“I never seem to have enough money”

This is what Linda wrote when she asked for my help.

So let’s talk about 2 simple tweaks she can make – that may seem counterintuitive – to help her:

  1. stop blowing the budget
  2. start feeling like there’s PLENTY of money!

And we won’t be talking about overspending and all the usual money-saving tips.


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Because what I’m actually going to show you is that she DOES have enough money already!

And that what’s mostly going on here is a MINDSET ISSUE, rather than a money issue.

But first, here’s what she actually wrote:

“I allocate and save my money and invest, and I don’t want to spend too much because I think if I spend more, there’ll be less to save. But somehow the money I allocate is just not enough. So I allocate a little more the next month, but it’s still not enough! Something always comes up and I have to spend more. It’s like I never have enough.”

So Linda, you’re obviously very careful with your money, which is a good thing. 

But it seems to me that it’s coming from a place of fear – which is not such a good thing.

Because our fears can become self-fulfilling prophecies.

Our fears are thoughts that have a lot of emotional power and our thoughts become things.


That’s why our deepest fears will often become our worst living nightmares.


And when we try really hard because we desperately want something, we inadvertently put an energy of desperation into it that kills the whole thing, creating the outcome we wanted to avoid – rather than the one we wanted.


And so the harder you try, the worse it gets.


Let’s use DATING as an analogy:

If you go on a date and you’re way too worried what the other person will think of you, desperately wanting them to like you, you’ll likely be trying way too hard.

You might even dress differently, tell jokes that make you cringe and generally have a smell of desperation about you. And that is going to be off-putting for the other person.

Afterwards, you might feel disappointed and think, “See, they didn’t like me!” But it’s not that they didn’t like you. It’s just that they didn’t like the energy you brought.

And if you’d just relaxed and been yourself, they might have REALLY liked you!

So let’s take a step back & ask, “WHY are you wanting the savings? What are you trying to accomplish?”

I know you want the money in the bank, financial freedom, independence and all that. But if you dig a little deeper, you’ll probably find that what you’re truly seeking is to FEEL SAFE.

But the problem is that when you’re driven by a fear of not being safe, chances are you’ll never feel safe & it’ll never be enough.

You’ll have more money and savings, but it STILL will feel like not enough.


Because the thing is, you ARE saving!


You said, “I put money aside to save and invest, but then what I leave for myself is never enough.”


And so I want you to notice that you’re not acknowledging the fact that you ARE saving and you ARE moving forward financially. 


You’re simply being a bit too stingy with yourself, not leaving enough spending money and that leads to budget blowouts. And this makes you FEEL like you’re failing and not saving.


It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy!


You even wrote it to me! You wrote, “It’s like I never have enough.” You clearly stated your limiting belief. You’re so connected to it that you’re constantly creating it.


But if you’re honest with yourself, it’s not actually true!


Because you are saving, you are investing, you are moving forward financially.


So the thing to recognize here is that this is not so much a money issue, but more of a MINDSET issue.


So that’s Linda. But what about YOU?

What limiting beliefs and fears have become self-fulfilling prophecies for you? 

Let me know in the comments below!


So Linda, you are saving, you are investing, you do actually have enough.

But your fear of not having enough makes you FEEL like it’s never enough AND is making you be way too stingy with yourself so that you keep blowing the budget.


You’re literally creating situations that prove that limiting belief to you where unexpected bills and expenses gobble up your extra money.


So if we start with the premise that you DO have enough, we can make some tweaks to change both your perception and your experience.


So you can avoid the budget blowouts and change the way you feel about your money.


I’m recommending a two-pronged approach:


NUMBER 1: Stop being stingy with yourself!

The very first thing I want you to do is to give yourself MORE spending money.


Because the problem is you’re being too stingy with yourself and not basing your budget on reality. And so you keep blowing the budget, making you feel like you’re failing.


But that only lowers your vibration and reinforces that limiting belief. And it definitely doesn’t help make you magnetic to more. In fact, it will turn you into a magnet for MORE bills and unexpected emergencies that gobble up your money.

(You described this in your letter. “…even though I give myself more money the next month, it still all disappears!”)


This tells me two things:

  1. You’re not basing the amount of money you’re giving yourself on reality.
  2. You keep creating more bills, more emergencies to gobble up that spare money to prove yur limiting belief back to you (self-fulfilling prophecy).


NUMBER 2: Change your language

The second thing I want you to do is to change your language.


Start showing yourself – and reinforcing to yourself – that you do have enough.

When you pay bills, when you put money into your savings and your investments, reinforce that to yourself and use hypnotic language! Tell yourself “That’s right! See.. I do have enough. There is plenty. Look at me go. I’m doing so well.”


And as you do that, you prove to yourself in that very moment that the thing you want so much is actually happening!


To succeed financially in the long term, you’ll need to take a more realistic and strategic approach based on reality rather than on emotion.


This will help accelerate your savings and allow you to realise that there is plenty.

Most importantly – it will allow you to feel SAFE (Because remember, that’s where all the trouble started?)


I hope these tips have been helpful to you (& to Linda)!

And if you’re thinking. “Yes, but I still have debt. So where do I start? Save or pay off debt?”, then the episode linked below is where you want to go next.


PS: Is there a money issue you’d love my help with? Simply subscribe to my newsletter HERE and respond to my next call-out!