only works ‘some of the time’ or for ‘some people’ (you know.. the lucky ones..)

But it’s ALWAYS working.

The question is – do we know how to make it work for us – or are we unknowingly making it work against us?

So let’s cover these 7 common ‘Law of Attraction mistakes’ so that manifesting abundance becomes easy & natural for you:


NUMBER 1: Focusing on what’s missing

Most people fall into this trap.
And that’s because they want to manifest something they don’t have! That’s why they want it, after all. Because it’s missing.. they don’t yet have it.

This is a tricky one and can take lots of practice. The key here is self-awareness because the natural tendency is to focus on what we want … because we don’t have it.

But ‘Like Attracts Like’, and YOU are the magnet!

Whatever you are energetically aligned with – whatever you’re focusing on – that’s what you’re going to draw more to you of. And if you’re focusing on what’s missing and that it’s not here yet, you’re manifesting more of it NOT being here.

So how do you flip that?

Well, it’s actually very easy. Look around you and try to find the closest thing that you do already have.

Let’s use the example of money. If you focus on the money you do have, and the income you are generating and feeling great about that, then you’re switching your focus from “I want extra money that I don’t yet have.” to “Oh my goodness. I love having money!”

And THAT is what makes you magnetic to more! Because where your attention goes, your energy flows and what you focus on expands.

So check in with yourself:
Are you focusing on what’s missing? Or are you focusing on what you already have that you’re excited about getting more of?

This is why one of the first keys to Magnetic Money™️ we practice in the program, is focusing on the evidence of the abundance and money we already have.


NUMBER 2: Constantly changing your mind

I see this a lot. People set a goal, declare a dream and get all excited – for about 5 minutes.

And then they start second-guessing themselves. They start doubting that it’s achievable, reasonable and doable.

They start thinking, “Oh, maybe I’m asking too much. Maybe if I just lower my expectations, the Universe will deliver more easily.”

But that actually means your energy is not consistently focused on the end result you want. It’s all over the place. And no momentum can build.

I like to call this ‘confusing the waiter’, because it’s like sitting in your favorite restaurant and ordering your favorite meal. But after you place your order, you call the waiter back & change it again. And then you do that again .. and again. And when they finally deliver your order to the kitchen, you call them back and decide you want the first thing you ordered after all.

How far do you think that will get you?

Can you see how that’s effectively what you’re doing to the Universe when you keep changing your mind? You’re not actually sticking with one thing long enough for it to be prepared and delivered so that you can enjoy it.

So the key is to stop changing your mind & just get excited about what you’ve ordered while you enjoy the conversation and wine at your table.


NUMBER 3: Not taking action

The actions you take demonstrate what you truly EXPECT.

People often sit back, waiting for the Universe to deliver before they do anything. That’s because they’re hedging their bets – they’re not really sure and they don’t want to get their hopes up.

But your action demonstrates your expectation.

And so if you don’t take action that demonstrates that you EXPECT that good thing to happen, then you’re sending out mixed messages.

Your job is to show up and be ready to receive.

So please don’t sit back on the couch, waiting for the delivery guy to knock on the door before you do something. Get up and take action!

What’s the most natural first step you can take?

What is the first step that demonstrates that you’re expecting that ultimate outcome? How can you demonstrate that positive expectation with your baby steps?

If you want to go on a big overseas trip, you start deciding where you want to go and how you’ll get there. You wouldn’t just wait until you suddenly wake up in Rome one day. You’d take action IN ADVANCE, in expectation of waking up in Rome one day.


NUMBER 4: Being incongruent

We already talked about the importance of taking action and how that adds to your congruence. But it’s about more than that.

It’s also about listening to the words you speak and the thoughts you think. Because sometimes we say we want one ething, but our words, our thoughts and our actions say something totally different.

And that lack of congruence means your signal to the Universe is pretty messy. And so your results will match that.

Okay, let’s press pause and check in:

So far, we’ve covered 4 of the deadly sins that appear to block Law of Attraction.  (Although, be sure to read to the end, because I’m going to explain why they’re not actually blocking Law of Attraction. They’re just making it SEEM that way)

But let’s check in.
Type me a comment below and let me know which of those 4 things you really need to address. Where have you been getting in your own way & blocking yourself from manifesting abundance?



NUMBER 5: Complaining

Complaining that it’s not here yet – complaining that it’s not working – complaining about the old situation that you want to move away from.

When you’re complaining, you are adding a LOT of energy to the fact that it’s not here yet. So what you’re basically doing is hitting the emergency brake on that manifesting train and slowing it right down.

You are literally emitting a powerful energy that says, “It’s STILL not here. Is it EVER going to come? It’s taking WAY too long!”

And you are a powerful force!

When you complain, you’re blocking it from coming, putting energetic obstacles in the path of the very thing you want.

NUMBER 6: Being too attached

When you’re overly attached to how you decide it needs to be, you’re closing down to all the other opportunities and ways it could work out.

And I’m including being too attached to all the steps along the way. To how you THINK you should get there.

Most people tend to decide where they want to go, then try to figure out how they’ll get there. They plan it all out and they get really attached.

And if the Universe / Life / God delivers something that doesn’t look like the plan that you had in your head, you decide it’s not working and that you must be off track.

But what if there’s a better way than you could ever imagine? What if you’re perfectly on track? What if this little detour is going to give you amazing things that make the end result even more magical?

Being too attached means you don’t allow yourself to go with the flow and make the most of all the opportunities and golden nuggets being offered along the way.




NUMBER 7: Micro-managing the Universe

This is where you really pin the Universe down and try to give specific instructions of how it should all be. And this is a BIG problem!

Because it demonstrates a lack of trust.

Going back to our previous analogy, it’s like calling the waiter over again and again to make sure that the kitchen hasn’t forgotten your order, that they got it right, have all the correct ingredients and know how to make your dish.

Your energy’s really getting in the way of the inner workings.
It’s loudly screaming “I don’t trust this process!!”

And if you do that in a restaurant, you definitely won’t get your order because you’ll likely be asked to leave.

Okay. Last, but by no means least:

Here’s the most important takeaway from this entire episode for you

Law of Attraction is ALWAYS working. There is no off switch!

It doesn’t just work when you think of it or when you decide to ‘manifest something’.

You are always manifesting. It is always on. It is always working.

Your job is to ensure that your energy is in alignment with the outcome you desire. Your job is to be as congruent as possible. That you avoid getting in the way by second-guessing the Universe.

Remember: There’s no time out!

You can’t complain that it’s not working one minute, then go back to ‘manifesting it’.

It is always working. It is always on.

And so what’s actually happening is not that you’re BLOCKING Law of Attraction from working. It’s that you’re focusing Law of Attraction on the thing you DON’T want and manifesting the ABSENCE of the thing you want.

And usually you do it without realizing, because you are not self-aware enough. That’s why in the Magnetic Money™️ program, we start by improving your self-awareness.

Because as you start to recognize what you’re actually doing and understand your role in the process, you start to manifest more abundance.

And if you would love lots of high-touch personal support from me to facilitate your money transformation, just click here to find out more about Magnetic Money™️.

Did you enjoy this episode?

What’s your biggest take-away? Let me know below & I’ll see you in the next one!


xx Miriam


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