If you’ve been decluttering your office to manifest more money – for the love of God, please STOP!

Let’s talk about what you should be decluttering FIRST – before you worry about having a tidy office – that will help you enjoy more money faster.

I know that decluttering your office can SEEM to hello you manifest more money. And it’s definitely super common & popular advice. 

I’ll explain why it may help you attract a bit more money.

But once I share what you’re much better off spending that time on and WHY, you’ll never worry about having a messy office again! (I certainly don’t) 😊



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Let’s take a moment to think about this:

What are we wanting to attract more of? 

Answer: MONEY

And what are we trying to align our vibration with? 

Answer: MONEY.

So although our office is where we generate our money, how about we cut out the middle steps and just declutter our actual money?

Because as much as sitting in a cluttered space can add to your mental stress, having your actual money in a mess is a LOT more stressful!

If you don’t know where the money to pay your bills is – which money to run your business with – how much money you can comfortably spend on having fun, getting a massage and going out with your friends, THAT is stressful!

And if you’re stressed about your money because it’s in a mess, you’ll have a wobbly vibration around money – because money is a source of stress.

And so guess what you’ll be unconsciously blocking? More money!

Because you don’t want more stress, do you?

So instead of worrying about cleaning up your office (which yes, I really need to do that too one day), let’s focus on cleaning up your vibration on the specific topic of money by organizing the money you’ve already got and making it work a whole lot better for you.

Before I list the benefits of decluttering your money and give you a simple way to get started – let’s cover why decluttering your office MAY seem to work.

Because some people will try and convince you that THIS is the way – because they had some success with it.

Actually – was this you? Let me know below!

Have you ever decluttered your office and attracted unexpected money afterwards?

Here’s why it happens:

Basically, when you declutter your office, you’re distracting yourself and allowing your vibration to raise.

You’re taking yourself out of the equation, stepping away from the resistance & stress of trying to get more income flowing.

And as you tidy your space, it makes you feel a little better and raises your vibration. Maybe you even play some music while you’re decluttering. Awesome!

So as you let go of all that resistance on the topic of money & your vibration raises, you naturally align with abundance and that allows more to flow.

And that’s cool, but what I’m much more interested in is getting a CONSISTENT flow of money into your life and business..  and making that money work for you.

And that is where decluttering your ACTUAL money and your ACTUAL banking comes in!

Because if your money’s a mess, you’ll be a mess – likely a stressed out mess.

By simply getting your money sorted, you start to feel calmer, which shifts your vibration on the actual topic of money.

It’s not just a quick distraction that only lasts until you focus on money again,

You’ve actually cleared resistance on the specific topic itself!

And when you organize your banking, your money can flow properly into your business and through into your personal accounts.

It’s no longer all tangled up!
And that smooths the vibration AND the flow – both on an energetic and a practical level.

Organizing your money gives you clarity.

You know where the money to pay for things is and which accounts to use for what.

When you know that the money to pay your tax is there – that the money to keep your business running is there – and that the money to pay your personal bills AND have fun with is there, you feel calmer, in control, empowered and just all round.. GOOD!

And because this feeling is on the specific topic of money, not only are you raising your vibration and becoming more magnetic. You are also becoming a better match to that more abundant version of you.

Of course, on a purely practical note, it also means that your money’s working for you.

You can stop robbing Peter to pay Paul, shuffling money in circles or sneaking a quick peek at your banking at the supermarket checkout, in case you need to use the credit card….

As Bob Proctor once told me, there are 2 ways to make money:

People at work and money at work. 

By getting your money organized, you’re able to put your money to work for you.

Can you see how as we marry the magical with the practical it all comes together and builds momentum?

As we get more organized and declutter our money, it raises our vibration and makes us magnetic to more. And as we become magnetic to more and have a system in place to take care of that money, it can grow and multiply (or as I say, ‘make money babies’)

Your money is working for you and every dollar your money is making on its own, is a dollar you didn’t have to lift a finger for!

Here are 2 important principles for decluttering your money:

NUMBER 1: Separate business and personal money

Just as if you were decluttering your office, you would separate your office space from your home space, you want to do the same with your money.

You want that nice, clean focus.

NUMBER 2: Give every dollar a job to do

Every dollar needs a clearly defined job and a place to work.

I highly recommend you watch the episode linked below for more help with this, but here’s an easy way to get started:

Simply name your bank accounts to indicate what the actual purpose of the money in them is.!

Examples: ‘Business Operating’, ‘Fun Money’, ‘Household Bills’ etc ‘

Nickname them on your banking app so you know what the money in each account is for – and so you never have to worry about using the wrong account.

And be clear as to whether each account is business or personal.

How simple is that?

If you’d like me to take you by the hand and lead you through a step by step process to properly organize and tidy your banking, just jump on my free workshop here.

Tell me: What’s your biggest takeaway?

Are you going to stop decluttering your office and declutter your money first instead?

I’d love to see a ‘Hell yes – I’m decluttering my money!!‘ in the comments. It’ll make me so happy.

xx Miriam 

Ready to go deeper?




Organize & Tidy Your Banking

‘Spark the joy’ of becoming magnetic – for women entrepreneurs.

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