Got a money guilt complex? Read This!

Got a money guilt complex? Read This!

Do you find yourself at dinner with friends and feel like you’re the only one worrying about the bill?

Do you enviously see other women booking into spa days … while you’re squeezing the last bit of face cream out of a tube you bought 2 years ago?

Or maybe you LOVE to spend money – as long as it’s on OTHERS & not on you..?

No matter how it shows up, a money guilt complex is no fun.

But although it can feel really isolating, I want you to know:

You are NOT alone!

Here’s how others have described it:

I feel bad just for wanting to spend money on makeup and look after myself.

I happily invest in the stock market, but I’m too afraid to spend any cash on myself. 

I’ve been frugal for years and just realized what an unhealthy relationship I have with money.

I had a bad experience with money in the past. And even though I’m financially okay now, I’m still afraid to spend.

I’m afraid to buy a designer handbag I’ve been saving for – but meanwhile, I bought six other bags and spent more money in the process!

These are common stories. …  Always saving for the next thing. Afraid to spend money… not knowing why.

In this episode, we’ll give you some insight into what causes this – so you can change it.
And I’ll share my favorite HACK to liberate you from money guilt FAST.

But first – let’s talk about where this guilt complex & fear of spending comes from.


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Let’s talk about the power of stories:

Stories are powerful. Humans have shared information through stories since the dawn of time.
And stories are HYPNOTIC! We hypnotise each other (& ourselves) with the stories we tell.

But do you remember some of the stupid stories your parents told you as a kid?
I noticed a lot of them were about our eyes:

  • Reading in the dark is bad for your eyes.
  • Sitting too close to the TV is bad for your eyes. 
  • If you don’t eat your carrots, it’s bad for your eyes
  • If you cross your eyes, they might get stuck like that. 
  • And if you keep your eyes open while sneezing, your eyeballs might pop out. 

A rather disproportionate level of concern for the welfare of our eyes, I think…..

And there’s more:

  • Cracking your knuckles will give you arthritis. 
  • Swallowed gum takes seven years to digest. 
  • Swim after eating & you’ll drown. (I would’ve drowned so many times by now!)
  • Swallow watermelon seeds and one will grow in your stomach. 

And of course everybody’s favorite:  Santa knows if you’ve been naughty or nice!

You’ll notice these stories are about trying to control our behaviour through fear.

As children, we believed them and fell in line. As we grew up, we realized they were just stories and not true.

But ask yourself:
“If I still believed those stories I was told as a kid, what would my life be like?”

Stories are powerful and hypnotic. And what’s even more powerful is the UNCONSCIOUS STORIES we pick up through what we hear, see & experience.

If we see our parents stressed and worried about money, constantly tired from working too hard, we tell ourselves a story and we start to believe it.

You take on unconscious stories about your parents’ experiences… or YOUR PERCEPTION of their experience.

So your job is to make sense of what’s true and what’s not true – what’s resourceful and what’s not resourceful – what’s going to help you in life – and what’s going to hinder and hold you back.

If your parents told you there’s monsters under the bed, will you let it ruin your sleep for the rest of your life?

As we start to recognize the stories that our parents told us, it’s important to bring a sense of compassion.

Because they were mostly trying to keep us safe. They passed on stories they believed or that were based on their experience. They meant well and they were trapped in their own stories.

When you recognize that it was just THEIR story, you can liberate yourself and decide to tell a new story.

Take a minute and think about some of the money stories your parents told you – or that you took on based on what you saw or heard.

  • What did you OBSERVE your parents do? 
  • How did you HEAR your parents say about money?
  • And what did TELL YOU about money?

Here are some MONEY STORIES I was told:

Do you think we’re rich?
Money doesn’t grow on trees.
You’ve gotta have money to make money.
Must be nice for rich people.
I wonder what they did to get THAT?? <insert suspicious look>

As you look at the  things your parents told you about money, you’ll recognize THEIR fear, THEIR guilt.

Maybe they told you not to be too greedy because when you asked for something, it triggered their fear and lack mentality. Maybe they felt bad for not being able to provide it and just wanted to make you stop asking, so they told you “Don’t be greedy!”

So none of it is REALLY about the money… it’s mostly about feeling safe!

This is why compassion and forgiveness will heal your old money stories – yours and theirs. 

But there’s more to it than just ditching money guilt & feeling ok about spending money on yourself.

Because not only do these old money stories make you feel bad and stop you from spending money that you’d really like to spend…

They also BLOCK your flow of abundance!

Because if you believe that money’s bad and that it’s not okay to want more, you will unconsciously block money from flowing to you.

But it gets worse, because:
If you stop money from flowing OUT, you’re also blocking more money from flowing IN!

Just like blocking the OUTLET of a hose stops more from flowing through the INLET, by being unwilling to spend money, you’re blocking more from flowing to you.

Which means you need to expand your comfort zone around spending money.

An easy way is to use token gestures:

Next time you go shopping, don’t compare which toilet paper is cheaper – just buy the one you want.
Go to the deli counter and buy the cheese you like – not the one on sale.

Little token gestures like this make a HUGE difference because they disrupt neural pathways.
Token gestures help you start to create a new story and expand your comfort zone around abundance.
They challenge old stories, which starts to break them down.

This is a muscle you need to exercise.

A great place to start is to decide what you want your new story to be.

If you were telling a story about money & abundance to your child, what would you want to say?

What story would you want them to take forward through life?

Gift yourself that saME story!

Tell yourself a story that’ll EMPOWER YOU, that opens you up to possibilities and makes you feel more abundant – right here, right now. 

Because YOU get to choose your story!

Here’s a hack that will help you wire that new story in faster:

Look for EVIDENCE of the new story being true!

The more you look, the more you’ll find. And that will help reinforce the new story and wire it in faster & deeper. It will help your conscious & unconscious minds to get on board with the new story faster.

Now of course you still want to save money, right? But WITHOUT feeling guilty…

So it’s important to find a happy balance between being smart with money – and having an abundance mindset. You want to be thrifty, but you want it to feel empowering.
And you want to feel GOOD about spending money on yourself – when you choose to.

That’s what the episodes linked below are all about. So be sure to check those out next.

And in the meantime, find out what your Money Habit Archetype is! You can TAKE THE QUIZ HERE. 

That will help you uncover more of those old money stories.


xx Miriam


Discover your Money Habit Archetype and use it to clear your biggest money block.



A simple exercise to identify limiting beliefs

A simple exercise to identify limiting beliefs

Contrary to popular belief, limiting beliefs are NOT difficult to identify!

In fact – that in itself is a limiting belief!

Limiting beliefs can cause you to procrastinate, self-sabotage, freeze up in fear and miss out on golden opportunities. They generally make life difficult.

But to IDENTIFY limiting beliefs is incredibly quick & easy!

In this episode, I’m going to show you exactly how easy and simple identifying your limiting beliefs is.
I’ll share the ONE simple question that helps you do it – and show you how to use it!



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Why is this process so simple? Because we deal with the issue at its source – your unconscious mind!

It’s your unconscious mind that CHOOSES which beliefs you take on. And it’s tapping into your unconscious mind by asking ONE simple question that helps you identify those beliefs.

And when it comes to later transforming and CHANGING those beliefs, it’s again quickest & most effective to work with your unconscious mind. But let’s worry about IDENTIFYING your limiting beliefs first!

This is actually the most important – and empowering – part of the process.

Because when you shine that light of consciousness, you are bringing that belief out of the unconscious and into your conscious awareness. And THAT is when you’re back in the driver’s seat and in a position of power.

To do that is really not that difficult. In fact, I’ve created an entire DIY system called the Limiting Belief Busting Process to help you identify and transform your limiting beliefs.

In a moment, I’ll take you through the first part of that process – to IDENTIFY YOUR LIMITING BELIEF.

We do this based on one simple principle: “Your Reasons Demonstrate Your Beliefs.”

Here’s how to apply this: Any time I ask you, “Why do you do that, say that or think that?” The REASON you give me basically tells me what you believe. It’s the beliefs you hold that inform your actions, words & thoughts.

I’m sure you’ve noticed this in your own life. Sometimes you will say something to another person and they make it mean something entirely different. That’s because they hold a belief that is coloring their perception. We all filter our experiences through this lens of our perception. And this lens is colored based on our belief system.

We don’t really experience the world as it is. We experience the world as we believe it to be.

Any time you experience negative emotions, it’s a sign that you have a limiting belief. So if you’re wondering where to begin, just look at your negative emotions. Because they indicate that you’re being triggered by a negative limiting belief. So your emotions are very helpful because they provide a signal and a clue that points you in the right direction.

So let’s demonstrate how easy it is to identify limiting beliefs. I’ll give you an example and you can play along at home with your own limiting belief.

We start with a negative emotion – identifying both the emotion and the situation it relates to.
(incidentally, if you watch the video for this episode, you’ll see me demonstrate this process using the Limiting Belief Busting Toolkit)

Let’s pretend it’s, “I feel really stressed out and scared about launching my new group program”

So we’ve identified the feeling and what it’s related to.

Now let’s use the principle I shared that our reasons demonstrate our beliefs.
We want to find out the reason for this emotion. How do we do that…? SIMPLE! We just ask!!

We literally ask, ”Why do I feel that way about this situation?

Why do you feel really stressed out and scared? 

You could feel any other way. You could feel excited and inspired, yet you choose to feel stressed out and scared. Why do you feel that way?

And your answer will show you the underlying belief.

Let’s pretend the answer is, “Because I still feel like I don’t know enough and people won’t buy it anyway.”

So what we actually have in this example, is something that happens a lot in real life. And that is that we’ve identified TWO limiting beliefs!

First we have, ‘I still don’t know enough’.

And that’s definitely a big limiting belief..  and also very common in the women business owners I work with. This is why they tend to keep enrolling in more courses, doing more marketing programs and hiring yet another new coach.… (ring any bells..?)

So ‘I still don’t know enough‘ is definitely a limiting belief that’s going to cause all sorts of trouble and hold you back.

But we’ve also identified a second limiting belief, ‘People won’t buy it anyway’.

This is a limiting belief that people won’t buy what you have to offer – that they don’t want it.

So by getting clear on the negative emotion and asking what the reason for that feeling is, we’ve identified not one, but TWO limiting beliefs!

If we were continuing to work through the Limiting Belief Busting Process, we would now release and replace these beliefs. And we would do that by focusing on one at a time. My recommendation is to start with the one that holds the most energy – the secondary one will usually fall away in the process.

So there you have it! It’s that quick and easy to identify your limiting beliefs. 


All we’ve basically done is ask one question, ‘Why do you feel this negative emotion?’

By identifying the belief, you’ve taken away its power and done the lion share of the work.

Remember, this was an unconscious limiting belief until now. By identifying it, you’ve brought it into your conscious awareness. You’re literally shining a light of consciousness on it and put yourself in a position of power.

So now you can ask yourself, “Do I really want this limiting belief to inform the way I show up, the way I run my business, the way I do life? Do I want to start looking at things differently? And in what ways can I start to do that?”

Everything changes once you’ve identified that limiting belief.

Tell me in the comments below: What’s your biggest takeaway from this episode?

PS: If you’d like support with identifying your limiting beliefs AND want to go the next step where you release and transform them, grab yourself the Limiting Belief Busting Toolkit. You get everything you need: worksheets, a tutorial and access to live workshops! PLUS, it includes HYPNOSIS to ensure that new empowering belief gets wired into your unconscious as quickly and deeply as possible.  Just click this link to get access now.

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Say goodbye to money blocks the quick & easy way:

Money Block Buster System image



Emotional Spending – how to stop feeling guilty for spending money

Emotional Spending – how to stop feeling guilty for spending money

Today I’m giving you my top tips for avoiding the guilt of retail therapy

We’ll help you stop emotional spending so you can stop feeling guilty for spending money on yourself – and make better purchase decisions.

When it comes to retail therapy, I definitely tend to do more of it when it’s the last thing I should be doing. It’s usually either financially not a great time to eb spending up – or there’s something else going on that I should be focusing on instead.

Because more often than not, retail therapy is just a distraction.

That’s why today I’m giving you some practical tips to avoid unnecessary retail therapy and the subsequent guilt that comes from it. You’ll also get some practical tips to help you make better purchase decisions so the things you buy are what you actually need, want and can afford!







Looking back, it’s pretty obvious that the times I was doing the most unnecessary spending were also the times I was feeling the least happy and fulfilled.

The shopping was just a distraction, an escape mechanism.

It’s not really therapy!

We call it ‘retail therapy’, except it’s not actually therapy. It only gives you a temporary high – and then you’re left dealing with the bill and the guilt afterwards. And that makes you feel even worse!

So let me give you some practical tips to help you avoid getting into that pickle in the first place. Because we want to ensure that when you shop, you do it in a healthy way that makes you feel empowered and great about your choices.

Tip Number 1: Want vs Need:
Before you buy something, ask yourself, “Do I just want this, or do I actually need it?”
Because we say, “I really need this,” when we actually just mean that we really want it.

And it’s okay for you to want things. But the next question to ask is, “WHY do I want it?”
And that can be extremely illuminating!

Some more questions to ask yourself:

“What do I really want? What is it I’m really looking for? Is it validation, feeling more desirable, feeling rewarded or worthy? What am I actually wanting that I think this thing I’m about to buy is going to give me?”

Because if you’re looking for something else altogether, then this purchase is just a band-aid. And when it falls off, you’ll be left with an even bigger sore.

So the question of, “What do I really want? What do I feel is missing?” is very powerful.

The ease of online shopping can make quitting retail therapy pretty tough. Because it’s just too easy! There’s a million apps, free shipping & free returns. It feels like this effortless commodity – except you still wind up with the charges on your credit card!

So Tip Number 2 is: Set a spending limit!
The rule is that anytime you want to spend more than this limit, you need to wait 24 hours before going ahead.

This will give you some breathing space and helps you step away from the emotional state that’s driving that purchase. It helps you make a rational decision you’ll feel good about and consider your choice from outside that emotional space. Then you can decide whether you really need it – or if you just wanted it to try and fill a void.

It gives you space to step away from making an impulse decision based on emotion.

Tip Number 3: Imagine The Future
Another trick that really works for me is to imagine myself in 6 months time. I imagine having that item in my wardrobe or in my home. How do I feel about it now? Do I actually want to use it? Do I enjoy having it?

Example: I’ve been looking to buy some summer dresses. Now, I’m usually more of a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl but decided I’m going to make an effort to dress more feminine.

And as I imagined needing to leave the house wearing one of these dresses in 6 months time, I suddenly realized that none of them were a style that suits me!

So imagining yourself with it in the future is a great little trick – especially when online shopping. Because it looks great on the model when we ‘Click To Buy’. But sadly I’ve come to realise that still doesn’t help me suddenly grow cleavage…

Tip Number 4: Buy a round trip!
Last but not least, a really, really practical tip is to make sure you can get a full refund without having to pay shipping charges in your returns.

And a bonus tip is: When your items arrive, keep those tags on until you’re ready to wear them!

Make a note in your diary so if you haven’t worn it by the final return date, you can have another look at it. And if it’s still sitting in your wardrobe by then, chances are, you will return it. Because if it was perfect and you loves and needed it, you’d have found a way to wear it by then.

Which probably means you  were looking for something else altogether…

Okay, so there you have some really practical tips to:
1. avoid the guilt of retail therapy
2. to actually make some really good empowering purchase decisions

How do you avoid the guilt of retail therapy?

Share your top tips in the comments below!

I also highly recommend you get your money organized so you know where to find your fun money and how much you can spend guilt-free. It’s a massive help in avoiding emotional spending and the subsequent guilt.

My free workshop “Organize & Tidy Your Banking” will help you get started. You’ll find the link to get instant access below.


Enjoy & see you in the next episode!

xx Miriam

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‘Spark the joy’ of becoming magnetic – for women entrepreneurs.

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The Hidden Money Block Nobody Talks About

The Hidden Money Block Nobody Talks About

There’s a hidden money block nobody talks about… and it’s a lack of money confidence!

While people busily work on their mindset and try to align with more abundance, so more money can flow – they often miss one very important detail.

And that is that, once the money comes in, you actually have to deal with it!

Because you’ll need to distribute your income, pay your bills and taxes and make a whole bunch of financial decisions.

You’ll ALWAYS have to interface with your  money – no matter how much – or how little – comes in it. 

You simply cannot avoid dealing with your money.



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And if you lack confidence – if you’re not sure how to best manage your money – that right there is a MASSIVE mindset wobble AND a huge vibrational wobble!

Because if there’s uncertainty, intrepidation or even anxiety…. 

If you’re uncomfortable looking at your banking…
If you’re not quite sure what the best thing to do with your money is…

That creates an unconscious block to more of it flowing into your experience!

You will unconsciously BLOCK IT – because ultimately, it gets UNCOMFORTABLE

And no amount of alignment or mindset work can overcome that.

When I first started working with women in business on their money mindset, I noticed an attitude of “I’ll just manifest more money and that’ll fix everything.”

They thought by manifesting more, they’d be able to avoid having to deal with it

But that’s backwards!

Because the sooner that we gain those money skills, the sooner we grow in money confidence – which helps us dissolve those mindset and energetic wobbles, so more money can flow.

If you lack confidence in managing your finances, you’re definitely not alone!

Because most of us were never shown what to do. Nobody showed us how to organize and manage our money when we were young. And even if you took a business course, usually you learn how to manage the company’s money, but not your personal money. (I’ve worked with several Accountants who struggled to manage their personal finances, because nobody had ever taught them!)

Most people walk around with this silent money shame.
They’re just making it up as they go, hoping for the best. But they don’t feel like they know what they’re doing. They have no confidence in their ability to make the right decisions.

And if that’s you, please know it’s not your fault!
Because how are you meant to know what to do, if nobody ever showed you?

If you have ever tried to get help with managing your finances, you probably noticed how hard it is to find someone who’s able and willing to teach you what you need to do.

When I first started my business, my accountant would tell me how well I was doing..  but we never talked about my credit card debt and the enormous stress it was causing me! My business was going great, but I was personally super stressed about money! And my accountant only focused on the business and its finances. And it wasn’t their fault – that’s their job.

Then there are financial advisers & planners. But they’re usually looking to invest a few hundred thousand dollars of your money to help secure your financial future. And that’s great, but how do you get there in the first place?

Last – and definitely LEAST – are the “Done For You” budgeting and money management services!
I have a major issue with those and think they’re rife with danger.

Because when you give away your power, not only do you never learn how to manage your money…
You’re paying somebody else (often exorbitant sums of money) to do it for you and that keeps you stuck, waiting for them to give you weekly pocket money like a kid.

When I was running my finance business, I often saw these services go horribly wrong for my clients. It made me so angry. Clients were paying huge amounts of money but  not learning how to take responsibility for their finances or become financially independent.

And worst of all… unbeknownst to them, their bills – including their mortgages – were often being consistently paid late – and their credit score took a dive down the toilet!
It left many people in a very difficult predicament.

So I urge you: Get educated and learn how to manage your money YOURSELF!

The great news is that it’s so much easier than you think! It just takes a simple step by step process. And it all starts by asking yourself “How do I do this and where do I start?”

Above all, please give yourself a break and stop blaming yourself!
Because remember, nobody ever taught you how to do it! And the resultant lack of money confidence is a massive money block – which only makes things harder!

But as you set out to educate yourself and learn how to manage your money, you’ll transform your relationship with money. As you grow in money confidence, it will help dissolve those money blocks and old stories of “I’m not good with money. Money slips through my fingers” etc

And as these things start to shift, you’ll start to attract more money consistently. And that will help buoy your confidence… and then you’re up & away!

Learning how to take loving care of your money is a beautiful healing act that helps you transform your relationship with money – both inside and out.

It makes you magnetic to more and it transforms the way you feel about life. It’s a beautiful thing.

If you’re not sure where to begin, I recommend starting by organizing your banking, because having that set up properly is the foundation stone of a money system designed for growth.
I have a free workshop you can take to help you do that, Just click click here to get started.

I look forward to seeing you there so you can start transforming your relationship with money from the inside out. 

Remember, abundance is an inside job – but there are things you need to do on the ‘outside’ that allow it to flow. 

Before you go, I’d love to hear from you!
On a scale of 1-10, where’s your money confidence at right now?

Please let me know in the comments below.

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Organize & Tidy Your Banking

‘Spark the joy’ of becoming magnetic – for women entrepreneurs.

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3 Money Management Secrets For Entrepreneurs

3 Money Management Secrets For Entrepreneurs

Except, if you’re like most of us, you went into business all excited about your offering and expected the money to just start flowing.

Maybe you injected some personal cash and had savings to live off while you built your business.

The plan was to then have your business start making lots of money and fund a lifestyle that’s so much more ABUNDANT lifestyle than the one you had before, right?

But the thing is… Without any real plan of what that transition is going to look like, you can get yourself stuck in no man’s land.

A place where it feels like you’re constantly throwing money at your business and not being able to pay yourself – let alone enjoy that abundant lifestyle.

It’s stressful and frustrating and it sucks.. and I’ve been there too.

So in this episode, I’ll share 3 things every business owner really needs to know – ideally BEFORE they start – to ensure your business starts paying you as quickly as possible.
(so you can enjoy that abundant lifestyle & sing the song of sweet freedom ASAP)







A quick personal story:
When I first started my finance business, I was a broke single mom. So the pressure to succeed was on!

But I wanted more than to just put ‘food on the table. I wanted to create a really beautiful, abundant lifestyle. But I didn’t know what I didn’t know. 

And so before long, I felt like I was working really hard but getting absolutely nowhere.
I felt like my business was a black hole I couldn’t seem to extract enough money out of  for myself to enjoy a comfortable life.

But once I deeply understood and applied the things we’re about to cover, everything shifted. I realized I’d had completely the wrong attitude. It wasn’t a bad attitude.

It’s just that when you go into business, things are different.
And the sooner you realise that, the easier your life will be.

Here we go:

Number 1: Money mindset trumps strategy every time.

You really have to sort out your money mindset as soon as humanly possible – ideally BEFORE you start your business. 

Because in business, you can only succeed to the level of your self belief, your self worth and your self image. So the sooner you start expanding those things, the better.

Otherwise they act like an invisible barrier you can’t seem to move past.
And when you don’t realise the problem is your mindset, you start thinking it’s your strategy – and that can keep you stuck & broke for years!

For most entrepreneurs, this shows up as imposter syndrome – thinking we still don’t know enough. So we take another course, work with another coach, implement a new strategy, try yet another approach.  EX-HAUS-TING!!!

We keep throwing money, hard work and time at the problem, when the problem is really just up here <taps head>

You can have the best business strategy in the world, but if your head’s not in the right space, you’re going to unconsciously do all these weird things to undermine that amazing strategy. You’re going to be repelling opportunities, abundance & clients as if by magic.

Some become course junkies, always thinking, “I don’t know enough”.
Others will miss opportunities – not reaching out to people can help or might be interested in what we offer, not getting in touch with that person you met, etc. By NOT doing these things, they stay small.

If you don’t do the mindset work, your patterns will keep you stuck in the same old place. 

But as you expand your self belief, self worth and self image, the abundance flowing into your business will expand to match.

So the very first thing every business owner needs to embrace is that your money mindset trumps your business strategy – every single time.

So get your mindset right FIRST. Then get the right strategy in place.

I’d love to hear from you in the comments below:
When did you realise that your mindset is your most important business asset?

Number 2: Your business pays YOU

When you’re in business, you need to start managing your money differently.

That’s because your business pays you.
On one hand, there’s your business and its finances.
And on the other hand, there’s you and your personal finances.
The two should be separate.

And your business needs to generate enough income to pay you AND pay its bills.

That’s a very different mindset to the mindset of an employee.

Number 3: In business, Cash is King!

When you’re in business, the golden rule is that ‘Cash is King’.

Your cash flow is the most critical factor in making sure your business can keep growing and flowing. It needs to be able to pay its expenses and continue to expand – and it needs to be able to pay you as it grows.

Learning how to manage that cash flow and smooth it out, is critical.

See, as employees, it’s easy for us to ignore our finances. We get a regular paycheck and it’s easy to work out how to make it last.

But when you’re in business, we need to ensure the cash keeps flowing into & THROUGH your business – and that’s all on you!

Because business income is usually irregular, you’ll also need to learn how to smooth that cash flow.

And then, once your business has paid you, you also want to be really smart with that money so you can create financial stability and grow your wealth.

It all comes back to knowing that ‘Cash is King’ – then smoothing and managing that cash flow as well as possible.

I recently uploaded some 2-minute ‘Quick Tip’ videos on my YouTube channel, including one on how to smooth that cash flow. You can watch it here.

To manage your money well, it’s critical to have it well organized.

So if you haven’t yet taken my free ‘Organize and Tidy Your Banking’ workshop, then I recommend you jump on that next. The link is both here & below for you.

The workshop is designed especially for entrepreneurs and leads you through a simple 3-step process to organize and tidy your banking so you have the essential foundations and structure in place to help your money flow – and grow.

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Organize & Tidy Your Banking

‘Spark the joy’ of becoming magnetic – for women entrepreneurs.

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