You can manifest anything you want – if you DO THIS!

You can manifest anything you want – if you DO THIS!

You can manifest anything you want – provided you can create momentum & reach critical mass based on the consistent choices you make.


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Manifesting your desires and dreams into reality is not just about setting goals and visualizing them.

It involves doing the inner work necessary to reach a critical mass where that new reality becomes your normal, everyday INTERNAL STATE.

Achieving critical mass takes a consistent effort of aligning with the person you want to become and tapping into the power of momentum to help you tip over so that new reality becomes the NEW YOU.

It means constantly and consistently making choices that serve you – focusing on positive thoughts and emotions, while letting go of negative self-doubt and limiting beliefs – so that momentum can build, which helps you get to critical mass faster.

So if you’re not getting the results you want in your business or personal life, it might be because you’re waiting for permission from external sources.

And this stops you from achieving the 3 key factors to achieving any new goal:

  1. Critical mass
  2. Inner transformation
  3. Momentum

Let’s break it down:

1.Critical mass 

To become a new version of yourself who can achieve new things, you need to reach a certain level of consistent behavior and mindset.

It takes more than just writing down goals, creating a vision board and reciting a few affirmations.

You need to do the work internally and continually shift your state of being to align with that more abundant version of yourself.

This requires you to be brutally honest with yourself and make the effort to feel a little bit better – a little more abundant – a little more aligned – each & every day until this ‘new you’ becomes your natural state.

Until you BECOME her.

2. Inner work

There is a process required of shifting your state of being and aligning with the version of yourself you want to become.

This involves choosing to go to a better feeling place where you can imagine and FEEL  yourself enjoying your desired outcome.

This is a choice you need to make over and over and over again –  regardless of external circumstances. Inner work is a lifelong commitment, and as you continually do it, you will reach critical mass and start to grow & evolve, faster & faster.

3. Momentum

This is the third factor in achieving that tipping point.

Momentum comes as a result of consistently making the right choices and building positive energy.

If you make positive choices, you build positive momentum, and you reach critical mass faster.

However, if you keep making negative choices, you build negative momentum, and it becomes increasingly difficult to pull yourself out of that and make positive choices.

To reach critical mass so you can tip over & become that NEW YOU, it’s essential to make positive choices as often as possible. To feel good – and then a little better and a little better – over & over & over again so you can build positive momentum.

That’s how this process becomes easier.

But it starts with a decision & the willingness to shift your internal state – the way you FEEL – to a better, higher vibing place – again & again.

It’s about choosing to feel good – and always looking for ways to feel even better – regardless of external circumstances.

Once positive momentum builds, it will get so much easier.

And eventually that positive momentum, assisted by those continual choices to shift your vibration to a higher state, will help you achieve critical mass and reach that tipping point.

And that is when that manifestation can finally pop – seemingly out of nowhere!

Magnetic Money Workshop

an image of Miriam Castilla sitting with notebook in hand



Do I need energetic protection? Not if you do this!

Do I need energetic protection? Not if you do this!

After a couple of weeks in Magnetic Money, students usually come to me and ask ”Do I need energetic protection?”

It basically goes like this,
Miriam. I’m loving this high vibe thing. Things are starting to shift & I’m starting to attract more money & abundance – but PLEASE tell me!! How do I protect my vibration? How do I protect my energy and STAY in alignment when there’s all these negative influences & people around me?”

But a better question is “Do I need energetic protection in the first place?”

A lot of people will tell you that you need energetic protection. They’ll tell you to put a bubble of white light around yourself, or imagine a shield that protects your vibration and your energy from negative influences.

And I’m here to completely & utterly DISAGREE with that.

You do NOT need energetic protection! And here’s why:






Law of Attraction is  a term we use to describe what happens when you get momentum going on a certain frequency – on a certain vibration. You start attracting more & more things that match that frequency. That’s Law of Attraction. (I cover the 5 rules of Law of Attraction for you in this episode)

If you want to attract more abundance, you have to raise your vibration. That’s because MORE abundance than  you now have, equals a HIGHER FREQUENCY than you’re currently on.

When you can do that successfully – raise your vibration and STAY there – momentum builds. And once you’ve done that, you’ll be attracting only things that match that vibration.

So then you no longer need to worry about attracting things that are not a match to that vibration!

The only reason you WOULD be attracting things that are not a match to that vibration is because you’re not really there. You’re not as stable as you think you are. There’s still some of that old negative vibration hanging around.

So what you REALLY need to do is focus on STABILIZING your vibration.

Then it becomes a protective shield where things that are not a match to that vibration will literally bounce off. In fact, that’s not correct. They’re not there at all, because you cannot attract what you are not a match to. They simply are not part of your reality anymore.

A high vibe is natural immunity against a low vibe and negative energy!

So you don’t need to protect your vibration. What you do NEED to do is to fix it – stabilise it!

I’d love you to share with me in the comments:
Have you ever tried to protect your vibe? What did you do & how did it go?

Ok, let’s talk about why trying to protect your vibe is actually one of the WORST things you can do.

See, when you decide that you need protection, you’re dropping your vibration. You’re saying, “I’m vulnerable, bad things may come to me!” And so just THINKING that you need to protect your vibration means you’re lowering it. You’re basically dropping your defensive shield!

The key to keeping up that shield and keeping up your natural immunity to low energy & negative people is to STAY on a high vibration.

Putting up an energetic barrier or bubble also means you’re cutting yourself off from the higher vibration, your higher self and the energy of your source – which means you no longer have access to the guidance, ideas, inspirations, etc that flows from that place.

You’re literally leaving yourself stranded, having to battle it out alone without your connection to that higher vibe.

You’re cutting yourself off from the very thing that will help you THROUGH obstacles and challenges!

Now, one of the best ways to consistently raise & maintain your vibration is with a regular meditation practice.
When that meditation also aligns you with the vibration of abundance and programs your unconscious to keep doing it automatically, long after you get out of your meditation chair… that is powerful stuff!

That’s what today’s freebie is, so be sure to grab that now.

And if you enjoyed this episode please let me know in the comments!
I’d love to hear your thoughts & insights!

xx Miriam


Download your FREE Self-Hypnosis Abundance Manifesting Meditation here:

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How to raise your vibration and manifest abundance in business

How to raise your vibration and manifest abundance in business

Have you ever tried to manifest abundance into your business & it totally bombed? Well today we’re going to talk about WHY that happened.

To manifest abundance, money, success, clients, ideas, inspiration & opportunities into your business, you need to know how to raise your vibration and become a vibrational match to the vibration of abundance.

That’s kind of all you need to know.  But it’s not that simple, right? Because HOW exactly do you do that?

In this episode, we’re going to talk about why WHAT you do actually doesn’t really matter and what DOES matter.






And today’s freebie is a simple 1-page cheat sheet that takes you through 5 simple tweaks most people need to make if they want to start manifesting more abundance, more success, more money, and prosperity into their business and life.

But first, let’s talk about what works – and what doesn’t work when it comes to knowing how to raise your vibration so you can manifest more abundance.

When I first came across the secret, I was a broke, single mum. I was pretty desperate and so I did EVERYTHING! \I made vision boards, I practiced visualization. I recited affirmations till I was blue in the face, I wrote my goals each day. I did it all. It sort of worked some of the time and a lot of the time I was just working hard. 

But then I dug a little deeper and discovered what the secret behind the secret is. And this little tweak that makes all the difference. That’s when my business exploded, I hit a multiple 6-figure leveraged income, bought properties, married the man of my dreams, moved into the house of my dreams and life changed quite drastically and also became a whole lot easier.

I also share this secret behind the secret with the students in my Magnetic Money program and as soon as they start to implement this one little tweak, their life starts to feel completely different. They suddenly feel abundant. They notice the abundance all around them and more abundance starts to flow.

So let’s talk about why some of those things you’ve done in the past worked and others didn’t. See, there’s a very simple reason. It’s because when you’re looking to manifest, you’re looking to communicate with the Universe.

And the Universe doesn’t actually hear what you say or what you do!

It doesn’t care what you put on your vision board, what affirmations you recite or what goals you write. It doesn’t hear or see any of those things. The language of the Universe is vibration. That’s how the law of attraction works. 

We have the law of vibration where all is the vibration and then the law resonance. And like attracts like. 

So it’s not what you did that made it ‘work’, but what you felt when you did it. Some of the things you did made you feel abundant and helped you match the vibration of abundance. And some of those things didn’t make you feel abundant. In fact, they probably made you feel like you’re working really hard, or just reminded you that it’s not working. And so you weren’t feeling abundant. You were doing the THING, but you weren’t FEELING the vibration. And that’s why some things worked and some didn’t work.

So I know your next question will be, “How do I know which things will help me feel abundance so the Universe hears me and brings me what I want?”

Well, I’m going to tell you that in a moment, but first I want to know:
What weird and crazy things have you done to try and manifest abundance?

I know I’ve done some really weird stuff, involving the moon, crystals, certain drinks – even the way I walk and what I eat.

So what’s something weird or crazy you’ve done in the past to try & attract more money & abundance? I’d love you to share with me in the comments below.

Okay. So back to that question, “What do I do to raise my vibration and feel more abundant, so I can attract more abundance, Miriam?”

Well, that’s surprisingly simple!

Just focus on building daily little habits that make you feel abundant.

See, Most people hold back on allowing themselves to feel abundant and enjoy where they’re at, because they’re afraid the Universe won’t deliver what they want if they seem too happy.

But that’s backwards. That is not how it works. The Universe will deliver you whatever you are a vibrational match to. So you’re allowed to feel good now. You’re allowed to feel abundant now. You’re allowed to enjoy your life right now. And the more you do, the more easily you will attract and manifest the abundance, the prosperity, the clients, the money, the opportunities, and all those good things.

So simply ask yourself, “What makes me feel really abundant? What makes me feel really prosperous that I already have and can do in my life right here right now?” 

And then go do it. Do as often and as much as possible. It will align you with the vibration of prosperity and abundance. It will automatically magnetize to you the money, abundance, the clients and all those awesome things you’re after.

I’m giving you permission right here right now to feel abundant NOW. To enjoy your life, to celebrate the magnificence of all that you have, and to do those things that really allow you to feel good and thoroughly enjoy the abundance that you already have in your life – right now.

Now I will just say that when it comes to the topic of money, things can get a little bit tricky.

Most people tend to get it backwards when they start focusing on money specifically. And that’s because we have a lot of baggage and there’s a lot at stake, right? 

That’s why I created the Manifesting Abundance Quick-Fix. It takes you through 5 simple tweaks and shifts that you can make straight away to ensure that you don’t get it backwards and accidentally start repelling rather than attracting money.

Just click below to access that for free right now.

Remember, it’s time to embrace your unlimited potential and you are absolutely ready to take the next step. I’ll see you next time. Have a beautiful day. Bye for now.

Magnetic Money System Bootcamp Event Cover


3 Top Tips For Raising Your Vibration

3 Top Tips For Raising Your Vibration

When we talk about ‘raising your vibration;, we’re talking about your feeling state – because feeling is how you interpret vibration.

Because when your feeling – or emotional state is a bit low, you’re not creative. You’re not intuitive. You can’t connect to big ideas and you can’t see yourself achieving the things you want to achieve. 

So that is why you need to lift your vibrational (feeling) state. 






So here’s my top tips for raising your vibration:

Number one: Start on a high vibration

This may seem stupid and obvious, but when you start in a high, good feeling place to begin with, you stand the best chance of staying there. So figure out how to wake up in the morning and get yourself into a good feeling place right away.

There’s a whole lot of ways you can do that and in the Magnetic Money program we take a step by step approach towards helping you wake up feeling great EVERY morning and making it your default state.

Number two: Work yourself up step by step. 

If you google the emotional scale, you’ll find a spiral diagram of emotions, where each is one step up from the previous one. It’s an emotional scale.

But you don’t really need a diagram to tell you what feels better than something else, because you feel it, right? So for example, revenge feels better than anger because it’s empowering. So if you’re in anger, do what you can to move to revenge. It’s not a great place to stay, but it’s a step up. Then once you’re in revenge, you can move on to blame. It’s ok – don’t be all weird about it – it’s just another step up. You just keep moving up until you can get to something more positive, like feeling hopeful or expectant. And from there, Law of Attraction and the Universe will help you motor things along so you start to feel better & better.

A hint: Don’t try to go straight to love and joy and peace and bliss. If you’re in anger or revenge, that’s a really long way to go! So moving up incrementally, whis a much easier & more sustainable way to go. 

Number three: Flip it!

The third way to raise your vibration is to flip it, which means that you look at where you’re at and go for a kind of vibrational judo move where you use the power of that emotion against itself.

So say someone’s really annoying. You’re blaming them for all your problems. (This never happens to me, by the way.. but I’ve heard of it, lol)

So you’re blaming it all on somebody else and you go: This sucks. It’s all their fault. They let me down. They always do this, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

So what you do is you state it as you see it (in blame and with all the emotion) and then you say, “Okay. If I didn’t feel this way, how would I feel instead?”

And you start reeling off all the positive emotions that come to mind and allow yourself to feel them. For example, “I would feel positive, empowered, hopeful, expectant …  etc”

You just feel each positive word as deeply as you can let the next one come. and it will gather momentum.

And what you’ll suddenly find is that you’ve actually disconnected from the negative emotions and connected into a positive upwards cycle.

So this is a great pattern interrupt that also helps you build positive momentum – which is why it’s called flipping the vibration.

What you’ll find is that depending on how much negative momentum you have, different things will work better at different times. So if flipping the vibration is too hard, go back to the step by step approach.

It’ll be a bit of trial and error which is a good thing because it will make you more self aware and allow you to become aware of shifts in your vibrational state before it slides down an abyss.

Having a range of tools is important as it will allow you to reach for a quick & simple solution that is perfect for each situation.

Speaking of quick & simple solutions. If you’d like to have a mindset mentor in your pocket to help you clear your limiting beliefs anytime, anywhere, then grab yourself the Money Block Buster System!

You can check it out here:

Until next time, remember that it’s time to embrace your unlimited potential

xx Miriam

Ready to go deeper?


Say goodbye to money blocks the quick & easy way:

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The most fun way to make more money

The most fun way to make more money

Do you know the most fun way to make more money?

It’s fun!

No, I don’t mean it’s a fun way to make more money – I mean that FUN is a great way to make more money!

So tell me: Are you having enough fun?

Are you having some fun right now? Are you having some fun today? Are you having some fun sometime this week – are you going to have any fun at all this month?

And I mean, fun, like fun where you laugh till your jaw is locked up and aching, fun where you laugh till your eyes are burning with mascara – or you think you’re going to have a little accident in your pants – THAT level of fun!

If you have not had that level of fun and it’s because you’re so busy trying to get everything done or trying to build your business and make more money and get on top of it all, then I’m here to tell you:

You need to have more fun for those very reasons, because more fun in your life will help you actually get more done in less time and is a way to make more money than you ever dreamt possible!

I know. Sounds crazy, right?





 Basically, when you cut to the core of it, it’s because when you’re bogged down and so busy doing and pushing and shoving and trying to force – you’re operating from fear and tiredness and stress and worry – that you shut down all your creativity.

You shut off that part of your brain that’s going to be the most helpful in those situations. The part of your brain that can see the bigger picture, that can help you make wise decisions – your unconscious, which already knows the answers to all your problems and the solutions to all your challenges.

You shut down your connection to the collective unconscious, the universal mind that your unconscious connects you to – where you can actually get insight, inspiration, intuition that’s going to help you move forward in miraculous, amazing ways.

So having more fun actually opens you up to all those amazing channels where you receive so much information and you download it really fast. And it all comes really easily because you’re actually open.

Because when you’re stressed and worried and pushing and shoving, you’re closed and you cannot receive new information. You’re actually holding on so tight that you can’t receive anything new.

So make a date with yourself and have some fun.

It’s an awesome way to make more money – AND it’s fun!


👇 Let me know in the comments below what you can do to ensure that this week, you’re going to do something fun – just for you. (and not to make something happen, but just to let go and have fun)

It’s really powerful stuff – and your business and your life will reap the rewards.

Now, if you want to join me for a whole lot of fun, then join me in my Facebook group, which is called the Manifesting Circle for soulful women in business

You can find it right here:


Want to manifest more abundance in your business & life – CONSISTENTLY?

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How to manifest money fast by developing an abundance mindset
Click here:

The secret power of acting as if (it’s not what you think!)
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