Rich Thinking vs Poor Thinking – and a hack for making the switch!

Rich Thinking vs Poor Thinking – and a hack for making the switch!

Let’s talk about rich thinking versus poor thinking.

This is really important because the difference between rich and poor really starts in the way that you think. 

So today I’m going to give you some examples of poor thinking, including some you may not even be aware of. And I’m also going to share with you a really simple tip to help you get out of any ‘poor people’ habits of thinking – so that you can start making the change and make ‘rich thinking’ your normal.

At my workshops and in my Magnetic Money program, I usually give people a long list of poverty, thoughts – examples of poor thinking. And I ask them to make a note of how many of those they believe, have ever believed, have ever thought or even have told others were true.

And you know what? Most people tick between 80 and 90% of the 50 different limiting negative poverty thoughts (examples of poor thinking) on that list! YIKES!!! 

When you consider that we think up to 80,000 thoughts a day, and most of them – like 95% of them – are totally unconscious, you start to realize what kind of poverty thoughts might be swarming around in there.

As a trained hypnotherapist, I’m really aware of just how much we constantly hypnotize ourselves and how much the world around us is constantly looking to hypnotize us. So our job is to choose selectively what kind of thoughts we allow in there in the first place – consciously – before they start becoming unconscious habits of thought.

It’s so critical that we catch this negative thinking – this poor thinking – early, because if you don’t, you really risk hypnotizing yourself into poverty.

Because thoughts that you keep thinking over and over again, they become unconscious patterns in your nervous system. They become beliefs. And then your beliefs all add up to make up your mindset. And all of that will build momentum. You end up getting what you expect.

You always get what you expect.






That is the net outcome of Law of Attraction. All of these thoughts that are swirling around – that are on that same vibrational frequency – become unconscious belief systems. You don’t even realize you’re thinking them, but they’re constantly spinning and emitting a signal. And then the world will mirror that back to you.


So let’s have a look at some really common examples of poor thinking. And I want you to have a look and see how many of these you identify with, whether you’ve heard them or have said them, or believe them. Maybe in exactly the way I’m saying them – or some version thereof, or maybe it’s something your parents said – or was really similar to something your parents said – the message being the same that you heard growing up. We’re just going to cover 12. Let’s see how we go: 


  1. It takes money to make money. 
  2. Must be nice to be rich. 
  3. Rich people are bastards 
  4. Money doesn’t grow on trees.
    The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. 
  5. I’m not made of money. 
  6. Money is the root of all evil
  7. No pain, no gain. 
  8. The only way you’ll get anywhere is through hard work. 
  9. You can’t always get what you want. 
  10. Life’s not meant to be fair. 
  11. Life’s a bitch and then you die.


Let me know in the comments, which one of those examples of poor thinking really hits home for you?.


Now let’s look at a list of examples of rich thinking: 

  • The universe always has my back. 
  • There is an unlimited supply of abundance available to me. 
  • Opportunities are everywhere. 
  • I’m constantly attracting all the right people. 
  • I have so much value to offer. 
  • I love how people really appreciate my skills and talents. 
  • My money grows while I sleep. 
  • I’m a really good custodian of my money.


See how much more empowering these are?

The difference between rich thinking vs poor thinking is worlds apart.

The thing is, it’s not about cliched sounding beliefs because rich thinking versus poor thinking actually happens in all the little moments in life.


What happens when something breaks? 

What happens when you get an unexpected, big bill coming in? 

What happens when someone doesn’t pay you back or a client cancels? 

What are your default thoughts?


Just imagine for a moment that a friend asks you to catch up for dinner. But the thing is, they’re the kind of friend that always wants to go to the most expensive restaurants and order pretty much everything on the menu – including a really lovely, expensive bottle of wine – then expects you to go halves. 


What are your thoughts when that friend calls and suggests catching up? How do you feel about it? 


The thing is that rich thinking, it’s not about blowing the budget, but it’s about having the kinds of thoughts that demonstrate that you expect to live an abundant life. So we want to stop and interrupt that negative momentum from building.


Because if it builds too much momentum: 

Number one, you’re hypnotizing yourself even more into a poverty consciousness. 

And Number two, you’re going to start to emanate a stronger and more consistent signal of ‘there’s not enough – people take advantage – my money seems to just flow out – I’m not in control’ and all of that stuff.


And that signal will cause the universe to echo something similar back to you. It will bring you things that reflect that. So we want to put a stop to that negative thought process as early as possible, which means you need to pay attention. You need to be aware and then you need to be able to interrupt that pattern. And we’re going to do it using exactly that: A pattern interrupt.

Now, let me just quickly explain before we go through a demo. A pattern interrupt taps into the way your mind naturally works. 


You see willpower doesn’t work. 


If you say to yourself, “Oh no, I’m not going to have those negative thoughts. I’m not going to think about how that always makes me stress about money and think about that my phone bill is due tomorrow and I may have blown it all on a really expensive dinner, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.” 


If you tell yourself that you’re not going to think about something it’s like telling yourself not to think about a pink elephant, because if I tell you not to think about a pink elephant, because whatever you do, the pink elephant is really not going to help our situation right here right now. So please do not think about the pink elephant. Just take that pink elephant right out of your mind. Thank you very much….


All you’re thinking about now is the pink elephant, right? So willpower doesn’t work. It works for a little while, but then it’s a ticking time bomb because what it does is it creates all this buildup and resistance where unconsciously you’re saying, “but I want to, but I really want to, I really, really, really want to.”


If you’ve ever tried to use willpower to stop smoking, to stop overeating – any habit really – you’ll know that it works for a little while, but then it usually ends badly.


So willpower doesn’t work because of the way your mind works. 


But a pattern interrupt absolutely works because it takes advantage of the way your mind works. 


So you’ve got this conscious mind, your thinking mind, and that’s pretty clever and a useful little tool. And then you have the unconscious mind, which is this amazing, amazing, super computer that processes billions of bits of information per second. So it’s kind of like having a shovel and a supercomputer. 


Your supercomputer is used to waiting for your conscious mind to catch up. 


So instead of saying, “No, no, no, I’m not going to have all those negative thoughts because they have repercussions…etc” Instead of saying, “No”, you say “In a minute, just give me a minute because I’m a bit slow. I need some time” And your unconscious mind will not rebel itat that – it’s used to waiting.


So a pattern interrupt is exactly that. You say “In a minute“, and then you distract yourself for at least two minutes. Go and do something totally different – scroll Facebook or Instagram. That’ll usually keep you busy for 15 to 20 minutes, right? 


So the pattern interrupt is about delaying and distracting. And what that does is it weakens that neural pathway, that automatic worry cycle that wants to kick in straight away. It weakens that. So it doesn’t automatically kick in as hard next time. And you’ll need to do it a few times over and over. But the really great news is that after those two minutes, even if you go back and you do the worrying thing, you’ve still weakened that automatic pattern in your nervous system. 


That’s all you need to do to really start to weaken those old habits of poor thinking. How cool is that? 


It’s not really that difficult to break down these old habits and start creating the changes you want. 

What you need is some self-awareness, someone to hold up a mirror and then to have a handy little tool that you can easily use. That’s all it takes.


 So are you starting to realize that you really do have some consistent patterns of poor thinking going on? Well, it’s time to break that cycle! And the good news is that you’re absolutely ready. You wouldn’t be here reading this, doing the research, finding tools and starting to become aware if you weren’t ready for the next step. 


So now it’s just a matter of really building on that awareness, making sure you have some really useful tools and that you know how to use them. So anytime you need, anytime you spot yourself, you know, succumbing to that negative thinking, you can pull out those tools to put an end to that pattern and turn things around.


Now to help you with that, I’ve developed a little system that is super simple and easy for you to use over and over again. It’s what I personally use. It’s what I use with my VIP’s. And it’s what I’ve developed based on years and years of experience. With the Money Blockbuster System, you get to sit down anytime you catch yourself in a bit of a cycle of negative thinking. It helps you quickly identify what that limiting belief is that is causing it and clear it. 

It even comes with hypnosis and invitations to join regular live group coaching sessions with me. If you want to check that out, just follow the link below and grab yourself the Money Blockbuster System.

It’s time to embrace your unlimited potential and you’re absolutely ready to take that next step.

xx Miriam

Ready to go deeper?


Say goodbye to money blocks the quick & easy way:

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List of limiting beliefs about money | The ultimate list of what’s REALLY going on.

List of limiting beliefs about money | The ultimate list of what’s REALLY going on.

Would you love a list of limiting beliefs about money that might be lurking in your unconscious?

Today I’m going to share with you a list of limiting beliefs about money that covers the top 6 nasties which could be stopping more money from flowing to you.

And I bet they’re not what you’d expect!

As a hypnotherapist and a money mentor for women in business, I’ve helped to clear a lot of limiting beliefs around money, and there is a definite pattern as to the most common ones.

Today I’m going to cover for you the top six limiting beliefs that I’ve helped hundreds of students and clients clear, which has helped them put an end to self-sabotage patterns and finally grow their income and their business.






But what’s more, I’m also going to give you an idea of how these tend to show up, because the thing is that the limiting belief is hiding in the unconscious and it does take a bit of work to uncover. 

But there are certain patterns that will show up as a result of this list of limiting beliefs about money. You can kind of think of them as what the logical outcome would be if that belief were actually true – because even though these limiting beliefs are actually NOT true, at the unconscious level, you believe they are, which makes them true for YOU.

You literally keep attracting and creating situations over and over and over again, that proves them to be true for you.

Let’s dive in and see which of these resonate with you so that we can help you clear the obstacles to your abundance:

Limiting belief number 1: “I’m not good enough”

This is the one that leads to patterns of undercharging, which means that you end up working way too hard for too little money. And it’s also the one that’s responsible for signing up for way too many courses and thinking that you need yet another qualification before you can finally be ‘good enough’.

Limiting belief number 2: “I’m not worthy”. 

This one sounds similar, but it’s very different. This is the one that leads to patterns of giving way too much away for free because you at the unconscious level, don’t feel like you’re worthy of keeping the money and having the good things.

So the patterns that show up as a result of a belief of “I’m not worthy” are things like giving everything away for free & having short discovery calls turn into hour and a half long full-blown sessions that you don’t even charge for. And it’s also the one that’s often responsible for a pattern of where money comes in – even good sums of money – and you finding really creative ways to get rid of it fast.

Limiting belief number 3: “I don’t deserve it”.

Again, sounds similar, but quite different. Each of these limiting beliefs is literally a separate daisy chain in your nervous system. And so it is really important to identify the one that is yours and not to knock out the neighbor by accident.

So “I don’t deserve it,” is the one that leads to patterns of blocking the abundance, of hitting upper limits, of working really, really hard. It’s when the same thing is working for everybody else and you’re using the same strategies, but the money just doesn’t seem to be coming to you, no matter how hard you work for it.

Limiting belief number 4: “It’s not good enough”

This is where whatever you do is not good enough.

This one leads to patterns of overworking, of over perfecting everything, of reworking everything, of giving those extra sessions, because you feel like you haven’t quite done a good enough job for your client. It’s the over-giving and the overworking pattern. That’s usually a sign that there’s a limiting belief that “It’s not good enough”.

Limiting belief number 5: “It’s not safe to shine / be successful”

This is a particular nasty and is the one that keeps you playing small. It’s when you refuse to put yourself out in the spotlight because you have this limiting belief that it’s not safe to shine.

This is the one that will have you avoiding doing Facebook lives, or showing up to do your marketing or following up leads. It’s also the one that creates sabotage when opportunities come up. For example, when you don’t meet the deadline, or you lose the person’s email address that offered to do this amazing joint venture with you.

It’s also the one that leads to patterns of you not closing the sale, and not following through to then step up and be the person who can do that amazing job for your client.

Now, you might be noticing a pattern here that these aren’t really that much about money. 

I’m going to talk about this in a minute and why that’s so critical to recognize, but first let’s talk about the sixth and final one of these top six nasties now.

Limiting belief number 6: “I’m not important.”

This one is the one that will lead to patterns of you putting everyone else first – of you over-giving and not asking for what you want. It basically says that ‘Everybody else’s needs are more important than mine,’ which means that you don’t get your needs met as you’re putting everybody else first.

Let me know in the comments below, which of these limiting beliefs and patterns can you relate to?

You’ll notice that most of the nasties in this list of limiting beliefs about money have pretty much nothing to do with money and everything to do with your self-belief and your self-worth. 

And that’s because it’s not really about the money. 

Money is just a symbol. It’s literally a demonstration of your self-worth,. Your pattern sabotage and blocking of abundance is simply playing out in response to that underlying belief system.

This is your money story. 

It’s the story you bought into at the unconscious level and it’s made up of the sum of all your limiting beliefs. 

If you want to transform that money story, so you can stop blocking abundance and stop making life more difficult than it needs to be, then you really have to start by uncovering your dominant money pattern.

That’s your Money Habit Archetype, and to help you uncover that, I’ve created a really simple quiz – the Money Habit Archetype Quiz, which you can take that right now at

Just answer five simple questions and you’ll find out what your Money Habit Archetype is and how to use it to release your biggest money block.

Because it’s time for you to embrace your unlimited potential!

xx Miriam


Discover your Money Habit Archetype and use it to clear your biggest money block.


Magnetic Monday Live Manifesting Q&A | Your money questions answered

Magnetic Monday Live Manifesting Q&A | Your money questions answered

It’s time for another Magnetic Monday call!

This is a live manifesting Q&A, where you can get answers to all your money questions – including how to change your money mindset, how to attract and manifest more money PLUS personal finance tips to help you gain money confidence so you never worry about money again.

To get an invite for the next Magnetic Monday Q&A so you can join us live and get answers to YOUR biggest money questions, just register at:

It’s completely free!

Here’s a summary of this episode so you can jump straight to the bit that resonates with you – or grab a cuppa and watch the lot!


6min – I struggle with the spending part, mostly. So my question is, does that kind of block the flow of the abundance through me? 

18min – How do you manage the transition of your own mindset with your nearest and dearest who are not in a positive mindset? 

26min – You say “Every dollar needs a job to do” and I’m having trouble finding jobs for all my money 

36min –  I worry there won’t be enough money in ‘old age’

41min – My money is a mess! I’ve been trying to give it jobs, but I don’t know enough about investing and compound interest






Here are some highlights from the call:

Rene said:
“One habit around money I would like to change is being worried there’s not enough in old age.”

As we do get a little bit older and start realising that life is not infinite in this 3D reality that we’re in, we do start thinking about that stuff. 

If that’s something that’s really bugging you, then I would recommend:

1. Look at the story

Look at what your parents modelled for you. Is that a story that you picked up because it’s what your parents either told you or what actually happened to them? 

And just because it happened to them – or it’s what they bought into – doesn’t mean it has to be your story. 

We do the hypnotic story process in Magnetic Money, and that is a huge part of it:
Realizing that it’s just a story – most of the time it’s not even your story – and that you don’t have to keep believing it. You can start telling a new story. 

That disconnects the emotional hook. 

So looking at where that story comes from that you’re not going to be okay in old age is a very important step.

2. Make a plan

On a really practical level, have a plan.

When you have a plan, you don’t have to worry so much anymore. 

In Australia, we have a great book called The Barefoot Investor. The author Scott Pape talks about this myth that you need a million dollars in the bank to retire comfortably. 

And it’s just not true. 

We have the age pension, and you’re still allowed to work part-time. And who wouldn’t want to work a couple of days a week and do something that gets them out and engages them in the community? 

He breaks it all down and shows us that we don’t actually need a million dollars in the bank! We on;y need a fraction of that!

Most people live in a state of fear trying to figure out where they’re going to find a million dollars cash and a freehold house to retire with, so it’s about 1 – shifting the mindset and 2 – actually having a clear and educated plan. 

So number one – what’s the story you’re telling yourself? And why do you think that that’s got to be your story? 

And then marrying the magical with the practical, and putting a plan together, asking yourself what your retirement plan is, what your finances are looking like, and then what needs to be a priority.

Give every dollar a job to do and look at what your number one priority is right now.

It might be: 

  • Paying off credit card debt 
  • Paying off your home loan
  • Starting to put more money away into your superannuation
  • Starting to put some money away for investing

Knowing what that wealth creation plan is, which stage you’re at, and actually knowing that you’re underway, that really settles all those fears and nerves.

That’s why to me, doing the practical side of money and not having it go hand in hand with the energetic and the mindset stuff is madness. 

And the same goes with the energetic and the mindset stuff. 

That’s all very well, but if you don’t walk the talk, then you’re still just hoping for the best. And at worst, you’re repressing all your fears and pretending everything’s okay because you’re not willing to step up to the plate and actually take care of your money. 

When you do take care of your money and you put that plan in place, then you can relax and spend a certain amount of money on yourself without worrying – because you know you’ve earned enough and that money is earmarked for having fun. And all the other stuff that your money needs to do is all being taken care of as well because every dollar has a job to do.

Some of those dollars have the job of helping you to achieve financial stability and financial freedom, and some of those dollars have the job of helping you take of yourself, feel great about yourself and enjoy life along the way. 

And that helps to raise your vibration, keep shifting your mindset around how abundant life is, and then allows MORE money to flow, which means there’s going to be even more dollars available to grow your wealth. 

And it builds and builds and builds.


Kim asked:
“I give my money jobs to do – all the bills are paid and I started a business so that I could have that, but I don’t know what to do with the leftover. There’s not a lot leftover, but enough that I know I should be doing something with it. I don’t know what to do with it.”

In Magnetic Money, we set up a ‘bucket system’ where there are different buckets of money that serve separate purposes.

There is one bucket that pays the bills.

Another bucket is your fun bucket and discretionary spending (ie. groceries).

Then there’s the wealth creation bucket. 

(Forget about the word ‘compound’ for a moment if it confuses you.) 

The wealth creation bucket is everything that has interest attached to it.

Things that charge you interest could be:

  • Credit card
  • Mortgage 
  • Car loan

But then on the flip side, there are things that you earn interest on such as investments and term deposits.

So that wealth creation bucket is everything that has interest involved.

What compound interest means is (and it doesn’t really work like this but it keeps the numbers simple): If you have a credit card owing $1,000, and you’re charged 20% interest per annum, in a year you’re charged $200 interest. If you don’t pay that down, then you’re going to be charged interest on that $200 as well as the $1,000 that you already owe.

So if you don’t pay that down, you’re going to be charged interest on the interest and so on.

And that’s what compound interest is – it’s the interest making more debt babies.

It’s like this family tree that’s working against you.

What we want to do is make sure that some of your money is being pointed at that bucket.

This is a really great job to give some of your money, as it reduces that debt effect as quickly as possible, and tips the scales into starting to grow your wealth.

That’s a super quick lesson on how we do it.

Want to join me LIVE for the next call?

I’d love to help you master your money and your mindset so you never feel like you need to worry about money again.

Just register here to receive your Magnetic Monday invitation:

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Scarcity Mindset vs Abundance Mindset – and how they impact your income level / cashflow

Scarcity Mindset vs Abundance Mindset – and how they impact your income level / cashflow

Let’s talk about scarcity mindset versus abundance mindset and how they impact both your income level and your cash flow. 

Today we’re going to talk about:

  • What the BIG difference between the two is 
  • How they impact your income level & why
  • How to know which side of the equation you’re on

Before we talk about how they impact your income level, let’s talk about what they actually are and what the difference is. 






What is that unconscious program that’s running beneath the surface, that colours your world and determines the lens through which you see the world? 

There’s a really interesting thing about the mind. People think that the brain is like a video camera that captures the absolute truth and it can be relied upon. 

But what actually happens is that your mind deletes, distorts and generalises everything you observe to fit your model of reality. 

For example, two people might be in exactly the same situation or witnessing exactly the same event, but they’ll have two very different stories, depending on their programming. 

Each of their minds will delete, distort and generalise what they witness to fit their model of reality. That’s why you might get eyewitness accounts of an accident, and one person saw everybody who was taking advantage of the situation and snatched a lady’s purse, and somebody else would see all the helpful bystanders who came rushing to the aid of the people who needed it, and who were really loving and supportive. 

Two different people with different mindsets will see things completely differently. 

Maybe you’ve experienced that even in your own family or with your partner where you tell the story of something that you both experienced together, yet they’ve got a really different version of events than you do. 

It’s because you each have your own model of reality, your own mindset, your own belief system, in how the world operates and how it relates to you. And so that determines the filter through which you view the world and how you perceive every single thing that happens. 

So you can see that when it comes to scarcity mindset versus abundance mindset and how they impact your income level, this is massive. Because when you’re coming from a place of fear and lack, you’re going to show up and you’re going to feel like there’s not enough to go around. 

You’re going to be living in a state of fear. You’re going to think that there’s not enough, that maybe you’re not capable enough, that you haven’t learned all the right things or that you don’t have enough experience yet. 

Or maybe you’re going to think that the right people aren’t even there for you, that nobody wants what you’re offering or that nobody wants to support you in the process. 

Then the actions you take will follow that course as well. 

You’ll hold back, you’ll procrastinate, you won’t put yourself out there, you’ll be afraid and you won’t take action that actually helps you move your business and your income forward. 

Whereas if you have an abundance mindset, you’re going to feel really confident, positive and excited about the opportunities that are out there. You’re going to think, believe and know that there are plenty of opportunities and that there are gazillions of possibilities of how that thing that you want to create can come about, and you’re going to think that you’re capable of doing it. 

You’re going to think that if there’s something you don’t know yet that you need to know, then you’ll figure it out. 

And so you’re going to take action. You’re going to do things, you’re going to investigate, talk to people, ask questions and show up confidently. 

If you have a little knock back, it doesn’t matter. It’s not going to stop you, you’re going to keep on showing up. 

And of course, your mindset also determines the way you speak and act. 

So when you’re in a scarcity mindset, the way you talk about your business and what it is you’re looking to do will go something like this, “Yeah, but you know, it didn’t work last time. And I don’t know, it’s not really that good yet, and maybe nobody will show up.” 

Compare that to when you’re in an abundance mindset, and you’re saying things like, “I’m so excited about this! I know it’s not perfect yet, but I’m so willing to work on it. And I’m so excited to see what feedback I’m going to get from people that will help me make this even better.” 

And you will take totally different actions.

So the ultimate outcome of scarcity mindset versus abundance mindset:

It’s not just that it impacts your results, how you experience your every single day, how you experience the evolution of your business and what actually happens as a result. 

The ultimate outcome is that somebody in a scarcity mindset will keep themselves perpetually in a place of just enough or not quite enough, because the fundamental belief is that there isn’t enough and that they’re lucky just to scrape by. 

That will be their experience because their mindset will determine the way they feel, the way they think, and the way they act as well as the way they speak and the things they actually do. 

Somebody with an abundance mindset is going to experience a continuous growth in their business and in their abundance journey because they’re always going to be looking for more. They believe in infinite possibilities, they believe in no lack, they believe in abundance. 

So they’re going to experience abundance because they’re going to feel abundant and feel full of potential and possibilities. 

They’re going to think that everything is available and possible, so they will take those actions and speak accordingly. And that gives them feedback from the world and the people around them that matches it. 

So how do you know which one’s yours? 

Look at your results

Your results are always the outcome of the mindset that has brought you to this place. 

If you find that your results are that you’re consistently in a state of just enough or not quite enough, then your predominant programming is a scarcity mindset and you’ll just have to own it. 

If you don’t own it, then you can’t do anything about it. 

Whereas if you find that your results are that you’re continually growing and evolving, you feel good, you think positively and you’re taking positive action, then you have an abundance mindset. 

All you really need to do is keep it up, because the more you keep it up, the more you grow, and the more possibilities will open up for you. 

But if you find yourself in a scarcity mindset, then it’s time to make a change. 

The very first thing is to actually be aware. 

In everything that I teach and the very first lesson in my Magnetic Money program, is to start noticing. Start becoming more self-aware. 

What you need to do is just simply pay attention to: 

✔️How am I feeling about my income level? 

✔️How am I feeling about my potential to earn more money? 

✔️Am I coming from a place of fear or lack? 

✔️Or am I coming from a place of trust and plenty? 

✔️How am I thinking about life, about my business, about my potential? 

✔️Am I thinking thoughts of fear and lack? 

✔️Or am I thinking thoughts of trust and plenty? 

✔️What are my actions saying that I really believe, feel and think? 

Your actions are the outcome of all of that internal stuff. 

So if you’re not taking action, or if you’re only taking really cautious action, you’re coming from a place of fear and lack. 

Whereas if you’re taking action that sometimes is a leap of faith (without being silly about it), and it shows that you trust and believe in infinite possibilities and in your ability to make things happen and to make success of it, then you’re in an abundance mindset. 

So pay attention. 

✔️How are you feeling? 

✔️What are you thinking? 

✔️And what are you actually doing? 

That will let you know whether or not your predominant program is a scarcity mindset or an abundance mindset, and then you can do something about it. 

The easiest way to do something about it is just to make incremental little upgrades. 

Do something that makes you feel a little more abundant. 

Start switching your thoughts up, catching yourself in the process and reframing them to be something a little bit more positive, and start taking slightly more positive actions. 

This is a cycle that builds and builds on itself, and it builds beautiful momentum. 

It’s up to you to keep nudging it up a notch. Nudge each one of those up a notch. 

There are three cornerstones of the Magnetic Money trifecta. 

It’s a flywheel effect – the way you think, feel and do – and if you can continue, just nudge each one of those up a notch. Then you’re going to start gathering more positive momentum and move yourself from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset, which will have a massive impact on your income level. 

So there you have it. Scarcity mindset versus abundance mindset and how to know the difference.

👇🏻  Let me know in the comments below – which one has been your predominant mindset lately? 

Look at your results, and look at the way you think, feel and act most of the time. 

Then if you find that you need to do something about it, start nudging it up a notch!


Discover your Money Habit Archetype and use it to clear your biggest money block.

088_want more money image
087_how to manifest money image

Why you’re not attracting money – even though you want more money
Click here:

How to manifest money fast by developing an abundance mindset
Click here:

How to stop feeling guilty about the money you spend

How to stop feeling guilty about the money you spend

Do you feel guilty spending money on yourself? 

Let’s talk about that and let’s talk about why it stops more money from coming into your experience.

Maybe you’re in this habit of saying, “Ah, not yet. I won’t spend that money on myself just yet. First I need to hit a six-figure income,” or “When I have my first big month,” or “When my launch does this,” or “When I have this many clients,” or “When I put my price up to X number.”

The thing is that what you will notice if you’re really honest with yourself is that you keep moving the goalposts. You keep finding excuses and you keep skimping and putting yourself last, feeling too guilty to ever really spend that money on yourself.

So my question is: When will you feel ready?




Take the Money Habit Archetype Quiz so you can clear your biggest money block.

How to hypnotise yourself into abundance

How to hypnotise yourself into abundance

I’m wondering: have you hypnotised yourself to be poor?

So I’m a hypnotherapist and one of the first things I learned in my training is that we actually all hypnotise each other every single day.

Coca-Cola, KFC, McDonald’s know exactly how to hypnotise people into buying their “stuff.” Right?

They know the hypnotic effects of words, images, repetition and people just zoning out in front of the TV – which, by the way, is when your unconscious is completely open.

You’re actually in a trance when you’re watching TV, and that is why TV ads are so powerful.

But we all hypnotise ourselves – and each other – every single day.





Your parents hypnotised you when you were just a little kid which, again, is when the unconscious is completely open. The personality hasn’t fully formed yet. And until about age seven, you’re just open; there’s no filter and everything goes in.

Which is why my 1:1 work with clients usually goes back to things at age 7 or earlier. If they take me to an event that they say is the first time that a limiting belief occured after age 7, I always dig deeper.

Because most often, it happened before age 7 when they were totally susceptible to taking on messages without a rational filter that says, “That’s not really what that means and I’m going to choose to see it from a different perspective.”

They just take things at face value. YOU just took things at face value.

So, we all hypnotise each other.

Our parents are really good at it when we’re young.

And now you also hypnotise yourself every single day.

You do it with your words. Words are extremely powerful. They’re extremely hypnotic and when you repeat the same word over and over again that means you start to believe it.

And as you start to believe it, you repeat it more and more which means you believe it at an even deeper level. And because you know that what you believe at a deeper level is the truth, it means that the words that you are now speaking are you complete and utter truth.

What I just said doesn’t make much sense but it felt like it did, didn’t it?

Because I used hypnotic words. That is how powerful they are.

So, be aware of that.

Be aware of your words and that they are hypnotising you every single day.

Be aware that when you speak to other people, you are actually hypnotising yourself. Words are powerful. 95-98% of everything we do every single day is completely unconscious. So when you hypnotise yourself, what you’re actually doing is you’re programming your unconscious – which runs your life.

It’s like you’re programming the computer that runs the show.

And you want to be careful with how you’re programming it, right?

One thing you can practice is a simple pattern interrupt.

Basically just be aware and when you find yourself saying things that are negative around money like “Oh god, not another parking fine.” and “Oh my god, electricity just keeps getting more expensive.” etc, train yourself to throw in a little pattern interrupt.

Train yourself to say something that interrupts that old pattern firing in your nervous system because that alone will weaken that old pattern… and weaken that old belief system.

It will help you wire in a new belief system… a new pattern that serves you a whole lot better.

What sort of pattern interrupt?

Well, you can train yourself to go “BLAH” everytime you say something that shouldn’t come out of your mouth. But people might think that you’re a little bit weird….

So, how about something as simple as, “Lucky I’ve always got more money coming.” or “Lucky I’m rich!” or “Yeah, that’s right – I can afford this because I always make twice as much as I spend.” Or just anything. Anything at all that’s a pattern interrupt that’s out of the ordinary to what you would normally say.

And that alone is powerful.

This is important stuff, people.

Now, if you’re not quite sure where to begin on this journey to creating life on purpose, to getting in the driver seat and really upgrading your life no matter how good it already is you know it can be better, then take my quiz.

The link is in the description above. Jump on there and we’ll find out what your next step from here is.

I’ll see you next time.


Take the Money Habit Archetype Quiz so you can clear your biggest money block.