3 Hot Tips for Rewiring Your Brain With A New Money Story

3 Hot Tips for Rewiring Your Brain With A New Money Story

We all know that the unconscious mind is where all the hot action is, right?

Because everything that’s going on for you at the conscious level – 98% of that in fact – is completely driven by the unconscious mind.

The unconscious mind is brilliant. It takes over. It takes care of things for you.

It keeps your heart beating, your lungs inflating. It makes sure you don’t think about how to tie your shoelaces or get dressed in the morning, or how to walk for that matter. Remember trying to learn that? Yeah… me neither.

These things can be difficult in the beginning but once we master them, we become unconsciously competent. 

We just do them without even thinking about it.





So they get wired deep into our unconscious mind and they just kind of happen. They’re just on autopilot, which is fantastic for a huge number of things in life. Because I don’t know about you, but I’m a bit too busy to think about keeping my heart beating, and my lungs inflating.

However, what also happens is that sometimes we take on a story, a belief system, and we wire that into our unconscious mind.

Then everything we create, the way we unconsciously behave, the way we see the world and what we expect to get out of the world matches that unconscious belief. So we keep perpetuating this reality over and over and over again, and even though we may not like it, we kind of feel like we’re stuck with it… until we do something about it.

Doing something about it is all about starting to write and starting to live a new story.

When it comes to attracting money and abundance, growing your business, and all that good stuff, you’ve got an underlying old story that says, “This is how things roll.”

As you start to want to create a new story to replace it, you need to start talking about that story. You need to start acting in alignment with that story.

Now, the problem is that a lot of people go too fast, too hard.

They kind of stuff it up because what they inadvertently do is they wire in even more deeply the fact that there is a problem. By trying to fight it too quickly and go too hard too fast they’re actually being counter productive.

So that’s actually the first of the three tips I want to give you for writing a new money story:

Number one, don’t go too hard, too fast.

Go easy and realize that little incremental shifts that actually stick, are going to get you a whole lot further than you trying to make some ridiculous jump overnight that even when you’re saying it and thinking it, there’s a voice in the back of your mind that says, “What a load of bullshit.”

You want to NOT activate that voice that says, “This is bullshit.” That’s basically the aim of the game.

So go slowly and gently enough that you’re not activating that voice. Listen for it. If that voice pops up, back up a little bit and go a little gentler. You can do that over and over and over again and you are absolutely making progress.

The second tip I want to give you is that as you start talking about the way you do want things to be now, the way things are starting to become, you do exactly what I just did and you use “transitional language.”

“Starting to.”


“In the process of.”

And when you talk about the old pattern, put it in the past with your language.

Talk about what you used to do, and “In the past…”, and, “Back then this was an issue… but now I’m starting to see things differently. Now I’m starting to feel empowered about my money. Now I’m starting to notice that there’s opportunities everywhere. Now I’m starting to realize that the less I focus on and stress about money, the more money seems to flow, in fact I’m starting to think maybe that’s the secret to the whole thing, that I just focus on all the good stuff in my life, stop obsessing about money, and more money flows, because it happened again last week.

That little bit I added at the end there “because it happened again last week,” that’s the third tip I want to give you.

The third tip is to use what I call a “Universal Truth.”

Put in statements that you know to be true, and that you cannot argue with. Ones that voice that likes to yell out, “Bullshit,” from the back row cannot argue with.

I like to have a universal truth and yes, you can do it the way I just kind of gave you the example, where you state an actual thing that happened.

But a Universal Truth – even better – is like a mantra that you say right there and then as it’s happening. It’s you reinforcing that,”Yes, this is now starting to happen. This is now becoming my new reality. Yes, this is possible and these moments do happen. Look at that, I wasn’t even thinking about my business and people booked in and so it is true that I don’t have to be obsessing about it 24/7 to make money, in fact, sometimes, I’m doing nothing to do with my business and the money just flows.”

You want to reinforce it when it’s actually happening. Jump on that opportunity, pounce on it –  because this is your chance to really hammer it home, to really wire that into your unconscious mind.

So have a universal truth statement that you’ve got ready – because I’m pretty used to doing this and it kind of just flows – but in the beginning particularly, you want to have that universal truth statement ready.

It may sound something like, “But of course, there’s always plenty of money coming,” or, “But of course, everything always works itself out.” You want a statement that you cannot argue with, and that is a universal truth that you use in the moment that applies across the board.

Things like, “That’s right, the universe always has the bigger picture in mind,” and, “That’s right, the universe is always looking out for me,” and, “That’s right, everything’s always working out,” and, “That’s right, money always shows up,” or, “That’s right, the bills do always get paid.”

So you have that universal truth, you have that statement ready, and you throw it in there. And you want that to be very general, a very nice general statement. Something, like I said, that the voice from the back row has nothing to talk about.

So my favourite universal statement is, “Everything is always working out for me. It all works out.”

Mike Dooley mentioned one, I don’t know if it’s actually his that he uses regularly, but he says one and it was, “It’s always working”.Even though I can’t always see it, it’s always working.”

What that does, is you’re using it right there in that moment and it helps you really wire in that this is the new reality.

So remember that, number one, don’t go too hard too fast.

Number two, use transitional language.

And number three, use those statements of universal truth to keep reinforcing right then and there that everything is always working out for you because, baby, it totally is.

Now, as far as rewriting your money story goes, the number one place to start is the very tip of the iceberg. When you start at the tip of the iceberg, you make sure you don’t miss anything.

The tip of the iceberg is called your Money Habit Archetype. It is that big picture pattern of how money shows up for you in your life, over and over and over again. It encompasses all the little different situations. Once you become really aware of that and know how to use that, then you can use that information to rewrite that old money story, so the pattern that’s surfacing can shift.

So it starts with knowing your Money Habit Archetype and if you haven’t done it for a while – or if you’ve never done it – then make sure you jump on my Money Habit Archetype quiz, to which you will find the link in the description.

So hop to it, get started now!

Let’s transform that money story of yours, remember the three hot tips I gave you, and until I see you next, make sure you keep embracing your unlimited potential.


Take the Money Habit Archetype Quiz so you can clear your biggest money block.

Being an Accumulator can slow your business success.

Being an Accumulator can slow your business success.

If you’re the Accumulator money habit archetype then you’re usually the envy of your friends because it means you have a pattern of more money flowing in than money flowing out. 

You always have some left over and you save some for a rainy day. You have savings put aside and usually they’re growing.

Most people envy that because that’s what they’re all aiming for.

The thing is, depending on what underlying story you’ve got driving that pattern, it’s not always a good thing!

Sometimes you’re driven and motivated by fear, and a feeling of it never being enough. So even though you’re accumulating money and you’re putting money aside, you’re feeling stress free around money. In fact, even though you’ve got savings, you’re still afraid and you want to accumulate even more “just in case.”

Let’s talk about how that can be holding you back in business in particular, and what to do about it.





So if you’re an Accumulator driven by fear and lack, then what tends to happen is you hold back in business. You’re holding back from spending money on things that can help your business grow, and on the things that help you get support in your business. That can lead to burn-out, slow growth, and frustration because you’re penny pinching and trying to run everything on a shoestring. 

That is totally smart in the beginning, but you tend to overdo it. There does come a time where you need to invest a little bit more so that you can grow and expand and so you can be supported. 

You tend to delay that as much as possible, and sometimes never ever do it, and so you do end up getting burnt out, disheartened, and going, “You know what, this is all way too hard,” and your business doesn’t grow as quickly as it could have if you had put that little bit of extra money into being supported and allowing it to grow. 

That’s a very, very serious outcome of how the Accumulator money habit archetype is directly affecting your business’ success and income.

Now, the second thing is that, as an Accumulator money habit archetype, even when you’re successful in business, it usually doesn’t feel like it’s enough – ever!

It never feels like it’s enough, because it’s never enough, and it’s never good enough, so you don’t actually feel successful. 

You don’t allow yourself to feel proud and accomplished because it’s still like, “Ah, I’m not quite there yet. I’m not quite there, there’s the next goal, and the next goal, and the next goal,” and you never feel like you can stop to smell the roses and celebrate what you’ve accomplished because it still doesn’t seem enough. You’ve got to get to that next level of income. Maybe you’ve hit the 6-figures, and you go, “Well, no. I still don’t feel safe and secure as I want to feel, so I’ve gotta keep pushing, I’ve gotta keep going.” 

You never actually get to sit back and celebrate your accomplishments, and that’s really, really sad.

The other thing is that this vibration of “lack,” of “it’s never enough,” –  it actually slows you down!

You’re accumulating money, yes, but you’re doing it very much from a place of fear and a place of hard work, rather than from a place of being in alignment with abundance and being open and in the flow of it and just allowing it to come to you. 

You’re hustling, you’re working hard, and the fear is constantly there, driving you and pushing you forward. That dampens your abundance vibe and you’re working a hell of a lot harder than you need to be.

These are some of the key ways that being an Accumulator is really slowing you down in terms of your business and your business growth.

The solution is that you need to start shifting that fear and that story of lack that’s motivating you. You can keep all the helpful accumulating habit patterns going, that’s cool, but you need to look at the underlying story and start to shift it, so you can start to enjoy your business, so you can stay in alignment with abundance and so you can let it grow and flow.

The easiest and quickest way to do that is to jump on my Money Habit Archetype quiz, which will:

Number one: confirm that you are indeed an Accumulator. 

Most Accumulators don’t think they are one because they feel like, “If I was a TRUE Accumulator I’d have a lot more money.” It’s very indicative of an Accumulator to think you’re not one 😊

And number two: much more importantly, I will then send you a series of emails to help you drill down from that Accumulator pattern and into the story that’s sitting beneath it. The one that’s pushing and driving it so that you can start to change and shift that story and transform it into a much more empowering story. 

We want you to enjoy your business and allow it to grow as quickly and as joyfully as possible.

So, off you go, the link is in the description for you, and until I see you next, make sure you keep embracing that beautiful and unlimited potential of yours.



Take the Money Habit Archetype Quiz so you can clear your biggest money block.

What’s stopping the money from flowing is never about money

What’s stopping the money from flowing is never about money

If you’ve been frustrated that money just isn’t flowing to you and you’re trying to work out what the hell is going on, then this is something really important for you to get your head around.

And that is that the thing that’s stopping the money from flowing, is never about the money. 

It is never about the money because money is just a symbol. Money is a symbol of all sorts of things in our society, but most importantly it is a symbol of value and worth. We literally say, “Do you know what she’s worth? Do you know what he’s worth?”

So we’ve managed to link money up to self-worth, our worthiness, our deservingness, our value. 

That is where the problem comes in, because when there are issues around feeling deserving, feeling valuable, feeling worthy of having lots of good things coming to you and being taken care of and knowing that it just keeps flowing and that everything’s totally fine, many people – you probably included – have some stuff going on at the unconscious level that’s just not a match to that.

It often comes back to benign seeming things in early childhood – or maybe not so benign – that created some sort of limiting belief.





Whether it was some decision made that, “Ah, I’m not good enough to have what I made,” or, “I’m not allowed to speak up because others will judge me,” or, “There’s never enough to go around and it’s greedy to ask for more than my share.” These kinds of limiting beliefs often come from seemingly innocent things in early childhood and usually just parents who are ignorant of the impact they’re making with their statements and their actions.

But then what happens is that you take it on and, literally, in your nervous system you start a little daisy chain of a pattern that reinforces that belief, that decision that was made somewhere back early on. Then every time something similar happens in your life and your experience, it reinforces it. It’s like, “See? It’s true! See? There’s something else! See? There’s MORE evidence!” 

And as you know, what you focus on, expands. If you’re starting to program your mind, your reticular activating system, to seeing the world through this lens, you will see more and more and more of it, and you will become more of a vibrational match to it, it’ll become wired deeper into your unconscious and so you will continue drawing more and more experiences that are a perfect match to it into your life. That’s why it’ll just escalate and escalate and escalate, but the thing that started it is often something pretty simple.

This is what we do in hypnotherapy and timeline therapy. It can seem a little bit big and overwhelming like, “Oh, shivers, where does this come from?” However, I just want to let you know that it’s never about the money and you really need to look at, 

“What does the money represent to me and how would having more money make that belief untrue?”

That’s where the problem comes in, right?

If the money comes in, and then that means that it doesn’t match that belief, well then we’ve got a mismatch, we’ve got a problem here. And so that’s why the money doesn’t come. So you do need to be able to change that limiting belief, that deeper unconscious thing that’s sitting there and once you resolve that, then the money can come, because the money is then no longer contrary to that belief that has been taken on.

So, a very simple way to start unravelling all of this is to simply ask, “What would I need to believe for this to keep happening? What is the match, and if I did have more money flowing in, what would that then no longer be a match to? Where would the disconnect be?”

So look at it in both ways, “What is keeping small here a match to? And if I went to the next level, what would that be incongruent with, what would that mean, and what would that no longer mean?”

These kind of deep and powerful questions are how you connect to your unconscious mind and start unravelling some of these threads.

Yes, you can do that in a 1:1 session with myself or another practitioner, but you can actually go a very long way on your own, simply by asking the right kind of questions and working with your unconscious.

The key thing to remember is that it’s never about the money.

It’s about what the money represents.

So I’d love to hear from you if you’re happy to share. Let me know what’s coming up for you as you read this and what “Ah-ha!” and lightbulb moments you’re having in the comments below.

Do make sure also to grab my free money training. The link is in the description.

And until I see you next, keep on embracing your gorgeous and totally unlimited potential.



Grab the free Manifesting Money Training here:

What is an upper limit in your business anyway?

What is an upper limit in your business anyway?

If you’ve read Gay Hendricks’ book, The Big Leap, then you’d be familiar with the term “upper limit,” because he discusses it quite a bit in that book. It’s banded around a lot between women in business – particularly in the online entrepreneurial space.

You know, “Aw, I’ve hit an upper limit. Ugh, that’s my upper limit.”

So let’s talk about that. 

What is an “upper limit” in your business, anyway?

In the book where Gay Hendricks discusses the upper limits, what he’s actually referring to is not specific to business. He’s referring to how much “goodness,” or joy, or “things going well,” you’re currently able to allow yourself because it feels like your normal, and anything beyond that starts to make you uncomfortable, because things are suddenly not normal. So your biology goes on alert and says, “Ooh, there’s something out of wack here. This is unexpected. We’d better be on the lookout, because there must be trouble up ahead,” when there’s an alert of “something’s not quite within the normal known parameters”, then you go onto alert and you unconsciously do something to restore order, to restore the status quo, to restore the normal way of things.

He uses examples like: Everything’s going really well in business and life, you’re cruising along, and things are just getting almost too good to be true… see where that comes from? Things are getting almost too good to be true and so then suddenly you have this massive argument with your partner that comes totally out of nowhere. 

That’s that “restoring order” thing. You unconsciously pick a way to have an argument and that kind of brings the level of happiness and joy back to its normal standard average level.

So when it comes to your business, we usually talk about how well your business is performing in this upper limit conversation. We talk about how much you’re earning, what your gross income is, how much profit you’re making, all those kinds of things.

It’s the same thing, really. It’s the amount of ABUNDANCE you are currently comfortable with, and you’re used to. The edge of that is your upper limit.

The thing to recognize is that this is not about, “I’m growing and expanding and suddenly, BANG, I’ve hit my head on this upper limit and where did that come from?” 

What it means is you’ve grown and expanded faster than you’ve vibrationally kept up with.

Let me explain that a little bit deeper.





When I say you need to vibrationally keep up with it, you actually need to vibrationally be ahead of it a little bit. What I mean, is that you need to do the work, the inner work, that allows you to feel really comfortable and to actually feel that level of abundance BEFORE you perceive it and BEFORE you receive it on the physical level. 

So you need to already feel that amount of abundance on the inside, and then when it shows up for you in your external world, it’s a match and there is no upper limit. 

It is within the realm of your new normal.

So you need to do that vibrational work and that growing and expanding in your own feelings of abundance, in how much abundance is normal and natural and how much you perceive, and see, and allow yourself to have and feel as natural and normal, and you’re absolutely worthy and deserving of. You need to get all of that work done, because then as you do the practical actions that match that and your business starts to grow and your income continues to grow and multiply and expand, it’s all a match and there is no upper limit.

You don’t ever, ever, ever need to hit an upper limit in business, as long as you put the vibrationally work first, and you don’t try to outgrow your current comfort zone. Else it will always try to knock you back down and retain the status quo.

So that is what an upper limit in business is.

I just want you to really, really remember that there is no need for them, whatsoever. 

It is NOT a rite of passage. It is not something to be proud of and brag to your friends about. It is not normal or natural, in fact it’s telling you there’s a problem. Just as when there’s pain in your body, it’s letting you know there’s a problem and there’s something you need to address, this is a signal. An upper limit is a signal that you have not kept up vibrationally with where you’re trying to take your reality to and so you’re bouncing off the edge. 

It’s as simple as that.

OK, keep up the awesome work & make sure you grab my free training that is linked in the description to help you go a little bit deeper.

Until I see you next, keep embracing your gorgeous and totally unlimited potential.



Grab the free Manifesting Money Training here:

How to smash through an income plateau

How to smash through an income plateau

Do you want to know how to smash through an income plateau in your business? That’s what we’re about to talk about, right now!

So I’m going to give you an analogy: imagine that you are an Olympic athlete and you know that you want to beat the world record. So what are going to do? Are you going to show up at the Olympic games and just run your hardest and hope for the best? 

No. You’re going to train, right? 

You’re going to train really hard and make sure that you have a huge, huge advantage so when you get there, because you’re ALREADY that world record holder. You are already the person who can totally master that time, not somebody who’s going to attempt it because it’s a stretch for them, no no no. Your physiology, your muscles, your aerobic system, your mind, everything will already be at that level

It has to be, because that’s how you get to show up and just do it. Whereas if you show up and you’re not ready, and you’re not mentally or physically ready to break that barrier then you won’t be able to achieve it.

So this is no different. You need to think about, “I need a big run up. I don’t want to get to an income plateau or income barrier and get out my pickaxe and start smashing away at it.” No, no, no, you want to have such a huge run up and so much power and already be a match to what’s on the other side of it that when you cross it, it’s no big deal. That’s what you want it to be like!





So we talk about smashing through barriers and all of that, but that’s not really how it works because you have to do the work in advance and prepare, and then you can effortlessly cross the barrier…. because the barrier isn’t there for you anymore.


When you translate that to doing the work in your business, vibrationally, practically, at the unconscious level – all those points on the Magnetic Money Trifecta that allow you to attract the money, keep the money, and help the money grow and multiply – you need to get all of that in place before you worry about crossing the income threshold that you’re perceiving, because there is no threshold, it’s just the limit of what you’re currently capable of. 

So you need to go into training, and not worry about the income threshold because that’ll take care of itself as long as you train and become a vibrational match to the version of you on the other side.

As soon as you clear all the unconscious blocks and limiting beliefs that are not a match to the YOU on the other side of it…. as soon as you get all your practical money systems and everything in place that is perfectly ready and a match to the you on the other side of that threshold…. 

And the moment you do that, that threshold disintegrates, dissolves, and disappears and you go, “Yeah okay, this is me,” and it’s no longer a big deal because it IS you and it’s a perfect natural match and it can be no other way.

So that is how you smash through an income plateau: you do the training, you make sure you are perfectly prepared and already that world record-holding athlete on the other side of that perceived plateau, and then there is no more plateau.

It’s about doing the training in advance, and getting a massive run-up so that you kind of leap over it and it’s fun and joyful and very second nature.

Now, if you’d like to get a few more pointers on helping you grow in abundance and attract more money, make sure you grab my free training, the link is in the description.

Until I see you next, keep on embracing your beautiful and totally unlimited potential.



Grab the free Manifesting Money Training here:

Is fear of tax keeping your income stuck?

Is fear of tax keeping your income stuck?

Hi, this is Miriam Castilla and welcome to the Manifesting Playground for Soulful Women in Business. This is the place where we apply Law of Attraction in magical and practical ways, so you can have more money in the bank and get more done – with ease.

Is your fear of tax keeping your income stuck?

Let’s talk about that, because I’m sure you’d love to increase your income and have more money coming into your business, right? Most people want that. But, if at the same time you’re avoiding your bookkeeping, you’re afraid of your tax bill, and you just generally feel really negative around all of that, then there’s a disconnect there.

Whenever you look at emotions like fear and avoidance, if it’s linked to money, that’s actually showing you that you do have a money block. It creates a money block. The fear and avoidance around the topic of money means that you don’t want the tax, but the tax comes with the money, so you’re blocking the money. Does that make sense?

So you can’t have one without the other.

You can’t say “I want more income,” but at the same time “I hate paying taxes,” or “I hate doing my bookkeeping,” or “I don’t like paying my accountant.” All of it is linked to that flow of money. 

Whenever you have negative emotions around something that is linked to your money, you are blocking the flow of money into your experience, so you really need to embrace all of it. That is the key to allowing that flow to come in. You need to embrace everything that it means and everything that is linked to it. 

You can’t say you DON’T want the consequences of it, but you DO want the thing.

It just doesn’t work like that.





When I spell it out to you like this, you’re probably thinking, “Yeah, that makes perfect sense,” but how many times do you catch yourself complaining about bills, or being afraid of your tax, or avoiding your bookkeeping, or saying how much you hate organising your money. 

All of it is linked to your money. All of it is part of the flow of money into your experience. 

So please, please, please, become aware of that, and realise that when you’re doing it, you’re blocking the flow of money into your experience.

So if just the word “tax” triggers some sort of fear reaction within you, then that’s a big red flag and something for you to work on.

Now, I love working the easy, fast, and effective way, which is why I love hypnosis.
I am a hypnotherapist, which is why I have a whole library of hypnotic meditations available for you.

So if there’s fear around tax, fear around unexpected bills and things like that, then I highly recommend that you jump straight into the meditation library and access the “Let Go of Worry” meditation that’s in there, it’s in the “Create a Shift” section. If you’re not yet a member of my meditation library, it’s totally free, I’ve popped the link in the description for you. 

So go grab that, scroll down to the “Create a Shift” section and find the “Let Go of Worry” meditation.

And keep it handy, because any time these kinds of things come up, you want to clear them. You want to get beyond them, because you want to clear the resistance to more money coming to your experience, right?

Until I see you next, make sure you keep on embracing your beautiful and totally unlimited potential.



The most powerful meditations are HYPNOTIC, because they create change & transformation at the unconsicous level. And the most powerful meditation in my free hypnotic meditations library to help you release that fear of tax is called “Let Go Of Worry”.

Grab it here now: