3 habits that help you build your business to 6 figures and beyond

3 habits that help you build your business to 6 figures and beyond

In this article I’m going to share with you the 3 key habits that help you build your business to 6-figures and beyond. 

People often ask me how on earth I went from broke, single mum on government benefits to creating not just one, but TWO multiple 6-figure businesses.

And how I managed to spend loads of quality time with my kids along the way.

In fact, at one stage I also had a 3rd importing business and ebay store, I played in a live band (one that actually did paid gigs, so I had to practise & rehearse), was writing a book, speaking regularly and doing the crazy ‘mum’s taxi’ routine most nights. (You know, eating my dinner and working a little more in the car at kids’ soccer practise)

Yes, maybe that was a tad too much at once, but it did seem quite do-able at the time and I coped quite well!

I credit one simple motto:

“It’s the little things that make a big difference”



I never tried to make massive changes or do massive things all in one hit. 

I just did lots of little things, but I did them CONSISTENTLY.

So out of all the habits that help you build your business, the number 1 habit that will help you reach your goals is:

Do the little things – but most importantly, do them CONSISTENTLY!

Habit number 2 makes habit number 1 even more powerful.
And that is: Think before you act!

The more you have on the go, the more valuable your time becomes. So the last thing you need is to go off half-cocked and try to achieve your goals by flinging spaghetti at the wall or putting in loads of hours and hard work.

That’s hope and hope does not get you far. A plan however, will.

In fact, being a mum who could only work during school hours (and during soccer practise, lol) meant I HAD to be super choosey with what I actually did. This was a massive gift!

Stopping to consider WHY you are about to do something and whether it’s worth it – or even necessary – will always be time well spent.

Habit Number 3 is: 

Always look for a more effective way.

When I was running my finance business, it was the norm for brokers to do home visits. Everyone expected it. You’d see your clients when it suited THEM – on their lunch break or after work.

I decided that was super ineffective and so I rented an office and stopped going out to see clients. I made them come to me during school hours instead.

My colleagues warned me this would kill my business, but guess what?


I was able to see more clients in a day and got more work done between appointments which means I could serve them even better. I was no longer wasting hours in the car each day and having to ask my mum to babysit.

My business was more professional and my clients respected my time more (and I no longer had to explain complex financial concepts while competing with crying babies and leg-humping dogs)

It’s truly not about working harder – it’s about working smarter.

In fact, one of my biggest income days to date was $25,000 earnt while I had my feet dangling in the pool in Bali.

It’s so easy to give in to our ego & just be busy being busy.

But busy is not the aim. Being ‘efficient’ is not the aim either – and neither is being productive’.

Who cares if I’m getting lots done or doing it really fast?
The only thing that matters is if I’m getting the RIGHT stuff done. 

Are the things I’m doing having the biggest and most positive impact possible?

The word for that is EFFECTIVE.

So be EFFECTIVE, not productive (and certainly never aim for busy!)

When you put these 3 habits together, you build an eco-system that helps you build your business with the least amount of effort in the fastest possible way.

These are the habits of 6 and 7 figure CEOs who value their time and carefully consider all their actions.

When you also have a strategic and well designed PLAN to apply these habits to, the result is quite magical.

This is how aligned & sustainable 6-figure+ businesses are built.

If you’d like my help with designing YOUR aligned 6-figure business model, then join me for the Aligned 6-Fig Biz Bootcamp. It’s free!

Find out more and register now at www.miriamcastilla.com/abb

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5 Mindset shifts to help you attract a 6-figure income in your business

5 Mindset shifts to help you attract a 6-figure income in your business

Let’s talk about the 5 mindset shifts that you need to make to help you attract a 6-figure income into your beautiful business.

So, why mindset shifts? Well here’s the thing, anything is possible. 

We live in a world of infinite possibilities. We live in an ever expanding universe where anything is possible, where you get to choose the thoughts that you think and the feelings that you feel through the vibration that you’re sending out into the universe – that intelligent universe that then responds to you and brings you the ideas, the synchronicities, the events, the opportunities, the people, the conversations, everything you need to achieve whatever you’re looking to achieve.

So when you shift your mind – when you shift your mindset, which changes the way you think, which then changes the vibration that you’re sending out into the field – you change your world.

And when you change your mindset, what you’re actually doing is shifting your perspective. You’re shifting the way you see the world, you’re taking off the glasses that say, ‘This is not really possible for me’, ‘It’s too hard’, ‘It never works out’, ‘Nobody ever helps me’ and ‘I’m all by myself, I have to sort it all out myself’. 

You’re taking off those glasses, and you’re replacing them with glasses that say ‘Anything is possible. 

‘It’s possible for them, it’s possible for me. All the support I need is available. There are amazingly helpful people. There are people whose expertise it is to help me solve this problem – to help me get from point A to point B, and it’s all right there. I just need to be open to it and see it’. 

So when you shift your mindset, you open possibilities.






So let’s talk about the 5 key mindset shifts that are really going to help you attract 6-figures into your business. If you’ve been finding yourself just below that magical 6-figure barrier, these 5 mindset shifts are critical in helping you cross that line. 

Let’s talk about them.

1. Believe it’s possible

You need to believe it’s possible, and that’s pretty easy to do. It’s pretty easy to convince yourself because all you need to do is look around and find all those other people for whom it’s become possible. So when you see other people doing what you wish you could do, instantly and automatically there’s your evidence that it is totally and utterly possible. 

So look for the evidence and know that it’s possible.

2. Believe it’s possible for YOU

There’s a big difference between believing it’s possible for some people, and knowing it’s possible for you. This is where you have to become your own cheer squad. This is where you have to cheer yourself on and become your own personal coach. Coaches are fantastic but you have a coach with you every single day. You have somebody that’s talking to you all day long in your mind. 

Be kind to yourself, be positive, be encouraging to yourself and see yourself as your newest coaching client, even if you’re not currently a coach, because we all coach each other – you coach your friends, you coach your children, you coach your partner, you’re always coaching other people. 

You know how to encourage, you know how to help people see their abilities, you know how to help people see the positive side of things, and help them count all their achievements and see all the evidence of how brilliant and capable they are. 

Do it for yourself, so that you can believe that it’s possible for you.

3. Be willing to believe that it’s easy

You need to be willing to believe that this can be easy. This is a big one. Think about it, why do you believe that crossing the 6-figure threshold is going to mean that you have to work hard, that it’s going to be tiring, and that it’s going to take sacrifices you may not be willing to make? If you think this, you will hold yourself back in all sorts of ways – many of which are totally unconscious. 

You may have the best intentions, but that belief that it’s hard will hold you back because unconsciously you will sabotage yourself. Your unconscious mind will let you get yourself in a situation that you believe is going to be to your detriment. 

So look to the world around you – what evidence can you see that this can be easy, that this will make your life easier, that this will actually benefit your life and give you an even higher level of wellbeing? 

And when you can see that and when you can truly become attached to and invested in that, your unconscious mind will get on board and it will help you figure out how to make it happen.

4. Expect support

You need to expect support. 

Yes, I’m talking to you. 

I don’t know if it’s just a thing with women in general, or women in business, or maybe it’s just me, or maybe it’s me and lots of my clients and students, but this whole ‘I’ve got to do it all myself’ thing isn’t helping. But it’s damn prevalent, isn’t it? 

So you need to expect support, not just believe that the support is available, but actually expected because when you get to a place of expecting people to care, expecting people to be willing to help, expecting people to be able to give you the right guidance at the right time, you will attract it and you will manifest it and it will happen. 

So you need to get to a place where you expect support and it starts by noticing whether you currently do or you don’t, and just using your awareness to start making those shifts. 

And again, what evidence have you got that support is available? When your husband cleans out the dishwasher, CELEBRATE that ‘I am so supported’. 

When your daughter puts on the washing and remembers to not just wash her dirty undies, but yours as well, then CELEBRATE that ‘I am so supported’. 

‘I have this amazing support network all around me’. 

Keep reinforcing it to yourself. Find the littlest excuses because they will build and build and build until you do get to a point where you truly expect it, and then all the washing and all the dishes and all the laundry will forever be taken care of. Sounds good to me, right?

5. Know that you are good enough

This is a big and very important one, and it is to know that you are good enough. This goes beyond whether or not it’s possible for you. This is moving into that space of knowing that you are good enough to have this, that you deserve this, and that you are worthy of this. 

This is about really looking at what’s going on deep within, and shifting your self-image as you need to, to uplevel to a state where you know that you are good enough, where you expect the support, where you believe that it can be easy, where you believe it’s possible for you, and you believe it’s possible to begin with, right? 

So knowing that you are good enough is key. Look at that and identify if you need to make a shift there, and then do what you need to do to make it happen. 

If you’d like some help with that, I happen to have an amazing free training that you can grab right now. So if you need to take the next step from what we’ve just talked about, click on the link below, grab the free training, and I’ll see you over there. 

Until next time, keep on embracing your amazing and unlimited potential.

Grab the free 3 Steps to Manifesting a 6-Figure Income Training here:


6 steps for manifesting a 6-figure income in your business

6 steps for manifesting a 6-figure income in your business

Let’s talk about the 6 steps that you need to take if you want to align yourself with a 6-figure income. 

So you’ve got this amazing superpower – you’ve got your mind, and your thoughts become things. 

Your thoughts literally have mass. 

You are energy with consciousness and your thoughts are things and they affect the world around you. 

This means that there are certain things that you can do in terms of learning how to modulate your thoughts that will impact the world around you, and communicate with that world, then drawing from that field of infinite possibilities back to you – things that match your thoughts.






So learning what to do and the specific order in which to do it is really, really critical, because thoughts become things. 

But the question is, ‘How? How do I get good at that? How do I perfect that? And how do I prove it to myself over and over and over again in little ways that allow me to build confidence?’ 

The key to mastering this is to practice. 

Practice diligently. Practice over and over and over again. Just treat it as an experiment where you have a go, you follow the steps, notice what’s happening and then you notice what’s coming back, and your awareness of where you’re truly at – the way you’re thinking and the way you’re feeling. That’s what’s going to determine how quickly you can keep making those fine-tune adjustments that will help you master this art. 

So let me just run you through what those six steps are.

1. Intention

Now I want to use a different word for intention here and that is clarity. Being really clear on what you actually want is absolutely critical before you start to try and put the signal out there. 

What is the actual signal that you’re wanting to put out there? What is it you want? And why do you want it? And why is it important to you? 

You really need to get some fire in your belly about this as well and kind of think about it as filling your tank and getting really clear on what it is you want. I’ll give you a little side hint here. Most of the time, people are really clear on what they do not want and they spend a whole lot of time focusing on that. That’s an issue and a whole other blog that we’ll talk about another day. 

The thing I want to point out to you right here and now, is that when you know what you do not want, you actually instantly know what it is you do want. 

So remember, if you’re not sure what you want, just have a look at the things you’re complaining about, and spin them around and go, ‘I’m obviously very clear right now on what it is I do want because it’s the opposite of what I don’t want’. 

So that’s number one – clarity. Clarity of your intention.

2. Start visualising that outcome

You need to start visualising the outcome that you desire. What it does is it’s kind of like a process of self-hypnosis, it is training your mind to expect that outcome. It’s starting to train your body to live in that ultimate outcome reality because the mind doesn’t know the difference between what’s real and what’s imagined. 

So when you sit in a light state of meditation – just a really nice relaxed state – and you visualise the outcome, then that is you training your brain, and you preparing the mind for that eventuality. It’s you actually telling your mind and your unconscious, to be on the lookout for all the ways that this will come about because it’s a done deal. It’s already happening. 

When you visualise it, it’s happening right here, right now as far as your body and your brain are concerned. 

This brings me to my next very, very important point:

3. Add emotion

When you’re visualising, you must add emotion to it. You must add not the emotion of desire and yearning and desperately wanting it, but the emotion of what it feels like to have that outcome – what it feels like to have that result. 

This is where it gets interesting, because a lot of people find it difficult to truly imagine what it feels like to have that result and to be living that reality. They can come up with these yahoo moments of celebration and of ‘Oh my God, I’ve just won the lottery!’ or ‘I’ve just nailed this level of income in my business!’ 

And the issue with that is that it’s still this moment of disbelief of ‘Oh my god, I can’t believe this just happened!’ 

I want to take your attention, draw your attention to that and point out that the emotion you’re looking for is the emotion of ‘Yes, this feels totally natural and normal and this is how I live’. 

If you can’t quite figure out what that would feel like because you haven’t experienced that reality yet, then take a wild guess, act as if and just start there. Have a guess and live in that state. Imagine how you would carry yourself, how you would walk through your day, just the normal everyday day where you’re still going to be doing many of the same things you do now, but just what it feels like. How does it feel different? What are these fine nuances? Then look for ways in your life that you can feel that. 

When? Now – as much of the time as possible, and, very, very importantly, bring that emotion into that visualisation. 

4. Notice any counter-beliefs

The fourth step is to take notice of any counter-beliefs – any limiting beliefs that might be getting in the way – because by this stage, they will rear their heads, the ‘buts’ will start showing themselves and will start trying to derail you. So clearing those limiting beliefs is really critical. 

There are a few ways you can do that quite easily. I teach several methods and there are some longer and more in depth ways that you can do it, but I’m all for the quick, easy and simple. So you want to make sure that you have systems and processes and tools in place, and that you’re regularly clearing the unconscious beliefs that are in opposition to the outcome that you’re looking to achieve. 

If you don’t clear them, or at least weaken them significantly, they will keep grabbing hold of your vibration, of your visualisation, of your feeling state. And they will keep programming you into the same old, same old. So it’s very, very important.

5. Take action

The fifth very important step for aligning yourself with a six figure income is to take action. Yes, you have to do things, and you need to do things that will open the possibilities to you, that will expose you to all the different ways that this can come about. 

You need to take both aligned action and inspired action, and action from a place of not being too attached as to which way things are going to come about. 

Here’s something important that you want to remember and write down: most of the time when the universe gets involved and takes over and starts reshaping reality so that you can have what you’re looking to get, it doesn’t look anything like what you expect – that is actually a sign that it’s a miracle

That’s what it is, a miracle is taking place. The universe is stepping in. This amazing intelligence that you are a part of, that you can communicate with and instruct, that is within you, is shaping reality in ways that are outside of your normal and old ways of thinking. It’s creating something new that you didn’t have before, that you couldn’t see and that you didn’t expect before. 

So allow it to unfold in whichever way it needs to.

6. Surrender

Which takes me to the most important step of all, and that is number six – surrender. 

You need to be willing to release it, let it go and allow it to happen in whatever time and whatever way, shape or form it needs to happen. When you try to get in the way, micromanage the process and try to dictate to the universe how things should unfold, you’re actually just slowing things down. 

So practice the all important sixth and final step of surrendering every step of the way. 

Enjoy yourself, set your intention, know why this is important to you, get excited about it, visualise the outcome, put yourself into that place, think it, feel it, taste it, touch it as much as you can. Bring up the emotion that matches that outcome, be in that emotional state when you’re visualising and as much as you can the rest of the time. Clear any limiting beliefs and blocks that threaten to get in the way as they come up – do this regularly, just as though you’re taking out the garbage at home. 

Make sure you take action. Take the kind of action you would take if you knew you could not fail. Take the kind of action that you would take if you knew that the universe has amazingly, sneaky and surprising ways to allow you to reach your wildest dreams. Take action over and over and over again, without dictating to the universe which ones need to be the ones that pay off. Because that is what allows you to move into that sixth important step and surrender. 

Letting it all go and enjoying the process because that is the key to surrender. Being able to really enjoy the journey and know that the outcome is assured. 

So I want to leave you with the best analogy I have for that process. And that is sitting down in a restaurant to order your favourite meal. 

You look forward to it, you know where you’re going, and you’re really excited. You already visualise who you’re going with, what the evening will look like, and what you’re going to wear. You start getting excited, you start seeing yourself sitting there enjoying the meal, knowing that they have your favourite dish, and it’s waiting just for you. 

So you’re getting into the emotion. 

If other things threaten to get in your way you say, ‘No, I’m sorry. I already have plans that day.’ This meal is going to happen. You clear anything that threatens to get in the way, you make space in your schedule. 

Then you take action. 

You get dressed, and you actually go and show up to the restaurant. You place your order and then you surrender. You sit there, and you know the meal is on its way. You know, the chef has all the ingredients, and you know that they know what they’re doing, and how to prepare it perfectly. You know that the waiter knows how to bring it to you and where to find you. And all you have to do is stay in the restaurant and enjoy your beautiful evening with whoever you’re spending it with. 

It is that simple. It just takes practice. I have a great resource for you that will help you take the next step on this journey. So if you’d like to take that – and I highly recommend that you do – then click the link that I’ve provided for you in the comments of this video. And until I see you next, keep on embracing your amazing and unlimited potential.

Grab the free 3 Steps to Manifesting a 6-Figure Income Training here:


How to hit 6-figures in your business even if you have money blocks

How to hit 6-figures in your business even if you have money blocks

Let’s talk about how you can hit six figures in your business EVEN if you have money blocks.

Yep – that’s right 😊

Okay, money blocks, let’s talk about them because they’re annoying little things, aren’t they? 

But here’s the thing, everybody has them. EVERYBODY!  Even Oprah has money blocks. 

But there is one key thing that determines whether or not they’re going to stop you, whether or not they’re going to get in your way and that is entirely up to you. 

The thing that determines whether or not those money blocks will stop you and get in your way, is your FOCUS.

Is your block what you choose to focus on?. 






You have a choice. You can either notice these money blocks – which usually show up as old money stories, limiting beliefs, little voices of doubt, in the back of your mind. You can choose whether to pay them attention, whether to start seeking help and support and guidance with them and dig deeper and deeper and deeper into them –  or whether to go ‘Yep, thanks very much’, brush them off and absolutely focus on what it is you DO want.

You can choose and you can overpower them – basically just override them. 

Because you can do that. You can absolutely override your money blocks, by focusing all your attention, all your focus and all your power on what it is you DO want – on the outcome you ARE looking to achieve and you can keep looking for all the evidence and all the reasons why it CAN happen and why you’re the PERFECT person for the job because that evidence is also there.

So the problem with money blocks and why they stop most people is that they become really enamoured with them. They love to look at them and reminisce about where that came from and talk about all the different ways it’s held them back and tell ALL the stories.

There is a real emotional drama hook in that, and it’s human nature to be hooked into the drama.It’s very addictive.

And you know, even though it doesn’t serve you, it can still feel so comfortable and warm and satisfying. 

Telling the story, you know, telling how it happened because of this, and that, and this person and the economy at the time, and the divorce and the separation and the bankruptcy. And these are all the ‘reasons’. yes, but the thing is that’s also what keeps you stuck, because you’re focusing on the money block. 

So remember that you can choose to override it. 

It’s a matter of making sure that you utilise that most powerful force you have available to you – your focus.

It comes down to you and your determination, your persistence and your just doggedly refusing to go there. These powerful forces can help you override your money blocks. 

And you have Law of Attraction at your back as well, right? So as you focus on what is working, what is going well, on the evidence – you can see that things are working out, get excited about what’s going well, and how much people appreciate what it is you do for them. You build momentum, because Law of Attraction will grab a hold of that, and help you establish really strong, powerful, vibrational stability in that space.

And as you manage that, as you master that, you start to attract to you more and more things that match that.

And the more you do that, the more those old money blocks just seem like a big old lie that you suddenly have all this evidence to the contrary of.

The other thing that really helps you override your money blocks is consistent action.

So Number One:
Consistency of alignment…  of looking for the things that help you feel the way you feel when you’re winning.

And Number Two:
Consistent action in alignment with that.
Consistent action that demonstrates that you ARE expecting a positive outcome, that you DO expect it to work, that it IS going to work and that you’re NOT stopping until you figure it out!

So continually taking action, and doing all you possibly can to make sure your focus, your energy, your awareness is on what is working, what you do want and all the reasons why it can happen will automatically cancel and clear any money blocks that are not in alignment with that.

How cool is that?

So it’s up to you.
It’s up to you to have the determination and the focus, it’s up to you to create that shift.

And you can do it simply by getting up each day and saying, “I’m going to do the best I possibly can today.”

Now if you’d like a little bit more support with that, I do have a really great, entirely free resource for you that can help you more with this – you can grab it now from the link near this video.

So click that now, help yourself and until I see you next, keep on embracing your amazing and unlimited potential.


Grab the free 3 Steps to Manifesting a 6-Figure Income Training here:

The 3 biggest blocks to attracting a 6-figure business

The 3 biggest blocks to attracting a 6-figure business

Let’s talk about the three biggest blocks to you attracting and manifesting a six figure business, and for your business to actually be generating six figures plus on a consistent level.

So where are we going to start with this? Let’s talk about six figures. Let’s talk about why six figures is such a big deal, because this is important for you to recognise if you’re going to uncover those blocks and realise which one of them is the one you may need to deal with. 

First, because six figures is a symbolic threshold, right? It’s this threshold where you step across from having a business that may be considered a hobby, or not really for your livelihood or your household. 

And you step across this threshold and it symbolises freedom – financial freedom – and it symbolises success. Your business has made it at that point. Usually your business is employing other people and their livelihood partly depends on it as well. 

So it’s a real coming of age for your business when it crosses this six figure threshold, and emotionally and mentally, that is a really big deal.






Now, if you’ve come from previously being in a job as most of us have, and then you’ve moved into having your own business and being an entrepreneur, then the biggest issue with the six figure thing and why it suddenly feels different and hard, is because it’s not the same as when you’re earning six figures plus in a job. 

You might have come from a career where you earned multiple six figures and you’re really comfortable with that. And now suddenly, you’re in this business, and it feels really weird and hard and it feels like you have to ask people for way more money than you feel comfortable, just to allow you to make that level of income. 

So when you get moved into a business, you need to start recognising that it’s just not the same as when you’re in a job. It is different in your business. There are a few reasons for that. 

The key one is that YOU set your worth. YOU decide what your hourly rate is, YOU decide what your products are worth, YOU DECIDE.

You decide the pricing, you decide the structure, how long you work for, what kind of hours you work, what that looks like, and also you have to stand up there and claim it, you have to be visible, you have to actually stand up and claim your worth. 

Whereas in a job, you don’t so much have to do that. You’ll go to a job interview, you’ll usually accept the salary that’s offered – which is what most women do, they don’t generally negotiate very well – and then you wait for the pay rises to come through. 

It’s easy to just coast along and appreciate the pay rises as they come and let somebody else dictate your worth. 

But in your business, it is totally up to you. And this is where those three big blocks come from, the three biggest blocks, generally speaking, that are at the core of what’s getting in the way of women attracting that six figure income in their businesses.

So you can sum them up simply as this:

1. ‘I’m not good enough.’

‘I’m just not good enough at this yet’. Right? Or ‘I’m not good enough to claim this amount of money, to ask this amount of money’. 

That’s where the visibility blocks come in. If that’s a limiting belief, then often what happens is that the person who has that going for them – and maybe that’s you or what has been you at some stage – are often unwilling to show up, or they feel uncomfortable about showing up. Showing up as the expert, showing up as somebody who says ‘Work with me, I can help you with that and here’s what I charge for it’. It feels uncomfortable. So not feeling good enough is the number one.

2. ‘I don’t know enough.’

‘I don’t know enough and I can’t offer enough’. And that manifests itself usually in over delivering, in taking on one course after another, after another. Getting all these extra qualifications that you don’t really need because deep down inside, you still feel like you don’t really know enough or what you’re offering is not enough to warrant that level of income, to warrant charging what you’re wanting to charge and that level of energy exchange. So ‘It’s not enough’ is the second big block that causes women in business to not be able to cross that six figure threshold.

3. ‘I’m not worthy of it.’

This one is an oldie but a goodie. It’s a lack of worthiness, a lack of feeling worthy of it. It can come in different kinds of ways, but it all comes down to, ‘I’m not worthy of it’. There may be different phrases used but they essentially mean that. They essentially mean, ‘I don’t think I’m worthy of it’ and that tends to show up in your pricing – you struggling with your pricing, struggling to set your prices, struggling to raise your prices, and also struggling to ask for money, to actually ask for the energy exchange.

So they are the three biggest blocks to attracting a six figure income in your business that I see all of the time. 

So I invite you to sit down with that and have a look at which one really resonates for you, and then be willing to do some work around it because that’s the next step. You need to shift your self-image if you’re going to clear that block. 

If you’re going to start seeing yourself as good enough, worthy enough and knowing enough, that requires a shift in your self image. 

If you’re ready to take that next step, then I invite you to help yourself to my free training that will help you do exactly that.

I’ve linked it below so go grab that now and until I see you next, make sure you keep on embracing your unlimited potential.


Grab the free 3 Steps to Manifesting a 6-Figure Income Training here:

Why making a 6 figure income was easy in your job but hard in your business

Why making a 6 figure income was easy in your job but hard in your business

Have you have a job in the past where you made an easy 6-figures, found it very easy and had no trouble accepting that level of income… but when it comes to your business there’s all these weird blocks going on and you just can’t seem to get there and you feel really weird about it?

What is going on with that? That’s what I’d like to talk to you about today, because it happens to a lot of women in business.

What it means is that if you’ve come from, maybe, a corporate career where you’ve effortlessly made over 6-figures, you step into business thinking it’ll just be the same, and then when the business doesn’t take off and you’re not earning that level of income, you think there’s something wrong with your business and you think there’s something wrong with you, because you’ve earned that amount of money in the past and so what’s the big deal?

Well, it is a big deal, and that’s what I want you to become very, very aware of. 

It’s a very big deal, and it’s a totally different thing making 6-figures and multiple 6-figures in your business versus earning 6-figures and multiple 6-figures in a career where somebody else is paying the wages.

It comes down to just a couple of things, so let’s talk about those.





The first one is that, when you’re in a job, there’s somebody else deciding what that’s worth. There’s someone else who sets that number down as “this is the value of your contribution to the company,” and they decide. And we all know that women suck at negotiating pay rise and all those sorts of things and that’s why they also suck at setting price rises in their business, because there it’s TOTALLY up to you.

In a company where you’re the employee, your employer will set your wage and your salary and you will sit down for your annual review and you may get better at negotiating a pay raise, but largely most women will avoid it, and the reason why they avoid that and they feel uncomfortable about it, is the same reason why they struggle to earn that amount of money in their business, because no one has set that first number for them. 

No one sets that number, YOU have to set that number.

You have to decide what you’re worth. You have to decide what your service is worth and set your value, and YOU have to negotiate your own price rises and decide that your services are now worth even more.

So that’s a really big deal, and it comes down to all sorts of things around worthiness, and feeling deserving, and all those very deep-seated unconscious belief systems. That’s why it’s not the same thing, and that’s why it feels so much harder.

Another thing that is a huge block for women in business is that when they were in the corporate career, they were being paid by the corporation, the big company, some faceless organization, or at least a big enough business that could afford to pay them a 6-figure plus salary. So it’s like, “Well, they’re making great money. They can afford to pay me that. I’m good with accepting that money.” 

But when you go into business, particularly one that’s service based and where you’re helping people, and especially if you’re helping people with things like personal development or healing or anything like that, then you’re coming from a place of true service and wanting to help and lift others up, and so then needing to charge those people what you know you’re worth and what you know your service is worth brings that whole other element of, “Oh… but I’m charging it to the little person. I’m charging it to the single mum, or I’m charging it to the divorcee, or I’m charging it to this woman who’s just told me that things are a little bit tight right now,” and you have to do that over and over and over again. 

That can become a big money block where you worry about the impact that paying for your service has on somebody else’s life. It’s not just some big company or corporation that you don’t have any emotional attachment to, it is a real person who you care about and in some instances they’re telling you that they’re experiencing some level of discomfort or stress or maybe even hardship and your service is part of how they hope to get past that and out of it, but you have to charge them for it.

So 6-figures in a job versus 6-figures in a business, especially a service-based business, especially for a woman, are not at all the same thing, and you really need to make sure you do the deeper work very, very committedly and with tenacity so that you can totally own that number. That number that you’re charging to each and every customer and that number of what it is you’re bringing home and into your life through this business that you’ve created.

I think another time it might be really cool to talk about the deeper stuff within that, but for now let’s leave it at that.

I encourage you to go and do some journaling on this. This is a really good one to write some reflections about.

Of course, don’t forget to grab my free training, to which the link is in the description to help you as well.

Until I see you next, keep on embracing your beautiful and unlimited potential.



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