A Finance Pro’s Guide To Feeling Good About Money

A Finance Pro’s Guide To Feeling Good About Money

What if money doesn’t have to feel frustrating, confusing, or scary?

What if feeling good about money is not just possible, but EASY?


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What if you could completely shift your money mindset and start to naturally become magnetic to more financial abundance – simply by starting to take better care of your money?

Because when you create a holistic relationship with money, when you start taking loving care of your money, your money can actually start taking care of you.

What happens is that as you start to demystify money and create a simple money system for yourself, you shift old stories.

Stories that say I’m not good with money”

And that changes your energy around money, which helps make you magnetic to more.

Because when you start to feel positive, empowered, and good about your finances, you start to feel SAFE.

And at the end of the day, that’s what we link money to – a feeling of SAFETY.

Most of us were never taught how to manage our finances.

We weren’t shown how to make sure the bills get paid – and still have fun money to play with. How to enjoy our money – and put it to work for us.

We’re given a job, a pay slip, a credit card, a car loan, rent to pay, a mortgage and a bunch of bills. And then we’re just expected to figure it out!

Meanwhile, money is kind of a big deal in our lives!

And when everyone around you just expects you to know what to do, it’s easy to fall into a pattern of silent money shame.

Before you know it, we’re all doing it! We’re just winging it & hoping for the best. But we don’t really know what we’re doing, or if it’s the smartest or best thing to be doing.

This creates all this stress and tension that feeds into those old stories of “I’m not good with money.”

But it’s not that you’re not good with money!
It’s just that nobody’s ever shown you what to do!

So when you can finally sit down and put together a simple money management system to help you organize your finances, it changes everything!

You can let go of those old stories, your energy around money shifts, and that naturally makes you magnetic to more.

Most people who take a mindset or an energetic approach to money think they just need to manifest more. They tend to ignore the whole ‘taking care of your money’, part of the puzzle.

But as an ex-finance professional, as a hypnotherapist and as a manifesting mentor, I know THAT is actually the most critical piece of the puzzle!

Because when you make peace with your money, everything changes!

That’s when money can start to flow to you more freely. That’s when it can stay around to grow and multiply.

So I hope this encourages you to look at some of your old belief systems around money and maybe start to become more open to learning how to take better care of your money.

Let me know in the comments below how you feel about it. Is this giving you some aha moments and challenging you to start looking at money in a whole different way?

This is not about budgeting and doing the boring stuff.

This is about taking loving care of your money – so your money can start to take loving care of you ❤️ 

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Beware These 5 ‘Good’ Money Habits That Will Keep You POOR!!!

Beware These 5 ‘Good’ Money Habits That Will Keep You POOR!!!

What if everything you were told to do with money – is actually wrong?

We’re told to save, budget and tighten our belts…

But today I’m going to tell you why these things may actually be keeping you poor!


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See, you already know what your bad money habits are – overspending, using credit, and whatever your personal vices might be.

So we’re not going to talk about that obvious stuff. We’re going to go a level deeper and talk about the attitudinal habits that make it so difficult to change those surface level ‘bad habits’

Here we go:

5 (unexpected) money habits that will keep you poor:

And the underlying factor that permeates & drives ALL of them…

If you’ve been trying to change your bad money habits, you’ve probably been doing it backwards.

Most people try to use their willpower – but that doesn’t work!

(Anyone who’s ever tried to give up smoking will tell you that)

See, with willpower, you’re trying to use your conscious mind to override an unconscious program. And since up to 98% of everything you do think, say & feel is unconscious, that’s REALLY hard work!

It means you need to stay constantly vigilant – which gets tiring. And the moment you turn your back, those old unconscious patterns kick in again and you’re back to where you started.

That’s why using willpower is a losing battle.

Unconscious patterns are great because they make our life so much easier. They allow us to do things without having to think about them too much.

But when habits that aren’t serving us become unconscious, things can get difficult.

And so we really need to go deeper and override the program that’s driving those habits.

And the beautiful thing is that as you change the program, the habits miraculously change themselves!

Because your habits need to match your underlying, unconscious program – ALWAYS.

So let’s talk about these 5 habits that are reinforcing a program that’s not serving you – and how to shift them:


Surprised? I did say ‘unexpected’, right? 🙂

Thinking of yourself as a SAVER – rather than an INVESTOR – will keep you poor.

Saving is about being safe by squirreling your nuts away for winter.
Whole INVESTING is about achieving financial independence and growth.

When you save your money and put it in the bank, it’s actually shrinking, because standard interest rates won’t even keep up with inflation.

When you’re trying to save, coming from a mindset of ‘I have to hold onto this because I don’t want to end up poor’, it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Whereas with the mindset of an INVESTOR, you’re always looking to make your money grow and multiply.

You’re sending your money off to make MONEY BABIES.

Which is how you create financial independence and freedom.


Budgeting reinforces the message that ‘there’s not enough so I need to make every dollar count’.

When you’re budgeting, you’re looking to account for and stretch every dollar. It’s about ‘tighten your belt to save money’.

You’re trying to squirrel away the nuts for the winter.

But that mindset is based on lack and limitation. 

It comes from a place of restriction and constriction.

So we want to switch that up. We want to go from a mindset of budgeting to a mindset of having your money go to work for you by implementing a MONEY SYSTEM.

You want to give every dollar a job to do.

It’s the difference between safely tucking your money away in a drawer in case you need it one day, versus sending your money to work in a factory.

You want your money to be productive and make money babies – growing, multiplying and helping you reach all your financial goals. No idly sitting around doing nothing.


Most people don’t have a clear financial focus.

So when a sum of money comes in – especially a large or unexpected sum – they tend to put a little bit towards savings, a little bit towards debt and maybe some towards a holiday or something like that.

It comes from the belief that there may not be more coming in consistently so you can’t afford to just focus on 1 thing.

The problem is that a little further down the track, it feels like that money never even came. The money didn’t really make an impact, because it was spread out way too thin, trying to do everything at once – but achieving pretty much nothing.

A lack of focus leaves you going nowhere fast.

Let me know in the comments if that’s ever happened to you!?


When you don’t allow yourself enough spending money for fun stuff, it reinforces a lack mentality.

You feel like ‘there’s not enough, so I can’t afford to splurge on me.’  And in that process, you’re creating a deep sense of deprivation.

You’re reinforcing the belief that ‘there’s not enough’, and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

It causes you to resonate with an energy of lack – which will repel rather than attract money and abundance. That energy can translate into a ‘smell of desperation’ driving clients away, rather than attracting them.

By being too stingy with yourself, you’re creating a state that CONFIRMS you don’t have enough, which attracts more of ‘not enough’.

This creates situations like unexpected bills showing up and income that just doesn’t seem to want to land.

Being too stingy with yourself will also cause you to blow the budget, making you feel like you’re failing with money. And that will perpetuate the whole negative cycle even further.


Instant gratification usually hand in hand with using spending to mask deeper needs.

I ask Magnetic Money®️ members to check in whether a purchase is a NEED or a WANT.

Ask yourself, “Do I really need this? Or do I just want this and I’ve convinced myself that I need it?”

And if you do just want it, ask yourself, “WHY do I want it?”

Will it fulfill you, add joy to your life and help you feel consistently more abundant?

Or are you trying to mask something else?  Are you trying to mask a deeper pain – to fit in – feel loved – achieve some sort of status or acknowledgement?

What are you REALLY trying to buy?

A great indicator that a purchase was about something else entirely is when you experience buyer’s remorse.

That’s when you need to figure out what was going on at the deeper level.


We’ve covered 5 money habits that are keeping money at bay because they’re literally convincing you that there’s not enough, making you feel poor and creating more lack.

But there is an underlying factor that permeates all of them which needs to shift before these habits and attitudes can shift.

And this underlying factor is a very powerful limiting belief that there’s not enough money.

Wanting to save –  rather than thinking of yourself as an investor comes from a belief that ‘there’s not enough’.

“We have squirrel our nuts away for the winter”

The tendency to budget & carefully dividing up your money – rather than creating a SYSTEM that helps you grow your wealth – is based on a belief that ‘there’s not enough’.

“We have to budget and make it last”

A lack of focus comes from a belief that you cannot move forward financially by focusing on 1 thing at a time because ‘there’s not enough’. You don’t trust that more is coming, so:

“I have to make this stretch as far as possible.”

Seeking instant gratification and trying to fill deeper needs through spending comes from a belief that ‘there’s not enough’.

“I better grab it while I can!” 

Being stingy with yourself comes from a belief of ‘there’s not enough’

“It’s not okay to splurge on myself because there won’t be enough for more important things”

This underlying limiting belief acts like a systemic autopilot that reinforces these habits, keeping you poor and stuck in this mindset and belief that ‘there’s not enough’

The way to override an autopilot is to reprogram it, not fight it!

You want to be taken to a whole new destination where ‘there’s MORE than enough.’

The best way to program that new destination called ‘ABUNDANCE” is by focusing on and reinforcing the abundance that’s all around you.

You need to reprogram yourself with the belief that there’s plenty, by constantly proving it to yourself.

You don’t want to just stop being poor. You want to actually FEEL and BE rich.
You want to start developing & reinforcing habits that will make you richer.

That’s what the episode linked below is all about. So jump on that next.

And if you want the fast track to dissolving limiting beliefs, then grab the Limiting Belief Busting Toolkit HERE

xx Miriam

The Limiting Belief Busting Toolkit™️ (Money Block Buster System)

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When the money is never enough

When the money is never enough

“I never seem to have enough money”

This is what Linda wrote when she asked for my help.

So let’s talk about 2 simple tweaks she can make – that may seem counterintuitive – to help her:

  1. stop blowing the budget
  2. start feeling like there’s PLENTY of money!

And we won’t be talking about overspending and all the usual money-saving tips.


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Because what I’m actually going to show you is that she DOES have enough money already!

And that what’s mostly going on here is a MINDSET ISSUE, rather than a money issue.

But first, here’s what she actually wrote:

“I allocate and save my money and invest, and I don’t want to spend too much because I think if I spend more, there’ll be less to save. But somehow the money I allocate is just not enough. So I allocate a little more the next month, but it’s still not enough! Something always comes up and I have to spend more. It’s like I never have enough.”

So Linda, you’re obviously very careful with your money, which is a good thing. 

But it seems to me that it’s coming from a place of fear – which is not such a good thing.

Because our fears can become self-fulfilling prophecies.

Our fears are thoughts that have a lot of emotional power and our thoughts become things.


That’s why our deepest fears will often become our worst living nightmares.


And when we try really hard because we desperately want something, we inadvertently put an energy of desperation into it that kills the whole thing, creating the outcome we wanted to avoid – rather than the one we wanted.


And so the harder you try, the worse it gets.


Let’s use DATING as an analogy:

If you go on a date and you’re way too worried what the other person will think of you, desperately wanting them to like you, you’ll likely be trying way too hard.

You might even dress differently, tell jokes that make you cringe and generally have a smell of desperation about you. And that is going to be off-putting for the other person.

Afterwards, you might feel disappointed and think, “See, they didn’t like me!” But it’s not that they didn’t like you. It’s just that they didn’t like the energy you brought.

And if you’d just relaxed and been yourself, they might have REALLY liked you!

So let’s take a step back & ask, “WHY are you wanting the savings? What are you trying to accomplish?”

I know you want the money in the bank, financial freedom, independence and all that. But if you dig a little deeper, you’ll probably find that what you’re truly seeking is to FEEL SAFE.

But the problem is that when you’re driven by a fear of not being safe, chances are you’ll never feel safe & it’ll never be enough.

You’ll have more money and savings, but it STILL will feel like not enough.


Because the thing is, you ARE saving!


You said, “I put money aside to save and invest, but then what I leave for myself is never enough.”


And so I want you to notice that you’re not acknowledging the fact that you ARE saving and you ARE moving forward financially. 


You’re simply being a bit too stingy with yourself, not leaving enough spending money and that leads to budget blowouts. And this makes you FEEL like you’re failing and not saving.


It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy!


You even wrote it to me! You wrote, “It’s like I never have enough.” You clearly stated your limiting belief. You’re so connected to it that you’re constantly creating it.


But if you’re honest with yourself, it’s not actually true!


Because you are saving, you are investing, you are moving forward financially.


So the thing to recognize here is that this is not so much a money issue, but more of a MINDSET issue.


So that’s Linda. But what about YOU?

What limiting beliefs and fears have become self-fulfilling prophecies for you? 

Let me know in the comments below!


So Linda, you are saving, you are investing, you do actually have enough.

But your fear of not having enough makes you FEEL like it’s never enough AND is making you be way too stingy with yourself so that you keep blowing the budget.


You’re literally creating situations that prove that limiting belief to you where unexpected bills and expenses gobble up your extra money.


So if we start with the premise that you DO have enough, we can make some tweaks to change both your perception and your experience.


So you can avoid the budget blowouts and change the way you feel about your money.


I’m recommending a two-pronged approach:


NUMBER 1: Stop being stingy with yourself!

The very first thing I want you to do is to give yourself MORE spending money.


Because the problem is you’re being too stingy with yourself and not basing your budget on reality. And so you keep blowing the budget, making you feel like you’re failing.


But that only lowers your vibration and reinforces that limiting belief. And it definitely doesn’t help make you magnetic to more. In fact, it will turn you into a magnet for MORE bills and unexpected emergencies that gobble up your money.

(You described this in your letter. “…even though I give myself more money the next month, it still all disappears!”)


This tells me two things:

  1. You’re not basing the amount of money you’re giving yourself on reality.
  2. You keep creating more bills, more emergencies to gobble up that spare money to prove yur limiting belief back to you (self-fulfilling prophecy).


NUMBER 2: Change your language

The second thing I want you to do is to change your language.


Start showing yourself – and reinforcing to yourself – that you do have enough.

When you pay bills, when you put money into your savings and your investments, reinforce that to yourself and use hypnotic language! Tell yourself “That’s right! See.. I do have enough. There is plenty. Look at me go. I’m doing so well.”


And as you do that, you prove to yourself in that very moment that the thing you want so much is actually happening!


To succeed financially in the long term, you’ll need to take a more realistic and strategic approach based on reality rather than on emotion.


This will help accelerate your savings and allow you to realise that there is plenty.

Most importantly – it will allow you to feel SAFE (Because remember, that’s where all the trouble started?)


I hope these tips have been helpful to you (& to Linda)!

And if you’re thinking. “Yes, but I still have debt. So where do I start? Save or pay off debt?”, then the episode linked below is where you want to go next.


PS: Is there a money issue you’d love my help with? Simply subscribe to my newsletter HERE and respond to my next call-out!



5 UNEXPECTED money habits that make you rich

5 UNEXPECTED money habits that make you rich

Let’s talk about 5 unexpected money habits that will make you richer.

But we won’t be talking about writing your goals, getting up early or even the importance of being frugal investing & saving.

Instead, we’ll cover 5 unexpected money habits that will shift your internal state which will translate to more money in the bank.

Because THIS is the real reason the rich get richer. It’s not because they’re already rich, but because they already FEEL and THINK that they’re rich.


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We’ll cover 5 habits that will make you richer inside and out. The 5th one is the most important one as it supercharges the rest.

I’ll also give you a super simple practical way you can check in with yourself to help fast-track your wealth.

Let’s start by asking: 

  •   Why do you want the money?
  •   How much do you want?
  •   And how much is enough?
  •   What will you do with it?
  •   And why is that important to you?

As you dig into your reasons for wanting more money, you’ll end up realizing that what you ultimately want is a FEELING.

You want to feel abundant, rich, free to make choices, to be master of your universe.

Abundance is a feeling.

You can be rich in terms of assets and money in the bank – or you can be rich in terms of how you feel internally.

And the two don’t necessarily go together!

There are plenty of people who have loads of money and still don’t feel rich.

They still worry about & stress about money.

And this internal feeling of poverty makes them continue chasing more and more money externally. But unfortunately, it never feels like enough.

So we’re going to be talking about the OPPOSITE of that, because we want you to be rich inside and out.

Because feeling abundant is an inside job.

And the beautiful thing is that the more abundant and rich you feel internally, the more money and cool stuff you’ll end up having in your external life.

Because as you start to think and feel more abundant and like you are already rich – as you EXPECT to be rich – you’ll start to talk, walk and do things differently.

You’ll start acting like a rich person.

This is why the rich get richer!

The rich don’t get richer just because they already have money to leverage.

The rich get richer because they THINK like the rich, they EXPECT to be rich, they DO the things that rich people do.

They show up in ways that say, “I expect to be successful. I have plenty of money, I’m loving it and I expect to have plenty more.”

How cool is it to think that you can have what you REALLY want right now?

Because you can choose to start feeling abundant right here, right now.

And as you start to feel richer and more abundant internally, it’s going to change the way you show up. It’s going to change the way you think, the way you feel, the way you approach life. It’ll change the choices and decisions you make.

And that’s going to have a massive effect on the results you get. 

And this in turn helps reinforce that feeling and thinking of, “Yes, of course. I have it sorted. I am rich, I am wealthy, I am abundant. Things always work out for me.”

And so it becomes this beautiful self-fulfilling prophecy that gathers its own momentum.

So let’s cover these 5 habits & then I’ll give you that practical tip.

No.1: Pay your bills with gratitude.

You can literally have a bill paying party. You can light candles, play music, whatever you like. But most importantly, when you pay your bills, make sure you’re in a really positive frame of mind.

Send gratitude for the services you received in exchange for those bills, for having the money to pay them and for the fact that these people know you’re abundant enough to pay.

When you sit down and you pay your bills from this space – rather than a place of begrudgingly handing over your money – it changes everything.

It reinforces to your unconscious mind that you do have the money and that you’re getting plenty of cool things in return for that money.


No.2: Spend with joy!

When you’re spending money, do it from a place of joy.

Be really grateful and happy about the things you’re buying. And have dedicated fun money that you can spend with gratitude – free of worry or guilt that something else is missing out.

Make sure you are really present, really conscious, and that you plan in advance what cool fun things you’re going to be doing with this money.

Again, it helps reinforce that you are this beautiful, abundant person who’s got plenty of money.

When you spend money with joy, feeling rich and abundant, loving what you’re getting in return, it uplevels your inner state of abundance.

And that makes you magnetic to more.


No.3: Celebrate the evidence!

When money comes in, celebrate it! Stop and acknowledge it and don’t discount it.

So many people will discount their money, thinking ‘it doesn’t count’ because they were expecting it or it was owed to them or because it’s not enough.

But when you do that, you’re telling your money that it’s not important and you downgrade your abundance vibe, rather than taking this amazing opportunity to say, “YES! There it is! Money flowing to me right here, right now! I’m so abundant!”

Whether it’s 1 cent, 10 cents or $10million dollars, it’s still the energy of money showing up in your life. And the more you acknowledge, celebrate and welcome it with open arms, treating it as EVIDENCE of your abundance, the more will flow.

Let’s press pause & check in:

Is this easy or what?  Let me know in the comments below that you KNOW you can do this!

But the key is to get into the HABIT of doing these things!

A habit is something you keep doing over and over and over, until it’s totally second nature.

But you want to make sure you get into the RIGHT habits. And that’s why the fifth one  we’re going to cover is by far the most important one.

But first, let’s talk about the fourth unexpected money habit that will help you get rich.


No.4: Say no from a place of empowerment!

When you say no to spending money, when you say no to expenses, when you say no to going out to another fancy dinner with your friends, or joining them on am expensive holiday – because YOU are busy focusing on another financial goal right now – do it from a place of empowerment!

Do it from a place of “I’ve got a plan and I’m sticking to it. I’m not going to anything derail me.”

This is when you can say no to spending money from a place that feels really good.

And this, of course, helps you feel richer, more in control of your money, more abundant and like you’ve got it all covered.

And that uplevels your mindset and energy, which makes you magnetic to more.

How cool is that?

Before we move onto No.5, let me reiterate what I hope you’ve picked up on by now.

These habits are about you learning to FEEL rich and abundant right now – rather than chasing the external money and abundance.

It’s about shifting your energy from desperately pulling at something and trying to get rich (which just reinforces the lack of it) to chilling out, enjoying where you are and being excited about more to come.

It’s about starting to allow yourself to feel rich and abundant right here, right now.

This completely changes your energy and helps you become magnetic to more. And THAT is what helps you get rich!

And this is why this 5th money habit to help you get rich is so important…

Because I bet you’ve been busily taking notes so that you can do these things to become richer.

Which means that you are still TRYING to get rich! You’re prepared to do the things we just talked about – but only because they’ll help you get richer.

But this is why the fifth money habit is the most critical one.


No.5: Decide that you’re ALREADY rich!

You don’t want to do anything to try and get rich (other than of course being smart with your business strategy and how you manage your money).

But in terms of the way you show up, don’t do it with an ulterior motive.

  •  Pay your bills with gratitude because you are grateful.
  •  Spend with joy because it is a joy to spend.
  •  Say no from a place of empowerment because you are empowered.
  •  Celebrate the evidence because it is evidence of your abundance.


Remember, the world on the outside of you is just a reflection of what’s going on inside of you.

The world is your mirror.


When you look in the mirror of the world around you, do you like what you see?

  •  Do you see an abundant version of you?
  •  Do you see a life that’s a reflection of your internal abundance?


Abundance is a State Of Being.

It’s not until we can BECOME a more abundant version of ourselves, until we can transform and uplevel our mindset, our energy, our habits, that we can have that more consistent level of physical abundance in our life.


(If that’s something you want to learn more about, then join my Ultimate Money Masterclass. You’ll find the link below)

Before you go, let me share a practical tip to help you accelerate and fast track your wealth.

Stop for a moment, put down your pen or anything in your hands, take a deep breath in and take a moment to check in with yourself.

How rich and abundant do you feel right here, right now? If you had to put a dollar figure on it, what number comes to mind?

And THAT tells you exactly how you’re doing!

Because if you’re feeling rich and abundant, right here, right now, THAT is what you’re in the process of creating and attracting!

And if you’re feeling like there’s not quite enough in the bank and there’s a sense of lack and limitation internally, THAT is what the world will mirror back to you.

It’s a quick way to get a little heads up so you can do something about it.

The better you get at checking in with yourself, knowing where you are at (and being honest with yourself), the more you’ll be able to fast track your wealth.

This is why the very first key we cover in Magnetic Money® is #NOTICE.

It’s all about self-awareness.

We notice the things we’re doing, how we’re feeling, what we’re saying, and the thoughts that are spinning through our minds. 

And the more we become self-aware and practice using the tools at our disposal, the more we can uplevel our internal state to become a more abundant version of ourselves.

And this will be reflected back by our external world.

Now, if feeling rich and abundant – regardless of how much is in the bank right now – feels a little too challenging, then you probably have some old money stories & limiting beliefs going on.

This can keep you stuck in a Catch 22 where you can’t feel rich and abundant until there’s more money in the bank. And until you feel more abundant, the money can’t flow.


If that’s going on for you, then check out the episode linked below, because it will help you figure out what those old money story and limiting beliefs are.

See you there!

xx Miriam

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Got a money guilt complex? Read This!

Got a money guilt complex? Read This!

Do you find yourself at dinner with friends and feel like you’re the only one worrying about the bill?

Do you enviously see other women booking into spa days … while you’re squeezing the last bit of face cream out of a tube you bought 2 years ago?

Or maybe you LOVE to spend money – as long as it’s on OTHERS & not on you..?

No matter how it shows up, a money guilt complex is no fun.

But although it can feel really isolating, I want you to know:

You are NOT alone!

Here’s how others have described it:

I feel bad just for wanting to spend money on makeup and look after myself.

I happily invest in the stock market, but I’m too afraid to spend any cash on myself. 

I’ve been frugal for years and just realized what an unhealthy relationship I have with money.

I had a bad experience with money in the past. And even though I’m financially okay now, I’m still afraid to spend.

I’m afraid to buy a designer handbag I’ve been saving for – but meanwhile, I bought six other bags and spent more money in the process!

These are common stories. …  Always saving for the next thing. Afraid to spend money… not knowing why.

In this episode, we’ll give you some insight into what causes this – so you can change it.
And I’ll share my favorite HACK to liberate you from money guilt FAST.

But first – let’s talk about where this guilt complex & fear of spending comes from.


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Let’s talk about the power of stories:

Stories are powerful. Humans have shared information through stories since the dawn of time.
And stories are HYPNOTIC! We hypnotise each other (& ourselves) with the stories we tell.

But do you remember some of the stupid stories your parents told you as a kid?
I noticed a lot of them were about our eyes:

  • Reading in the dark is bad for your eyes.
  • Sitting too close to the TV is bad for your eyes. 
  • If you don’t eat your carrots, it’s bad for your eyes
  • If you cross your eyes, they might get stuck like that. 
  • And if you keep your eyes open while sneezing, your eyeballs might pop out. 

A rather disproportionate level of concern for the welfare of our eyes, I think…..

And there’s more:

  • Cracking your knuckles will give you arthritis. 
  • Swallowed gum takes seven years to digest. 
  • Swim after eating & you’ll drown. (I would’ve drowned so many times by now!)
  • Swallow watermelon seeds and one will grow in your stomach. 

And of course everybody’s favorite:  Santa knows if you’ve been naughty or nice!

You’ll notice these stories are about trying to control our behaviour through fear.

As children, we believed them and fell in line. As we grew up, we realized they were just stories and not true.

But ask yourself:
“If I still believed those stories I was told as a kid, what would my life be like?”

Stories are powerful and hypnotic. And what’s even more powerful is the UNCONSCIOUS STORIES we pick up through what we hear, see & experience.

If we see our parents stressed and worried about money, constantly tired from working too hard, we tell ourselves a story and we start to believe it.

You take on unconscious stories about your parents’ experiences… or YOUR PERCEPTION of their experience.

So your job is to make sense of what’s true and what’s not true – what’s resourceful and what’s not resourceful – what’s going to help you in life – and what’s going to hinder and hold you back.

If your parents told you there’s monsters under the bed, will you let it ruin your sleep for the rest of your life?

As we start to recognize the stories that our parents told us, it’s important to bring a sense of compassion.

Because they were mostly trying to keep us safe. They passed on stories they believed or that were based on their experience. They meant well and they were trapped in their own stories.

When you recognize that it was just THEIR story, you can liberate yourself and decide to tell a new story.

Take a minute and think about some of the money stories your parents told you – or that you took on based on what you saw or heard.

  • What did you OBSERVE your parents do? 
  • How did you HEAR your parents say about money?
  • And what did TELL YOU about money?

Here are some MONEY STORIES I was told:

Do you think we’re rich?
Money doesn’t grow on trees.
You’ve gotta have money to make money.
Must be nice for rich people.
I wonder what they did to get THAT?? <insert suspicious look>

As you look at the  things your parents told you about money, you’ll recognize THEIR fear, THEIR guilt.

Maybe they told you not to be too greedy because when you asked for something, it triggered their fear and lack mentality. Maybe they felt bad for not being able to provide it and just wanted to make you stop asking, so they told you “Don’t be greedy!”

So none of it is REALLY about the money… it’s mostly about feeling safe!

This is why compassion and forgiveness will heal your old money stories – yours and theirs. 

But there’s more to it than just ditching money guilt & feeling ok about spending money on yourself.

Because not only do these old money stories make you feel bad and stop you from spending money that you’d really like to spend…

They also BLOCK your flow of abundance!

Because if you believe that money’s bad and that it’s not okay to want more, you will unconsciously block money from flowing to you.

But it gets worse, because:
If you stop money from flowing OUT, you’re also blocking more money from flowing IN!

Just like blocking the OUTLET of a hose stops more from flowing through the INLET, by being unwilling to spend money, you’re blocking more from flowing to you.

Which means you need to expand your comfort zone around spending money.

An easy way is to use token gestures:

Next time you go shopping, don’t compare which toilet paper is cheaper – just buy the one you want.
Go to the deli counter and buy the cheese you like – not the one on sale.

Little token gestures like this make a HUGE difference because they disrupt neural pathways.
Token gestures help you start to create a new story and expand your comfort zone around abundance.
They challenge old stories, which starts to break them down.

This is a muscle you need to exercise.

A great place to start is to decide what you want your new story to be.

If you were telling a story about money & abundance to your child, what would you want to say?

What story would you want them to take forward through life?

Gift yourself that saME story!

Tell yourself a story that’ll EMPOWER YOU, that opens you up to possibilities and makes you feel more abundant – right here, right now. 

Because YOU get to choose your story!

Here’s a hack that will help you wire that new story in faster:

Look for EVIDENCE of the new story being true!

The more you look, the more you’ll find. And that will help reinforce the new story and wire it in faster & deeper. It will help your conscious & unconscious minds to get on board with the new story faster.

Now of course you still want to save money, right? But WITHOUT feeling guilty…

So it’s important to find a happy balance between being smart with money – and having an abundance mindset. You want to be thrifty, but you want it to feel empowering.
And you want to feel GOOD about spending money on yourself – when you choose to.

That’s what the episodes linked below are all about. So be sure to check those out next.

And in the meantime, find out what your Money Habit Archetype is! You can TAKE THE QUIZ HERE. 

That will help you uncover more of those old money stories.


xx Miriam


Discover your Money Habit Archetype and use it to clear your biggest money block.



How to achieve financial goals WITHOUT being a Scrooge!

How to achieve financial goals WITHOUT being a Scrooge!

Did you know that being a Scrooge and becoming too frugal can actually be counterproductive?

We’re often told to tighten our belts, cut all unnecessary expenses & save, save, save if we want to achieve our financial goals. But that can actually stop more money from flowing!

So today we’ll talk about why and how being too frugal can be counterproductive – and what to focus on instead to help you achieve those financial goals and encourage MORE money to flow.

We’ll cover 4 ways over tightening your belt can choke the flow of money and abundance. Then we’ll discuss 3 things you should focus on instead so you can achieve those goals AND attract more money along the way.






But let’s be clear. I’m not telling you NOT to save money and cut unnecessary spending. It’s great to stop wasting money. But it’s also way toop easy to go overboard and over tighten that belt so much that you’re also completely choking the flow of abundance!

What’s worse, you may also convince yourself that to get financially ahead, this is how life has to be. You may be reinforcing and creating a poverty mindset.

Plus, living too skint is usually not sustainable. And that can lead to budget blowouts and a sense of failure. And sometimes all that frustration will result in a full blown ‘budget rebellion’ where you go on a spending spree and undo all the great progress you just made.

Before we get into it, a little story for you:

When I was a broke, newly single mom, I would drive into my son’s very expensive private school in my Mazda. It wasn’t a bomb, but this school carpark was full of convertible Bentleys and other luxury vehicles, with nannies driving the kids to school. And I would feel so embarrassed and like I didn’t belong at all, and like I had ‘broke single mum struggling to pay her rent’ tattooed across my forehead.

But the really interesting thing is that even after my business took off and the money started flowing in, that feeling persisted. I still felt like I didn’t belong. I still felt uncomfortable and awkward. I still felt embarrassed and ashamed  – even though I was probably making more money than some of the other parents. And don’t get me wrong – everyone was quite lovely. It was nothing they did. It’s just what I perceived and how I felt.

Even though I was making great money and running a successful business, I still felt less than. And that is the danger here. If you overdo the frugality thing, if you turn this into a way of life, you may program yourself into thinking that you are a pauper. That you don’t belong and don’t deserve the nice things in life.

Having more money does not guarantee feeling abundant.

So let’s cover a few ways being too frugal can block the flow of money. What you’ll notice is that these points are all about marrying the magical with the practical, which is what I’m all about.

Because you have an energetic relationship with money. You either magnetically attract it – or repel it. You also have an unconscious relationship with money – your internal stories about your self-worth, your deservingness and whether money is hard or easy to make. And then you also have a practical relationship with money, which is all about having money confidence and knowing what to do with your money.

We need to bring all of that together and into harmony. This is what the Magnetic Money™️ program is all about. You can check it out here.

The first thing to remember is that feeling abundant is what makes you magnetic to more. So if you overdo the cost cutting and start living too frugally, you leave no room for feeling abundant and enjoying the money you have. And that means you’re closing the gates that allow more abundance to flow.

You are the magnet.

When you feel abundant, you attract abundance. And when you feel like there’s not enough, you attract more ‘not enoughness’.

So you want the actions you take to make you feel abundant and celebrate the money you have in your life.



Having dedicated fun money is a legitimate manifesting exercise that allows you to attract more money consistently.

It helps you naturally align with the vibration of abundance and become magnetic to more.

So it’s important to have SOME fun money that you can spend on whatever you like – no judgment, no repercussions, no apologies and no guilt.

But the problem is that when most people decide to ‘tighten their belt’, fun money is the first thing to go!

(Of course, you need to have your money system set up to ensure you know where to find your fun money and how much there is so you can spend it without adversely affecting your goals. You can check out the Magnetic Money™️ System Bootcamp here if you need help with setting up your money system)

Over tightening your belt and living really skint will almost guarantee budget blowouts. Because life happens.

And if you keep blowing the budget, you’ll start feeling like you failed, like you can’t do this & like it doesn’t work. You might go into full blown ‘budget rebellion’ where you go on a spending spree and undo all your good work. 

So you don’t want to over tighten the belt to where it’s not sustainable. 

(There’s an episode linked below in which I take you through the basic principles of a money system that works, so be sure check that out next.)

Let me know in the comments:
Have you given up on budgeting because you kept blowing the budget?
And have you ever gone into a full budget rebellion and gone on a spending spree? (and what did you buy?)

Now, the final reason you don’t want to over tighten your belt and become a total scrooge is that it can really fuel a poverty mindset.

Lots of people who join the Magnetic Money™️ program are already trying to overcome a poverty mindset. And as I showed you in my personal story, more money doesn’t change that pattern!

If your unconscious program says it’s never enough and you’re not safe, you still won’t be able to relax even when you make more money. You’ll still worry.

We call that an Accumulator Habit Archetype pattern. It’s usually fed by an old money story that says “I’m not safe. It’s never enough.”

And so when you get into a habit of drastically cutting costs, you’re reinforcing that pattern and story. And the problem with that is that even when you’ve completely changed your financial situation, you’ll still feel broke. And that is just no fun.

So, let’s talk about what you can do instead, that will allow you to reach your financial goals WITHOUT inadvertently turning off the tap of abundance.

Whenever you cut costs, do it from a place of empowerment. 

You want to feel excited, knowing this is helping you move forward financially. You don’t want to feel like you’re sacrificing your first born to pay off a credit card! You want to feel like you’re trimming some fat that was just weighing you down anyway.

And whatever you’re substituting that old thing with, make sure it’s something that nourishes you even more.


Leave plenty of wiggle room!

You want to prevent budget blowouts and a full blown budget rebellion. You want to feel good about staying on track and you want to actually achieve those goals.

Leaving plenty of wiggle room and not making things too tight is a simple way to help you chieve that.

We already talked about the importance of fun money.

Yes, cut spending on things you don’t need. Save money where money is being wasted. But amongst all of that, there has to be some dedicated fun money that allows you to feel abundant and celebrate the money you do have – even if it’s $10 a week. Even if it’s just that one coffee date you take yourself on.

The trick is to really celebrate and enjoy it. 

Feel good about the choices you made and appreciate spending that fun money even more.

There’s a world of difference between savouring your weekly coffee date even more because it’s more special now versus feeling like you’re not allowed to do anything fun anymore because you have to save money.

In an upcoming episode, I’ll be talking about the importance of focusing on what you have in order to attract more. I’ll be pointing out the ways people get it backwards, even though they think they’re doing it right. So keep an eye out for that!

Now, to succeed with all of this, you will need to have your banking sorted. Because that’s the basic infrastructure through which your money flows. So if you haven’t taken my free workshop to help you organize and tidy your banking yet, I suggest you hop on it now.

And if you’re ready for a full blown money transformation and want high-touch, live  support from myself, then check out Magnetic Money™️.

I hope you enjoyed this episode!

Let me know your biggest take-is in the comments below and I’ll see you in the next one.

xx Miriam 

Ready to go deeper?




Organize & Tidy Your Banking

‘Spark the joy’ of becoming magnetic – for women entrepreneurs.

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