3 top tips on how to get into a high vibration – when the world’s gone nuts!

3 top tips on how to get into a high vibration – when the world’s gone nuts!

It seems like the whole world’s gone nuts the past couple of years, don’t you think?

I think in many ways, 2021 has been a lot more challenging than 2020. People are being really vocal and many are being less than kind to each other.

So how on earth do you manage to get on a high vibration and stay there, when it feels like the whole world’s trying to drag you down?

In this episode, I give you my 3 top tips on how to get in a high vibration – and stay there – even the world’s gone nuts.






I think 2021 was a whole lot more challenging than 2020.

In 2020 we were all in it together. We felt like we needed to band together so we could get through it together. There was a sense of comradery among all humankind.

We started really celebrating all the hidden benefits – the earth was regenerating, smog was clearing, families were coming together, people played with their children in the park and all that sort of stuff.

We talked about the big reset and started enjoying getting a bit of a break where life slowed down. It was like a spiritual awakening for all of humanity.

But in 2021 we started arguing.. about almost everything. Arguing about the best way to move forward, whether to be jabbed or not to be, what was true, what was fake, what was exaggerated and what was being underestimated. Conspiracy theories exploded and people divided into groups.

My theory is that everybody is equally desperate to get ‘back to normal’. And whatever they decided was the best way to get us there is the position they took and dug their heels on. There are people all over the globe, now sitting on hills they’re willing to die on.

And conversations have been fueled by fear rather than compassion.

For myself personally, 2021 has been extra challenging as my husband and I headed on a cancer journey. My own vibration and mental health were really starting to slide at one stage, so I needed to dig deep, get proactive and figure things out.

The great news is that I didn’t need to do anything overly complicated, difficult, or new. I just needed to get back to basics. And that’s what I’m going to share with you today.

So here are my top 3 tips on how to get into a high vibration – and stay there – ESPECIALLY when it feels like the world is trying to drag you down.

Tip #1:

The first tip is to put yourself on a media ban. 

This is actually something that I’ve been advocating and practising for about 15 years – long before the current crisis came along. But this is a more important time than ever because the media loves a story that propagates fear on any day – and at the moment there’s more than ample material!

And if you consider for a moment that Law of Attraction is really just another word for ‘momentum’ – when you keep on fueling the same fear over & over and over again… that is a LOT Of momentum building up!

It’s a totally different proposition from having a variety of fears in series..  this is the same fear being fueled and accelerated again & again.

The truth is… you already know pretty much everything you need to know. So stop!

Stop watching the evening news, consuming news bulletins and subscribing to a million YouTube channels. Just stop. Give yourself a break and step away from the constant feeding and fueling of the fear.

This will allow your vibration to go back to its natural high vibing state. Because that is your natural, normal state.
It’s only when we suppress it, because we start worrying, paying attention to things that are outside of our control and give in to fear, that we suppress this natural, good feeling state.

But once you let go of all of that and just give yourself a break, your vibration naturally will bounce back up.

So go on a media ban. It’s one of the best things you can do for yourself.

Tip #2:

The second tip is something Martin and I did when we realized that we were going on a cancer journey.  

We went into ‘information lockdown’.

We informed ourselves, got all the information we needed & wanted, decided where we would stand on and how we wanted to proceed. 

Then we announced to people that, “Hey, guess what? This is what’s happening” And added, “But please, we don’t need any information. We are in information lockdown. We welcome your love and best wishes, but please no treatment protocol suggestions & no cancer stories!”

See, everybody’s got a story and a bunch of suggestions. And although people are well-meaning, the problem is that when you have this coming at you from dozens and dozens of them, it can get overwhelming, confusing and really get you down.

So we said, “Look, here’s our news, but we are in information lockdown. Please respect that.” 

And they did! It was such a relief and we were so grateful.

And you can do the same!

Decide how you feel, what you want to do & where you stand – wherever that may be.  And then simply say, “Listen, I don’t want to talk about it. You have your opinion and I have my opinion – whatever that is & whatever yours is. So let’s talk about something else, because there are other, more inspiring things we can talk about.”

This is going to help protect you from the constant bombardment of everyone’s opinions and the forwarding of ‘helpful & important information’. (It might also be a good time to kind of unfollow a few people on Facebook… just saying).

There’s one more thing I want to quickly slip in here for you. It’s a mantra Martin and I took on that we choose to BE INFORMED, NOT ALARMED.

We informed ourselves and then we said, “Okay, we’re good now, thank you very much. We don’t need to keep being bombarded with more information or bombarding ourselves with more information and push ourselves beyond being informed into a state of fear and alarm.

And you can do the same! Whether you’re navigating a cancer journey, a world wide health crisis, or any other challenge in life. It’s going to go a very long way towards helping you stay in that beautiful high vibrational place.

By the way – I’d love you to share with me in the comments what strategies you employ. What helps you stay in a high vibrational state when the world is trying to drag you down? 

Tip #3:

OK, my 3rd and final tip for getting into and staying in a high vibrational state, ESPECIALLY when the world around you has gone nuts is this:

Listen to and acknowledge people’s feelings with an open heart – and suspend your judgment!

You see, at the end of the day, people get vocal, they do and say things because they FEEL a certain way. And when you can get beyond the opinions – and even the obnoxiousness – and ask them to explain to you how they actually feel, the humanity can come back out.

Acknowledging the feelings helps you understand their behaviour and reconnect from your heart to theirs. This will lead to a lot more open and kindhearted conversations.

Ask them about their feelings and listen with an open heart. Suspend your judgment.
This is actually a golden opportunity to use these challenging situations to create healing in your relationships with these people and the world in general.

One way I like to support my people is with hypnotic meditations that help you navigate all sorts of challenges and maintain a high vibration.

I have a whole library of hypnotic meditations to help you align with abundance. (There’s even one to make annoying people disappear!)

A great way for you to get started is by grabbing the one I give away for free. It’s called ‘The Vibration of Abundance’ and the link to download it is in the show notes below.

Until next time, remember it’s time to embrace your amazing and unlimited potential – and you are totally ready to take the next step.

Did you find this helpful? Please let me know below & share it with your friends!


Download your FREE Self-Hypnosis Abundance Manifesting Meditation here:

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How to raise your vibration and manifest abundance in business

How to raise your vibration and manifest abundance in business

Have you ever tried to manifest abundance into your business & it totally bombed? Well today we’re going to talk about WHY that happened.

To manifest abundance, money, success, clients, ideas, inspiration & opportunities into your business, you need to know how to raise your vibration and become a vibrational match to the vibration of abundance.

That’s kind of all you need to know.  But it’s not that simple, right? Because HOW exactly do you do that?

In this episode, we’re going to talk about why WHAT you do actually doesn’t really matter and what DOES matter.






And today’s freebie is a simple 1-page cheat sheet that takes you through 5 simple tweaks most people need to make if they want to start manifesting more abundance, more success, more money, and prosperity into their business and life.

But first, let’s talk about what works – and what doesn’t work when it comes to knowing how to raise your vibration so you can manifest more abundance.

When I first came across the secret, I was a broke, single mum. I was pretty desperate and so I did EVERYTHING! \I made vision boards, I practiced visualization. I recited affirmations till I was blue in the face, I wrote my goals each day. I did it all. It sort of worked some of the time and a lot of the time I was just working hard. 

But then I dug a little deeper and discovered what the secret behind the secret is. And this little tweak that makes all the difference. That’s when my business exploded, I hit a multiple 6-figure leveraged income, bought properties, married the man of my dreams, moved into the house of my dreams and life changed quite drastically and also became a whole lot easier.

I also share this secret behind the secret with the students in my Magnetic Money program and as soon as they start to implement this one little tweak, their life starts to feel completely different. They suddenly feel abundant. They notice the abundance all around them and more abundance starts to flow.

So let’s talk about why some of those things you’ve done in the past worked and others didn’t. See, there’s a very simple reason. It’s because when you’re looking to manifest, you’re looking to communicate with the Universe.

And the Universe doesn’t actually hear what you say or what you do!

It doesn’t care what you put on your vision board, what affirmations you recite or what goals you write. It doesn’t hear or see any of those things. The language of the Universe is vibration. That’s how the law of attraction works. 

We have the law of vibration where all is the vibration and then the law resonance. And like attracts like. 

So it’s not what you did that made it ‘work’, but what you felt when you did it. Some of the things you did made you feel abundant and helped you match the vibration of abundance. And some of those things didn’t make you feel abundant. In fact, they probably made you feel like you’re working really hard, or just reminded you that it’s not working. And so you weren’t feeling abundant. You were doing the THING, but you weren’t FEELING the vibration. And that’s why some things worked and some didn’t work.

So I know your next question will be, “How do I know which things will help me feel abundance so the Universe hears me and brings me what I want?”

Well, I’m going to tell you that in a moment, but first I want to know:
What weird and crazy things have you done to try and manifest abundance?

I know I’ve done some really weird stuff, involving the moon, crystals, certain drinks – even the way I walk and what I eat.

So what’s something weird or crazy you’ve done in the past to try & attract more money & abundance? I’d love you to share with me in the comments below.

Okay. So back to that question, “What do I do to raise my vibration and feel more abundant, so I can attract more abundance, Miriam?”

Well, that’s surprisingly simple!

Just focus on building daily little habits that make you feel abundant.

See, Most people hold back on allowing themselves to feel abundant and enjoy where they’re at, because they’re afraid the Universe won’t deliver what they want if they seem too happy.

But that’s backwards. That is not how it works. The Universe will deliver you whatever you are a vibrational match to. So you’re allowed to feel good now. You’re allowed to feel abundant now. You’re allowed to enjoy your life right now. And the more you do, the more easily you will attract and manifest the abundance, the prosperity, the clients, the money, the opportunities, and all those good things.

So simply ask yourself, “What makes me feel really abundant? What makes me feel really prosperous that I already have and can do in my life right here right now?” 

And then go do it. Do as often and as much as possible. It will align you with the vibration of prosperity and abundance. It will automatically magnetize to you the money, abundance, the clients and all those awesome things you’re after.

I’m giving you permission right here right now to feel abundant NOW. To enjoy your life, to celebrate the magnificence of all that you have, and to do those things that really allow you to feel good and thoroughly enjoy the abundance that you already have in your life – right now.

Now I will just say that when it comes to the topic of money, things can get a little bit tricky.

Most people tend to get it backwards when they start focusing on money specifically. And that’s because we have a lot of baggage and there’s a lot at stake, right? 

That’s why I created the Manifesting Abundance Quick-Fix. It takes you through 5 simple tweaks and shifts that you can make straight away to ensure that you don’t get it backwards and accidentally start repelling rather than attracting money.

Just click below to access that for free right now.

Remember, it’s time to embrace your unlimited potential and you are absolutely ready to take the next step. I’ll see you next time. Have a beautiful day. Bye for now.

Magnetic Money System Bootcamp Event Cover


3 Top Tips For Raising Your Vibration

3 Top Tips For Raising Your Vibration

When we talk about ‘raising your vibration;, we’re talking about your feeling state – because feeling is how you interpret vibration.

Because when your feeling – or emotional state is a bit low, you’re not creative. You’re not intuitive. You can’t connect to big ideas and you can’t see yourself achieving the things you want to achieve. 

So that is why you need to lift your vibrational (feeling) state. 






So here’s my top tips for raising your vibration:

Number one: Start on a high vibration

This may seem stupid and obvious, but when you start in a high, good feeling place to begin with, you stand the best chance of staying there. So figure out how to wake up in the morning and get yourself into a good feeling place right away.

There’s a whole lot of ways you can do that and in the Magnetic Money program we take a step by step approach towards helping you wake up feeling great EVERY morning and making it your default state.

Number two: Work yourself up step by step. 

If you google the emotional scale, you’ll find a spiral diagram of emotions, where each is one step up from the previous one. It’s an emotional scale.

But you don’t really need a diagram to tell you what feels better than something else, because you feel it, right? So for example, revenge feels better than anger because it’s empowering. So if you’re in anger, do what you can to move to revenge. It’s not a great place to stay, but it’s a step up. Then once you’re in revenge, you can move on to blame. It’s ok – don’t be all weird about it – it’s just another step up. You just keep moving up until you can get to something more positive, like feeling hopeful or expectant. And from there, Law of Attraction and the Universe will help you motor things along so you start to feel better & better.

A hint: Don’t try to go straight to love and joy and peace and bliss. If you’re in anger or revenge, that’s a really long way to go! So moving up incrementally, whis a much easier & more sustainable way to go. 

Number three: Flip it!

The third way to raise your vibration is to flip it, which means that you look at where you’re at and go for a kind of vibrational judo move where you use the power of that emotion against itself.

So say someone’s really annoying. You’re blaming them for all your problems. (This never happens to me, by the way.. but I’ve heard of it, lol)

So you’re blaming it all on somebody else and you go: This sucks. It’s all their fault. They let me down. They always do this, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

So what you do is you state it as you see it (in blame and with all the emotion) and then you say, “Okay. If I didn’t feel this way, how would I feel instead?”

And you start reeling off all the positive emotions that come to mind and allow yourself to feel them. For example, “I would feel positive, empowered, hopeful, expectant …  etc”

You just feel each positive word as deeply as you can let the next one come. and it will gather momentum.

And what you’ll suddenly find is that you’ve actually disconnected from the negative emotions and connected into a positive upwards cycle.

So this is a great pattern interrupt that also helps you build positive momentum – which is why it’s called flipping the vibration.

What you’ll find is that depending on how much negative momentum you have, different things will work better at different times. So if flipping the vibration is too hard, go back to the step by step approach.

It’ll be a bit of trial and error which is a good thing because it will make you more self aware and allow you to become aware of shifts in your vibrational state before it slides down an abyss.

Having a range of tools is important as it will allow you to reach for a quick & simple solution that is perfect for each situation.

Speaking of quick & simple solutions. If you’d like to have a mindset mentor in your pocket to help you clear your limiting beliefs anytime, anywhere, then grab yourself the Money Block Buster System!

You can check it out here: www.miriamcastilla.com/mbbs

Until next time, remember that it’s time to embrace your unlimited potential

xx Miriam

Ready to go deeper?


Say goodbye to money blocks the quick & easy way:

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The No.1 Hack to Raise Your Vibration

The No.1 Hack to Raise Your Vibration

The No.1 Hack to Raise Your Vibration

(prefer to watch the video or listen to the audio? Scroll down below!)
In today’s Effectology Tip, I’m sharing my number one hack to raise your vibration, but first:

○ What ‘raising your vibration’ actually means
○ Why raising your vibe is critical for getting what you want the easier way.
○ How raising your vibration helps you turn obstacles into blessings

Watch the video and I’ll explain one of the easiest and most powerful tools to raise your vibration and achieve alignment in under 3 minutes.

Then click here to get access to a FREE meditation to guide you into achieving this powerful state and help you practise this awesome hack to raise your vibration: http://audio.effectologyschool.com/heart-coherence

[Tweet “The No. 1 Hack to Raise Your Vibration #consciousYOU #effectology #consciousevolution #lifeonpurpose #heartcoherence”]




3 easy ways to raise your vibration

3 easy ways to raise your vibration

3 Easy Ways To Raise Your Vibration

(prefer to watch the video or listen to the audio? Scroll down below!)

What are some easy ways to raise your vibration?

We talk about raising your vibration but do you actually have some simple regular practises in place to help you do that?

Why is it important to have a regular practise of some easy ways to raise your vibration?

Well, first of all, if you’re feeling a bit low, a trip to Hawaii may not always be possible at short notice. You want to be able to do something easy, simple and quick that doesn’t cost you anything and doesn’t require you to go anywhere or see anyone.

You want to know that you have access to easy ways to raise your vibration – right here, right now.

That’s not the only time you want to use these tools though. The saying ‘prevention is the best cure’ applies here also!

Even if you’re feeling pretty fabulous and in a high-vibing place, using some simple, easy ways to raise your vibration each and every day will ensure you stay there and manage to get over any speed humps with ease and grace – rather than hitting them head on like a wall!

In this Effectology Tip:

  • why you want to be able to raise your vibration easily
  • 3 easy ways to raise your vibration
  • where to surround yourself with high-vibing people and ideasAfter you watch & Listen, why not join my FREE high-vibing Facebook Community ‘Women With Purpose & Soul’. You can find us at: www.miriamcastilla.com/group




The Simplest Way To Have A High Vibing Day

The Simplest Way To Have A High Vibing Day


(prefer to watch the video or listen to the audio? Scroll down below!)
Do you know the simplest way to have a high vibing day?

Your very best chance is to start high the moment you wake up. There’s a reason we have sayings like, “I got up on the wrong side of the bed today”

Most people are in a habit of going straight to the biggest worry they had yesterday, the most pressing problem in our life at the moment; they go to THE THING that is guaranteed to drag their vibration down immediately.

If you suffer Monday-itis or find yourself waking up with a feeling of dread in the  morning, you’ve probably fallen victim to this habit too.

When you start there, the rest of your day is bound to be a struggle!

So what do you do instead? What is the simplest way to have a high vibing day?

You need to build new habit patterns, new neural pathways and get into a new habit where you start your day by getting up on the RIGHT side of the bed. From there, it’s so much easier to build a beautiful positive momentum – one where your day just continues to get better & better – one where you fall into bed at night feeling happily worn out and exhausted.

Sound too easy to be true? It’s even easier than you think!

In this Effectology Tip:

  • how to start on a high vibe
  • why yesterday’s to do list will shrink your memory
  • how to let the Universe do the work for you