What’s Your Money Story?

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Are you busy telling stories?

We all have a relationship with our money and just like any other relationship, the STORY we tell about it, powerfully affects that relationship.

So what’s your money story?

Do you tell yourself there’s not enough, that money is unreliable, that money lets you down, that money is always leaving you in the lurch?

Those stories you tell yourself are HYPNOTIC!

The more you tell them, the more you believe them and so the more you create more of the same.

Because baby, never ever forget that WE CREATE OUR OWN REALITY and the stories you tell are POWERFUL!

In this Effectology Tip:

  • where do these stories come from?
  • the easy way to start breaking old cycles
  • how to create and tell a new story





Your unconscious mind is where ALL the answers you need are waiting.

To connect with the story you want to start telling – the one that will light you up and ut the fuel in your tank to blast past any obstacles, start by connecting with your Core Values – not superficially, but truly – DEEPLY.

To help you, I’ve created a powerful DYI course.

You can access it for free right here

Listen To The Audio Here: