5 abundance mindset quotes to inspire you daily

5 abundance mindset quotes to inspire you daily

Are you looking for abundance mindset quotes to inspire you?

In this episode I’m going to share with you some specific quotes that will help you stay track with your abundance mindset.

So you can attract more abundance & success.

These 5 quotes are like the 5 abundance mindset commandments.

They remind you of the basic principles at play, of how your unconscious mind works and how the entire Universe works so you can keep on expanding your abundance mindset.

I’ve invested years on working to achieve more success –  particularly financial success in my business.

When I first discovered the Law of Attraction, I was a broke single Mum. I became obsessed. I studied it daily and did everything I possibly could to make it work for me and get me out of the depressing financial situation I was in – maybe you can relate.

And all my hard work paid off, because within two years I’d built a successful, multiple six figure leveraged income, I’d bought my dream house, and things were going great.

Except…  there was still a piece of the puzzle missing because sudden emergencies kept gobbling up all my spare cash.

Even though I was making a lot of money, my expenses had increased to match. 

And I was still stressed about money – probably even more than when I’d been a broke single mum.

When I finally worked out that the missing piece of the puzzle was transforming my money mindset – everything fell into place.

It allowed me to not just attract more money – but to really shift the way I felt about money.

It changed my confidence around money & abundance, I started to create a lifestyle I truly loved and be able to chillax about money and accept that plenty more’s always coming.

It also allowed me to start to create true wealth for myself.

And it’s all based on 5 key principles!

So let me break it down for you. We’ll sum up each principle with a simple quote so it’s easy to remember.

You’ll have 5 abundance mindset quotes that not only inspire you – but that help you create more abundance.







Ready? Let’s go.

Number 1:  “What you focus on, expands.”

You can add “…and where attention goes, energy flows’.

It’s a reminder that what you focus on is what you’re going to get more of. What most people do wrong is they focus on the things they don’t want, the things that aren’t working for them and they’re worried, stressed and fearful of.

And they give those things energy.

With that focus, those things expand. They become a bigger and bigger thing in their life.

So remember… where your attention goes, your energy flows, and what you focus on expands.

That means your job is simply to ensure that you focus on what you wish to expand, that your attention goes and your energy flows to the things you want more of!

You already have abundance all around you – start noticing  celebrating it!

Number 2:  “Thought connects, feeling attracts.”

This is an important reminder made up of two principles. You want to ensure you keep the balance between them right.

‘Thought connects’ is a reminder that when you have an idea, a thought or a desire, you are instantly and automatically connected to that possibility in the quantum field of Infinite Possibilities (or ‘The Matrix’ as physicist Max Planck called it)

And since you’re connected you needn’t worry about connecting over and over again. Let go of that, stop trying to think it into materialization, into manifestation.

Instead focus on the second part of that quote, ‘feeling attracts’.


Because you are an electromagnetic being and your state of vibration matches you up with the matching events out in the quantum field.

Thought connects, and once you’ve had a desire or an idea, that has occurred and never changes.
Your job is to then ensure your FEELING state, your emotions, your state of BEING continues to match the outcome you’re looking for.

That’s what helps it manifest!

Number 3:  “Get off the topic and on the vibration.”

That’s a quote fellow Abraham Hicks fans will recognize.

This is an important reminder because as we just said, it’s the FEELING that attracts.

If you feel abundant, you’ll attract abundance – including money – towards you. 

But if right now for you the topic of money is full of frustration, disappointment, worry and fear, then step away from thinking about money. Take your mind off it, because where attention goes, energy flows, and what you focus on expands (yeah – see how they all start to come together?)

Take your attention OFF the topic of money and ON to the vibration of abundance!

There are many ways you can feel abundant – even when money isn’t flowing at the time.

The more you resonate with the vibration of abundance and make it the predominant signal you send out to the Universe, the more abundance is attracted to you – which naturally includes money. It’s just another form of abundance! (Other forms are love, health, comfort, happiness, friendship, excitement, experiences…)

So the topic of money shifts when you LET GO of it and focus on the vibration of abundance instead!

Take a moment to consider:
Can you see now where you’ve made it hard for yourself to manifest more of what you want?

I’d love you to let me know in the comments below!

Ok, moving along:

Number 4: “A belief is just a thought you got in the habit of thinking.”

A belief is a thought you kept thinking over and over again… until it became an unconscious pattern in your nervous system. Until you no longer even realises you’re thinking it!

That means you can un-think it – you can replace it. You can shift your beliefs!

You can think new thoughts and turn them into powerful, empowering new beliefs.

(I’ve linked some other episodes below you can go to next that will help you more with this)

And last but by no means least…

Number 5: “Every dollar needs a job to do.”

It’s critical to remember that money is your servant.

It’s ready to serve you and do your bidding. It will go out to grow and multiply on your behalf and help you create financial stability, abundance and wealth.

But – here’s the secret: You have to tell it what to do!

Money will do whatever you instruct it to do.

So by giving every dollar a job, you ensure your money is working for you in the best possible way.

It also helps you prove to yourself that you’re in charge, that you’re in control of your finances and that you know how to take loving care of your money in a way.

Here’s a hint for you if you ever feel like you need more money – but lack clarity as to what you actually need it for: When you decide to put ‘savings’ aside, be really clear: What are those savings for?

Are they saving so you can go see your favorite band when they come to town?

Are those savings a buffer for emergencies or for topping up living expenses should your income dip?

Or are these savings what I call ‘the vault’ – where you lock those dollars down and they’re for long-term financial wealth and growth, maybe for a deposit on your home or for amping up your superannuation?

Be really clear on EXACTLY what the job of every single dollar that comes into your experience is, and that money will work for you in much more powerful ways.

Manifesting abundance and developing a more powerful and effective abundance mindset can be simple and easy, so to help you with that, I recently recorded a very special Masterclass called “Simplify Your Money Mindset and Manifesting”.

You can catch it at the link below.

And if you have any questions or special requests of topics you’d like me to cover, let me know in the comments!

Remember… it’s time to embrace your unlimited potential and you ARE totally ready for the next step!

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Scarcity Mindset vs Abundance Mindset – and how they impact your income level / cashflow

Scarcity Mindset vs Abundance Mindset – and how they impact your income level / cashflow

Let’s talk about scarcity mindset versus abundance mindset and how they impact both your income level and your cash flow. 

Today we’re going to talk about:

  • What the BIG difference between the two is 
  • How they impact your income level & why
  • How to know which side of the equation you’re on

Before we talk about how they impact your income level, let’s talk about what they actually are and what the difference is. 






What is that unconscious program that’s running beneath the surface, that colours your world and determines the lens through which you see the world? 

There’s a really interesting thing about the mind. People think that the brain is like a video camera that captures the absolute truth and it can be relied upon. 

But what actually happens is that your mind deletes, distorts and generalises everything you observe to fit your model of reality. 

For example, two people might be in exactly the same situation or witnessing exactly the same event, but they’ll have two very different stories, depending on their programming. 

Each of their minds will delete, distort and generalise what they witness to fit their model of reality. That’s why you might get eyewitness accounts of an accident, and one person saw everybody who was taking advantage of the situation and snatched a lady’s purse, and somebody else would see all the helpful bystanders who came rushing to the aid of the people who needed it, and who were really loving and supportive. 

Two different people with different mindsets will see things completely differently. 

Maybe you’ve experienced that even in your own family or with your partner where you tell the story of something that you both experienced together, yet they’ve got a really different version of events than you do. 

It’s because you each have your own model of reality, your own mindset, your own belief system, in how the world operates and how it relates to you. And so that determines the filter through which you view the world and how you perceive every single thing that happens. 

So you can see that when it comes to scarcity mindset versus abundance mindset and how they impact your income level, this is massive. Because when you’re coming from a place of fear and lack, you’re going to show up and you’re going to feel like there’s not enough to go around. 

You’re going to be living in a state of fear. You’re going to think that there’s not enough, that maybe you’re not capable enough, that you haven’t learned all the right things or that you don’t have enough experience yet. 

Or maybe you’re going to think that the right people aren’t even there for you, that nobody wants what you’re offering or that nobody wants to support you in the process. 

Then the actions you take will follow that course as well. 

You’ll hold back, you’ll procrastinate, you won’t put yourself out there, you’ll be afraid and you won’t take action that actually helps you move your business and your income forward. 

Whereas if you have an abundance mindset, you’re going to feel really confident, positive and excited about the opportunities that are out there. You’re going to think, believe and know that there are plenty of opportunities and that there are gazillions of possibilities of how that thing that you want to create can come about, and you’re going to think that you’re capable of doing it. 

You’re going to think that if there’s something you don’t know yet that you need to know, then you’ll figure it out. 

And so you’re going to take action. You’re going to do things, you’re going to investigate, talk to people, ask questions and show up confidently. 

If you have a little knock back, it doesn’t matter. It’s not going to stop you, you’re going to keep on showing up. 

And of course, your mindset also determines the way you speak and act. 

So when you’re in a scarcity mindset, the way you talk about your business and what it is you’re looking to do will go something like this, “Yeah, but you know, it didn’t work last time. And I don’t know, it’s not really that good yet, and maybe nobody will show up.” 

Compare that to when you’re in an abundance mindset, and you’re saying things like, “I’m so excited about this! I know it’s not perfect yet, but I’m so willing to work on it. And I’m so excited to see what feedback I’m going to get from people that will help me make this even better.” 

And you will take totally different actions.

So the ultimate outcome of scarcity mindset versus abundance mindset:

It’s not just that it impacts your results, how you experience your every single day, how you experience the evolution of your business and what actually happens as a result. 

The ultimate outcome is that somebody in a scarcity mindset will keep themselves perpetually in a place of just enough or not quite enough, because the fundamental belief is that there isn’t enough and that they’re lucky just to scrape by. 

That will be their experience because their mindset will determine the way they feel, the way they think, and the way they act as well as the way they speak and the things they actually do. 

Somebody with an abundance mindset is going to experience a continuous growth in their business and in their abundance journey because they’re always going to be looking for more. They believe in infinite possibilities, they believe in no lack, they believe in abundance. 

So they’re going to experience abundance because they’re going to feel abundant and feel full of potential and possibilities. 

They’re going to think that everything is available and possible, so they will take those actions and speak accordingly. And that gives them feedback from the world and the people around them that matches it. 

So how do you know which one’s yours? 

Look at your results

Your results are always the outcome of the mindset that has brought you to this place. 

If you find that your results are that you’re consistently in a state of just enough or not quite enough, then your predominant programming is a scarcity mindset and you’ll just have to own it. 

If you don’t own it, then you can’t do anything about it. 

Whereas if you find that your results are that you’re continually growing and evolving, you feel good, you think positively and you’re taking positive action, then you have an abundance mindset. 

All you really need to do is keep it up, because the more you keep it up, the more you grow, and the more possibilities will open up for you. 

But if you find yourself in a scarcity mindset, then it’s time to make a change. 

The very first thing is to actually be aware. 

In everything that I teach and the very first lesson in my Magnetic Money program, is to start noticing. Start becoming more self-aware. 

What you need to do is just simply pay attention to: 

✔️How am I feeling about my income level? 

✔️How am I feeling about my potential to earn more money? 

✔️Am I coming from a place of fear or lack? 

✔️Or am I coming from a place of trust and plenty? 

✔️How am I thinking about life, about my business, about my potential? 

✔️Am I thinking thoughts of fear and lack? 

✔️Or am I thinking thoughts of trust and plenty? 

✔️What are my actions saying that I really believe, feel and think? 

Your actions are the outcome of all of that internal stuff. 

So if you’re not taking action, or if you’re only taking really cautious action, you’re coming from a place of fear and lack. 

Whereas if you’re taking action that sometimes is a leap of faith (without being silly about it), and it shows that you trust and believe in infinite possibilities and in your ability to make things happen and to make success of it, then you’re in an abundance mindset. 

So pay attention. 

✔️How are you feeling? 

✔️What are you thinking? 

✔️And what are you actually doing? 

That will let you know whether or not your predominant program is a scarcity mindset or an abundance mindset, and then you can do something about it. 

The easiest way to do something about it is just to make incremental little upgrades. 

Do something that makes you feel a little more abundant. 

Start switching your thoughts up, catching yourself in the process and reframing them to be something a little bit more positive, and start taking slightly more positive actions. 

This is a cycle that builds and builds on itself, and it builds beautiful momentum. 

It’s up to you to keep nudging it up a notch. Nudge each one of those up a notch. 

There are three cornerstones of the Magnetic Money trifecta. 

It’s a flywheel effect – the way you think, feel and do – and if you can continue, just nudge each one of those up a notch. Then you’re going to start gathering more positive momentum and move yourself from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset, which will have a massive impact on your income level. 

So there you have it. Scarcity mindset versus abundance mindset and how to know the difference.

👇🏻  Let me know in the comments below – which one has been your predominant mindset lately? 

Look at your results, and look at the way you think, feel and act most of the time. 

Then if you find that you need to do something about it, start nudging it up a notch!


Discover your Money Habit Archetype and use it to clear your biggest money block.

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Why you’re not attracting money – even though you want more money
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How to manifest money fast by developing an abundance mindset
Click here: https://miriamcastilla.com/087-manifest-money-abundance-mindset/