6 Steps to 6 Figures with Law of Attraction – keep it simple & easy!

6 Steps to 6 Figures with Law of Attraction – keep it simple & easy!

Want the recipe for the 6 steps to 6 figures with Law of Attraction?

Great! Because in this episode we’re going to break it all down for you.

But first, a FUN FACT:

Law of Attraction is always on!

Yep – it’s ALWAYS working.

And that means you had better get on board and consciously participate in this process.
.. If you want to attract, manifest and enjoy more of the good things in life. …






Helping you attract a 6-figure+ income in your business is my jam.

In my Magnetic Money program, we break it down into simple & easy, actionable steps that you can repeat over and over again.

Law of Attraction is always on – just like gravity.

You can’t switch it on or off, but you can learn how to work with it to achieve the results you want.
(or you can keep on battling against it and complaining that it’s not working for you)

A long time ago I was a broke single mom. I had left my engineering career, I had left my marriage and I was left with two beautiful little children under the age of five and no income, no job, no career.

It was then that I really dedicated myself to figuring this out and learning what it took to work with the power of Law of Attraction.

At the time 6-figure income was the Holy Grail. It’s all I wanted. I thought if I could just tip over that magical 6-figure mark, everything would be fine.

And I did it! I didn’t just tip over the first 6-figures, but I created a multiple 6-figure business in finance.

The more I learned to work with the power of Law of Attraction, the easier it got..

I just kept on implementing these simple, easy, repeatable steps.

And then did it again in another business (in this business actually) –  and it’s all been LEVERAGED income.
It’s income that I don’t have to get out of bed for every morning.

And this is what I help my students and clients achieve.

So are you ready? (does a bear poop in the woods?)

STEP 1: Set the intention.

You need to get really clear on what it is you actually want. 

This isn’t about beating the Universe over the head with your order, but about YOU actually knowing what you want.

Because many people will spend a whole lot of time constantly changing their mind.

And that comes from a lack of clarity – and from feeling of not being worthy of asking for that thing.

So you’ll keep giving the Universe an out by saying “OK, even if I can just have half of that, I’ll be happy too”.

You send out mixed signals, and the Universe gets confused because you’re confused. 

And it’ll always mirror back whatever you’re putting out.

So it’s not that you can’t have whatever you desire; it’s that you need to really own it.

STEP 2: Get vibrationally on board with the outcome.

If you want to attract a multiple 6-figure income, you need to start feeling like that “6-figure income business owner”, and start resonating at that level.

Look at how you are feeling right now about yourself, your income, your ability, your capability, and start shifting the way you FEEL so you’re more aligned with that 6-figure+ version of yourself.

Step 2 is about conditioning your body so this becomes your normal state of being.

STEP 3: Reprogram the mind.

We’re talking specifically about your unconscious mind, because you want to make that predominant picture in your mind, that vision of how you see your life, to be that 6-figure+ version.

Programming your mind is most easily done through visualization.

Visualization is simple, easy and fun.

And the more you keep it that way, the more powerful it becomes. By regularly visualizing and really enjoying the process, keeping it simple and doing it every day, you reprogram your mind at the unconscious level.

This is how you start to automatically and unconsciously create and behave like the person who absolutely expects that 6-figure+ income to come into their experience. You will unconsciously behave in ways that help you attract everything you need to fulfill that dream.

STEP 4  is critical!

By this stage, the gremlins usually come out.

That’s those old belief systems and stories that say “Whoa, where we’re going is not safe! It’s not what we’re used to. THIS is NOT normal!”

So the gremlins try to distract and pull you back into the old familiar zone.

But we don’t want to stay there. We want to grow. We want to expand.

So you need to make sure you’re vigilant – without being overly vigilant. But you definitely want to keep an eye out.

And if and when you notice fear and limiting beliefs coming up, do what you need to do to transform them.

This is what helps you clear the road ahead so you can keep moving forward, keep on expanding and continue transforming and normalize to that next level of abundance.

It’s a journey to a place where you’re naturally attracting your desires & feel totally cool with it –  because that’s just how life is.

STEP 5: Taking action.

This is critical for several reasons.

Firstly, the Universe needs to be able to find you.
So you need to put yourself out into the flow of life. That is when opportunities, ideas, inspiration and everything you need in order to create that 6-figure plus income you’re looking to create can cross your path at the perfect time & in the perfect place.

Another reason is that if you do NOT take action and just sit there waiting for the money to drop out of the sky as you’re sitting on the couch watching Netflix, what’s that saying?

It’s saying you’re in a place of fear – or of not really expecting it to happen.
It says that until the Universe shows up with the money you’re not going to bother doing your part.

And this creates a stalemate situation where your inaction shows that you don’t actually expect it happen. And so it doesn’t.

This is why taking action is really, really critical.

And now for my favorite step of all:

STEP 6: Surrendering to the Universe.

You’ve decided what you want, visualized it, are feeling in alignment with it, cleared the obstacles, and are taking action… awesome.

But… HOW it all comes together and exactly WHEN is not up to you.


Because the Universe has the bigger picture in mind and so you don’t need to micromanage or worry.

You don’t need to – and in fact you shouldn’t – insist that it happens in exactly the way that you visualized it… because there are a million magical ways in which exactly what you want – and even better – can happen.

You just need to be willing to get out of the way and allow it to unfold.

Surrendering to the Universe and knowing that it is always working – trusting that you are on track – while you keep showing up and doing your part is absolutely critical to being able to use the Law of Attraction to manifest anything you want. And especially when you’re wanting to create that 6-figure+ income in your business.

So that is step Number 6 – surrendering and letting The Universe take over from here.

Now, if there’s a voice in the back of your mind asking “How do I make sure I get the balance right, Miriam? That I don’t become obsessed with the gremlins, or maybe let them run the show and not even realize it’s happening? How do I make sure I surrender, but I’m not lazy and not doing what I’m meant to be doing? How do I optimally juggle all these things?”, then I invite you to watch my free Masterclass to help you simplify your manifesting money mindset.

The link to that is below, so jump on and watch it now.

Before you go! Let me know in the comments:
Which of these steps are your strengths – and which are your weaknesses?

Maybe you’ve been avoiding one or more, thinking that if you just keep doing this OTHER one, you might not actually have to worry about them?

The thing is, you do need to do them ALL – without becoming bogged down and obsessive about any one of them.

And that simply takes practise.

You are ready to embrace your unlimited potential – and this is your time!

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How to get unstuck in business – Jane’s Aligned Business Story

How to get unstuck in business – Jane’s Aligned Business Story

I recently caught up for a chat with the lovely Jane McKay from Jane McKay Communications.

I asked Jane to share her story, because she radically changed her business model after joining the Aligned Business Mastermind – and it’s paying off big time!

Jane has gone from feeling stuck in business, working way too hard and not bringing in the income she wanted, to feeling totally aligned with her business & offers, making sales easily, owning her value & loving her work.

Not to mention being completely on track to hitting her target income of $20,000 a month.

But before the change, she’d been feeling stuck in business for a while

– stuck in all the ‘doing’
– stuck in promoting packages she didn’t feel aligned with – and that weren’t selling
– stuck because she’d paid big money for a coach who helped her create those packages.

In this chat, we discuss what she did that helped her to let go of all the ‘shoulds’ and get clear on what she did want to align herself with, so could then go ahead and create it.







If you’re interested in the Aligned Business Mastermind, doors will re-open in October. 

You can go on the waiting list to be notified at www.miriamcastilla.com/alignedmastermind.

In the lead up to the Mastermind, we will be running the FREE Aligned Business Bootcamp again, so be sure to register for that at www.miriamcastilla.com/abb

And to get in touch with Jane so she can work her magic in your business, simply visit http://janemckaycommunications.com.au/ 

Or find her on Facebook at:  www.facebook.com/JaneMcKayCommunications

Join our free bootcamp:

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Practical money skills – my weekly money process

Practical money skills – my weekly money process

Today we’re going to cover practical money skills and I’m taking you behind the scenes of what I do with my own money – each & every week.

Budgeting, saving, and knowing how to move your money around, ESPECIALLY when you’re self-employed can feel really confusing.

That’s why I’m going to take you through my ACTUAL step-by-step process.

Following this process will help you reach your financial goals, ensure your bills are being paid, and help you feel confident and in control of your finances.

Most importantly, what we’re covering here really is the KEY the key to smoothing out your cashflow and getting off that feast and famine income rollercoaster – especially when you’re self-employed and you have irregular income.

And the best news of all is it only takes five minutes a week!

Having the right practical money skills when you’re self-employed can be a total lifesaver -because when you don’t know what to actually do with your money as it comes in, it can land you on this really crazy, stressful roller coaster, where it’s feast and famine, where one day you feel like everything’s great, and then suddenly there’s not enough money to pay your regular bills, and it just never feels like enough.

I know what it’s like to have next to no money.  At one stage I was a single mum on welfare payments.

And I also know what it’s like to have a healthy, six figure business income and still feel like you have nothing to show for it!

The good news is that between those two very personal experiences and the process of building a successful finance business where I helped my clients sort out their money stuff, I developed practical skills and strategies that help you smooth out your cashflow and help you take control of your money.

And what I REALLY REALLY love about all this is that it helps raise your vibration!

It aligns you with abundance and it makes you magnetic so that you attract even more money and abundance. It’s win, win, win.

Maybe the best news of all is that there’s no budgeting required because budgets don’t work.

Money systems, however, can be absolutely life-changing.






So I’m going to take you through my actual personal step-by-step process that I go through each and every week as my money comes in to allocate and distribute it all.

Let’s do this.

STEP 1: Tally your income
The first thing I do each and every week is sit down and add up all the money that came into my business that week. (For you it might be fortnightly or monthly)

This is the money that you then need to allocate and distribute and move around.

Now, I did a whole video about giving every dollar a job to do which is linked for you below – because that’s what this is ultimately all about – so go check that out next.

While I’m talking about tallying your income:
This is actually one of my favorite money mindset strategies, because as I sit down and I do this, it allows me to keep tabs on my mindset and see what my thought processes and patterns actually are.

STEP 2: Calculate your tax
The amount of tax you need to put aside is going to vary week to week, depending on how much money came into your business.

It should always be a percentage of your gross income and you should have a fairly good idea of what that number should be. This will be an estimate, but you want to make sure that you’ve got it well covered. (If you’re not quite sure what that percentage should be, then speak to your accountant, look at last year’s tax returns and make the best educated guess you can for the time being)

STEP 3: Calculate your surplus or shortfall. 

Once you know how much tax you need to put aside, you want to deduct that from the gross income that came in, and then you also want to deduct how much money you need to keep in your business account to keep your business running as well as the amount you’re going to need to pay yourself in salary or wages.

Once you’ve done that, you will either be left with a surplus or a shortfall.

You need to either allocate that surplus or make a note of the shortfall and make a plan for it. 

And this right here, this little move, that is the key to smoothing out your cashflow when you have irregular business income.

Is this something you do? Do you keep track of surplus and shortfall each income cycle so that you can help use those numbers to smooth out your cashflow? 

Let me know in the comments below: 

Do you keep track of your surplus or shortfall?

Okay – once you know whether you have surplus or shortfall, it’s time to decide what needs to happen next. 

STEP 4: Make your adjustments.
If you’ve got a surplus on your hands, it’s time to celebrate, do a little happy dance, but then you need to decide what to do with it.

First, you need to check your notes from the last payment cycle. Have you carried forward a shortfall from before? Because if you have, the first thing that needs to happen is to pay that back. 

Once that’s done, if there is still some surplus available, then you need to allocate that in alignment with your current highest financial priority.  (And if you’re not sure what that is, then make sure you check out the linked articles below next!)

So that’s what you do when you have a surplus. But what about when you have a shortfall? 

Well, there’s not enough money to do everything you need to do, so something’s going to have to go without. 

Let’s use an example and say that you’re $500 short, and what you decide to do is short-change your tax account, because you don’t need to pay tax for quite a while yet anyway.

So do that, but then it’s important that you make a note of that so that you can cover that shortfall next time. Otherwise, you end up in a feast and famine cycle.

So yes, there’s a short fall. It will happen from time to time.
That’s OK, make the best decision you can, take a note and then make it up next time.

This is how you smooth your cashflow and avoid the rollercoaster.

Now, once you’ve done all of that, it’s time to do the magic money shuffle.

STEP 5: This is the easy bit – time to do the magic money shuffle
Now that you’ve done all the work (in all of five minutes it took), you simply transfer that money.
You need to move that money around.

So transfer that tax money to your tax account, transfer that personal income to your personal account and transfer the surplus to wherever it needs to go to make up for any previous shortfall.

That’s it – you’re done! It’s that simple.

If you’re wondering how to calculate all these numbers, then grab yourself my handy income target calculator!

It comes with a bonus income distribution calculator to help you do all those things we just talked about and there’s even a handy video tutorial for you.

That’s today’s freebie which you can access here: www.miriamcastilla.com/calculator

It’s time to embrace your unlimited potential and you know what the next step is!



How To Manifest Money And Success as a Soulful Woman in Business

How To Manifest Money And Success as a Soulful Woman in Business

I’m going to give you the six key elements to help you manifest more success into your business – on your terms.

You’ll also discover a really simple and easy little trick that will help you decide whether anything you’re looking to do in your business is in alignment – or not.

When I first learned about the power of the mind, it was all really masculine and pushy stuff. You know, it was to write your goals, recite those affirmations, take action, stay accountable, write those goals again, keep going, keep pushing, keep going… it all felt really heavy and hard.

Over time I came across some teachers with a much more soulful approach and that started feeling really aligned and easy. And in fact it was because it felt easy that it took me so long to actually try that approach. But what I found when I actually went that way is that it actually WORKED!






One of my favorite ever teachers and best buddies on the planet is Mike Dooley, whom I’m lucky enough to personally have worked with. He writes those amazing Notes From The Universe.

Mike has a really cool saying, which is “It’s always working”.
And what that is, is it’s a reminder that the magic of the Universe, that abundance that wants to consistently and constantly flow to you, is always there.

Law of Attraction is always switched ON.

So it means we don’t have to push, we don’t have to shove, and we don’t have to try to manipulate the Universe to manifest money and success. 

Our job actually is to get in alignment and allow ourselves to merge with that magic flow of life.

So let’s get into what these six key elements are to help you manifest what you really want as a soulful woman in business.

The #1 KEY to manifesting what you really want the aligned and soulful way is to do exactly what I just said:

Remember that manifesting is always working.

There is no OFF switch. That flow of abundance, that benevolence of the Universe, all that cool stuff is constantly looking to flow to you – and you get to choose whether you want. So you choose whether you make it easy by getting on board with how it all works or whether you make it hard.

The #2 KEY to manifesting what you really want the aligned and soulful way is to remember that feeling is the language of the Universe.

This is a vibrational Universe that we live in, so you can say and do whatever you want, but if you don’t FEEL worthy and deserving of it, then it’s going to be really hard for you to call it into your experience.

You can recite all the affirmations, take all the actions, speak to all the people, do all the cold calling or whatever it is that you’re doing and it will not get you very far if you’re not feeling worthy and expectant of it.

So expecting it to actually come to pass and believing that it will are key because the thought, the idea – that’s what connects you to that possibility, that event out in the quantum field. But it’s the feeling that attracts it. 

Thoughts connect. Feelings attract.

Next, you need to transform and release your limiting beliefs because your limiting beliefs are what get in the way. Your limiting beliefs block the flow.

It’s like you’re standing on the hose or turning off the tap.

So it’s really important – and it’s key to manifesting what you really want – that you get clear on your limiting beliefs and do what you need in order to release them.

Then your desire can turn to belief and expectation – and manifest for you.

The next KEY element is mindset.

Mindset is everything, because it’s your mindset and your commitment to your mindset that needs to be ironclad.

You need to make that commitment to constantly check in and to keep evolving and improving your mindset because, ultimately, that is what will decide whether you succeed in getting what you want – or not.

And as you do that, it’s really important to surround yourself with the right people. People who will celebrate that with you, who will encourage you on that journey, who will forgive you for sometimes slipping back but remind you what the real work is.

Because – especially in the beginning – as you go on this journey, you’re going to really need all the support you can get.

Just like a rocketship uses up most of its energy in the launch until it breaks through the atmosphere, you need all the support, all the commitment, all the focus you can get early on in the journey until shifting your mindset becomes a way of life.

Until it’s something you just do all the time – without getting too caught up on it. And in fact, you actually start getting excited about it the next time you have an opportunity to upgrade your mindset, because you know that the benefits that come out of it are massive.

Next KEY element: You’ve got to walk the talk, baby!

And this is the part that most people skip, and then they say “manifesting doesn’t work”.

But this is where the rubber meets the road. This is where you demonstrate what you truly expect by backing it up with action.

You need to make sure that you take action that’s demonstrating that you expect and believe the outcome will happen. Otherwise, you’re just one of those people who sits back, hoping the universe will deliver you what you want, but not wanting to to risk too much or put yourself out there too much.

That doesn’t work. It all needs to be in alignment. You need to walk the talk.

And when it comes to money one of the best ways to do that is to start taking charge of your money, start managing your money wisely, start building your money confidence, give every dollar a job to do, and really know how to take care of your money.

Because that builds your confidence. It creates a nice congruence in your vibration, and it shows both yourself, your unconscious mind and the Universe that you’re able to take care of money, that you know what to do with it, that you’re ready for more. And that you’re all set up for it, which means you’re actually EXPECTING it.

And the final KEY element to help you manifest more money and success as a soulful woman in business is:

Get a money mentor.

And not just any money mentor, but one who understands where you’re coming from, how you think, and who knows how to manifest money and success. 

Having a mentor is key because you’re moving into unchartered territory.

A mentor is going to help you spot your patterns.

They’re going to point them out to you. They’re going to see your blocks and make sure you don’t end up lost in the weeds. And that helps you stay on track so that you get results a hell of a lot faster (and so you don’t lose confidence along the way, thinking that maybe you’ve got it all wrong and it’s just not meant to be).

And it greatly, GREATLY shortcuts your journey to success.

The Magnetic Money Program helps you master all of the above and supports you on the journey.

So if you haven’t checked it out yet, check it out at the link below.

In Magnetic Money, you get me as your money mentor – LIVE.
I would love nothing more than to support you on this journey and help you manifest more money and success into your business.

Before I go, here’s my hot and really simple little tip to help you work out whether something you’re thinking of doing in your business is in alignment for you or not.

Have a little think about when things are in alignment… how does it feel?

It feels easy, right? It feels light. It feels like you’re just gooing with the flow. You don’t really have to push. It just kind of happens. It’s easy and light. And when something’s not in alignment for you, usually you feel like you’re having to plow through mud. It feels heavy and hard.

Let’s do this as a demo right now.

I want you to think about something that you’re considering, or maybe that something you’re thinking about taking on or something you’re thinking about ditching or something that you’re just not sure about.

So get clear on what that thing is, and now close your eyes and really imagine yourself doing that thing. 

Having implemented it, having committed to it, being there, whatever it looks like to let you know that that’s actually what’s happened. It’s ironclad. It’s done – there you are. 

And now ask yourself, ”Does that feel heavy or light?”

There you go. You have your answer. It’s that easy.

Big hugs,

xx Miriam

Never Worry About Money Again.

Master your money mindset, money management & money manifesting with the Magnetic Money Program:

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3 habits that help you build your business to 6 figures and beyond

3 habits that help you build your business to 6 figures and beyond

In this article I’m going to share with you the 3 key habits that help you build your business to 6-figures and beyond. 

People often ask me how on earth I went from broke, single mum on government benefits to creating not just one, but TWO multiple 6-figure businesses.

And how I managed to spend loads of quality time with my kids along the way.

In fact, at one stage I also had a 3rd importing business and ebay store, I played in a live band (one that actually did paid gigs, so I had to practise & rehearse), was writing a book, speaking regularly and doing the crazy ‘mum’s taxi’ routine most nights. (You know, eating my dinner and working a little more in the car at kids’ soccer practise)

Yes, maybe that was a tad too much at once, but it did seem quite do-able at the time and I coped quite well!

I credit one simple motto:

“It’s the little things that make a big difference”



I never tried to make massive changes or do massive things all in one hit. 

I just did lots of little things, but I did them CONSISTENTLY.

So out of all the habits that help you build your business, the number 1 habit that will help you reach your goals is:

Do the little things – but most importantly, do them CONSISTENTLY!

Habit number 2 makes habit number 1 even more powerful.
And that is: Think before you act!

The more you have on the go, the more valuable your time becomes. So the last thing you need is to go off half-cocked and try to achieve your goals by flinging spaghetti at the wall or putting in loads of hours and hard work.

That’s hope and hope does not get you far. A plan however, will.

In fact, being a mum who could only work during school hours (and during soccer practise, lol) meant I HAD to be super choosey with what I actually did. This was a massive gift!

Stopping to consider WHY you are about to do something and whether it’s worth it – or even necessary – will always be time well spent.

Habit Number 3 is: 

Always look for a more effective way.

When I was running my finance business, it was the norm for brokers to do home visits. Everyone expected it. You’d see your clients when it suited THEM – on their lunch break or after work.

I decided that was super ineffective and so I rented an office and stopped going out to see clients. I made them come to me during school hours instead.

My colleagues warned me this would kill my business, but guess what?


I was able to see more clients in a day and got more work done between appointments which means I could serve them even better. I was no longer wasting hours in the car each day and having to ask my mum to babysit.

My business was more professional and my clients respected my time more (and I no longer had to explain complex financial concepts while competing with crying babies and leg-humping dogs)

It’s truly not about working harder – it’s about working smarter.

In fact, one of my biggest income days to date was $25,000 earnt while I had my feet dangling in the pool in Bali.

It’s so easy to give in to our ego & just be busy being busy.

But busy is not the aim. Being ‘efficient’ is not the aim either – and neither is being productive’.

Who cares if I’m getting lots done or doing it really fast?
The only thing that matters is if I’m getting the RIGHT stuff done. 

Are the things I’m doing having the biggest and most positive impact possible?

The word for that is EFFECTIVE.

So be EFFECTIVE, not productive (and certainly never aim for busy!)

When you put these 3 habits together, you build an eco-system that helps you build your business with the least amount of effort in the fastest possible way.

These are the habits of 6 and 7 figure CEOs who value their time and carefully consider all their actions.

When you also have a strategic and well designed PLAN to apply these habits to, the result is quite magical.

This is how aligned & sustainable 6-figure+ businesses are built.

If you’d like my help with designing YOUR aligned 6-figure business model, then join me for the Aligned 6-Fig Biz Bootcamp. It’s free!

Find out more and register now at www.miriamcastilla.com/abb

Join our free bootcamp:

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