How to manifest money fast by developing an abundance mindset

How to manifest money fast by developing an abundance mindset

Let’s talk about how developing an abundance mindset helps you manifest money fast.

Along the way I’ll also be answering these questions for you: 

  • Can you really manifest money? 
  • What do you say to manifest money? 
  • How do you ask the universe for money? 
  • How can you manifest money fast?






So can you really manifest money? Well, the short answer is YES.

You’re always manifesting. Law of attraction is always on. There is no off switch so you’re manifesting all the time. 

You’re always manifesting something. 

When things show up in your life, that’s what manifesting means. It means something that used to exist just as an idea, suddenly becoming a real thing in your life. 

In fact, it even starts at a finer level than that. When you have the thought or the idea, that has also been manifested. 

Where did the idea come from? 

You also already have money showing up in your life, which means you’re already manifesting money. Every dollar and every cent that has shown up for you so far in your life has been manifested by you. You have brought it into experience. 

I don’t need to teach you how to manifest money because you’re already doing it. 

What I am going to share with you is how to do it deliberately by developing an abundance mindset. 

How can you manifest money fast? 

Well, I actually just did another video on manifesting money fast so go and check that out

But simply put, to manifest money fast you need to:

  1. Believe it’s possible
  2. Expect it
  3. Allow it

So what do you say to manifest money?

You can say “hocus pocus” if you really want to, but it honestly makes no difference whatsoever.

You can read every ‘How to manifest money fast’ guide that exists on the entire planet and it still might make no difference. 

Because what you say doesn’t matter one bit. 

What matters is what you think, feel and do. 

Your feeling state – your state of being – THAT is your vibration. 

That is the signal that goes out into the universe, and that the universe responds to. 

Like attracts like. 

Whatever signal you’re resonating, you’re going to get matching things back. 

So you really want that vibration/signal/message to say, ‘Woohoo! Abundance over here, plenty of money, feeling great, loving life, ready for more!’

This is what having an abundance mindset actually means. 

It means that you feel abundant now, you’re excited and happy with everything you already have in your life, and you’re totally open to and excited for more, but not desperate for it. 

So how to ask the Universe for money…

Well, as we’ve just said, the universe doesn’t hear you… it feels you. 

This is where I want to just very briefly mention an amazing effect from quantum physics called quantum entanglement. Quantum entanglement basically says that every idea you’ve ever had, every thought you’ve ever had, that idea, that thing in the ether is now connected to you forever and ever and ever. 

Which means that if you’ve ever thought ‘Oh it would be nice to have this’, or ‘Wouldn’t that be lovely’, or ‘That looks good’, it’s already connected to you and you don’t need to ask for it again. 

So it’s critical to know that you don’t need to ask the universe for money, the universe heard you loud and clear. 

Every single time you’ve recited those affirmations, every single time you’ve written out those goals, it’s heard you over and over again and it’s probably going “Alright already, you’re giving me a headache.” 

So now you just need to stay in the room. You need to stay on that vibration so you can actually receive. You need to stay a match so the universe can bring you the thing that you’ve already ordered. 

There’s an analogy I like to use here with my students and it’s the restaurant analogy. 

So when you’re in a restaurant, you look through the menu, the waiter tells you the specials and then you choose the thing you want. You place that order and you let it go. The waiter goes to the kitchen, the kitchen knows what to do, and you get on with your day. 

But the key thing is that you have to stay in the restaurant if you want to receive the meal. 

The meal has been ordered. They know what you want, they have everything they need to make it happen, and they know where to find you… unless you leave the room. 

So stay on that vibration. Stay in the receiving mode so that the universe can bring you the thing that you already asked for a gazillion times already.

Remember that ‘receiving mode’ is that abundance mindset. It is being on that vibration of abundance. It is feeling abundant, feeling grateful, loving life and being ready and open to more without being desperate for it. 

That is how to manifest money fast by developing an abundance mindset. 

Are you ready to take the next step and make an abundance mindset your new normal so you can continue to manifest money fast and know that you never need to worry about money again? 

Then come join us in the Magnetic Money program. I’ve popped the link in the description for you so click that now to find out more.

Until I see you next, keep on embracing your amazing and unlimited potential.

Never Worry About Money Again.

Master your money mindset, money management & money manifesting with the Magnetic Money Program:

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